Friday, November 28, 2014

A Poem you won't forget

“A bump in the  road" .... remember that , the President referring to the Benghazi incident as "a bump in the road." Today I heard an ex-Navy Seal being interviewed on Fox News regarding a book he has
written about how to handle crisis situations in our lives.
At the end of the interview he asked if he could make a comment on Benghazi and of course the anchor said yes.  He then thanked Fox News for keeping the Benghazi story in the news, since other news organizations are not. He said the Seals who died deserve the public knowing
the truth about the whole affair.

The poem was written by a MARINE CORPS Officer (ANON).


We're the
battling boys of Benghazi
No fame, no glory, no paparazzi.
Just a fiery death in a blazing hell
Defending our country we loved so well. 
It wasn't our job, but we answered the call,
fought to the Consulate and scaled the wall.
We pulled twenty Countrymen from the jaws of fate
Led them to safety, and stood at the gate. 
Just the two of us, and foes by the score,
But we stood fast to bar the door.
Three calls for reinforcement, but all were denied,
So we fought, and we fought, and we fought 'til we died. 
We gave our all for our Uncle Sam,
But Barack Obama didn't give a damn.
Just two dead seals who carried the load No thanks to
us.........we were just "Bumps In The Road". 
So will this reach every American with a computer?  Or do we act like the press and give a pass to the incompetent people who literally sat there in the White House and watched the Seal's execution on live streaming video and did absolutely nothing?  The Obama Administration obviously won't be  held accountable because we apparently accept Hillary Clinton's statement,"What difference does it make?"    

Planet X System Location According to Astronomer Disclosure Video

Planet X System Location According to Astronomer Disclosure Video

If Genuine, It Confirms the Location of Planet X System as Described in Being In It for the Species, November 20, 2014
Marshall Masters
Planet X System Location According to Astronomer Disclosure VideoA Planet X System disclosure video was posted by secureteam10 on November 19, 2014. They received it from an anonymous government astronomer who calls himself "Ken."
Working in conjunction with a colleague at the W. M. Keck Observatory, located near the summit of Mauna Kea in the U.S. state of Hawaii, "Ken,"used a cellphone to capture this video from a secure workstation.
Assuming this disclosure observation is current, this object was observed while Saturn is in conjunction. (Opposite Earth on the other side of the sun.)
It is important to note that this disclosure video is not corroborated or independently verifiable. However, it is newsworthy and needs to be discussed as the astronomer alleged astronomer making this report sounds credible and comments at length about surface perturbations of Saturn and Uranus.
In this article, I will examine the notable aspects this disclosure video and close with a special message to "Ken," and his colleague.

Video Analysis

This video was posted by the secureteam10 channel and titled, 11/19/14 LEAKED! GIANT BODY BEHIND SATURN ENTERING SOLAR SYSTEM - COVERUP.
In his disclosure video, "Ken," states the discovery of this object began with the observations of never before seen, glowing storms on Uranus. This in turn led to an investigation of Saturn and the subsequent concern of government agencies regarding an unforeseen force entering our system.

"Ken" further states that while there is a concern this unforeseen force could be the early formation of a black hole, he states that recent observations show it to be a massive planetoid shape, many times larger than Saturn and solid in form.

Planet X System Behind Saturn

Given that "Ken" does specify who made the observation shown in this video or when, what we do see is the image itself and two things of interest:

According to "Ken," this disclosure video is a cellphone video of a secure monitor. At Saturn's 2 o'clock position, we see a screen cursor as evidence of that.
Of note is the shadow on Saturn's rings. If you Google images of Saturn, you'll see several example of shadows relative to Saturn's position vis-a-vis the Sun.

Nemesis Disclosure Analysis

We examined that shadow to see if it showed signs of image editing. In other words, is it 'Photoshoped'?
Given the low 72DPI resolution of the disclosure video, it is impossible to say with certainty, but our examination shows no signs of editing or any other unnatural image patterns.
This brings us to a fundamental question. If this is a genuine disclosure video, where is this "massive planetoid shape"?

Where Is This "Massive Planetoid Shape" Now?

Whistleblower "Ken" does not offer a date nor says which telescope was used for the observation presented in his disclosure video. He only states that he used a cellphone to capture the images displayed on a computer monitor at the W. M. Keck Observatory, Mauna Keaa, Hawaii.

Keck Observatory

Assuming this observation was made on the disclosure day of November 19, 2014, was this observation made with a telescope at that observatory?

Sun - Saturn 20-Nov-2014

On the day of this disclosure, Solar System Scope shows that Saturn is in conjunction with Earth (directly opposite the Earth on the other side of the Sun.)
Consequently, while the disclosure emanated from the W. M. Keck Observatory, the observation was clearly not made from this same observatory.
While this could be construed as a knee-jerk, "aha I got yah" moment for debunkers, "Ken" does give us a clue as to the possible spacecraft used to make this observation.

The Rosetta Spacecraft

In the disclosure video, the only observation instrument "Ken" specially discusses, is the ESA Rosetta spacecraft, which according to him is covertly tasked to observe this "massive planetoid shape."
Rosetta (spacecraft)
Rosetta spacecraftRosetta is a robotic space probe built and launched by the European Space Agency which is performing a detailed study of comet 67P /Churyumov– Gerasimenko with both an orbiter and a lander module Philae.
The spacecraft consists of two main elements: the Rosetta space probe orbiter, which features 12 instruments, and the Philae robotic lander, with nine additional instruments.
In the absence of observation specifics, could the observation images shown in this disclosure video represents a cellphone capture of the Rosetta mission feed obtained, imaged via a secure mission feed monitor installed at the W.M. Keck observatory?
With that question in mind, let's see where the Rosetta spacecraft is as of today, using the ESA Rosetta Orbit Simulator.

Rosetta Spacecraft on 20-Nov-2014

As of this publication date, the ESA Rosetta spacecraft simulator places the spacecraft in conjunction with Jupiter (directly opposite Jupiter on the other side of the Sun.)
Now let's see if the old saying "I just happened to be in the neighborhood" applies to this spacecraft. Click on the image below to study the larger composite view and decide for yourself.


As you study the larger composite, be sure to remember the shadow on Jupiter's rings discussed above for one simple reason. What our government does best are lies. What does worst is the truth.
As you review the composite, it might be fun to recall the introduction to The Shadow radio program as spoken by actor Frank Readick Jr: "Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows!" [Click here to play MP3]
After this, ask yourself, "why is this "massive planetoid shape" behind Saturn and not somewhere else?"

Why Is This "Massive Planetoid Shape" There?

The answer to that question can is found in my latest book, Being In It for the Species The Universe Speaks, as demonstrated in my latest video, Planet X System Update No. 1.

This video program presents an overview of the Planet X system, how it moves through our solar system and why we always seem to observe it near the Sun and not behind us.
Additionally, it show you where the Guides tell us where the Planet X System currently is, relative to the Earth. Which frankly speaking, is why I took an interest in the disclosure video in the first place.

Being In It for the Species - PX Location Nov-2014

As you can see here, the polar view (looking down from the Sun's north pole), and the front view (as seen from Earth) are consistent with the location of Saturn on the publication date of this disclosure video, which shows a "massive planetoid shape" behind Saturn.
And this brings us to the most essential question: is this disclosure video genuine?
Until we see a corroborating disclosure and/or can vet the source, what we've got is a thorny question each of us must answer in our own way. With that in mind, I'm closing with a personal message to "Ken."

A Personal Message to "Ken" from Marshall

On November 8, 2014, I published an article titled, - Our New Mission, in which I stated that we're transitioning from Planet X research to survival wellness research. Then I saw your disclosure video and in the back of my mind, I heard Michael Corleone say, "Just when I thought I was out... they pull me back in."
And for what? A uncorroborated whistleblower blower disclosure video from a source I be vet?. Yet, the dots connect so who are you anyway?
Are you a hoaxer? I doubt that because you present a compelling video, and your paralinguistics are consistent with that of a sober, well-schooled professional.
However, if you are a paid disinformationalist sending us down yet another rabbit hole, then no matter what your pay grade is, you need to run (not walk) to the nearest casino and stake your claim to the title of Bluff King of Professional Poker.
Laugh now, but when the day comes you're standing before your Creator, your happy bullshit will come to a screeching halt.
On the other hand, what if you really are an honest guy, who has seen something, and you feel the heavy burden of truth weighing down upon your shoulders? Maybe this has been grinding on your soul as you stare at the guy in the mirror looking back at you while you shave each morning.
If so, this video will likely be the last thing, you ever do, because paranoid liars with the power of the gun will quickly turn you into a battered poster child, to suppress your colleagues.
Then, we'll see some imposter "Ken" discrediting your disclosure video and humiliating anyone with the temerity to report on it. This imposter "Ken" will be a babbling fool and truth be known; most folks will just sponge it up. No rewards. No ticker tape parades. Just a good bashing.
So what if you are an honest guy and this disclosure really is genuine? Is there any upside in this for you?
Granted, you'll suffer now, but when the day comes you're standing before your Creator, you'll both know you've kept the faith.
—Marshall Masters

Cabinet approves amendments to the draft 2015 budget

Cabinet approves amendments to the draft 2015 budget
الجمعة 28 تشرين الثاني 2014 - 12:43 م Friday November 28, 2014 - 12:43
أعلن مكتب رئيس الوزراء حيدر العبادي أن مجلس الوزراء أقر إجراء تعديلات على مسودة الموازنة المقترحة تمهيداً لرفعها إلى مجلس النواب مساء يوم غد السبت مشيراً إلى أن ذلك سيتم بعد أن يجري المجلس مراجعة ثانية لها. Office of the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said the Cabinet approved the draft amendments to the proposed budget in preparation for submission to the House of Representatives on the evening of Saturday, pointing out that it will be after the Board shall have a second review.
وقال مكتب العباديفي بيان اطلع عليه راديو المربد إن "مجلس الوزراء عقد، مساء أمس، جلسة استثنائية برئاسة العبادي لمناقشة الموازنة العامة الاتحادية لعام 2015"، لافتاً إلى أن "المجلس استمع إلى عرض إجمالي للفرضيات التي اعتمدتها وزارة المالية في صياغة بنود الموازنة في جانبي الإيرادات والنفقات بشقيها الاستثماري والتشغيلي، قدمه وزير المالية هوشيار زيباري".
He Alabadifa Office statement seen by Radio tow "The Council of Ministers held yesterday evening, a special meeting chaired by Abadi, to discuss the federal budget for 2015," pointing out that "The Council heard a presentation Total assumptions adopted by the Ministry of Finance in the drafting of the budget items on both sides of the revenue and expenses in both the investment and operational, by Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari. "
وأضاف أن "المجلس ناقش أيضاً المبادئ العامة التي يقوم عليها بناء الموازنة لاسيما في إطار تأمين علاقة شفافة مع حكومة إقليم كردستان والحكومات المحلية تقوم على أساس إدراك واقعي لمعطيات الوضع المالي والأمني، وتسعى لمعالجة المشاكل المطروحة طيلة السنوات الماضية".
He added that "The Council also discussed the general principles underlying the construction of the budget, especially in the context of securing a transparent relationship with the Kurdistan Regional Government and local governments based on the perception and realistic data and financial security, and seeks to address the problems raised over the past years."
ولفت مكتب العبادي إلى أن "رئيس الوزراء حيدر العبادي أكد خلال الجلسة على أهمية إجراء التدقيق على تفاصيل الموازنة على مستوى الوزارات والمحافظات للتأكد من سلامة التخصيصات".
He pointed out that the Office of al-Abadi, "Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said during the meeting the importance of checking on the budget at the level of ministries and provinces to ensure the safety of the details of making the assignments."
وأوضح مكتب العبادي، أن "المعطيات العامة الواردة في العرض الذي قدمته وزارة المالية تكشف أهمية حث الوزارات على تعظيم إيراداتها كي لا تنعكس آثار أسعار النفط على الوضع المعيشي للمواطن العراقي، مع الحرص على إدامة زخم رعاية الفقراء والفئات الضعيفة ضمن زيادة كفاءة شبكة الحماية الاجتماعية".
He explained Abadi office, that "public data contained in the offer made by the Ministry of Finance reveal the importance urged ministries to maximize revenues to the effects of oil prices are not reflected on the living situation for the Iraqi people, taking care to sustain the momentum of care for the poor and vulnerable groups in the increase of social protection network efficiency." .
وتابع المكتب أن "المجلس أقر بعد الاستماع إلى ملاحظات أعضاءه إجراء التعديلات اللازمة على مسودة الموازنة المقترحة تمهيدا لرفعها إلى مجلس النواب مساء السبت بعد أن يجري مجلس الوزراء مراجعة ثانية لها".

The office said that "the Council approved after listening to the observations of its members make the necessary adjustments to the draft of the proposed budget in preparation for submission to the House of Representatives on Saturday evening after being cabinet review them again."

What Really Happened in Beijing: Putin, Obama, Xi And The Back Story The Media Won’t Tell You

What Really Happened in Beijing: Putin, Obama, Xi And The Back Story The Media Won’t Tell You

Ukraine, Iran's nukes, the price of oil: There are ties worthy of a Bourne film, if the media connected the dots

By Patrick L. Smith
November 16, 2014 "ICH" - "Salon"- By way of events on the foreign side, the past few weeks start to resemble some once-in-a-while event in the heavens when everyone is supposed to go out and watch as the sun, moon and stars align. There are lots of things happening, and if we put them all together, the way Greek shepherds imagined constellations, a picture emerges. Time to draw the picture.

The situation on the ground in Ukraine is getting messy again. Equally, events of the past year now leave Ukraine’s economy not far from sheer extinction. You have not read of this because it does not fit the approved story, but Ukraine’s heart barely beats. Further east, we hear in the financial markets that the ruble’s decline brings Russia to the brink of another financial collapse.

Let’s see. Oil prices are now below $80 a barrel. It costs me nearly $20 less to put gasoline in my car than it did a year ago, and good enough. But why has the price of crude tumbled in so short an interval? It makes little sense when you gather the facts, and — goes without saying — you get no help with that from our media.

Let’s keep on trucking. Secretary of State Kerry went to Oman for another round of talks on the Iranian nuclear question last weekend. Russia recently emerged as a potentially key part of a deal, which will be the make-or-break of Kerry’s record. In effect, he now greets Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov with one hand and punches him well below the belt with the other. Somewhere beyond our view this must make sense.

En avant! Obama went to Beijing last week for a sit-down with Xi Jinping, who makes Vladimir Putin look like George McGovern when he wants to, which is not infrequently. Still in the Chinese capital, our president then attended a meeting with other Asian leaders to push a trade agreement, one primary purpose of which is to isolate China by bringing the rest of the region into the neoliberal fold. (Or trying to. Washington will never get the overladen, overimposing Trans-Pacific Partnership off the ground, in my view.)

A big item on Xi’s agenda — he was in on the Pacific economic forum, too — was the recent launch of an Asians-only lending institution intended to rival the Asian Development Bank, the World Bank affiliate doing the West’s work in the East. Being entirely opposed to people helping themselves advance without American assistance and all that goes with it, Washington used all means possible to sink this ship. When Obama got off the plane in Beijing, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank had $50 billion in capital and 20 members, more to come in both categories.

Xi, meantime, had a productive encounter — another — with the formidable Vlad. My sources in attendance tell me both put in strong performances. In short order, Russia will send enough natural gas eastward to meet much of China’s demand and — miss this not — in the long run could price out American supplies in other Pacific markets, which are key to the success of the current production boom out West.
This is a lot of dots to connect. As I see it, the running themes in all this are two: There is constructive activity and there is the destructive. Readers may think this oversimplifies, but for this there is the ever-lively comment box below. I am willing to listen.
Let’s go back to early September. On the 5th, Germany brokered a cease-fire between the Ukraine government in Kiev and the rebels in the eastern Donbass region. Washington made it plain it wanted no part of this, preferring to continue open hostilities. And then strange things happened.
Less than a week after the Minsk Protocol was signed, Kerry made a little-noted trip to Jeddah to see King Abdullah at his summer residence. When it was reported at all, this was put across as part of Kerry’s campaign to secure Arab support in the fight against the Islamic State.
Stop right there. That is not all there was to the visit, my trustworthy sources tell me. The other half of the visit had to do with Washington’s unabated desire to ruin the Russian economy. To do this, Kerry told the Saudis 1) to raise production and 2) to cut its crude price. Keep in mind these pertinent numbers: The Saudis produce a barrel of oil for less than $30 as break-even in the national budget; the Russians need $105.
Shortly after Kerry’s visit, the Saudis began increasing production, sure enough — by more than 100,000 barrels daily during the rest of September, more apparently to come. Last week they dropped the price of Arab Light by 45 cents a barrel, Bloomberg News just reported. This has proven a market mover, sending prices to $78 a barrel at writing.
Think about this. Winter is coming, there are serious production outages now in Iraq, Nigeria, Venezuela and Libya, other OPEC members are screaming for relief, and the Saudis make back-to-back moves certain to push falling prices still lower? You do the math, with Kerry’s unreported itinerary in mind, and to help you along I offer this from an extremely well-positioned source in the commodities markets: “There are very big hands pushing oil into global supply now,” this source wrote in an e-mail note the other day.
The Russians, meantime, are reported to be sending soldiers and artillery back across, or maybe just across, the Ukrainian border. This we read, but we read nothing as to why this may be so, assuming for argument’s sake it is. We are invited to accept that there is no reason worth reporting.
I decline the invitation. The possibility-likelihood-probability — it is impossible to say, we are so ill-informed — is that these reported deployments are in reaction to moves kept out of sight. Given Washington’s disapproval of the Minsk accord and its underhanded manipulations in the oil markets since it was signed, I label this a likelihood, at least, maybe more.
As to the Ukrainian economy, this is getting sordid even before the International Monetary Fund gets its mitts on the place. A Royal Bank of Scotland analyst in Hong Kong, Roland Hinterkoerner, just published a tour d’horizon, a few of the highlights (or lowlights) being these:
  • With the Russian ruble cratering, Kiev recently had to remove a currency peg of 13 hryvnia to the dollar. It dropped 15 percent in the next five trading sessions. From a rate of 8 to 1 a year ago, it now cost 16 hryvnia to buy a dollar.
  • With the banking system in peril, a third of deposits had been withdrawn—before the currency collapsed, this is. “There is no way to repair this damage by doing some kind of recapitalization exercise that may still work in the eurozone,” the RBS man writes.
  • Efforts to stem the hryvnia’s fall have dangerously depleted foreign currency reserves. As of October, the central bank had $12.6 billion dollars in assets—taxi fare in the context.
  • Ukraine owes Russia $1.6 billion in gas bills by yearend—and then faces fees of $700 million a month for new supplies.
  • The Ukrainian automobile association, to burrow in slightly, just reported that new car registrations fell by 65 percent in October from the previous year, to 5,900 units—this in a nation of 46 million. The No. 1 producer, Saporisky Awtomobilebudiwny Sawod, turned out 1,007 vehicles. It has 21,000 employees on the payroll.
This kind of report leaves me nearly speechless — and our correspondents silent, of course. All that we have read of this past year, events taking place in the name of democracy and a better life for Ukrainians, comes to this. “The economy?” Hinterkoerner concludes. “What economy?”
Onward. “Going forward,” as the State Department’s chirpy spokespeople like to put it.
Kerry just finished up in Oman, where a round of talks on the Iran question were held just short of the Nov. 24 deadline for a deal. Russia’s role in these talks has suddenly grown potentially large. To break the impasse over Iran’s centrifuge count, Moscow offers to take most of Iran’s stockpile of unprocessed uranium and send back enriched fuel when Iran needs it to power the nuclear energy program it wants. This is a reprise of an idea first floated five years ago, and this time Tehran finds it acceptable, at least tentatively.
Put this in the larger context: With the prospect of ending three and a half decades of pointless hostility within reach, this is the moment to be battering Russia as near to a pulp as possible with sanctions, market interventions to its disadvantage, and who can tell what on the military side in Ukraine? You start to think Washington simply cannot help itself, and more on this in a minute.
And so to Beijing. Nobody will put it this way, but Obama arrived with one failure already accomplished and others to come. It was a mistake to oppose the Beijing-sponsored Asian lending institution in the first place, and already it begins to cost the Americans. The TPP trade pact is no further along, you may have noticed. The climate pact Obama and Xi signed looks so far like an agreement for the sake of an agreement — something Obama could bring home in triumph. The only “successes” American media were able to report were a few market-opening measures of benefit to specific American corporations. Nothing visionary, fair to say. A junior trade negotiator could have got this done.
And here is why, a point hardly lost on the Chinese: There is no vision on the American side, only resistance and objection. Xi has consistently urged a “new great power relationship,” and if someone can explain why this is not a perfectly logical thought in the face of 21st century realities, again, to the comment box with it.
Washington’s claim to be an unrivaled Pacific power by destiny goes back to Teddy Roosevelt’s imperial cruise around the region after the U.S. defeated the Spanish and massacred the Jefferson-reading Filipino democratic movement. We simply cannot surrender the turf, realities be damned.
Xi, on the other hand, is all about realities, and not a few have to do with stronger ties with Russia. Xi and Putin shook hands on a historically huge, $400 billion gas deal earlier this year. How did Obama feel when the two announced during his visit that they have just reached another one, this time for $325 billion?
Details: The gas will arrive from Siberia by way of a not-yet-constructed pipeline. PetroChina will take a 10 percent share of a subsidiary of Rosneft, the Russian gas company. By 2020, China will source a quarter of its demand from Russia; the Russians, in turn, will by then sell more gas to China than they now send to Europe.
Listen to the sound of the world turning. Wonder why your media do not pass it on to you.
Always more in this line, it seems. Russia is also in numerous other energy deals with China, including one that doubles petroleum exports to the People’s Republic. Then there is the Silk Road Investment Fund, a $40 billion vehicle to finance development projects in the seven nations of Central Asia. Relations with Vietnam and Japan, horrible of late, now appear to be on the mend. So much, maybe, for Washington’s role as protector of the region from the reawakening empire.
“Add this up,” writes Ken Courtis, a close observer of the international scene for decades, “and you have the outline of a number of important initiatives which will be key to China’s increased lead role in development through investment in other emerging market economies.”
Courtis had a curious exchange with Putin during some of the economic forum sessions in Beijing. He asked if Russia would provide North Korea security guarantees if it agreed to renounce nuclear weapons.
Putin replied in part: “Your question is too clever. This is not the moment yet even to raise that question, let alone answer it. Often, the problem in the world is not that small countries, who feel they are under siege, are unwilling to change. Rather, it is that the bigger countries are all piling on like bullies in the school yard – and they don’t know when to stop.”
I hope Kerry and Obama were listening at that moment. As Courtis heard it, “I think Putin was signaling to the West that there will be no more help from Russia with sanctions on North Korea, or anywhere else. One could also read Iran, Syria, Venezuela, etc., into that line of reasoning.”
I agree. We can start to connect the stars, then, see our constellation, and identify the costs of a consistent pattern of destructive behavior on Washington’s part here, there and everywhere. Specific to the case, the Sino-Russian energy deals cannot possibly be taken as other than long-term responses to the West’s renewal of Cold War hostilities toward Russia and its refusal to countenance China’s emergence. More narrowly, Putin wants an Iran deal to demonstrate Russia’s importance as a global player, yes, but he is not so far from fed up even there.
The obvious question is what we are watching as all these events unfold and then coalesce into a single reality. This peculiar moment seems to make this reality clear. Nostalgic for the period of primacy known as the American Century, the U.S. cannot accept its passing. Logically enough, the task becomes essentially destructive of the world as it is a-borning — an effort, in the end, to destroy history itself.
The planet’s other major powers, for all their imperfections and, indeed, disgraces, understand that their time has come, parity between West and non-West is upon us. This is the core reality, not to be lost sight of. China’s and Russia’s domestic problems are rather like America’s; they are to be resolved by Chinese, Russians and Americans, a point we understand easily when it comes to the interference of others but not the other way around, when the question is our interference elsewhere.
All too bad. But only for those who insist on holding on to the wrong end of the stick. This century’s winners and losers are not yet clearly marked — I have to preserve my optimism on this point — but with each passing event, each mistake, who is fated for which side becomes a little more evident.
I like the thought a Chinese scholar-turned-diplomat-turned scholar again made at a dinner in Beijing the other night, as passed on by a friend. He spoke of Ukraine, but the remark applies across the board.
“From our perspective, we see all of this agitation as noise at the surface,” he said. Then he cited that scene from “Macbeth” at Dunsinane Castle, “Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more. It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.”
The Chinese — always attuned to the long view. Who are the idiots in this man’s rendering?
I leave it there.
Patrick Smith is the author of “Time No Longer: Americans After the American Century.” He was the International Herald Tribune’s bureau chief in Hong Kong and then Tokyo from 1985 to 1992. During this time he also wrote “Letter from Tokyo” for the New Yorker. He is the author of four previous books and has contributed frequently to the New York Times, the Nation, the Washington Quarterly, and other publications. Follow him on Twitter, @thefloutist.

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Woman Claiming To Be Former NASA Employee Says She Saw Humans Walking On Mars In 1979

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Woman Claiming To Be Former NASA Employee Says She Saw Humans Walking On Mars In 1979
Posted By: Lymerick
Date: Friday, 28-Nov-2014 05:25:38

By Afza Fathima | November 26, 2014 8:00 PM EST
A woman named "Jackie," who claims to be a former NASA employee, called Coast to Coast AM in the U.S. She claimed she had seen evidence of two human figures walking towards the Viking lander on Mars in 1979.
See LINK for picture-Lymerick
A color mosaic taken by NASA's Mars Curiosity rover Mast Camera (mastcam) shows strata exposed along the margins of the valleys in the "Pahrump Hills" region on Mars in this undated handout photo courtesy of NASA. After 18 months of driving, scientists on September 11, 2014, announced that Curiosity had arrived at the base of Mount Sharp ahead of schedule, thanks to a somewhat serendipitous decision to take an alternative path that would be gentler on the rover's damaged wheels. Within two weeks, Curiosity will reach an outcrop of rock called Pahrump Hills, where the first drill samples of Mount Sharp real estate will be made.
The "former NASA employee" asked the radio show presenter to solve a 27-year-old mystery for her. She claimed she had worked for NASA and that her job was to handle the downlink telemetry from the lander. The Viking lander was the first vehicle to send back pictures of the surface of the Red Planet.
She said that while she was working, she saw two people walking across the Martian surface. She continued that she and six colleagues were watching the footage of the Viking rover moving around on multiple screens when she noticed two men in spacesuits walking to the Viking Explorer from the horizon. She added the men's suits looked protective but unlike what astronauts wore.
The "former NASA employee" said she and her colleagues were maintaining the equipment when suddenly the video feed got cut off. She went on to say that when they ran upstairs, they found the door was locked and paper was taped over the door so nothing could be seen. She posed a question to the radio presenter asking whether or not the two men she saw were guys from NASA. The agency has yet to comment on the claim.
Blogs that report on UFO and conspiracy theories have backed the "former NASA employee." They claimed humans had been on Mars to polish off the lander's solar panels. wrote that this seemed off because if the humans were there, they could have filled petrol into the lander or take photos themselves. A few other conspiracy theorists claimed that in the sixties, there were secret landings on Mars. They further claimed that the Apollo landings were a cover-up for wider exploration of the solar system.
An audio recording, titled "NASA Worker Sees Men Walking Over To Viking Lander On Mars", was posted on YouTube by YouTube channel Starman Chronicles. The video has managed to get more than 11,000 views and about 16 comments as of this writing. Listen to the audio recording below:

(Credit: YouTube/Starman Chronicles)
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Black socialist sympathizers have accepted a betrayal from above by their own Mulatto (half black and white) socialist President, just to further a socialist agenda of genocide cloaked as  a HUMANITARIAN effort to appease foreign illegal invaders, for the dual purpose of keeping these socialists in power; to continue the plans to unite Mexico (and eventually South America), the US and Canada as one Socialist Nation.

See the AMERO -- The New North American Currency that is going to be shoved down Americans, Canadians, and Mexicans throats largely due to the political and economic apathy of ignorant citizens.

They have gladly helped the president overload a people in our borders, that will replace all blacks in all manner of jobs.

These Mexicans are about 70 percent Mestizos (half Indian and white) and as such are better and harder workers than American jive talking bad attitude Mulattoes. It is seldom you will see a pure black person unless he is directly from Africa.

Just ask any construction company or any other kind of company that needs VERY hard workers, who they would rather hire, and nearly all the time it would be a Mexican or other Latino, that will not have a bad ass, jive talking attitude and will gladly do the job in LESS than halve the time as any American Black.

The American Blacks have a well known hatred for his own people, and the statistics of homicide rates in America has been certified that they kill their own kind more than they kill all other people.

Blacks are also known to have killed more whites and Asian Americans and Latinos and that has been hidden by the socialist controlled news media for their depopulation agenda.

Latinos, Asians and whites of any kind, do not go out of their way to kill their own kind. That infamy, stupidity and insanity is strictly a LIBERAL "Black Thing".

The Mexicans or any other kind of Latinos, when provoked, or threatened or when their own women and children are in danger, are more fierce and dangerous than the Blacks and a small 4 or 5 foot Mexican or other kind of Latino, will back off a 6 foot black nearly all the time. I have seen it happen over and over again and know it is true. The Blacks in their rioting madness will NOT attack a Latin neighborhood as they will attack a white one.

Mexican and all other Latinos treat their own women and children and families, better than Blacks do. Mexican women and other Latinos are better mothers and harder workers than American Blacks too.

Black men treat white women better than their own black women, and they also treat the white children from the white woman's previous marriages better than their own kids that they have abandoned. And that is another fact of life that Black women hate of their own black men.

Plus, well educated Mexicans and other Latinos will create more businesses in their own neighborhoods and will not destroy their own businesses and neighborhoods, as Blacks will always do when they riot.

Latin neighborhoods are saver to walk in than Black neighborhoods and Asians and other people including conservative
Blacks will feel saver opening a business in a Latin neighborhood rather than in a majority black one.

The population growth and survival potential will always favor a harder working people, and a non-self destructive people, rather than a self-destructive, self-hating, and self-defeating people, which liberal Blacks are.

This self-defeating and self-destructive non-survival attitude does not apply to CONSERVATIVE BLACKS. They are far superior to the liberal, left wing blacks by a factor of 100 to one.


When two forces are competing for jobs, the odds of survival will always be with the people that does not self-destruct their own chances and future.

The only hope of the blacks are in the conservative Blacks which all liberal blacks seem to hate. So, Unless we help these conservative brothers of ours to help their own people, the black race will not prosper as it should.

So OBAMA has betrayed his people in more ways than one. It will not get any better for the liberal Blacks when Latinos outperform, out work and outnumber them.

The American Blacks' votes for the socialists has sealed their own destruction and they will pay the price for their betrayal to the other people of this nation.  


As always send this data to all Patriots for their safety, prosperity and survival.
Under communism you KNOW you don't own anything, under socialism you THINK you own some things.

"There is no religion higher than TRUTH"

There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world and that is an idea whose time has come!
~Victor Hugo

“In the beginning of a change, the Patriot is a scarce man – brave – hated – scorned.  When his cause succeeds,  however, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a Patriot.” Mark Twain

John F Kennedy once said – “Man will be what he was born to be: free and independent.”

The idea going around is this -- that it is better to die than permit your own government to humiliate, harass, rob and arbitrarily imprison, torture, kill and abuse their own citizens.


"Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God."


If you do NOT want to receive any emails from me, please let me know. 

Hillary Clinton's Psychopathic Behavior Caught on Video (video)

Van Allen Probes discover invisible force shield around Earth

Van Allen Probes discover invisible force shield around Earth

Read more:

Not just illegal Hondurans Obama is flying to the US

Subject: Fw: Not just illegal Hondurans Obama is flying to the US
Date: 11/28/14 10:05:25 A



Bombshell! Pilot Says He Was Fired for not Signing Away his Rights - Warns Illegal Muslims are Flying into USA

By Tim Brown / 8 October 2014

 It seems like each day we here of ever escalating insanity when it comes to the war on the constitution, the war on terror and illegal immigration. What happens when a story comes together combining all three? What you have below... is our government actively working to destroy our nation as we know it? Why? Is it all about being politically correct? Whatever the reasons - trouble is brewing...

We are all aware of the Obama administration's orchestrated invasion of illegals across our southern border. There is no debate in the matter that it was purposeful. We have also been aware that this lawless administration has paved the way for tens of thousands of Muslims from Syria to receive asylum via New Jersey. Earlier this year, a pilot by the name of Dennis Welky claimed that he was fired because he would not sign a waiver of his constitutional rights.

In January 2014, Welky said that he received an email from the chief pilot of the airline company he worked for, Kalitta. According to the email, there were new requirements that had to be met by all pilots regarding security risk assessments (think TSA).

According to Welky, an action was required on his part to continue his job with the company as a pilot. Welky alleged that the TSA wanted him to sign a waiver to "give up a whole boatload of constitutional rights, regarding security risk assessments as an United States, American commercial pilot."
Welky says that he knows of only one other pilot in the organization that received the email and that pilot didn't read the information, but merely signed it to keep his job. He then read the notable portion of the email:

"Please carefully read the statement again, and reconsider your decision. One of the conditions of employment at Kalitta Charters is being enrolled in a status 12.5 security program (at least that's what it sounds like he is saying). If you select not to agree/participate, we will unfortunately have to make January 14, 2014 your last day of employment with Kalitta Charters."

Welky performed "135 unscheduled, on-demand charter type work throughout the United States, Canada, the Caribbean, Mexico, and Hawaii."

Now, he was facing termination for not submitting to what can only be described as unethical practices.

At least one pilot that spoke to Sons of Liberty Media anonymously told us that commercial pilots throughout the industry are aware of Kalitta and what they perceive as unethical practices by the company's owner Conrad Kalitta. "He'll do anything for a buck," an anonymous pilot told us. "And he will find a way to fire you for absolutely no reason," he added, referencing conversations he had with other pilots who had worked for Kalitta to gain flight time.

According to Kalitta's own website:

"Kalitta Charters is an approved air carrier for the US Department of Defense, US Department of Justice and US Department of Energy, operating critical missions across the globe"

"When it comes to transporting critical cargo safely, securely and on time around the world, no one does it better than us. After all, the Kalitta family began airfreight operations back in 1967. If it fits inside an airplane, we've probably flown it – and if we haven't, we've got the team to make it happen"

Mr. Welky is the first American pilot that is known to have stood up against this and is the first American pilot to be fired for his stand. If that wasn't disturbing enough, Welky went on to describe how thousands of illegal Muslims are being flown into the US in airplanes that have been marked as "empty."

The former Kalitta Charter pilot recalled Tennessee Rep. Rick Womick (R), a former Air Force pilot and commercial Boeing 777 airline pilot, admitted to flying five flights with Somali immigrants on board from London to New York City. According to Dennis, Womick said that flights would leave the US, land in the UK and be designated as empty for return, but the reality is that every seat would be filled with illegal Muslims. As he landed on the east coast as instructed, he would taxi right past immigrations and customs. The illegals were let off the airplane, given thousands of dollars, along with other benefits.

Understand that he is confessing to a crime before an audience of people. He didn't just do it once. He did it multiple times!

Welky had some choice words for Rep. Womick, which I fully agree with. Womick was the pilot in command. He had the final say and he knew he wasn't supposed to be doing this, but he did it anyway, not once, but on several occasions.

Womick, according to federal law is an accomplice to the crime here. He knowingly flew illegals into the country, yet instead of anyone holding him accountable, everyone thinks it's just fine for Womick to be declared a whistleblower and let off the hook.

All of this is in line perfectly with Obama's own solution of flying in illegals directly to the US earlier this year.

Friends, this is why it is important to know who your representatives are. Womick is one that aided illegal Muslims to enter the United States and now he has been calling for Muslims to not be allowed to serve in the US military? Can you say hypocrisy? I can. Womick should be brought up on charges for aiding an illegal invasion of Muslims into the US, and Mr. Welky's story should be told far and wide until something is done about it.

Listen to the interview below:

Islamist Infiltration of the Obama Administration

* Abedin, Huma: Deputy Chief of Staff to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
* Abunimah, Ali: Vice president of the Arab American Action Network
* Al-Hibri, Azizah: U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom
* Al-Mansour, Khalid Abdullah Tariq: Patron of Obama during 1980s
* Al-Marayati, Salam: Representative of the U.S. government at the annual Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe conference
* Alikhan, Areef: Department of Homeland Security
* Arab American Action Network: Received money from Woods Fund when Obama was board member of Woods Fund
* Barack H. Obama Foundation: Headed by President Obama's half-brother, who oversees the Muslim Brotherhood's international investments
* Asbahi, Mazen: National Coordinator for Muslim American Affairs (during 2008 presidential campaign)
* Elibiary, Mohamed: Homeland Security Advisory Council
* Husaini, Minha: National Coordinator for Muslim American Affairs (during 2008 presidential campaign)
* Hussain, Rashad: Special Envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference
* Khalidi, Rashid: Professor of Middle East Studies at Columbia University
* Magid, Mohamed: Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Countering Violent Extremism Working Group
* Mattson, Ingrid: Invited by Obama advisor to work on the White House Council on Women and Girls
* Mogahed, Dalia: Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships
* Obama, Abon'go Malik: the older half-brother of Barack Obama
* Patel, Eboo: Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships
* Said, Edward: Professor and Arab activist who was keynote speaker at 1998 fundraiser attended by Obama
* Shora, Kareem: Homeland Security Advisory Council
* Shora, Nawar: Senior Advisor to the Civil Rights and Liberties Office of the Transportation Security Administration