Monday, September 29, 2014

The Healing Properties of Unrefined Salts

The Healing Properties of Unrefined Salts

Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2014

Internet Pilgrim posted: " 3 John 1:2  Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. For anyone first reading the Health and Nutrition Update, please read this first: Your Health. Also, please go to God’s Health System a"

New post on God's Health System


The Healing Properties of Unrefined Salts

3 John 1:2 

Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.
For anyone first reading the Health and Nutrition Update, please read this first: Your Health.
Also, please go to God’s Health System and subscribe to receive the updates.
Always remember that you are in charge of your health and not the doctors. Do not put your life in their hands without first seeking God and His health system.


Various unrefined sea salts
Various unrefined sea salts
This extensive article from "Allergies and Your Gut" is actually a compilation of several articles that each relate to salt in some way. As a result it is lengthy, but it is packed with interesting and useful information. It's one of those articles that will cause you to change the habits of a lifetime as soon as you read it, because the change in the type of salt you purchase isn't difficult or expensive and the benefits are so overwhelming. It first gives a history of salt which is interesting reading, though it's not necessary to gain an understanding of the health benefits and requirements of the human body for salt.
That is followed by a section on "What's Wrong With Processed Table Salt" which is what we'll focus on in this post. Following sections focus on the benefits of unrefined sea salt and various natural types of salt which are available commercially such as Himalayan Pink, Celtic Sea Salt, Maldon Salt, Alaea or Hawaiian Red Sea Salt and Black Lava Sea Salt. As is apparent from the names, salt can come in almost any color - clear, pink, red, blue, black and yellow.
Originally salt contained many minerals necessary for proper functioning of the body. The table salt sold today does not contain these minerals. Minerals also used to be obtained from the soil through foods grown there, but in recent decades that source is all but gone, since the soil became depleted of such nutrients long ago. That's one reason why the refining of table salt is so problematic. In processing desiccants (anti-caking agents) also are added so that it doesn't clump together once it's packaged.
There have been a great many news reports and much medical advice to Americans to limit the amount of salt in their diets, since it has been blamed for many modern health problems such as high blood pressure. But it is the refining process that's responsible for the problems, not the salt itself. In fact, salt is a crucial element for life. The human body is composed primarily of water and salt, and the body's potassium/salt exchange is vital for correct heart functioning.
"It’s soaked in a solution which may contain sulfuric acid or chlorine and various bleaches. Then it’s heated to a temperature that removes all the minerals and other trace elements that our bodies need to function. Some processed salts are then spray coated with iodine.
Processed table salt is quite different from natural, unrefined salts. It no longer has the ability to combine with our body fluids, so undermines necessary, basic chemical and metabolic processes. Water retention, kidney and blood pressure problems, gall stones, and many other serious health problems can result from refined salt consumption.
On average, Americans consume more than 3,400 mg of refined salt per day. Of this amount, about 75% is derived from processed food. The other 25% comes from sources such as water treatment and medications.
When salt is chemically cleaned and processed, the trace minerals and electrolytes that naturally occur in unrefined salt are removed as if they were impurities.
Chemically processed table salt is inorganic, which means that the chemical bonds are so strong they can’t easily be broken down or metabolized by our bodies. When you take in an inorganic mineral, your body will either store it or eliminate it. In this case, when you take in table salt your body sees it as a poison and tries to get rid of it as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, most of us take in way more table salt than our bodies can eliminate. When this happens, the body has to do something with the excess salt.
Consuming a lot of chemically processed table salt makes us feel thirsty. That’s because the body has been put into a tough position. It can’t get rid of the table salt fast enough so it must neutralize it. To do that it takes water from healthy cells to surround this salt. As a result, you retain water and kill off healthy cells."
In addition, spraying refined salt with iodine means that we often get a toxic build-up of iodine in the thyroid, which can cause metabolism and immune disorders. Just as with refined salt, the added iodine is not in a form that is immediately useable by the body. (See the video on iodine, in the last blog post, Microwaves: Personal Radiation Ovens) In effect, it becomes a poison. Refined table salt is disastrous because though it claims to provide two nutrients crucial for the body, sodium and iodine, in effect, it is not providing much of either in any useable form.

Vitamin D

"Vitamin D deficiency is associated with a substantially increased risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease in older people, according to the most robust study of its kind ever conducted. An international team found that study participants who were severely vitamin D deficient were more than twice as likely to develop dementia and Alzheimer's disease."
Cruciferous veggies
Cruciferous veggies
2 Cruciferous Vegetables Make It Possible to Absorb Vitamin D  Whether we're eating lots of foods rich in vitamin D, spending time outdoors or taking a supplement, it still doesn't mean we're getting enough vitamin D if we can't absorb it into our cells. If it isn't absorbed, we can't use it. To have that vitamin D biologically active inside us, the vitamin D must be received by "vitamin D receptors".
"A specific gene called the VDR (vitamin D receptor) gene codes for this receptor.
Unfortunately, sick and unhealthy cells express less of the VDR gene, meaning that they are unable to accept and use vitamin D. Supplementing with more vitamin D won’t help these sick cells. Without a receptor site, vitamin D has nowhere to go.
Broccoli and cabbage contain a very special molecule called sulforaphane.
Research shows that sulforaphane increases the expression of the VDR gene.
In other words, the sulforaphane that we find in cruciferous vegetables and herbs like wasabi helps the body absorb more vitamin D—improving bone mass, as well as the ability to fight infection, cancer, and inflammation.If you have cramping intestinal pain, bloating, or gas after munching on raw cabbage, this is a sign that you cannot tolerate raw, unfermented cruciferous vegetables."
For people with this problem, you can either culture your veggies by purchasing a culture starter or ferment them yourself. Cabbage, made into sauerkraut, is one of the most beneficial things you can eat because it contains an enormous number of good bacteria (probiotics). See our post on the health benefits of sauerkraut: An Old Time Food For a Healthy New Body or search the blog for articles under the category "probiotics".

GMOs and Contaminated Food

"In November 2012, the Journal of Food and Chemical Toxicology published a paper titled Long Term Toxicity of Roundup Herbicide and a Roundup-Tolerant genetically modified maize by Gilles-Eric Seralini and his team of researchers at France’s Caen University. (source) It was a very significant study that made a lot of noise worldwide, the first of its kind under controlled conditions that examined the possible effects of a GMO maize diet treated with Monsanto’s Roundup Herbicide.
The study found severe liver and kidney damage as well as hormonal disturbances in rats fed with GM maize in conjunction with low levels of Roundup that were below those permitted in most drinking water across Europe. Results also indicated high rates of large tumors and mortality in most treatment groups.
The republished study also has a section describing the lobbying efforts of GMO crop supporters to force the retraction of the original publication. This is scientific fraud at its best. The authors express how the previous retraction was “a historic example of conflicts of interest in the scientific assessments of products commercialized worldwide.”
There were 10 significant findings from the study. These are:
1. Multiple Toxins From GMOs Detected In Maternal and Fetal Blood
2. DNA From Genetically Modified Crops Can Be Transferred Into Humans Who Eat Them
3. New Study Links GMOs To Gluten Disorders That Affect 18 Million Americans
4. Study Links Genetically Modified Corn to Rat Tumors
5. Glyphosate Induces Human Breast Cancer Cells Growth via Estrogen Receptors
6. Glyphosate Linked To Birth Defects
7. Study Links Glyphosate To Autism, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s
8. Chronically Ill Humans Have Higher Glyphosate Levels Than Healthy Humans
9. Studies Link GMO Animal Feed to Severe Stomach Inflammation and Enlarged Uteri in Pigs
10. GMO risk assessment is based on very little scientific evidence in the sense that the testing methods recommended are not adequate to ensure safety.
Check the product codes for GMOs
How to Tell GMO Foods from Organic or Conventionally Grown  It has been estimated that 80% of all processed food in the US contains GMOs, food that has been altered at a genetic level in a laboratory. Plants, foods, even animals and fish all have been altered in this manner in recent years. For example, a new strawberry type said to be frost tolerant, has been created by insertion of a gene from "a cold ocean dwelling fish". Does that sound like something you'd want to eat?
"According to government statements testing has been done on these so-called “Franken-foods” and they were found to be “substantially equivalent” to the original food.
The American Academy of Environmental Medicine has shown that consumption of GMO foods are linked to genetic problems with: Insulin control, cholesterol, protein formation, and cell signaling, changes in the kidney, liver, spleen and gastrointestinal system, accelerated aging, a weakened immune system and even infertility.
It can be difficult to know how to avoid GMO foods. There is no government standard on labeling and companies are not required to tell you if the products they’re selling you contain them.
So how can you avoid GMO foods and not eat foods spliced with random genes?  There are ways. First you can look for PLU codes.  It’s okay, I didn’t know what they were either.  It stands for Price look-up codes.
The next time you’re in the grocery store pick up a piece of fruit. There’s a good chance it has a sticker on it with a four or five digit number on it. If it has five numbers look closer.
Requirements by the International Federation for Produce Standards require that the first number be a ‘9’ if the item is organic and ‘8’ if it’s a GMO. Nine is just fine but hate the eight."
10 worst GMO foods
10 worst GMO foods
List of Vegetables That Are Genetically Modified  This is a very interesting site, even for those who think they're up on all the nuances of GMO foods. I've been most careful in buying only the "ugly heirloom" tomatoes sold at Walmart, among other places, because genetic modification of tomatoes was one of the first we were warned about. But in reading this recent article, I learned that GMO tomatoes aren't around much anymore. Did the companies producing them suddenly become concerned about public health? Or did the government finally regulate them out of existence? No to both of those questions. However, tomatoes (and potatoes), once both a health concern, aren't being produced much in GMO varieties because they didn't ship or store well. For that reason, fast food chains refused to purchase them so production of them has been discontinued. Profit. The bottom line for most decisions about our food supply has given a boost to consumers for once. You'll find lots more information of interest here as well.

Pet Health

How Much Do Dogs Sleep?  The answer to that question will depend on several factors: the age of the dog, the breed, the activity level (ordinary house pet versus service dog) level of boredom and interruptions. An average dog will sleep half of his life, roughly 12 hours daily, though some breeds sleep up to 18 hours each day; like people, some dogs love to sleep more than others do. The video, below, is a good example. An older dog will sleep more, and the more noise around your house, the more your pet's sleep is interrupted. Although they have 2 sleep cycles just like humans, they often sleep in bursts so they are up and awake when there's activity going on. They'd never want to miss a chance for a walk or a game by sleeping!
"It’s also important to realize the importance of getting a good solid night of sleep. Imagine someone waking you up while you are sleeping, and how hard it is for you to get back to sleep sometimes? Now think about your house and being a dog trying to sleep while everyone is making noise. It can be quite a stressful place sometimes, so when you dog does find time to sleep, try and let them sleep soundly and not annoy or try to wake them up.
One way to ensure your best friend has the best sleep possible, is to make sure they have comfortable sleeping conditions. A quite [sp] area with comfy blankets or even a dog bed would do wonders for a comfortable and quite [sp] sleep area. When preparing an area for your dog to sleep and rest, simply think about what you would like to have, and they will appreciate you that much more."

Health and Nutrition

"Adults who say they sleep between seven and eight hours per night miss fewer work days due to sickness than others, according to a Finnish study.
The researchers calculate that if insomnia, apnea and other kinds of sleep disturbances were eliminated, the total cost of worker sick days could be cut by 28 percent.
“Our ability to sustain attention and maintain peak cognitive performance is significantly reduced if we are sleep deprived over longer periods....”
“Those sleeping 5 hours or less or 10 hours or more were absent from work 5 to 9 days more each year, as compared to those with optimal sleep,” Lallukka said.
“People who get the sleep they need may in general take better care of their own health and wellbeing, which obviously maintains work ability, too,” Salo said by email.
Lallukka noted that individual sleep needs may vary, and one person should not necessarily apply the results of the population-level observational study to their day-to-day routine."
Applying pesticide to fields
Applying pesticide to fields
"Researchers say ancestral exposures to the pesticide methoxychlor may lead to adult onset kidney disease, ovarian disease and obesity in future generations.
"What your great-grandmother was exposed to during pregnancy, like the pesticide methoxychlor, may promote a dramatic increase in your susceptibility to develop disease, and you will pass this on to your grandchildren in the absence of any continued exposures," says Michael Skinner, WSU professor and founder of its Center for Reproductive Biology.
Methoxychlor -- also known as Chemform, Methoxo, Metox or Moxie -- was introduced in 1948 and widely used during the 1970s as a safer replacement for DDT. It was used on crops, ornamental plants, livestock and pets. It is still used in many countries around the world.
It was banned in the U.S. in 2003 due to its toxicity and ability to disrupt endocrine systems. Methoxychlor can behave like the hormone estrogen and profoundly affects the reproductive system."
Hookworms - Inside the intestine and showing teeth
Hookworms - Inside the intestine and showing teeth
"Groundbreaking results were achieved in a clinical trial using hookworms to reduce the symptoms of celiac disease. The results are good news for sufferers of other inflammatory conditions such as asthma and Crohn's disease. In the small trial run over a year, 12 participants were each experimentally infected with 20 Necator americanus (hookworm) larvae. They were then given gradually increasing doses of gluten, with their daily dose in the final stage being equivalent to a medium-sized bowl of spaghetti.
Significantly, all the trial subjects rejected the researchers' offer of drugs that would eliminate the hookworms. "They all chose to keep their worms, and they continue to report good health. However they were instructed to return to a gluten-free diet after the trial," Professor Loukas said.
The potential of helminths (parasitic worms) in treating inflammatory diseases lies in their ability to dial back the human immune response -- a skill that enables them to survive, and thrive, in the human gut, without compromising their host's ability to fight off other infectious diseases."
"Australian researchers have found that hookworms can be used to reduce the symptoms of celiac disease, as well as other inflammatory conditions such as asthma and Crohn's.
Two-third of the participants in the study were able to increase their gluten tolerance by a factor of 60, said Alex Loukas, head of the Centre for Biodiscovery and Molecular Development of Therapeutics at JCU.
"We and others have had promising results in earlier trials but this is clear proof-of-principle of the benefits of hookworm in treating inflammatory disease," said Loukas.
"This trial has confirmed hookworms as our choice of parasite for clinical applications," said Loukas. "But despite our growing fondness for them, we do acknowledge that a protein pill will have broader market appeal than a dose of worms."


Your physical health is very important, but of even greater importance is your spiritual health. Man suffers from a fatal spiritual disease called sin, which always leads to death. Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
This is why Jesus Christ said we need the Spirit of God who gives us eternal life with Him. We need to be “born again” with a new spirit that is not subject to sin and death.
John 3:3  Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
Right now, through repentance of the spiritual disease called sin, you can come to Jesus Christ, the Great Physician, for healing and assurance of eternal life.
Mark 2:17 When Jesus heard it, he saith unto them, They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.
For those who love the Lord Jesus and are looking for His coming, the following is their future:
Revelation 21:4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.


FULFORD - BIS wishes to keep global central banking system intact after revolution

BIS wishes to keep global central banking system intact after revolution

Posted by benjamin

September 30, 2014
The Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland, is angling to keep its central role in world power even if the Federal Reserve Board secret government of the United States in overthrown, according to BIS and MI5 sources. The Swiss claim, with some justification, that they have always been a neutral place for nations to deal with each other, even in times of war. They wish to keep this role as a neutral financial arbiter. The Russians are also trying to position themselves as the conduit between East and West in the event of the fall of the secret government of the West, Russian agents in Japan say.
The real question though, is about who is going to control the secret “trading platforms” that are used by the current rulers of the global financial system to funnel “money” into the world economy. These are now controlled by George Bush Sr. and his Nazi cronies and are what keep the US military industrial complex financed.
Here is what MI5 had to say about the situation:
“The central role of trading platforms in the growth of Nazi corporations and institutions (including CIA One Frankfurt) cannot be understated. It has been the core of world industrial growth for the chosen few. This system is so embedded that institutions such as the Pentagon will not survive without it. There must be some attempt to understand and plan the evolution of this mechanism within the system.”
China is clearly angling to take over from the Federal Reserve Board as the controller of the world’s reserve currency. The BIS want to support China and the BRICS alliance in order to keep much of its financial power intact. As MI5 put it “there is nothing to stop the trading platforms from continuing in operation even after Bush 41 is gone. The printing presses (computer screens) will deal in any currency.”
In other words, the BIS, and the esoterically placed trillionaires behind it, are offering to allow the Chinese yuan to take over from the Fed debt notes (US “dollars”) in exchange for being allowed to keep some control.
The MI5 source said this “transition will be difficult as the trading platforms are the main conduit for channeling debt onto the masses and cash to the chosen ones.”
By “difficult” the source was no doubt referring to the so-called ISIS and Khorasan crisis being pumped up in by the Western propaganda apparatus. This is a veiled threat by the military industrial complex to cut off the world’s oil if they are treated harshly by the incoming regime. The name Khorasan means son of ISIS, that is to say is Horus, whose symbol is the eye on top of the pyramid. In other words, Khorasan represents the owners of the petrodollar system that charges the world high prices for Middle Eastern oil and then deposits that money into cabal controlled banks.
These owners have good reason to be scared into making threats. There is an unstoppable groundswell of discontent in the US at their rule. Although it is not reported much in either the corporate or the alternative media, the legal sharks are getting ready for a feeding frenzy during which they plan to tear apart the big banks. According to the P2 lodge, the Vatican is using its pull to make sure the Supreme Court and the legal system allow these lawsuits to proceed according to the law. Here is a partial list of some of the lawsuits I was able to find just for the state of Illinois:
The lawyers who made billions suing big tobacco, and many others, are joining this feeding frenzy.
Federal Reserve Board inspector Carmen Segarra, who recorded 45 hours of insider collusion between the New York Fed and Goldman Sachs is part of this ongoing attack by the legal profession against the feds. The resignation of Attorney General Eric Holder has also removed a major obstacle to legal action against the Feds and their Washington D.C. puppets.
Then of course, this week brings the September 30th end of the US corporate governments’ fiscal year so, once again everybody is wondering if the Chinese will finally get the cohones to stop rolling over their debt. This is all the official Chinese Xinhua News Service had to say about it:
“BEIJING Sept. 28 (Xinhua) – Chinese Vice Premier Wang Yang on Sunday held a phone conversation with U.S. Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew. They exchanged views on China-U.S. economic relations, the international economic and financial situation and other issues.”
Also, last week a representative of the Clinton family (trying to be the friendly face of the cabal) contacted the White Dragon Society asking for the name of a “106 year old Chinese gentleman” who might have access to trillions of dollars. They were told this lead was sure to be a dead end.
Also, in another hint that things are not quite normal, The Hindustan Times, a leading Indian newspaper, said that China and India had not bothered to attend the emergency “climate summit” called by the Western powers last week for various reasons including the fact that:
“Neither the American president, nor the European leaders have the mandate to offer money at the summit.”
In other words, all this speech by US Corporate government spokesman Obama at the UN last week did was contribute hot air to so-called global warming:
Nonetheless, it is best not to get fixated on dates because many September 30th deadlines have come and gone without incident. Even if the payments are missed, the corporate government will have until October 17th to scrounge up the money. CIA sources say the Iranians and Middle Eastern countries will keep the US corporate government going past September in exchange for help in re-establishing a caliphate in the Middle East. In any case, we will soon find out.
It is also clear from Russian and EU news reports that some sort of deal has been struck between the EU, Russia and the Ukraine because Russia has now promised to keep the Ukraine supplied with enough gas to get it over the winter.
However, the Russians are demanding criminal investigations into the various mass murder incidents carried out by cabal mercenaries in the Ukraine. This will lead, no doubt, to senior cabal leaders in the US, Israel and Europe. Personally, I would not like to be in Zbigniew “it is easier to kill a million people than to convince them” Brzezinski’s shoes right now.
In Asia too, there are signs of change. Japanese slave Prime Minister Shinzo Abe suddenly pretended his Davos speech calling for a world war against China never happened when he talked peace at the UN last week. Also, Japan’s government has decided to postpone its unpopular moves to revise defense guidelines with the US until 2015. It appears the Japanese government has seen the writing on the wall and expects the current US regime might not last until then. There is also the fact that many very dangerous people in Japan are upset that Abe reads from scripts provided to him by Nazis like Richard Armitage and Michael Green instead of acting in the interests of his people.
The Japanese are also waking up to what really happened in Fukushima on March 11th, 2011. An official at Japan’s Ministry of Economy Trade and Industry (Meti), who was in the department in charge of energy policy at the time of the nuclear and tsunami terror attack, says he visited Fukushima recently and “found nothing there.” He said much touted plans to build a giant “ice wall” to stop radioactive water from flowing into the ocean were just a scam by a large construction company to make money. Whatever radioactivity there was in the region appears to have been washed into the ocean, he says. Japan has also decided to ignore the cabal radiation fear campaign and restart its nuclear reactors in order to reduce its dependence on cabal controlled Middle Eastern oil, the source said.
The sudden deadly eruption of Japan’s second largest volcano last week may have been cabal payback. Time will tell. Even if it was, however, the cabalists know that use of such weapons is a two-way street and invites retaliation.
The North Korean regime is also going off the old “Asian boogeyman” script with a representative saying his government will allow UN human rights inspectors into his country provided they do not come from hostile regimes. North Korea has also called for a “one country, two-systems” type of reunification with South Korea.
The big question mark in Asia, though, remains China. The Chinese, with good historical reasons, hate chaos and anarchy and want a smooth transition. This will require compromise with the Western powers. The communist Chinese government also needs to shed its remaining xenophobia and reconcile itself with the Chinese diaspora.

It is time for countries like Russia, Canada and Japan, that have been historical bridges between East and West, to make sure we do not trade Fed tyranny for Chinese tyranny. Instead, we must negotiate a fair, meritocratic, multi-polar world system.

Mnt Goat Monday Morning Update – “What Lays Ahead in the Coming Weeks” – 09/29/2014

Mnt Goat Monday Morning Update – “What Lays Ahead in the Coming Weeks” – 09/29/2014

Sep 292014

Part 1

(Thank you George for emailing this to Dinar Recaps.)

UU9933 –  “ What Lays Ahead In the Coming Weeks” by Mnt Goat

Hi Everyone,
I come to you today to give you an update on the progress of the new government and how this relates towards the international rollout of the IQD for Iraq.
Today’s news letter, as in all my news letters, is a continuation of the ongoing saga of the IQD RV process. Please refer back to my last news letter of  9/16 (LINK) and 9/26 (LINK) as this news letter is a continuation of this news.
Sorry but today’s news letter is very long. Please read it a couple times if necessary. I have tried my best to bring you what I know to be the truth and what my sources have been telling me. I try now to apply it and make the connections for you since today’s news never stands alone and is connected with past events.
Today’s News
Voting on the Final Ministers-
Today is Monday 9/29 and over the weekend a request went out to the speaker of the house to hold a special session prior to Wednesday to vote and to confirm the last of the few ministers.  These are replacement ministers that were rejected already (some twice) on the confirmation process by parliament. Abadi is targeting this confirmation prior to the upcoming holiday of Eid al-Adha (begins in the evening of Saturday, October 4, 2014, and ends in the evening of Sunday, October 5, 2014). They still do not have a permanent Defense and Interior ministers.
Many of you still debate with me that all the ministers were seated weeks ago. That is good I like debates….lol…. Please go back and re-read my news letter dated 09/12. Apparently you are not keeping up with the news and are not following this ongoing saga carefully. Instead you listen to someone telling you only what they want you to know. You are not following mnt goat news letters but instead occasionally read one and want to debate something that was already clearly explained, in detail. For you reader I will be sympathetic and try to help you but please try to read my ongoing news letters.
What transpired on 9/7-9/8 by announcing a “fully” formed government was all very legal and intentionally done. Since,  if a minister gets rejected in the confirmation process they have a process to continue the selections until a proper candidate is then confirmed. They do not halt the entire  progress of the formation of the government if this happens.  Maliki in 2010 used the same tactic.
They  announced a fully formed government to get the UN resolution to form a legal coalition to enter Syria and fight ISIS. Iraq was at a critical point and needed support  to begin operations which was very apparent. There was also a constitutional deadline and missing it was not an alternative. Missing this deadline meant starting all over.
Why the necessity to meet this deadline?
1) Maliki’s government needed to be disbanded before it could cause any more damage;
2) a new government was required to be formed prior to any UN or USA support for a international coalition to fight ISIS (time was running out);
3) prime minister designate Abadi had to be fully seated as the new prime minister and his new cabinet announced;
Tell me – Is it so far fetched that minister candidates could have then been rejected when going for confirmation and those rejected candidates simply stay in office as proxy ministers until the proper candidate is seated? They did this so everybody wins! The UN got what they needed, Maliki is no longer the prime minister (so the election process moves on) and they could move forward now with cleaning up the mess Maliki left behind. This will be a long process (maybe up to 3-6 months) A brilliant move on Abadi’s part. I talked about the possibility of this days before it happened.
They are now in this process of replacing the proxy ministers. It could take weeks or months to do this but they are able to move forward in so many other areas too, even with the proxy ministers. They are making yet another stab at it this week. Do you understand me? They needed to meet the constitutional deadline weeks ago and they found a workaround.
Sure CNN, FOX and other news media broadcasted that the government was seated (and it was) but we know what really happened. So a lesson learned in intel gathering. Sometimes you have to see the forest beyond the trees. Don’t ignore the articles, as with anything dealing with Iraq, it is very dynamic and you must be open minded and flexible  to hear what is really happening. Nothing just happens! Nothing is coincidental ! I have said this many times. I hope we all now understand what is happening with these ministers. Can we now lay this to rest?
I am hearing the voting for confirmation of these ministers is once again on the agenda for early this week in parliament.
Update on Fighting ISIS
Abadi is still making great efforts to gain support from all blacks on the need to come together as a nation to fight ISIS. Believe it or not some political leaders would still rather have the USA come in and do their dirty work for them. This is not going to happen but rather USA role will primarily be supplies, advising, training, reconnaissance and air support.
The policy now of this new government is to “respect the sovereignty of Iraq and that Iraq will be the lord of the land, water, sky and focus on the unity of Iraq”, and received assurances from all the countries participating in this coalition to respect Iraq’s sovereignty and said they must respect the sovereignty of the presence of Iraqi government elected represent all segments of the Iraqi people, a government of its sovereignty over its territory.  Nearly the entire international community now stands with Iraq with about 40 countries having expressed their willingness to support, and the list increases each week by standing with Iraq in its war against terrorism and Daash, and by Iraq almost three months we alone in the field, and now asked nations to stand with them in this fight. They are gearing up for a long haul.
Iraq got assurances from these countries at our request and they also demanded that there will be “no ground forces foreign to the land of Iraq because Iraq will not need them at all for the existence of sufficient numbers of armed forces and popular mobilization with which to work within the umbrella of the state and therefore do not need to ground troops, but we need air cover, weapons and equipment sufficient to enable our people to defend himself, but for the world, because Iraq today is faced Daash fighter and we are in the forefront of these countries and the world praised on this role. ”
So a major effort is being undertaken to establish training camps much like “boot camps” that will turn out thousands of trained soldiers in a training period. There are many of these camps in Iraq, Turkey, Jordan and Saudi. These will be the “boots on the ground” in the campaign against terrorism. These camps will be run and supervised by USA and GB advisors. They will train Iraq and Syrian soldiers.
It is my belief that untimately the coalition and the USA will have to send “formal” ground troops to fight ISIS. This is my opinion.
Update on the 27 Reforms-
In my 9/26 news letter I talked about a stack of  bills, laws, and treaties that are going to be read and voted on this week. I listed the ones I knew about and their significance. These are literally right off the “Unity Government”  list of the needed 27 reforms.
Many of these reforms are just replacing many of the Erbil agreement items of the 2009-2010 Erbil  meeting. This was the same kind of meeting they held in 2010 like the Unity meeting in 2014. The difference is in the last election, the newly elected Maliki did not implement many of the items as promised. He had a 30 timeframe to do so. So as the years slipped by in his administration, we witnessed the government deteriorate as a result of it and nothing significant ever got done. So going to be so this time with Abadi. Like with the Erbil agreement, Abadi also has timelines to get these 27 reforms completed. The USA and the UN are not going to budge on the RV until these are completed.
Do they all have to be completed prior to an RV? The farthest out timeline for many of the items is  3 months. So we do know they intend to complete all these reforms by January 2015. Could it now be so far fetched that we might have to wait until this timeframe to see an RV?  Not saying…just asking……lol….
I believe the critical issues in the Erble agreement, as a minimum, must be implemented prior to any RV. This will ensure the continuance of the petro-dollar (HCL) and the security and cooperation of the three secs within Iraq. This is what they were intended to do in the first place only now they are 4 years behind schedule due to Maliki. They are attempting to catch up fast.

Part 2

So over the weekend we hear about a big upcoming meeting to be held this week in Badgdad between the council on ministers (Abadi’s cabinet) and the Kurds. So what’s up with this?
So now it looks like Abadi’s Council of Ministers held an extraordinary meeting either on Sunday (yesterday) or Monday (today) to discuss the budget and the salaries of the Kurdistan region. They want to hold this meeting  before Tuesday when Abadi will convene the regular session of the Council, “adding that” it is possible to hold a special meeting on budget and other issues. The Kurdish delegation arrived in Baghdad  on Saturday to begin the meeting so I know it is taking place as scheduled. They will discuss with Abadi the outstanding issues between the government and the region.
Exactly what are they discussing?
Abadi is driving home once again, the part of the 27 reforms as I mentioned above pertaining to the Kurds. This meeting this time is to address issues related to the Kurdistan budget share, export of oil and the Peshmerga forces and other misc issues, which are in accordance with the Constitution. I believe this smells awefully like HCL, Article 140 along with getting fair share of 2014 budget for Kurdistan and the Pershmerga since they have take the lead on the fight against ISIS they must now pay their soldiers and restock expended ammo and equipment. This is all good. Remember too that these items are on the 3 month timeline to resolve “the differences in the interaction of light with the demands of the provincial government”.
Update on the Currency Reform Project
As you may have heard, and it is true, many of the provinces have gone ahead and began rolling out the lower denoms to the public. How can this be, since the plan is to coincide this event with the international rollout and revaluation?
Well….. I have to tell you for certain the process is messed up. Many of the provinces are now using various rates. Some are using $3.71, some $3.21 and  other $4+ rate. The Qi cards in the past have also been loaded with various other  rates too according to the programs paid out. It is very confusing for me even to figure it all out never mind the Iraq people. Some provinces are also still using the larger three zero notes for their currency. Yes – it is a mess.
So now the finance committee is complaining and wants a hearing on this topic to find out exactly what has happened to the original plan and how to correct it and standardize all the provinces. This is one of the 27 reforms they must address. This demand for the hearing comes on the tail of a recent announcement by the CBI that they are about distribute the new coins and the newly reprinted $10,000 dinar notes.
We know they have tried this in the past and without a revaluation, the coins are worth more in the precious metal than they are in face value. Thus the black market sucked them up and melted them down for bullion. Soon no more coins could be found in circulation. Which brings them to where they are today. It simply does not work without a revaluation. Now that the lower demoms are also in circulation it is almost imperative to also have these coins also in circulation to conduct the day to day transactions in the public.
The CBI also announced recently they want to delay the “project to delete the zeroes” indefinitely. This means they would allow the continued use of the three zeroes notes and not completely convert over to the lower denominations (the permanent currency) until some time in the later future years. This of course is going to create an even larger mess for their monetary policy. One they may never recover from.
So the pressure is enormous to continue and complete the currency reform projects. So why do they not do it? What has been the holdup?
As I have said in many of  my past news letters the USA holds the final key to letting the rollout process of the revaluation complete to its final stage. They control the software. So far they have been reluctant to allow this to take place and are stalling the process until they get what they want out of Iraq. We all now know what this is. It is a sense of stability and more than that it is the protection of the petro-dollar.
They are assuring this by mandating that HCL and Article 140 be fully implemented along with the other parts of the Erbil agreement and do it now. This guarantees to the USA that the US Dollar will continue to be used as the media of exchange to purchase oil from Iraq. They are now moving onto Syria to also ensure this is the case in the future and eventually are hopeful to protect the petro-dollar throughout the Middle East.
So for now it is all about finding ways to blackmail Iraq into fully implementing their economic and financial policies previously agreed to in earlier years. It is nothing now more than living up to past agreements between the USA and Iraq.
Is this a bad thing to do? I am not bringing you this news to tell you another conspiracy story but to bring you the truth so you, as a dinar holder, can know what is going on behind the scenes and why. That is all. You do want to know why it is taking so darn long to RV…don’t you?
So take it or leave it. I for one, do not want to see the USD crash and so maybe this could be good thing to do for Iraq and the western world. Iraq, on the other hand, likes it’s newly found sovereignty and wants to decide on it own how to negotiate the selling of its own resources, namely oil. I think we may see a quick turnaround on this topic very  quickly if we see the HCL and Article 140 get fully implemented soon. This may be the week from what I am hearing.
One more note to think about- Why would the CBI postpone indefinitely the project to delete the zeros?  Are they doing this to use it merely as leverage and are sending a message to the USA? There is definitely something going now. A battle between the USA and Iraq on this topic. Now that Maliki is no longer in  power will Abadi pursue the better course of action for the USA and the petro-dollar? I mentioned the meeting this week with the Kurds on this topic for a reason. These issues need to be addressed and I believe if the Kurds go along with the plan we could see some RV results very quickly.
Pay attention to the coming articles on this topic.
Update on the Ongoing 2014 Budget Saga
The government is seeking to re-send the bill to the federal financial budget in 2014 to the House of Representatives. It will include only a budget for a period of three months for approval, pointing out that they would have to delay much of  the investment budget to the year 2015. They are wanting to send this to parliament this week.
So today’s news may not be spectacular but it is again very encouraging.
So where is the RV as many were told once again this was going to happen over the  weekend. Gee Whiz….As I said many times to follow the formation of the government and the implementation of the reforms (formulated to set the government) and you can follow the timing of the RV.
The implementation of these reforms will bring the level of stability they are requiring in the new Iraq government. Many of the new reform are actually from the 2010 Erbil agreement and are just now resurfacing. They must be implemented to go forward with the plan USA has for Iraq, sovereignty or no sovereignty.
We continue to wait once again for the controversial ministers  to be seated. Too bad the security minister now is also once again being disputed. This now includes the Defense and Security ministers – 2 of the key ministerial positions. I am told there is very good possibility this could happen in next week’s sessions in parliament along with possibly the budget being voted on. I think the 2014 budget if being held hostage until these ministers are seated.  We could see the budget implementation very quickly once all the ministers are fully seated (no longer any proxy ministers).
Remember also what Maliki did in the last election. The PTB are not going to go down this same road again and will ensure the government is truly fully formed and functional this time. The list of the Erbil agreements in the new Unity Government Reform list must also be addressed prior to any RV.
Then when can we expect the RV?
All I will say is what I have been saying all along we wait for a formal (global) announcement to the public that the Iraq government is now fully formed and seated.
I want to emphasize once again this final announcement  of the IQD going international will not happen until the USA feels the country of Iraq and its government is stable, non-sectarian and is a functional government. This is has been the plan all along. They may have wavered a bit on how the plan was implemented but the overall plan guidelines have not changed.
I hope now after reading my last two posts- that of today and of 9/16 that you are beginning to truly understand the concept of what is meant by enough “stability”. I also hope you can now understand the difference between political, economic and military stability and how these can all relate to an overall increased stability in Iraq and thus lead to the final goal we all watch for – the final rollout of their currency to the international community.
Peace and Luv To Ya All,

Mnt Goat

Papajack at OOM&F: "Plan A or Plan B??"

Papajack at OOM&F: "Plan A or Plan B??"


[Papajack] PLAN A or PLAN B which will we get?

It looks to me like the Cabal still wants to stall but that is just my opinion after almost 30 years of beating up devils. They are lying things. They do the same things over and over because their master is fallen and cut off from creative thought.

OK PLAN A everything goes the way it's supposed to go. The Cabal goes away we get exchanged some with a group rate if you’re in a group and if not you still get International exchange rates with new asset backed currency.

PLAN B the Cabal is forced out, BRICS kick them out, Petrodollar is toast, Cabal exposed for the criminals they are, we get paid eventually with an International rate as these demons bite the dust.

Then eventually America gets a reset. I like PLAN A.
I expect these demons to do what demons do, Lie, Lie, Lie!!!!!! That is their nature.

POLITICS Poly means many and a tick is a blood sucking parasite.

You can keep your plan if you like it, LOL.

[Papajack] RISE above the storm, we already won, gold is just a paving stone where we are going.

Stay thirsty my friends.

Very Effective Ebola treatment buried by Pentagon


Very Effective Ebola treatment buried by Pentagon

This is an incredibly informative article and a must read of all the links.  It says the gov/pentagon had a treatment for the Ebola Virus since 2010 and the Pentagon had it buried for those two years in which it could have been used.  But given this below, we know now, that if Ebola should emerge, INTENTIONALLY, as a bioweapon, that the Pentagon has the capability to destroy it and or cure it.

One thing that bothers me most, is with our new found distrust of our government, scientists,  bureaucrats, the military etc..... that our elected reps should have a list of those 18 developed bioweapons that they have access to and a list of which ones do not yet have a cure. Then do a peoples referendum that if they get that list and do not share it with the public, then they get the death penalty for treason.  Buried in this is some good news, if you can call anything about this good news, but I am willing to try.

The good news about this is, all of the cabals work to change us as humans so they have at least 500 million globally who will work as slaves, will not resist, and will be changed sufficiently with the DNA manipulation,  that those are the very people who will end up dying from such a bioweapon, because of their lack of ingenuity, adaptability, and creativity.

The rest of us they intend to try and erradicate, are the ones that will have the tools to prevent themselves from being wiped out.  That could ensure that only their created beings will be the ones gone when all is said and done in the end.  What poetic justice that would be, for them to only be left with the resisters.  I consider that somewhat good news.  lol  

Ebola treatment buried by Pentagon
By Admin, Case About the Bird  Flu, September 24, 2014

Montgomery Granger, a retired U.S. Army Reserve major, asks whether the US government would hide an Ebola vaccine to preserve Ebola as a possible bioweapon.

The answer seems to be, yes. The US government patented the Ebola virus in October 2009, but it has emerged, a treatment from 2010 was kept dormant for two years.

“The technology for antibody cocktails such as ZMapp has “been around for a few decades,” says Robert Garry, a professor of microbiology at Tulane University. “This is something that, given the emergency, the government could have moved a little faster on, quite honestly.” He’s more right than he knows.

The treatment came into the hands of a little-known Pentagon agency in late 2010, and, Bloomberg Businessweek has learned, ZMapp sat there dormant, waiting for a contract, for two years.” reports Businessweek.

The article also mentions the astronomical sums of money that have gone on “biological threat agents” including Ebola.

After 2001, that budget rose from $880 million to $1.12 billion. Since then, roughly a third of the Pentagon’s budget for biological and chemical defense, about $3.9 billion in total, has gone toward a list of “biological threat agents.” The list is classified, but it now numbers 18, according to a 2014 analysis by the U.S. Government Accountability Office.

Ebola is almost certainly on this list and likely near the top. The Soviet Union had an Ebola program, and Aum Shinrikyo, the cult that released the sarin gas in Tokyo, sent doctors in 1993 to what is now the Democratic Republic of the Congo on an unsuccessful mission to get an Ebola sample.”

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

Amazing UFO activity! UFO fleet controls Chemtrails, Sept 2014

Sent: Monday, September 29, 2014 12:36 PM
Subject: check this out


Amazing UFO activity! UFO fleet controls Chemtrails, Sept 2014

Have you seen this? Are these UFOs controlling the chemtrails? -LW

September 12, 2014 – I was on a yacht with a friend. We were sailing together, enjoying the beautiful blue sky in Normandy. I was watching a huge Chemtrail and some nice clouds while taking a sunbath, when my attention got turned away by something else (I don’t remember). I stopped watching the sky for some minutes.
When I stared at the sky again, I slowly noticed some strange little dots of light near the huge Chemtrail. As always, I got my iPhone in my pocket :-) So I immediately took it and recorded what I could. After checking on my PC screen, I counted seven white objects slowly descending inside the trail, and also disappearing behind it. It seems the huge orb is the mothership “leading” the fleet.
► I have 3 hypothesis:
- These are parts of meteors falling down. (rare phenomenon in daylight!)
- These are spy drones / military devices, controlling – watching the trails (maybe to analyse them)
- These are UFOs = unidentified flying objects – controlling and monitoring these trails.
What do you think? I’m pretty confused on this one. This type of sighting is pretty recurrent where I live, I’ve been seeing these thing hundreds of times, and sometimes I could record the most impressive ones. (like this one)
► Feel free to comment and tell me your opinion. I’ll mostly reply to constructive comments!
Type Lights
45 seconds
Filmed with
iPhone 5S
Filmed by me from the sea in Normandy, France, September 2014.
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RT: ‘Modi’s India center of multipolar world – this threatens US hegemony’

RT: ‘Modi’s India center of multipolar world – this threatens US hegemony’

Posted on by Jean
Published time: September 29, 2014 11:55
Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India speaks to supporters during a community reception September 28, 2014 at Madison Square Garden in New York.(AFP Photo / Don Emmert)
Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India speaks to supporters during a community reception September 28, 2014 at Madison Square Garden in New York.(AFP Photo / Don Emmert)
Washington’s hegemonic position is being threatened by a new global movement that is fast becoming reality, with the BRICS group being a very important component of creating a truly multipolar world, Don DeBar, of CPR News, told RT.
On Sept. 26, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrived in the US for his first official visit after a nine-year visa ban over allegations that he failed to stop anti-Muslim rioting when he was Chief Minister of Gujarat. In 2005, he was denied entry to the US under a 1998 law barring entry to foreigners who have committed “particularly severe violations of religious freedom.”
As part of his five-day trip, Modi addressed the UN General Assembly. He will also meet with the CEOs of 17 multinationals, including Google, Boeing, IBM, PepsiCo and MasterCard, and a have private dinner with US President Barack Obama. Modi’s visit promises to be extremely important for the future development of Indian-US relations.
Modi, in an Op-Ed in the Wall Street Journal, called the United States India’s “natural global partner.”
However, the trip was overshadowed by a lawsuit from a human rights group that is attempting to hold him ultimately responsible for the 2002 massacre of Muslims in Gujarat. He is accused of standing by, or even encouraging, sectarian violence in Gujarat in 2002, which left over 1,000 people killed.
RT: This weekend PM Modi spoke at the UN General Assembly in New York. But had he not been elected, he wouldn’t even be able to set foot in the US, because his visa was revoked in 2005 over the handling of Muslim riots in India. So why now is he seen as such a key partner by US officials?
Don DeBar: It’s not a secret, particularly for people who have been listening at the UN over the past week – there has been a great deal of discussion about it, perhaps more than ever. It’s not a secret that there is a new global construct coming into being and very important component of creating that multipolar world is the BRICS group of countries [Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa].
The US sees its hegemonic position, its position as the unitary pole of global power, eroding in front of it. It is attacking at various levels the structure that is emerging – again, BRICS is a central part of it. We have links with the various integration groupings in Latin America – CELAC, the Alba countries, UNASUR. We see the groups that are forming around some of the old Soviet Republics, the ties between Russia and China that are growing exponentially and practically, Chinese investment in Africa, African unity movements – all of this on display over the past months with the BRICS conference in Brazil over the summer.
India is literally at the center of the BRICS countries, and is raising demands at the UN, one of the themes Prime Minister Modi mentioned – many people mentioned it – but he brought it up specifically: India has a billion people and no permanent seat at the Security Council. The entire structure of global governance is feeling a huge push from this new center of gravity forming, and attacking India is one of the ways that the US is using to try to stop this from coming to being.
A man waves an Indian national flag as he assembles with a large crowd of people in Times Square to watch the speech by India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi simulcast on a giant screen in New York September 28, 2014. (Reuters / Carlo Allegri)
A man waves an Indian national flag as he assembles with a large crowd of people in Times Square to watch the speech by India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi simulcast on a giant screen in New York September 28, 2014. (Reuters / Carlo Allegri)
RT: Modi was slapped with a lawsuit over his alleged role in those deadly religious riots as soon as he arrived in the US. That doesn’t happen with world leaders visiting international summits often. How big a blow is this for Modi?
DD: The biggest blow is to US credibility across the world. This is a huge diplomatic faux pas. You don’t serve process in somebody’s lawsuit on a head of state when they are visiting the UN, no less to come together for the General Assembly. Honestly, if I was Modi, and the world could thank God that I’m not, if I had that time at the UN I would have been reading a resolution, proposing an entirely new order, excluding the US, because of this kind of behavior. That’s not what happened – he was much more diplomatic than that.
I don’t even think that he mentioned his own situation within this, other than by a collateral reference to the need for waking it round the world. The US really gets a black eye in the eyes of the world community because it’s a terribly undiplomatic practice.
RT: There’s talk about an attempted upgrade in India-US relations. Will the coming meeting between Modi and Obama be more about politics or economics?
DD: They kicked him in the face when he entered in the US and then said, “Come on, let’s have lunch.” Then they will discuss, I guess, there will be an attempt to providing diktat from the US government, or whoever will be sent as a power and will be talking to Modi, saying, “Look, that is what you are going to do – or else.”
I think Modi has already shown us or told us what he plans to do – he is looking for more integration of the global economy on a multipolar, multilateral level. He is actually pursuing that in operating within a framework that he is committed to. That is going to happen much deeply and broadly than before.
He was in Brazil at the conference of the BRICS countries when the new financial structures were announced, for example, that may ultimately replace the IMF and the World Bank. They are certainly now in competition. I think he has shown which way he is going to go in advance – we have got this little political ploy in New York.
RT: What tools Washington is more likely to use in dealing with Modi?
DD: Their primary tool is the drone: they have lawyers and drones, not much else, because they don’t utilize the tools they do have. The US is a great economic power but unfortunately, in terms of their economy, it is mostly at war with itself: the oligarchy is at war with the vast numbers working people here, the middle class has been under attack for 40-50 years to the point of almost non-existence, and it has remained, although heavily indebted to the 1 percent.
So if the US were using those tools, diplomatic tools rather than the kind of behavior they have just exhibited, political tools around the country, around the world, then the US would be very competitive. We have much to offer the world, but all we are offering is military adventures, diktat and exploitative economic relationships. And of course the world doesn’t have to buy that, it isn’t buying it anymore.
The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of RT.