Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Enough, Already....States Tell Feds To Pound Sand....

states and feds conceptPersonal Liberty – by Michael Boldin
The Internal Revenue Service gives subsidies when it wants. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and the Environmental Protection Agency redefine words on a whim in an effort to give themselves more power and more control over your life. “Legislating from the bench” has been superseded by this even more dangerous “lawmaking” by unelected, unaccountable federal agencies.
As Chapman law professor Ronald Rotunda noted recently, we “have come a long way towards governance by bureaucrats.” Some states, however, are taking positive steps in 2015 to thwart the effects of these unilateral — and wildly unconstitutional — acts.
The following is an overview of state legislation to thwart federal overreach that’s moving forward right now.
Federal gun control
Even though the ATF has, at least temporarily, backed down on a proposed M855 ammo ban, gun rights advocates should be alarmed. More of this should be expected moving forward, that is, more gun control no matter whom you elect to Congress.
In Arizona, however, a bill that would effectively block in practice any additional restrictions on the natural right to keep and bear arms has already passed the state Senate by a 17-12 vote and is due for further consideration in the state House in the near future. A similar bill passed the Montana Legislature and is going to Gov. Steve Bullock’s desk, and another in Tennessee is up for a do-or-die vote in committee this week.
Other states like Ohio and Pennsylvania have seen legislation introduced, but not yet considered. Should any of the bills pass into law, they’d join Idaho, which in 2014 was the first in the country to pass legislation specifically designed to thwart any new federal gun control measures.
Broader bills have been introduced in other states, with the goal of addressing not just new federal gun control measures, but nearly all of them. Missouri HB1341 would make any federal gun control measure — past, present or future — invalid and unenforceable in the state. And two Texas bills, HB413 and HB422, would work together to do almost the same. Should either pass, they’d join Alaska, which passed a similar law in 2013.
The Food and Drug Administration has a lengthy process for approving new treatments for people. In some situations, however, that long process can actually kill people.
Take, for example, the case of Mikaela Knapp, who was diagnosed with kidney cancer. She and her husband, Keith, launched a social media campaign to lobby drug firms and the FDA to give her access to a new gene therapy. Their efforts gained national attention and generated 200,000 signatures on a petition, but failed to win access to the treatment. The 25-year-old newlywed died a few months later.
In 2014, Arizona residents approved Prop. 303, a measure that now allows people the “Right to Try” some experimental treatments not yet approved by the FDA. They joined Colorado, Missouri, Louisiana and Michigan in passing such legislation.
In 2015, governors in Wyoming in Arkansas have already signed a Right to Try act into law. Bills in Virginia, Montana, Indiana, Utah and Mississippi have also passed the full legislature and are awaiting a signature from each state’s governor.
“These laws are a no-brainer,” said Mike Maharrey of the Tenth Amendment Center. “When someone is on their deathbed, the fact that FDA regulations would let them die rather than try, has got to be one of the most inhumane policies of the federal government. Every state should nullify the FDA like this.”
The total retail value of hemp products sold in the U.S. in 2014 was recently said to be at least $620 million. According to the Hemp Industries Association (HIA), a nonprofit trade association consisting of hundreds of hemp businesses, this includes items like nondairy milk, shelled seed, soaps and lotions, along with clothing, auto parts, building materials and various other products.
Federal regulations resulting in a de facto ban on hemp farming has created a situation where the U.S. is the world’s No. 1 importer of hemp, while China and Canada are the top two exporters in the world.
And while the Feds now “allow” hemp farming for “research purposes,” some states and individuals have taken action beyond what is permitted and are now harvesting crops for commercial purposes.
Hemp is already being farmed in both Colorado and Vermont. On Feb. 2, the Oregon hemp industry officially opened for business. One week later, the first license went to a small nonprofit group that hopes to plant 25 acres this spring. The Tennessee Agricultural Department recently put out a call for licensing, signaling that hemp farming will start soon there, too. A law by Gov. Nikki Haley in South Carolina in 2014 authorizes the same. Another passed this year in North Dakota is awaiting a signature from Gov. Jack Dalrymple.
Hemp farming bills have also passed the New Hampshire House, theWashington State Senate, and committees in Connecticut and Missouri. Legislation has been introduced and will be up for consideration soon in Texas, Florida, Maine and elsewhere.
Former National Security Agency chief technical director William Binney called the agency’s practice of “parallel construction” the “most threatening situation to our constitutional republic since the Civil War.” This is the process whereby federal spying data is being handed off to local police for use in everyday law enforcement work, not just for investigating “terrorists.”
In 2014, Utah and New Hampshire passed bills to ban each state from participating in this practice. And this year, bills in Texas, Alaska, Tennessee, Missouri, South Carolina and elsewhere have been introduced to ban all “material support or resources” to all federal bulk warrantless spying programs.
Passage would ban participation in parallel construction, but also take things further and withhold other resources like water, electricity or even trash pickup from state or local governments or agencies to any federal agency involved in the wholesale surveillance of anything and everything you do with your phone or Internet service.
Legislation to help block a recently revealed nationwide license plate tracking program has already passed the Virginia Legislature and theMontana House. Similar legislation is up for consideration in New York,Missouri, Vermont, Massachusetts and Oregon.
While the legal world awaits an opinion this summer from the Supreme Court in the King v. Burwell case, some states are considering bills that will help bring down the federal takeover no matter what the court opines.
Bills passed in the Arizona House and introduced in Texas would ban a crucial enforcement mechanism for the federal act, and set the stage for pulling the rug out from under it and bringing it down.
What’s next
Sometimes, however rare, a federal court will stop a federal agency from unilaterally giving itself more power. Sometimes, a federal agency will back down on a newly proposed rule, like the recent M855 ammo ban from the ATF, because of heavy public pressure. And even more rarely, although I can’t remember anything of note, Congress will actually repeal a law it passed, giving up its own power.
The truth of the matter is this: Federal courts cannot be trusted to limit federal power, and federal politicians cannot be trusted to limit their own power. Only the states and the people can do it now.
While these moves by states give liberty-lovers hope, there is no silver bullet to stop the runaway freight train that is the federal government. But instead of waiting years for a lawsuit, or a convention, or any other national-level process, these state nullification efforts chip away at the monster government right now — one state at a time.
What this gets down to is the power of the people. When enough people tell the Feds to pound sand, and enough states pass laws backing them up, there’s not much the Feds can do to force their unconstitutional laws, rules, regulations or mandates down our throats.
–Michael Boldin

4-More countries say to join China-backed AIIB investment bank

“UPDATE” (Adds Georgia)
4-More countries say to join China-backed AIIB investment bank
(Reuters) - Russia, Australia and the Netherlands on Saturday became the latest three countries to say they plan to join the China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), adding clout to an institution seen as enhancing China's regional and global influence.
The AIIB, seen as a challenge to existing institutions the World Bank and Asian Development Bank, has drawn a cool response from the United States,
Despite which European U.S. allies -- including Britain, France, Germany and Italy have already announced they would join the bank.
Other countries such as Turkey and South Korea have also said they would join. Brazil, China's top trading partner, said on Friday it would sign up and that there were no conditions set.
"Brazil is very interested in participating in this initiative," the office of President Dilma Rousseff said in a statement.
Russian First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov, speaking on Saturday at a forum in Boao on the southern Chinese island of Hainan, said the country plans to join the AIIB, according to the official Xinhua news agency.
Speaking at the same forum, Australian Finance Minister Mathias Cormann said the country was planning to apply to become a founding member, according to Xinhua, while later on Saturday,
The news agency confirmed that Georgia had also applied.
The Netherlands also plans to join, Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte said on his official Facebook page after a meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping.
China's Finance Ministry said earlier on Saturday Britain and Switzerland had been formally accepted as founding members of the AIIB, a day after Brazil accepted China's invitation to join.
China's Finance Ministry said Austria had also applied to join and had submitted its documents to China.
"We should push forward with the creation of a regional hub for financial co-operation," Xi said at the forum, adding China should "strengthen pragmatic cooperation in monetary stability, investment, financing, credit rating and other fields."
The AIIB has been seen as a significant setback to U.S. efforts to extend its influence in the Asia Pacific region to balance China's growing financial clout and assertiveness. (Reporting by Stephen Eisenhammer;
Additional reporting by Ben Blanchard in Beijing, Engen Tham in Shanghai and Adam Jourdan in Boao; Editing by Michael Perry and David Holmes)

The 9 Veils Placed On Every Human Soul

March 30, 2015
The 9 Veils Placed On Every Human Soul
In5D March 30, 2015
"Ninety percent of all humanity will live and die without having pierced the first veil.”
by A. True Ott, PhD
Nearly a decade ago, a dear friend and colleague of mine named Don Harkins authored a wonderfully thought-provoking piece entitled “Slavery and the Eight Veils”. Prior to Harkins’ untimely death, we discussed this “Eight-veils theory” for literally hours together – and in the end, Don asked me to write a piece about this for his newspaper, “The Idaho Observer.” He did this, because I had shared much of my research with Don, and we together came to the conclusion that in reality, there were actually NINE veils placed on the human soul (i.e. intelligence), and that spiritual progression and thus a full knowledge of TRUTH would require the piercing of these Nine Veils.
I joked with Don that this topic would take an entire edition of The Idaho Observer, and then it would only scratch the surface. That was one of Don’s editorial talents – taking a complex story and compressing it to a more readable format. In memory of Don Harkins, here is the writing we discussed, in as compressed a format as possible.
Any dedicated seeker of truth eventually stumbles upon the incredible symmetry and structure of mathematics, which is especially true in fractal geometry involving the integers 1-9. For a most basic example, just take a look at these nine equations:
(1 x 8) + 1= 9
(12 x 8) + 2 = 98
(123 x 8) + 3 = 987
(1234 x 8) + 4 = 9876
(12345 x 8) + 5 = 98765
(123456 x 8) + 6 = 987654
(1234567 x 8) + 7 = 9876543
(12345678 x 8) + 8 = 98765432
(123456789 x 8) + 9 = 987654321
Amazing, isn’t it? I find it very interesting, furthermore, that all of the great philosophers in history such as Archimedes, Copernicus, Socrates, and DaVinci all were mathematicians first and foremost. I submit that everything from biblical prophecy to DNA strands are built and based on quite simple mathematical formulas and patterns – but I am getting ahead of the story, for understanding the role of mathematics is in itself one of the nine hidden veils. READ MORE

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Why the West is to Blame for the Crisis in Ukraine: The Full Story

Why the West is to blame for the crisis in Ukraine: the full story
Chris Nineham 27 March 2015. Posted in News
We can't begin to understand the Ukrainian catastrophe unless we reject the dominant Western account of what is happening.
Ukraine rioters
Riots in Kiev, January 25, 2014
Chris Nineham, Stop the War's joint chair, reviews Frontline Ukraine: Crisis in the Borderlands by Professor Richard Sakwa.
WE ALL KNOW about of the fog of war, but the current coverage and commentary on the crisis in Ukraine arguably takes wartime disinformation to new levels.
Richard Sakwa's new book is a rare and precious exception. It is clear and measured and carefully researched and it shows that the story we are told in the west about events inside Ukraine is deeply flawed.
More generally, it exposes the idea that Russia is the aggressor and the West the protector of Ukraine's democratic will as a travesty of the truth. In short, Sakwa's analysis is diametrically opposed to what passes for an explanation of the Ukraine crisis in the mainstream.
One of the book's great strengths is that it sees the crisis as a product of two connected processes, one domestic, one geopolitical.
Far from being a straightforward expression of popular will, Sakwa details how the government that emerged from the Maidan protests in February 2014 represented the victory of a minority hardline anti-Russian Ukrainian nationalism.
But this minority could come to dominate, he argues, because of the context provided by an aggressive, US-led, Western foreign policy designed to assert Western control over Eastern Europe and, at least in its more hawkish versions, de-stabilise Russia.
The push to the east
Nato and the EU have been pushing steadily eastwards ever since the end of the Cold War, despite verbal assurances from a series of Western leaders that this would not happen.
Twelve countries have joined Nato in the region since 1991. Georgia and Ukraine were promised membership at the Nato Summit in Bucharest in 2008, despite repeated warnings from the Russian government that taking Nato to the Russian border would cause a security crisis of the first order. It was only the intercession of Germany and France that forced the US to put these plans on hold.
The push to the east continued in the form, amongst others, of a plan to get Ukraine to sign up to an 'Association Agreement' with the EU. It was this agreement, due to be signed in November 2013, which sparked the crisis. To grasp its significance it is important to understand just how closely tied Nato and the EU have become, especially since the Lisbon Treaty signed by EU members in 2007.
Article 4 in the proposed Association Agreement committed the signatories to 'gradual convergence on foreign and security matters with the aim of Ukraine's ever deeper involvement in the European Security area' (p.76). As Sakwa puts it, “it is pure hypocrisy to argue that the EU is little more than an extended trading bloc: after Lisbon, it was institutionally a core part of the Atlantic security community, and had thus become geopolitical”. (p.255)
All parties involved must have known that this document, if signed, would have caused existential anxiety in Moscow. Defenders of the West's drive to the east justify it as the reflection of the will of the people concerned.
This is disingenuous. As Western leaders themselves have publicly admitted, a campaign to buy Ukrainain hearts and minds has been running for decades. In 2013, US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian affairs, Victoria Nuland, publicly boasted of the fact that the US had invested $5 billion in 'democracy promotion' since 1991, a huge sum by USAID's standards (p.86). It has since been revealed that the EU too spent 496 million on front groups in Ukraine between 2004 and 2013 (p.90).
And there was nothing democratic about the process. Discussions about the Association Agreement in fact took place behind the backs of the Ukrainian people and the text of the agreement was not available in Ukraine till the last moment (p.74). It actually contained very little in the way of assistance to Ukraine's economy, and its centrepiece was a radical liberalisation of EU-Ukraine trade, a direct threat to the traditional economic relations between Ukraine and Russia.
In the end, for a mixture of reasons, President Yanokovich didn't sign up to the deal.

CERN scientists discover elusive “Obama particle” which destroys economies on contact (satire)

In a stunning breakthrough that’s sure to result in dozens of Nobel Prizes being awarded to somebody, scientists at the CERN Large Hadron Collider have discovered the elusive “Obama particle” by slamming the U.S. economy into a brick wall at 99.999% of the speed of a derivatives flash crash.
The collision produced an elaborate pattern of joblessness and wealth destruction which was captured and mapped by CERN scientists to create a statistical detection model that pinpointed the elusive Obama particle’s role in destroying everything it touches.
“We believe this Obama particle may be the fundamental destructive force behind anti-matter and dark matter all at once,” said one scientist who asked not to be named. “It seems to be capable of destroying everything it encounters.”
After their discovery, Obama particles were found buried under the government parliament building in Greece, where they are now believed to have contributed to the disappearance of Greek wealth into a parallel dimension. Obama particles have also been spotted at Goldman Sachs, IRS offices and even hiding in the ear canals of CNBC’s stock picking jester Jim Cramer, who seems especially skilled at destroying wealth with a degree of consistency that defies sheer randomness.
The search for the Obama particle is based on the fundamental laws of the universe which state that as the velocity of money approaches the speed of a fast-talking White House spokesperson, that money gains mass and gets heavier, causing it to fall out of the bottom of the Large Hadron Collider where it is collected by unpaid “science interns” holding out empty EBT cards. After those EBT cards are “recharged” with heavy money isotopes, they are redistributed to Obama supporters who use them to buy Tide laundry detergent, Oreo cookies and street meth, all of which are now available at your local Wal-Mart. (For the meth, you have to visit the Wal-Mart restroom.)
The Federal Reserve is reportedly very excited to get its hands on the elusive Obama particle in order to accelerate its economic destruction initiatives. “Until now, we’ve had to destroy the economy the old fashioned way by printing money,” said Janet Yellen. “Now, with the Obama particle, we can accomplish this without even trying!”
The most fascinating finding of the Obama particle, according to CERN scientists, is that at high enough energy levels, the particles coalesce to open a gateway to a dimension of evil-possessed demons, transporting them into our world to serve as California Senators.
It is not yet known how to send those demons back to their own world, but the search is on for another elusive particle called the “Rand Paul particle” which is believed might be able to halt the destruction of the Obama particle.
Unfortunately, all such particles may be rendered irrelevant by something far more ominous. It’s an underlying element of the universe that’s so destructive, scientists nicknamed it the “anti-God element” while warning that it should never be allowed to come into existence lest it destroy our entire world in an instant. The technical name for this anti-God element is the “Hillary Clinton particle” and echoes of it have been detected in Benghazi, Obamacare web servers and even on the body of the late Vince Foster. The Hillary Clinton particle can also reportedly invade email servers and wipe them clean… especially if such email servers contain evidence of treasonous criminal activity.
The ongoing search for the Hillary Clinton particle is being funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which hopes to incorporate the particles into infertility injections that cause lifelong infertility among the general public in order to “save the planet” from cow farts. Meanwhile, the global elite are being treated with cutting-edge longevity breakthroughs so they can live forever, ruling the dead planet they have systematically destroyed.
Go science!

Why I Am a Card-Carrying Conspiracy Theorist

Why I Am a Card-Carrying Conspiracy Theorist
by Mary W Maxwell, PhD, LLB
I believe there is a World Government in place. To say that it is “hidden” does not make it woo-woo or silly. Any world government worth its salt would have to come about secretly. Deceit is one of the strongest weapons in our species. Knowledge is also a weapon, and the takeover artists had great knowledge as to how human nature works.
Amazing details as to how a few men accomplished such a feat can be found in the lecture that Richard Day, MD, gave to medical students and physicians in 1969. Dr Day worked for Planned Parenthood and his boss, therefore, was Rockefeller. Day was allowed to leak much information, perhaps as a trial balloon.
On that occasion, no member of the audience expressed objection to the “plans” that were revealed. Later, however, in 1988, Lawrence Dunegan, MD, went public with his complaints. I am going to go over a bit of this material again, as a new element has arisen. Namely, as from March 15, 2015, the government of France is proposing to criminalize the discussion of conspiracy theory.
It should indeed be necessary for the members of World Government to outlaw discussion of their doings, as their doings are, in part, criminal and they wish to avoid jail!
I hereby declare myself a conspiracy theorist, specifically calling attention to the crimes of the conspirators. If that means I get thrown into the klink, so be it. (By the way, judicial activist Bill Windsor has been incarcerated again, with bail set at $4.1 million. What does that tell you?)
Treasures from Dunegan’s Report of Dr Day’s Talk
Below are some of the predictions made in 1969 by Richard Day, MD. It seems obvious that an effective way to get control of society is to go against the sources of power -- family, dignity, and belonging to a group -- that folks otherwise possess. I’ll quote only ten of Day’s predictions. Rather than choosing the most sensational ones, I’ll go for ones of a homely, personal type.
1. He predicted that the entry to the grounds of hospitals would require an ID card (I assume this was to get the public used to having IDs at all places of employment) and that in order to start this move, “Thefts of hospital equipment would be allowed.” In other words, the guys who do all the behind-the-scenes stuff would steal things to make the public realize THAT PEOPLE STEAL THINGS. Gotta teach us what naughty folks do! (Later, I note, we’d need to be protected against people such as hijackers. This would require being frisked, emptying our luggage, and eventually trying out as nude models.)
2. Dr Day said that “More men will be transferred to other cities, and in their jobs more men would travel. Therefore it would be harder for families to stay together.” In other words, THE POWERFUL WILL SEE TO IT THAT THE MAIN SOURCE OF STRENGTH PEOPLE HAVE, THE FAMILY, WILL BE WEAKENED.
3. Regarding his own profession, Dr Day said “The solo practitioner would become a thing of the past.” I read this as: YOU CITIZENS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO BUILD UP A TRUSTING RELATIONSHIP WITH YOUR PHYSICIAN. YOU WILL BE ‘ON YOUR OWN.’ At the same time he leaked the fact that “new diseases would appear that would be very difficult to diagnose and untreatable – at least for a long time.” So YOU WILL NEVER KNOW WHERE YOU STAND, REGARDING HEALTH. (Ahem. How was he able to imagine disease that had not yet shown up?)
4. Dr Day said “Clothing would be more stimulating and provocative. Bras would be thinner and softer.” Read: Manufacturers will be guided to make sexually-liberalized clothes TO ENCOURAGE PROMISCUITY, THUS CURTAILING a main promoter of the pair-bond, namely INTIMATE knowledge ONLY OF ONE’S SPOUSE’S BODY.
5. He predicted that “Population shifts would be brought about.” So we would have “PEOPLE WITHOUT ROOTS IN THEIR NEW LOCATIONS.” And why? He said “Traditions are easier to change in a place where there are a lot of transplanted people.”
Note: thus far we see our hidden overlords deciding to help us do away with privacy, family structure, health security, the love bond, and tradition. Really, they are out to alter human nature. You’ve got to give the Rockefellers (or their advisers) a lot of credit for figuring out how our emotions and instincts normally guide our decisions.
7. “PEOLE WOULD BE MORE AND MORE USED TO THE IDEA OF RELINQUISHING SOME NATIONAL SOVEREIGNTY.” (That was said in 1969 when nobody in the US was talking about such a thing, much less did we know the word ‘soccer.’)
8. Big leak here: “We can or soon will be able to control the weather. You can make drought during the growing season SO THAT NOTHING WILL GROW.” (A pretty counterintuitive advance in technology, eh?)
9. “Implants would lend themselves to surveillance by providing radio signals. THIS COULD BE UNDER THE SKIN OR A DENTAL IMPLANT.” (In fact some employers now require that one’s ‘ID card’ be inside the body, and it’s being encouraged for pets, and for old folks who might wander.)
10. “Some books will disappear from libraries…. Further down the line NOT EVERYBODY WILL BE ALLOWED TO OWN BOOKS.” Well, son of a gun.
Are the ten foregoing items conspiratorial? Absolutely.
I hold that Dr Day knew of things that were being conspired about, and the proof of the pudding is that they have come to pass.
Evolutionary Biology
My writing career started in 1981 with the publication, in the Melbourne Age, of my review of "Genes Mind, and Culture," by Charles Lumsden and EO Wilson. I see human behavior through Darwinian eyes. There is no question that we are a predator species when it comes to killing other animals, but we also prey on fellow humans. We do it left, right, and center. Absolutely everyone does it. The Ten Commandments urge us not to, because we do so.
Kin altruism provides that we are not too grabby when it comes to the possessions of our close relatives. Indeed, we are inclined to make sacrifices for parents, siblings, and especially our offspring. But the human individual is, like other mammals, self contained and selfish. We have to look out for Number One in a competitive situation.
We are biologically equipped with ways to control others in ways that favor us. We may do it by emotionally manipulating them, or offering them promises. Our talent for deceit is a particularly useful thing for controlling others. (See Randolph Nesse, MD, on our marvelous capacity for self-deceit.)
Why People Resist the Revelations of Conspiracy
In general, it’s considered an embarrassment to subscribe to the main conspiracy theories of today. When JFK was killed in 1963, people did scoff at the Warren Commission’s findings that Oswald was a lone nutter. Yet hardly anyone would state outright that the assassination must have had huge help from high-level people.
Today the 9-11 conspiracy theory, often rendered as “9-11 was an Inside Job,” is seriously countenanced by a fair percentage of the American population. Still, there is quite a willingness to ridicule those who proclaim it.
I suppose it is natural for people to hold back on criticism of their leaders. To honor one’s group leader is biologically provided for, just as is the honoring of one’s parents. You feel terrible if you express any disloyalty.
Also, we all have an instinct to think our group is always right, and to have little regard for the rights of foreigners.
Yet the attacks of 9-11 are harmful to the domestic group. Why are people so reluctant to face up to it? Don’t we expect our parents, teachers, clergymen, doctors – anybody we trust – to take a stand when an evil deed has been committed?
Many Americans are in denial over 9-11 because it would be unbearable to admit that the US government was responsible for attacking the World Trade Center. So they shut their mind to it. Denial is a very strong psychological strategy. (I know I do it myself, over other issues.) It is probably the main reason for the anti-conspiracy position.
All Rather Self-Defeating
Today’s news, as mentioned above, is that France now views skeptics as criminals. This is very worrying. It implies that the Big Bosses (I take such decisions to have been made globally) feel they have sufficiently conquered the educated population! Oh-oh.
They assume we will accept this new regime in which critical thinking is taboo. Will we? I would not bet ten bucks on it -- either way. So far I see very little protest, none from legislators! If it’s true that the public will capitulate to these horrific laws, this will basically cancel the political gains of three centuries, starting with, say, John Locke’s 1689 "Two Treatises of Government."
If so, our biologically-grounded habits will have turned out to be our undoing. We will have said:
“Sure, powerful, ruthless types, do as you wish. We are averse to being confrontational with you. Go on, take our liberties. Oh, you want our money too? Hmm. That’s not so nice. Oh, you want our health? Gee, I didn’t know that was included. Hey wait a minute. You say you have the droit de seigneur? Crikey, I think you guys are going a bit too far.”
The Homely Examples
In an effort to persuade anyone who is on the fence about conspiracy theory, I ask them to look again at Dr Day’s 1969 predictions. Over the years, Dr Dunegan occasionally ran into persons who had been at the dinner, but they alleged no memory of the startling remarks. (Further evidence of the human mechanism of denial?)
To be fair, though, those doctors did not know that the predictions would come true! We have the great advantage of realizing that they did come true. This surely constitutes proof:
1. That somebody up there does make plans like that for the whole society.
2. That they’re able to direct the carrying out of such ideas, via business, government, schools, and media.
3. That, even though the predictions are 46 years old, the bits and pieces are still in the works, and the parts that have not yet happened are likely to happen.
Criminality: Can We Indict?
Call me old-fashioned but I think the solution to dealing with these characters is to recognize that their “grandiose plans” contain much that is against the law. We’re talking jailable offenses, and in one case a hanging offense. All it takes is a rap sheet.
Let’s analyze only the ten items shown earlier (Dr Day provided more than a hundred), viz.: 1. Stealing stuff from hospitals; 2. Men to travel in their jobs; 3. Solo GPs out, and new diseases in; 4. Bras to be softer; 5. People to move to new locales; 6. Soccer to be promoted; 7 Some national sovereignty to be relinquished; 8. Weather control; 9. Implants with radio control; 10. Books banned.
For starters, let’s scratch off the list some non-criminal items: Men to travel; Bras softer; Move to new locales; and Soccer to be promoted. We can also omit “GP’s out,” but leave half of that item: “new diseases” in. That leaves six of the ten for us to consider.
One of these is Theft from hospitals, but I suggest we ignore it as trivial. I’ll also omit Implants, as they would perhaps be done “consensually” and hence not criminally. And though I love Books, I don’t see criminality in banning them (in terms of today’s criminal law).
What we are left with are three major criminal offenses, so blithely proposed by Dr Day. Namely: inventing new diseases, and causing drought, both of which are forms of murder, and relinquishing national sovereignty, which may be an act of treason.
I have been working for years to tell people about these crimes. (My 2011 book is entitled: Prosecution for Treason; Epidemics, Weather Wars, Mind Control and the Surrender of Sovereignty.) So far I have constantly run up against the barrier of disbelief. But I didn’t use the clues given in Dr Day’s speech as evidence of World Government’s blatant criminality. I will do that here. Please listen up.
Diseases and Drought – Great Woes of Mankind
New diseases. Oh, come on, anyone can see that this is a crime. I think we should categorize it as the crime of murder, as murder has no statute of limitations. Many of the ‘new diseases,” not least AIDS, caused many deaths. The persons responsible need to be punished as murderers. That’s elementary, isn’t it, my dear Watson?
The other crime is weather control. When one mentions rain-making or temperature changing (both of which are massively being done today, as far as I can figure), one gets the retort “It is done for beneficial purposes.” OK, but that’s not true of drought-making. According to Dr Dunegan, Dr Day said “You can make drought during the growing season so that nothing will grow.”
Day’s remark was made in the context of food control, allegedly intended to get people to practice population control. He said “Food supply is to be brought under centralized control so that people would not have enough to support any fugitives from the new system.” Wow, we are talking life-and-death control here.
Who do these jerks think they are, anyway?
By the way, the US Constitution Article III, section 3, calls it treason if you “levy war” against the United States.
The punishment is death.
The Australian Criminal Code (Part 5.1, Division 80.1) provides a punishment of life imprisonment for any
person who “levies war, or does any act preparatory to levying war, against the Commonwealth.”
We could easily charge with treason those who levy war by drought-making or invention of new diseases. (I think the murder charge is easier, yet it might be wise to take the treason concept out of mothballs.)
Don’t you want, in your heart of hearts, to stop these things? Wouldn’t yours be a better world without strange new diseases and the use of weather control to produce hurricanes, tornados, and earthquakes at the drop of a hat?
Well, then, you have to think law. And don’t wait for the judicial system to get onto it, cause they ain’t gonna. (By the way, lotsa folks are committing the felony of obstruction of justice, in regard to the foregoing crimes.)
Better watch out if you’re one of them.
A Word about National Sovereignty
In the foregoing, I mentioned a major definition of treason found in US and Australian law: levying war against the people. In my book, Prosecution for Treason, I rehearse an expanded jurisprudence. I think the throwing over of the Constitution, the major protection of America, is a crime of treason.
I find it easy to identify treason in a Congressman. He commits this crime (no joke) any time he passes a law that delivers his legislative power to a party outside his hands, be it the Executive, the UN, or a “trade treaty.”
There’s also the attempt on the part of World Government to take away every nation’s government.
For example, the various nations of Europe – Spain, Germany, Italy, etc, -- gave up their autonomy by joining the European Union.
If the US or Oz follows suit, as it does to some extent in treaties (such as NAFTA or the Lima Declaration), is that a crime of treason? Personally I don’t think it can be a crime, except when committed by those who are supposed to guard us, namely our elected representatives and any officials they appoint.
If the Rockefellers go about undermining national sovereignty by corrupting our governments, I blame the members of government, not the Rockefellers. (And if they only “recommend” a yielding of national sovereignty, that is their First-Amendment right to free speech.)
Still, if you are keen on indicting the Rockefellers for treason, you can do so, as I said, under the clause about levying war (via the invention of new diseases and/or drought-making). Note: In the US, treason is a hanging offense.
By the way, some really fascinating things could come out at a properly conducted trial. Perhaps even some things favorable to, or exculpatory of, the Rockefellers. You never know....
Here is a video by Dr Stan Montieth with ideas about the Invention of diseases: 

Mary W Maxwell can be reached at Her 2013 book, Consider the Lilies, delves into some of the “new diseases” predicted by Dr Day. She writes regularly for Her recent article on the Port Arthur massacre is linked below. There may be some treason in that judicial episode, too!

Gog, Google, Gold and the Goddess: How Illuminati Trademarks Blaspheme the LORD God of the Bible

by Jeremy James
The sociopaths who control the United States, and who are in the process of igniting World War III, are incredibly arrogant. While hiding their intentions and even their existence
as much as possible, they are prone on occasion to put their ‘signature’ on their best work. They especially like to honor the ‘god’ of their false religion and to have the masses unwittingly bow down before him.
For example, as many commentators have already noted, some of the principal dates in the Christian calendar are actually pagan feast days MUCH MORE+MEANING OF BARACK OBAMA

Russell Brand (Useful Idiot) anti establishment "revolutionary" who Supports Money Power Globalism

Clarkson, Brand And Useful Idiots
The imbecilic man child Russell Brand has made a video trying to explain what is happening with the Clarkson ''fracas''. According to Brand, affecting a tedious Australian accent for some reason, Clarkson is a throw back to a time before multiculturalism and tolerance which still carries a huge amount of appeal. Clarkson, says Brand, is responsible for Nigel Farage and the rise of UKIP, it's all part of a backlash to ''Political Correctness gone mad!'' and an out of date world view of individualism and pride in one's country.
The problem with Brand is simple, everything he says is unmitigated garbage.
In Brand's view Political Correctness is not a method of thought control at all, it is some sort of natural progression of the human spirit which has just magically and wonderfully appeared out of nowhere. Brand takes it for granted that we are ''diverse'' and that we can ''learn from other cultures around us''. Thus men such as Farage or Clarkson are nothing but crusty old relics dreaming of yesteryear belonging to a world which, according to Brand is '' self assured white man, the kind of version of Britain that is beginning to fade as we become more tolerant'. Brand of course likes to think of himself as a revolutionary fighting the system, yet what he has to say is almost identical to what the Chairman of Goldman Sachs has said:
''"It's impossible to consider that the degree of homogeneity which is implied by the other argument can survive because states have to become more open states, in terms of the people who inhabit them. Just as the United Kingdom has demonstrated."
Peter Sutherland, former chairman of Goldman Sachs.
''We must learn to be more understanding of people's needs as our country becomes more diverse, and that emerges as part of our cultural narrative of who we are''
Russell Brand, Anti Establishment hero.
Peter Sutherland is speaking from a Globalist perspective of creating a gigantic consumerist slave farm for profit. Russell Brand is a supposed anti establishment ''revolutionary'' who just so happens to believe in, and agree with, everything the money power has to say.Goldman Sachs is the enemy of Brand yet he completely agrees with their Globalism, how strange...this, of course, is why he isn't locked up with Golden Dawn or slandered like Farage or sued like Le Pen.
So, the fact that men such as Clarkson and Farage are sidelined is not just because ''humanity'' has left them behind it is because the powers Brand claims to oppose are phasing them, and all other white men, out!.
But we can't expect Brand to address that, it would be painful admitting everything you have ever thought and said is childish rubbish. Russell will continue to ''Rage For The Machine''. Read More

ISA_Obama Was Hand-Picked & NOT a Natural Born Citizen - Congress Knew It & Protected Him_circa2015 ~Ambassador Lee Emil Wanta