Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Sheldan Nidle - Update for November 25, 2014

Sheldan Nidle - Update for November 25, 2014

2 Kan, 3 Yaxk’in, 11 Ik

Dratzo! We come with some news about what is happening on your world. At present, the dark cabal is using the coming of banker’s holidays to create a temporary delay in bringing forth your globe’s new financial system. To us, this delay is totally unnecessary. Rather, it is quite vital that these shenanigans be thrown aside and this new system’s first part revealed to all. We have submitted our protest to those now involved in these most serious negotiations. It is important that the people of this realm see at least a small sign that great changes are indeed happening. Our liaisons are telling our earthly representatives to stand strong and reverse the current debacle. It is essential that each aspect of this process be done correctly; nevertheless, it is quite important that even a small first step occur. Many on your world do not fully understand the breadth of what needs to be done. Nonetheless, some degree of movement is truly required. Thus, we intend to press forward with what we deeply feel is truly necessary. Movement is now being detected and we intend to be assured that something quite positive happens.

   Our position has always been to find ways to hasten an end to the cover-up, and encourage a formal global disclosure. The present delays only lengthen the time for these possibilities to manifest. We are quite serious in our strategies to bring this realm to disclosure. The dark cabal fully realizes that once we become a more open player in these “discussions,” the chances for any delays greatly lessen. Heaven gave us some strong decrees. These are still short of a more profound role for us. Despite these minor restrictions, we continue to instruct our liaisons to implore our earthly counterparts to take stronger positions on the implementations of a new financial system for your world. The Agarthans join us in asking for a quick first means to implore the beginnings of a new currency system. This system can swiftly expose the large banks and their gross arrogance. This single point can permit many nations to come together, and force the breakup of these malicious giants of your banking world.

   As to new governance, once the global “psych-net” long maintained by the dark is broken, the hope for new reform grows. Currently, most large governments are run by individuals who are daily soaked in energies that render them pawns for the dark. We have lowered some of the intensity of this mind-control network. These efforts are tempered by decrees given us by Heaven. We fully understand that Heaven is running a grand divine plan. This operation is something which we dearly respect. Yet, we remain fully cognizant of your great frustrations. You are being asked to take on a lot, and we very much wish to lessen this burden as soon as possible. Our liaisons are therefore insisting on a simple item to be manifested. These times are thus both the grandest and most discouraging for you. It is our great desire to force a point of assurance from the forces of the Light. After all, it is the start of a holiday season, which limits what your global financial system can produce.

   We are therefore intending to stay firm on this. Be prepared for something to happen. Those involved in these negotiations understand what we desire from them. We are sure that a small part of this process is indeed to manifest. Like you, we wish you to enjoy prosperity, as well as personal sovereignty. This is not just said in passing. There are things which can easily permit you to acknowledge that what is now happening is not only real, but quite capable of putting these minions of the dark in their place. We have cut them off from key underground facilities and thus denied them any temporary form of safe haven. In addition, we have posted numerous defense ships as guards, in order to make our position quite clear to them. We dearly wish to hasten disclosure in some way. Once this is mutually behind us, we can come together and begin to swiftly clear the path to full consciousness. It is at this point that we can all relax and rejoice in these special moments.

   Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! We come on this day to greet and bless you! Much is happening on this world, which most of you know very little about. Right now a quiet revolution is happening. This event is presently confined to organizations and individuals who are dedicated to creating a more humane financial system, which harbors within its blessed corridors a new global currency. This currency is to be real; not a fiat one prone to the whims and wishes of a most avaricious and contentious lot, the dark cabal. This new money is to be blessed with value and a fair trade rate governed by central banks under the ultimate management of a new international development bank. This system is to bring our realm prosperity and a global technology that is to end poverty and give everyone the opportunity to be truly learned about the wonders that make up Mother Earth’s surface and inner realms.

   It is this promise which we gladly bless and intend for all. See these coming holidays as a time to reflect upon what is now shaping up around you. Be ever ready to accept both the blessings and healings to which you are entitled. Feel deep within your heart the new energies that are to transform you. Visualize how these wonders are to manifest. Be ready to accept all that is coming, and all that is shortly to come before you. You are changing every day. You are being healed by the joys of this most magnificent set of moments. All of us daily come together and send the gracious energies of Heaven to you. Even the grand Seraphim of AEON bless you and decree for your success in all things. These words of grace are permitting this realm to both heal and transform. You are on the edge of a most wondrous set of divine events.

   Be proud of Heaven and ever thankful for those things now happening. A new realm is being born in which you are to change sorrow and want into joy and abundance. Heaven has sent you a grand fleet of your fellows, dedicated to seeing that this magnificent transformation occurs as Heaven so envisioned. You are to move beyond the base emotions of hate and frustration, and change them gladly into love and accomplishment. Think of what you are becoming. You are rising up in cosmic consciousness and being readied to heal yourself, as well as others. Very quickly, you are to sing in unison with the heavenly choirs and use this sacred sound to change this reality into something new and wondrous. We join together with you and graciously we now sing: Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna!

   Today, we have carried on with a grand message of joy! We ask all to lift up their inner voices in unison and proclaim that this time is when a new epoch for humanity can begin. See this time as one filled with the Blessings of Heaven. It is a time to ask Heaven for deliverance and know that you are indeed heard! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Rod Class Out of Prison

Sheriffs and Larry Klayman,

Here is about the MOST Important Audio to listen to and pass around, and maybe the UCLGJ or Judicial Watch can get access to those sealed files.

Rod Class Out of Prison
Posted on November 25, 2014 by Dan

Listen to this for yourself to Hear Rod Class bring this to you!

11/25/2014 09:57 AM EST 23:16



Categories: Rod Class  


My Internet and cell Phone are being cutoff TODAY - I desperately need help ASAP - - Posted By: Rayelan -Tues, 25-Nov-2014

My Internet and cell Phone are being cutoff TODAY - I desperately need help ASAP - - Posted By: Rayelan [Send E-Mail]  Date: Tues, 25-Nov-2014 10:44:32 - - Five days ago I posted a note titled 'HELP". In the note I explained a little about what was going on in my life.... bills, pneumonia and continued attack by the squatter, who has taken over the upper floors of my home.  The reasons my utility bills are so high, is she has been doing two things to me:
        1. She has been running up my electric bill and my water bill. These are the only two bills, that she can run up.
        2. The other way she interfers with my bills, is she intercepts them at the front porch mailbox and takes the bills. I had most of the bills transferred to my post office box, but I seem to have forgotten to transfer my cell phone bill and the internet/cable bill. I just found them, on the ground outside the side entrance that I use to enter my home. Hmmm... how did they get from the front porch to there... just as the shutoff notices arrive.
        I want to thank everyone who sent help from the “Help” post. I was able to pay the first installment of the 900+ electric bill, and a few other overdue bills. I was also able to pay my packers, for all the work they have been doing packing my house and getting ready for the move. They have bills also.                         Both my internet and my cell phone are scheduled to be cut off today.        I owe the cable/internet $340.00. If I pay at least $200.00 it will be left on.        I don’t know exactly how much I owe the cell phone company, because I have misplaced the bill. It’s over $800.00. I don’t know how many months this is. Usually the utility companies have been sending me shutoff notices, after the second month of not paying. If I pay just $400.00 of this, I think they will keep it on.                  I had asked for $4,000 this month. I asked for the extra $1,000 because I needed it to pay what I owe the IRS. I try to keep enough in my savings throughout the year, to pay the IRS. I stuff a little each month, from the donations to RMN, in my savings to pay the IRS and my accountant. The last few months I have not been able to do this, because of the outrageous utility bills that my squatter is running up.        When we reach the $4,000 limit, it’s going to have to go to pay the phones and the internet, or I will be completely cutoff from RMN and the world.
        This is a most desperate plea for help. If you feel you can help, please put a little in the widget. We need to bring the widget up to the full $4,000 today, or I will be off the internet and have no phone.            Thank you for all the times you have bailed me out.         Raye    (( https://fundrazr.com/campaigns/ctSwa    ...for more....))                         PS... why didn't I know about this sooner? I had a relapse with the pneumonia and have been in bed for the last two and a half days. I finally was well enough to get up and check on things, and this is what I found... I am about to be cutoff from the world today.               http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=4836
Help! (views: 569)                                                          Rayelan -- Thursday, 20-Nov-2014     17:09:48       http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=4521
    Thanks for that comment, Reader, and the $50. :) (no msg in this post) *NM* (views: 67)    hobie -- Thursday, 20-Nov-2014 20:07:42
    Thanks for that $50, Reader. :) (no msg in this post) *NM* (views: 34)                                 hobie -- Thursday, 20-Nov-2014 23:20:17 ////
Help!    Posted By: Rayelan [Send E-Mail] Date: Thursday, 20-Nov-2014 17:09:48
        I have bills to pay and sadly my electric bill is 3 times what it should be, because the squatter who took over my upstairs, is running up my electric and water. They are the only two things that she can run up.
        My electric bill is normally $200.00. With her running it up, it's been $400.00 to $500.00 a month.           Add to that, the additional money I am paying a lawyer to get her out, and you can understand why my money is not going very far these days. I pray that my lawyer is right, and she will be escorted out by the sheriff, at the end of the month.         I have pneumonia. I've had it for over 3 weeks. It is just hanging on, and my energy is virtually nil.
        Today is the 20th. There should be about $2700 in the Widget. There is only $1900. I've paid the bills that I could pay, but I have the electric bill and the cable bill that need to be paid.
        If you can help, I will truly appreciate it. If you have nothing to spare, please send prayers, because I believe in the power of prayer.        Help!


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Dutchsinse: Saint Louis Missouri spirals out of control — Ferguson BURNS

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Dutchsinse: Saint Louis Missouri spirals out of control — Ferguson BURNS
Posted By: NaturalWisdom
Date: Tuesday, 25-Nov-2014 11:50:48

Dutchsinse (Michael Janitch) lives in the southern section of St. Louis and has been closely following and documenting the events going on in Ferguson.
11/25/2014 — Saint Louis Missouri spirals out of control — Ferguson BURNS
Ferguson has been destroyed. Surrounding cities severely damaged, and people have now been shot (by other people not police).
NO shots fired by police.
On the other hand, over 150 gun shots made at police, and person on person. Multiple home burglaries, store robberies, and assaults done by looters/rioters/protesters. One reporter hit in the head with a brick, another with a large rock. Several police cars destroyed.

You have to ask yourself: 474 Turkish teachers imported into the US ?

You have to ask yourself:
474 Turkish teachers imported into the US ?

You have to ask yourself:

If 474 Turkish teachers were imported into the US to teach our children,
how many US Teachers were imported into Turkey to teach their children?

Intel Guru DC

11-25-2014   Intel Guru DC   [via zebragirl]   In the news...TV, etc., it’s quite simply stating ...that the CBI says it’s ready, and the Prime Minister and his Finance Ministers, etc., have come on board, said OK...we request that the CBI remove the zeros immediately.  And that has been playing for the past two days...   The CBI is also responding saying we’re absolutely ready to implement the three-zero reform and complete the currency reforms immediately...the pressure is immense for everything to go on and get done...Iraq is ready to get this done right now.

11-25-2014 DC

11-25-2014    DC  

 In the news...TV, etc., it’s quite simply stating ...that the CBI says it’s 

ready, and the Prime Minister and his Finance Ministers, etc., have come

 on board, said OK...we request that the CBI remove the zeros 

immediately.  And that has been playing for the past two days...   The CBI 

is also responding saying we’re absolutely ready to implement the three-

zero reform and complete the currency reforms immediately...the pressure

 is immense for everything to go on and get done...Iraq is ready to get this

 done right now. 

Intel Guru DC

11-25-2014   Intel Guru DC   [via zebragirl]   In the news...TV, etc., it’s quite simply stating ...that the CBI says it’s ready, and the Prime Minister and his Finance Ministers, etc., have come on board, said OK...we request that the CBI remove the zeros immediately.  And that has been playing for the past two days...   The CBI is also responding saying we’re absolutely ready to implement the three-zero reform and complete the currency reforms immediately...the pressure is immense for everything to go on and get done...Iraq is ready to get this done right now.

David S. Cohen --- Is this one of the BAD HOMBRES indicated by Fulford?

David S. Cohen --- Is this one of the BAD HOMBRES indicated by Fulford?

Under Secretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence is a position within the United States Department of the Treasury responsible for directing the Treasury's efforts to cut the lines of financial support for terrorists, fight financial crime, enforce economic sanctions against rogue nations, and combat the financial support of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. The Under Secretary is appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate.
The current Under Secretary is David S. Cohen, who has served since June 30, 2011, when he was appointed by President Barack Obama, and confirmed by the US Senate. The Office of Terrorism and Financial Intelligence is one of sixteen agencies in the United States Intelligence Community.[2]
·        1 Overview
·        2 History
·        3 Former Under Secretaries
·        4 See also

·        5 External links

Monday, November 24, 2014

North Dakota Names Landfill After Obama

North Dakota Names Landfill After Obama
dailycurrant.com/072D127E.jpgThe state of North Dakota has named a new publicly-owned landfill after President Barack Obama.

In an overwhelming 35-10 vote, the state Senate advanced a bill naming a 650-acre site currently under construction after the nation's 44th president. Governor Jack Dalrymple is expected to sign the measure into law Tuesday.
When completed, the Barack Obama Memorial Landfill will be the largest waste disposal site in North Dakota, and the 17th largest in the United States. It will be especially rich in toxic waste from the local petroleum and medical industries.
"We wanted to do something to honor the president," says Republican State Senator Doug Perlman, who was the lead sponsor of the bill. "And I think a pile of garbage is a fitting tribute to Obama's presidency.
"We originally planned on naming it after a nearby mountain. But then someone jokingly suggested we name it after Obama. I never thought and idea like that would actually pass. But I was pleasantly surprised."
The president is hardly popular in North Dakota. The most recent poll in December 2013 found that Obama has a 35% approval rating in the state, although that figure may have fallen further in the year since. Yet even considering the political climate, seasoned observers are surprised  that two Democratic lawmakers voted for the bill's passage.
"I supported Obama because I thought he would end the wars in the Middle East;" says Allison Mitchell, a progressive Democrat from Grand Forks. "But he decided to fight new wars abroad instead of fighting for single-payer health care and jobs here at home.
"I guess people expected me to oppose this landfill thing because I'm a Democrat. But honestly I don't really care anymore. Maybe this small act of protest will wake him up."
Ordinary citizens in the state also seem to approve of the government's choice.

"I can't think of a better name," says Joe Blough, a plumber from Minot. "It's darkly colored and it's full of shit. That pretty much sums up Obama."