Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Baby-busters, the New Underclass

Baby-busters, the New Underclass

When the great ongoing recession of 2007 occurred suddenly and almost from nowhere, Baby-boomers were bushwhacked, and many were transformed into a new Underclass, now best described as Baby-busters.

by  Preston James and Mike Harris


As America passed into the 21st century, baby-boomers were on top of the World, most able to live well and enjoy the many fruits of their lifetime of hard work.
Great opportunities for good educations and jobs after WW2 and shared the ability to acquire and accrue wealth propelled many to become the epitome of the upper middle class in America.
Most Baby-boomers became able to acquire nice homes and even had the money to buy new cars every several years if they desired. Most had built up considerable bank savings and retirement accounts that were paying good interest rates even surpassing the always continuing but then muted effects of inflation.

It is not an exaggeration to conclude that most Baby-boomers were able to thus attain the true “American Dream” in almost every way imaginable.
Many were even able to afford second vacation homes and regular vacations, some able to travel to exotic foreign locations via various expensive tour packages. Most of those who were already retired before the massive economic reset occurred in late 2007, were living very comfortable lives with plenty of retirement earnings to spend on consumer goods and great hope for the future. Many set well thought out will and planned to leave substantial estates to their children.
Of course along the way some lost their economic prowess and standing through the various plagues of modern man, the massive legal costs of an unexpected divorce, or the rare but still significant devastation of a runaway alcohol or drug addiction, or unexpected health problems and serious illnesses. But in general when the major economic set occurred back in 2007 (also known as the Great Recession or as some now call it the muted depression), Baby-boomers were living “the good life” and were seemingly quite economically secure with large savings, large retirement accounts and large dividends and interest payments provided.
But then when the housing bubble began to burst in 2007 as it was engineered to do by criminal acts of financial fraud by the real but secret owners and controllers of the private Federal Reserve System and their lackeys and cutouts, Baby-boomers found themselves in a situation where their assets accrued through a lifetime of hard work and saving began to suddenly and progressively shrink and even disappear forever.

This economic setback for the Baby-boomers was so severe that in many cases it began to transform them into what is best described by use of the new term “Baby-busters”, a term coined by Veterans Today’s own Mike Harris who will probably be having a lot to say on this subject during the month of October on his VT Radio Program, “The Short End of the Stick”.
Yes, as many of these well-off Baby-boomers who were beneficiaries of post WW2 prosperity became devastated by the recession beginning in 2007 that truly blindsided them. Thus increasing numbers of these Baby-boomers became “busted” financially, a term signifying major economic/financial setback and loss. Thus the use of the term Baby-busters to describe this unexpected reversal of fortune and extreme downward mobility of this formerly quite successful group of hard working Americans.
The term Baby-boomer was coined by economists after WW2 to describe the huge population increase (boom) after WW2 when victorious American Soldiers came home and after a tough start, shared in what was to become regarded as the Golden Age of America.

Many Baby-boomers became unemployed, unemployable and lost most or all of their assets after 2007.

During Congressional hearings about their claimed “much needed bailout” they were strongly recommending lest we sink to Martial Law overnight, these Banksters didn’t seem to be too concerned about the losses being imposed on the American taxpayer by their proposed Bailout. In fact they had a good laugh over all of it. These men seem to have taken kinky pleasure in watching the American economic system sink financially, bringing loss and ruin to so many good Americans.

Since 2007, many Baby-boomers who were at the peak of well paying professional careers, some CEO’s of major companies, experienced engineers or highly educated professionals with advanced degrees, suddenly found themselves unemployed as their companies either shrunk, were bought by foreigners or even went out of business forever.
Many of these hard working top professionals became suddenly unemployed and completely unemployable since there were few employers left would hire folks they considered so overqualified.
How tragic it is for these folks who worked hard all their lives, and saved and scrimped in the early years to be so blatantly asset stripped of all their assets. Certainly this is rally not much different than being held up by an armed robber. Sad when the USG serves as the Bankster’s hired enforcer but that’s the way it will remain until the masses rise up and stop this experienced kinky enjoyment
An epidemic of poverty and desperate measures to survive became a new way of life for many of these formerly top achieving, formerly highly successful Baby-boomers, now best described as Baby-busters hanging on for dear life.
Here is how the mega Wall Street banks fleece the American public. This video can be found on Jonas Alexis’s excellent new Veterans Today article here.

Why the new label baby-buster?
Why this new label Baby-buster? Because they are busted financially with little hope of any recovery since the American economy just seems to continue worsening. What else could we expect with all the so-called “Free Trade” Agreements have exported almost every single good job opportunities out of America.
And for those Baby-boomers who have been able to survive this serious recession unscathed with their incomes intact or their business still thriving, do not think that this dire economic situation will not eventually significantly erode your income and wealth unless drastic action is now taken to reverse it.
Many baby-boomers who have become baby-busters are spending down any principals left just to survive since Social Security doesn’t go very far, thanks to the continuing debasement of the US Dollar’s value caused by the illegal, unConstitutional Federal Reserve System which is neither Federal or a Reserve. It is a private corporation like its collection agency the IRS and no more Federal or governmental than Federal Express, the large highly successful private shipping company.
The after effects of all these massive so-called Free-Trade Agreements have doomed America to third World economic and social status unless they are completely cancelled and replaced with a Fair Trade System designed to create an upsurge of new American heavy manufacturing and a great reduction in foreign imports of everything.

It’s almost impossible to earn any real income greater than inflation with investments right now.


Consider this dire fact of current American life. Savings accounts and CDs pay less than 1% interest in most cases, far less than the inflation rate which is likely at 7-9% per year or even more based on the increases in prices at the grocery store and other retail stores. What this means in practical terms is that few retirees can live of of their hard earned frugally saved for many years investments and savings accounts and CD’s. Their only solution to survive now in many cases is to spend down their principals, soon to leave them destitute, homeless and in dire straits.
Many retirees have already gone back to work with minimum wage part-time jobs despite their age and health issues, thus depriving younger aged folks of much needed jobs. there just aren’t a lot of new good paying job openings thanks to the so-called free trade Agreements which have exported so many jobs out of America.
And despite the coming collapse and end of the US Petro Dollar as the World’s reserve Currency, the Banksters infamous Plunge Protection team just keeps propping up the Stock Market and thus postpones the ultimate crash it must eventually face as the US Petro Dollar becomes rejected by most of the World.
Most Baby-busters that have crashed financially and lost their good jobs or retirement income usually just go away in quiet desperation. The CMMM ignores them and most others want to avoid hearing such disparaging stories and prefer to stay in a Mind-kontrolled state of near complete denial.
Anyone who is completely honest about what is really going on with this unabated serious recession that many are starting to call a depression, it seems certain that the American economy is never going to improve until the systemic corruption and rampant evil of the private Federal Reserve System is routed out. This will only happen when America returns to an honest, real money backed by Gold and Silver that is owned and run by Americans not some foreign group of Luciferian Banksters who want to asset strip hard working Americans and then destroy America when little is left to steal anymore. And the saddest part of all this is their continued humor and mocking of their American victims while they commit these crimes against We The People.
It certainly looks like America is now on a complete death spiral economically thanks to the FRS criminal Fraud and their “manipulated” Free Trade Agreements. Obviously at least 90% of all sitting members of the US Congress must be removed from office or un-elected, preferably indicted, impeached and prosecuted for signing the secret Treasonous AIPAC Oath to be loyal to Israel first even before America. This is about the clearest evidence for willful Traeson against America one could ever imagine.

Most current Generation X’ers are economically screwed right out of the starting gate.
But now it is becoming more evident as everyday passes that the new Generation X’ers are going to share in the same economic/financial devastation that has asset stripped the Baby-boomers so deeply. Approximately 40% of new College graduates cannot find a job based on their degree, and estimates are that 28% are now living back home with their parents, unable to afford their own place to live.
Most new college grads are coming out with massive college loans that will doom many if not most to a life of debt-slavery to the Banksters. With little chance of ever getting a good paying job, most will live at a poverty or near poverty level just getting by as they struggle to keep making their college loan payments on time. Right now over 30% are reported to be in default.

Anyone who studies the massive increases in college tuition costs will find that the loan programs were set up and engineered as part of a massive plot to entrap students in a lifetime of debt-slavery to the Banksters, the same way that the massive fraud based MERS mortgage bubble/bustout was engineered. It is obvious that the Banksters love to enslave the masses into life long debt-slavery, but to enslave the young folks as early as possible.
The public university systems are significantly funded by the State and Federal Governments, receiving massive government grants. In exchange for all this money the government entities expect complete adherence to their Big Lies, false-narratives and propaganda. That’s why you will find no real academic freedom on any campus, no matter what is claimed. If any top University officials ever allowed any real academic freedom these well paid and connected puppets would be immediately forced out, black-listed, and the vast government contracts provided to the university would be cancelled.
Those University Professors who discuss controversial subjects even on the outside of the University only are typically fired from their jobs and find it impossible to get any court to defend their rights under law. Doubt this? Then just consider that this is exactly what happened to Veterans Today’s own Dr. Kevin Barrett, a well known columnist at VT and radio host who is highly respected. He has recently edited a very well done quite popular Book, We Are Not Charlie Hebdo.

Hank Paulson 

As the recession beginning in 2007 occurred (unexpected by the American Masses) and then progressed to unimaginable levels, many Baby-boomers ended up losing 40% of their assets or more. Some who had remortgaged their homes to reinvest in stocks or bought other homes for investments and mortgaged them too at the “advice” of self-serving professional investment advisers lost both. And yet the Banksters that set this up and criminally bilked the federally insured mortgage programs not only received two massive bailouts from two different Presidents (both Bush2 and Obama), they completely averted being prosecuted, convicted and jailed for massive financial fraud and money structuring.
This massive RICO Financial Fraud could have all been prosecuted as RICO crime and also as numerous major felonies, but because the US Department of Justice was completely compromised, bribed and controlled, no one was ever brought to justice.
And secretary of the Treasury Henry Paulson had the hubris to blackmail the US Congress on behalf of the Banksters he represented by threatening that Martial Law would be imposed in the streets of America if the massive bailouts were not immediately made to the Banksters.


So not only did the Banksters skate free and avoid life imprisonment for their serious multiple RICO felonies, all their losses from international money structuring and careless foreign financial gambling using the American depositors funds were reimbursed by extracting the funds from the American Taxpayers.
Thus the US Congress was blackmailed by the use of terroristic threats against America of imposition of complete breakdown and Martial law.
What less could be expected from Banksters who are Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (RKM) and who run the Israeli as well as the American International War and Terror machine. Remember, these are the same folks that set up Homeland Security (DHS) in America as their own private internal Police State Army and Security Force and are the same folks responsible for the aggressive “shoot-first ask questions later” training most large American police departments.
They are also the same folks that set up the FBI and many of the alphabets and the illegal, unConstitutional TSA which violates the Constitutional rights of Americans on a daily basis and has been stripping their DNA with cancer-causing, unlicensed Xray machines. Cancer clusters have already shown up in TSA employees because these Xray machines have no real shielding and operators or agents standing nearby do not wear Xray dosage badges.


Not only has the private Federal Reserve System never been audited by an official USG Agency, none of its secret internal records or communications and investments with foreign central banks have been shared with the US Congress. In fact the Federal Reserve System is so secretive that the American People nor even Members of Congress even know who actually owns it or really controls it.
The facts about who actually owns the Federal Reserve System have been leaked by insiders and we now know that this privately owned “for profit” central psuedo Bank called the Federal Reserve System which is neither really a Bank or a Reserve is actually foreign owned by the RKM Banksters from the City of London who are connected to the Old Black European Nobility and who are also connected to the Swiss Bankers and the German Banksters, folks called “the World Money-changers” by insiders.
Some insiders have reported that the RKM City of London Banksters who run the Federal Reserve System (FRS) and the private FIAT central banking scam all over much of the World actually report to the German and Austrian Money-changers who are believed to come from the true bloodline families aka the Old Black European Nobility, the folks that are believed to have infiltrated the Vatican and run the Jesuits too.
Not only has the great recession of 2007-2008 not been reversed but the overall economic situation of America is continuing to degrade as the full effects of all the unConstitutional, Treasonous so-called Free Trade Agreements take their final toll on American jobs.

The Federal Reserve System have taken strong actions to mask the effects of this ongoing major recession (perhaps best described as a serious but “masked” depression). They have printed and issued increasing amounts of FIAT US Dollars un-backed by anything real such as Gold, Silver as required by the US Constitution, and placed  them into circulation. They call this desperate issuing of vast sums of US Dollars, Quantitative Easing which is a phenomena not well understood by the American Public or even Members of Congress.
Many economists have now claimed that this mass issuing of new US Dollars will only be a temporary fix and will in the long run debase the US Dollars and set off massive inflation. Some believe that these Quantitative Easings will eventually collapse the whole American economic system

Quotation of American Founding Father Thomas Jefferson. Numerous RKM Zio linked sockpuppet stooges are now claiming Jefferson never stated this. Gee, I wonder why they would all  be surfacing lately? Could it be related to the fact that much of the World is now building firewalls against the hegemony of the US Petro Dollar?

Where the money actually goes in shrouded in Bankster secrecy but is believed by alternative media experts to be part of a  long term plan to completely debase the American Dollar. Certainly that is the long term effects of what has occurred as the Federal reserve System continued to create money from nothing, provide it to Congress and direct to secret beneficiaries, all the while charging illegal, unConstitutional interest to the American taxpayer to use these FDR issued Federal Reserve Notes which constitute most of our money minus coinage.
This Federal Reserve System (FRS) run by the foreign City of London Banksters has resulted in the continuing reduction of the actual value of the US Dollar by 99.12%, making it now only worth o.78% of its value in 1913.
This is less than 1% of what is was worth when the Federal Reserve Act was illegally and unConstitutionally passed by a compromised, bribed, and blackmailed Congress.
After a crooked Congress passed the Federal Reserve Act, it was then signed into law by a completely compromised and manipulated US President. Right now the value of what a penny was worth in 1913 then the Federal Reserve System (FRS) came into being would buy a dollar’s worth of goods at today’s prices. this phenomena is called by economists as debasement of a currency and always results in the destruction of any nation that allows it.
The charter of the Federal Reserve System (FRS) states their purpose is to preserve the US Dollar. They have failed miserably in preserving its full initial value, being responsible for a continuing steady system of devaluation through excessive issuing of dollars, resulting in inflation of all US prices. What they have been able to due is manipulate the US Congress and two US Presidents to give them more money fro nothing with zero accountability for their malfeasance that created the Recession in the first place. And they have been able to use this vast amount of money (over two Trillion Dollars) to prop up the Rothschild Central banking System in many foreign nations, not just America, thus protecting the fraudulent investments of the City of London Banksters.
Many economic experts believe that the FRS has issued and printed so many US Dollars that when the gets tired of buying this massive US debt and dumps the US debt they hold in mass (which has already started) the US Dollar will collapse and transform America into a Third World nation like Mexico.
This crooked private FRS private corporation (faux-bank) has provided the US Congress with an elastic checkbook, allowing them to spend all they want and dare to just added to the phony total debt owed to the Federal Reserve System. This results of course in the USG forcing the American taxpayers to illegally and unConstitutionally pay it all back with interest to the FRS. Like the counterfeit phony debt-notes it issues and has manipulated Congress to illegal force Americans to use a legal tender, the FRS itself is phony, it is neither a real bank or a monetary reserve at all.
Now ponder the actual effects of the USG illegally and unConstitutionally requiring the US Taxpayer to pay interest of this phony so-called “national debt” to the Federal Reserve System Banksters with full interest and principal payments. These illegal unConstitutional payments on this phony so-called “national debt” has raised most American prices 38-40% for nothing but severe RICO criminal financial fraud on all Americans.
So the next time you go to the grocery store, imagine how nice it would be if the Federal Reserve System was cancelled and the Banksters fully prosecuted, convicted and jailed under RICO for all their major felonies and all their assets, including personally gained assets were “clawed back” and returned to all Americans. You would then be paying 38040% less for your groceries as well as everything else.

Of course just shutting down the Federal Reserve System (FRS) would not be enough. A new American Bank would have to be set up as a real bank owned by all Americans and one that would issue real money backed by Gold and Silver and perhaps commodities with that issued money placed in circulation without charging any interest for its use.
But that would be just a start. Without cancelling all the illegal, unConstitutional so-called Free trade deal and replacing them with protective Tariffs and a new fair trade deal designed to evoke new American heavy manufacturing and plenty of new good job opportunities, the true source of the lack of good jobs in America would not be resolved.

Our Founding Fathers warned about the dangers of the City of London Corporations and only allowed them to be licensed for one years at a time and watched them closely. they did not provide them with the legal rights of person-hood such that has happened after Washington DC was illegally and unConstitutionally incorporated in 1871 as the United States of America, Inc. After this the British BAR system was brought in and became the franchiser and licensor of American Attorneys and also brought in UCC law, often referred to as the Law of the Seas, or Maritime or Merchant law.

In order to transform Baby-busters back into their rightful place as Baby-boomers and to really fix what has caused the demise of Middle Class America and the American Dream, we must shut down the Federal Reserve System (FRS) and claw back every asset, corporate and personally gained through this massive RICO Crime Syndicate.
We must then dis-incorporate DC, cancel the BAR, stop providing corporations the rights of person-hood, cancel or modify the UCC, and restore common law courts. All so-called Free Trade Agreements must be immediately cancelled and strong protective tariffs and a modified Fair Trade System must be set up.
We must bring all US Soldiers home, disband all foreign bases and cancel the CIA (aka known as the Bush Crime cabal or the Fourth Reich or DVD in America). This would stop most of the illegal drug trafficking into America, but to stop all of it we would have to seal the US borders and start seriously going after the drug cartels in America, while legalizing Marijuana and treating drug addiction as a medical illness and disability, not a crime unless violent acts have been committed.
We must shut off all illegal immigrants and create a humane means to deal with those already here. Anchor babies must not receive automatic US Citizenship when their parents have been illegals. We must stop using private prisons and must release all non-violent drug offenders.
Any entity flying a gold-fringed flags is announcing publicly that it willingly submits to Maritime, City of London Law, not the Common Law our Founding Fathers set up for us, a situation where anyone could represent themselves in a Common Law Court with no licensing by the City of London Legal System. By the way the US Supreme Court is not the top court of America the Republic. The very top court is the US District Circuit Court of Appeals. The Supreme Court is an illegal unConstitutional construct of the US Congress and has no final legal standing. It is merely a political tool staffed by political appointees.
All gold-fringed US Flags must be removed and regular un-fringed American flags must be substituted.When you see this happening you know that the days of hegemony of the RKM and the City of London private Banksters control over America and much of the World are ending.
As a final note, it is important to realize that this massive an continuing asset stripping of Middle-class America has been custom engineered by the City of London private central FIAT Banksters who specialize in using Babylonian Talmudic Money-Magick, the Black Art of “making money from nothing” by charging pernicious usury for people to use what should have been their own money in the first place, used at no interest.
These folks are believed to be hard core Luciferians and basically hate all humans outside of their “bloodline” group. That is why they have engineered this private Fiat debt-note based faux banking system of extreme asset stripping and debt-slavery which is always accompanied by numerous, illegal, unprovoked, unwinnable, perpetual wars accompanied by mass death in the millions and massive crimes against humanity.
The American Skull and Bones (aka the Russell Trust funded on prior Chinese opium money) is also part of the RKM’s Worldwide Death Cult and one which meets at Yale’s windowless building known as the Tomb” and on their own special island. The RKM is a powerful Worldwide Death Cult that now runs the World and specializes in “the ministering death to humanity supposedly in order to purify and preserve the human race”.
How’s that for a criminally psychotic rationalization for all their self-center psychopathic behaviors that generate mass death and suffering, making them the World largest parasites and death promoters. Thus these “bloodline psychopaths” feel completely justified in massive trafficking of illegal narcotics, inflicting mass-death through war and pestilence and various high tech eugenic programs of soft-kill and hard-kill designed to cull the World’s masses by 90%.
Until the World’s masses rise up and use whatever means necessary to stop these ultimate psychopaths from their parasitical asset stripping and attempts to create Hell on Earth, they will continue to spread poverty, starvation, destitution, misery and mass-death all over the World. Their ultimate goal? Bring in their single World Government NWO by generating Worldwide massive Chaos. This is reflected in their secret Luciferian motto, “Order ab Chaos”, translated as “Order from Chaos”.

 Mike Harris is the Veterans Today Financial Editor, VT radio host,  and was the former GOP Campaign Finance Chairman and gubernatorial candidate for Arizona. He is now a Senior Vice President at Adamus Defense Group, Switzerland.

September 25, 2015: The UN Launched A ‘New Universal Agenda’ For Humanity

September 25, 2015: The UN Launched A ‘New Universal Agenda’ For Humanity


One of the biggest steps toward a one world government that we have ever seen is happening and yet barely anyone is even talking about it.  In fact, it is even being called a “new universal Agenda” for humanity.  Those are not my words – those are the words that the United Nations is using.  If you don’t believe this, just go look at the official document for this new UN agenda.  You won’t have to read very far.  The phrase “new universal Agenda” is right near the end of the preamble.  Officially, the name of this ambitious new program is “the 2030 Agenda“, and it is being hyped as a way to get the whole world to work together to make life better for all of us.  And a lot of the goals of this new agenda are very admirable.  For example, who wouldn’t want to end global poverty?  But as you look deeper into what the UN is trying to do, you find some very disturbing things.
If you didn’t like Agenda 21, then you really are not going to like the 2030 Agenda, because the 2030 Agenda takes things to an entirely new level.  Agenda 21 was primarily focused on climate change and the environment, but the 2030 Agenda goes far beyond that.  As I have noted previously, the 2030 Agenda addresses economics, agriculture, education, gender equality, healthcare and a whole host of other issues.  It has been argued that there are very few forms of human activity that do not fall under the goals of the 2030 Agenda in one way or another.
The UN says that this new Agenda is “voluntary”, and yet virtually every single nation on the entire planet is willingly signing up for it.  In the official document that all of these nations are agreeing to, there are 17 sustainable development goals and 169 very specific sustainable development targets.  You can read them for yourself right here.
As you read what they are planning, ask yourself what level of “global governance” will be required in order to accomplish all of that.
For the elite, the “solutions” to our problems almost always involve more globalization and more centralization.  In a very nice way, this document is suggesting that what we really need to solve humanity’s problems is a New World Order.  Of course to them, a New World Order where everyone works together to bring about “utopia” would be a wonderful thing.
The 2030 Agenda was unveiled at a major conference at the United Nations headquarters in New York from September 25th to September 27th.  The Pope traveled to New York and gave the address which kicked off this conference on the 25th.
Essentially, the Pope is giving his stamp of approval for this insidious new Agenda.  He is probably the most politically powerful religious leader on the entire planet, and so his endorsement is huge.
To give you an idea of how powerful the Pope can be, House Speaker John Boehner could not stop crying while he was addressing Congress.  This Pope seems to have quite a way with words, and there are hundreds of millions of people that follow him with unquestioning faith.
But please do not let the Pope’s endorsement fool you.  The 2030 Agenda is a tool that the elite plan to use to push us toward a one world system.  The following is an extended excerpt from a recent article by author Paul McGuire
This is why the preamble to this new U.N. plan reads “All countries and stakeholders, acting in a collaborative partnership, WILL implement this plan.” Notice that this simple sentence reads as an authoritative command and emphasizes the words “WILL implement this plan.” The United Nations is a de facto global government and does not rule by the “consent of the governed.” The United Nations is a global government to which American politicians of both parties have surrendered our Constitutional rights. If you look at the Republican Presidential debates you see the vast majority of those running are “bought men and women.” They are there to do the bidding of their true masters, the international banking families and their interlocking secret societies. If a candidate has a different set of beliefs than the “Orwellian group think” which constitutes domestic and foreign policy, he is allowed to go only so far.
Who are these powerful elite groups and the secret societies that run them? As we extensively document in our new book, The Babylon Code, co-authored by this author and Troy Anderson, a Pulitzer Prize-nominated investigative journalist, there exists a very real network of semi-secretive and secret groups. Groups like The Council on Foreign Relations, The Trilateral Commission, Royal Institute of International Affairs, United Nations, Club of Rome, The Bilderberg Group, and others control presidents, prime ministers, media networks, politicians, CEO’s, and entire nations. You will almost ever hear any substantive analysis by the media, which is controlled by these groups nor of attempts at holding them accountable by governments around the world.
But when you investigate the nature, organizational structure, financing, and belief systems of the elite who control these groups, you discover overwhelming factual evidence, such as what we provide in The Babylon Code, that these groups are controlled by powerful secret societies with very real occult and Luciferian beliefs. The existence of these secret societies and their multi-generational occult and Luciferian beliefs is concealed from the masses by the people controlling the media, education, politics, art, entertainment, and religion.
The 2030 Agenda is an exceedingly important part of the elite’s program, and I have written several articles about this now, and yet very few others are even talking about it.
When I appeared on a major television show recently, I explained that this was about to happen.  What surprised me was that there were still people in the audience that had never even heard of the 2030 Agenda yet.  This should have been headline news all over alternative news websites, conspiracy websites and Christian websites of all sorts for months.
The elite want a one world government, a one world economic system and a one world religion.
They aren’t going to get there without some major bumps in the road, but this is what we are moving toward.
Sadly, we are all so preoccupied with so many other things that we can’t see that it is starting to happen right in front of our eyes.

Michael T. Snyder is a graduate of the McIntire School of Commerce at the University of Virginia and has a law degree and an LLM from the University of Florida Law School. He is an attorney that has worked for some of the largest and most prominent law firms in Washington D.C. and who now spends his time researching and writing and trying to wake the American people up. You can follow his work on The Economic Collapse blog, End of the American Dream and The Truth Wins. His new novel entitled “The Beginning Of The End” is now available on

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Asteroid on course for pass of Earth TOMORROW Sep 30th

Asteroid that could wipe out LONDON on course for hair-raising pass of Earth TOMORROW


An asteroid big enough to destroy LONDON will make a nerve wrackingly close pass of the Earth TOMORROW

 The asteroid is large enough to destroy a city

Most asteroid passes classed as "near-Earth" by Nasa fly by at millions of miles away, but the space rock 2015 SZ2, due tomorrow, is estimated to be on an orbit of just 309,000 miles - only 1.3 times the distrance from Earth to the Moon (238,000 miles).

Significant asteroids pass Earth every week, and Nasa monitors them at up to 12 million miles away, so this is considered a cosmic close shave.

A rock of 50 metres could destroy all of London out to the M25 boundary, and a space rock of 100  metres long or more could devastate a continent, causing mass destruction and tsunamis.

But the US space agency insists it and all the others WILL pass by safely - for the next few hundred years at least.

The cosmic skim comes straight after wild predictions were made online that a huge space rock would strike Puerto Rico by the end of this month....something that doesn't appear to have  materialized.

Fears became so widespread a rock may be about to strike that Nasa took the unusual move of issuing a statement ruling this out.

The most unsettling pass was a monster 270-metre space rock called 2012 TT5 - one of six "near-earth" flybys between September 22 and TODAY when online doomsday prophets claimed the world could end.

A space rock of 50 metres could destroy London out to the M25 
A space rock of 50 metres could destroy London out to the M25

Nasa gave a running comet on Twitter as it safely passed us on Thursday.
Its Asteroid Watch Twitter account tweeted: "As was previously known & expected, asteroid 2012 TT5 safely passed Earth at (9:40 am BST) by 5 million miles."
This morning it added: "There are no current threats."
Doommongers had predicted the "end of days" due to a range of Bible codes, so-called prophecies, and alledged other predictions.
NASA gives each asteroid a "condition code" from zero to nine of how certain it is about its predicted orbital path.
A zero means there is "good certainty" about it, while nine means it is highly uncertain with numbers in between on a sliding scale.
The cruise-ship-sized rock 2012 TT5 scored six, meaning there was quite high uncertainty about its position, but Nasa appears to have been spot on in the end.

Paul Chodas, of Nasa's Near-Earth Object office at its Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California, said: 
"There is no existing evidence that an asteroid or any other celestial object is on a trajectory that will impact Earth.  In fact, not a single one of the known objects has any credible chance of hitting our planet over the next century."
Nasa has also published a statement on its website reassuring the global public the scare stories are not true. Mr Chodas added: "There is no scientific basis, not one shred of evidence, that an asteroid or any other celestial object will impact Earth on those dates. "If there were any objects large enough to do that type of destruction in September, we would have seen something of it by now."
Nasa DOES track about 13,000 "near-Earth asteroids" but accepts this figure is only about 2% of those out there and it has no idea of the whereabouts to the remaining 98% of them. 
Of the 13,000, around 1,607 are classified as "potentially hazardous" meaning they are big enough and come within a few million miles of Earth - a distance considered a brush past in cosmic terms.

A series of  
A series of "Blood Moons" ending in September has led to doomsday prophecies

The claim appears to have its origins in a self-proclaimed prophet Rev Efraid Rodriguez, who says he wrote to Nasa warning of the strike after receiving a message from God.

He claims he saw a vision of it "entering the airspace of the town of Arecibo in Puerto Rico, striking the sea between the island of Mona and Mayagüez and triggering a magnitude 12 earthquake".

Many "end of world" prophecies have clearly been made before and passed without incident. 

Still, the latest online doomsday prophecies have been read by so many people that NASA was forced to issue a statement, reiterated this week, saying the chances of an impact around that time or within the next few hundred years were next to zero.

So which asteroids were due to pass close to us between September 22 and today, and what were the chances of them posing any danger?

There were SIX so-called "close approaches" of "near Earth" asteroids due to pass within a cosmic fraction of the planet within the doom mongers' seven-day predicted timescale - but they have now all passed safely.

Scientists predict it would take an impact from an asteroid of 1km (0.6miles) in length and upwards to actually kill off most life on the planet.
How big are these six?

Of the six, those due last Tuesday, Sunday, September 27 and today, are estimated as being up to 57, 39 and 31-metres-long respectively.

In June 1908 the Tunguska asteroid exploded in the atmosphere above Siberia and is the most recent major one in world history.

It saw a 50-metre lump of extraterrestrial rock rain down, flattening around 80 million trees, and sending a shock wave across Russia measuring five on the Richter scale.

We found the biggest rocks set to pass were Tuesday and last Thursday, September 24.

In fact, on Tuesday, two asteroids whistled past - one of which was up to 190 metres long - the length of eight train carriages - and another cruise ship-sized space rock of about 280 metres long.

Last Thursday, the whopping 270 metre cruise ship asteroid passed at 5 million miles.

There has never been so much interest in the risk to Earth from asteroids
There has never been so much interest in the risk to Earth from asteroids

How far away are they?

NASA monitors massive asteroids that pass by several million miles from Earth and smaller ones at up to about 7m miles. 

It seems far, but put into context the moon is 238,800 miles from us and our closest planet is Venus at 25m miles away, so the "near Earth asteroids" pass closer to the moon than other planets, and their orbits vary.

The furthest pass of the largest three was last Tuesday when the 280-metre asteroid flew by at a relatively safe 14.7 million miles from us.

Asteroid 2012 TT% Impact Earth on Sept 24 2015?


How certain was Nasa about their approach path?

NASA gives each asteroid a "condition code" from zero to nine of how certain it is about the predicted orbital path it gives.

A zero means there is "good certainty" about it, while nine means it is highly uncertain, with numbers in between on a sliding scale.

Only one of the six scored a zero - fortunately the biggest 280 metres which passed by on Tuesday.

All the others scored from five or higher, meaning Nasa has a mid-way certainty on their orbital path or quite high uncertainty in two cases which scored six and seven respectively.

The most uncertain pass was a 57-metre rock on September 23, which had a condition code of seven - but its estimated 18.5m mile flyby and relative small size gave it much room for manoeuvre and it has now gone.

More concerning was the cruise-ship-sized rock, the closest and second largest object, which passed last Thursday, September 24, which scored six.
Nasa only knows of 2% of asteroids passing  
Nasa only knows of 2% of asteroids passing "close" to the Earth

NASA has two categories within the near-Earth objects, including those which potentially pose a risk.

Rocks are considered a "potentially hazardous asteroid" (PHA) if they are within 4.6m miles of Earth and at least 100 metres across.

NASA says a rock of such size hitting us is "big enough to cause regional devastation to human settlements unprecedented in human history in the case of a land impact, or a major tsunami in the case of an ocean impact."

They added: "Such impact events occur on average around once per 10,000 years."

So the "cruise ship" - known as asteroid 2012 TT5 - is almost three times the size of the smallest PHA, but its 5.1 million miles estimated pass puts it a cosmic cats whisper of 500,000 miles over the PAH zone.

With the level of uncertainty surrounding its orbit, it could theoretically have come within the PAH boundary.

There is also the NASA admission that it only knows the whereabouts of two per cent of the estimated 800,000 plus asteroids circling close to us so, hypothetically, an object we have no knowledge of could be on course right now.

In late 2013, Russia was unfortunate again when a 20-metre long meteor came from nowhere and unexpectedly exploded above Chelyabinsk in Russia, injuring 1,500 people and damaging around 7,000 buildings.

2012 TT5 is due to pass at 5.1million miles just outside the potentially hazardous zone, but Nasa admits to uncertainty over its pathCelestia•ScottSutherland
2012 TT5 is due to pass at 5.1million miles just outside the potentially hazardous zone, but Nasa ad


So should we have worried?   And does that mean modern-day Nostradamuses are wrong?

Nasa was right.  The doommongers were wrong, although a rock of 2012 TT5's size was certainly tracked to ensure it did not deviate from the projected orbit.

Nasa and many scientists still say we need not be worried.
It said in a statement: "NASA knows of no asteroid or comet currently on a collision course with Earth, so the probability of a major collision is quite small.
"In fact, as best as we can tell, no large object is likely to strike the Earth any time in the next several hundred years.

"NASA has also made asteroid detection a top priority, and are developing strategies for identifying asteroids that could pose a risk to our planet."

A sign of Crown ownership of the U.S.? Jeb Bush wants to put Margaret Thatcher on the $10 bill

A sign of Crown ownership of the U.S.? Jeb Bush wants to put Margaret Thatcher on the $10 bill
Posted By: MrFusion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 29-Sep-2015 18:39:35

This is at BBC, so I don't think it's a hoax...
Jeb Bush wants Margaret Thatcher on $10 note
17 September 2015
US Republican presidential hopeful Jeb Bush has picked the UK's former Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher, as his choice for the face of the $10 bill.
The former Florida governor made the surprise suggestion during a televised debate for the top Republicans vying for the presidential nomination.
All 11 candidates were asked who they would choose, now the US Treasury has announced plans to put a woman on the redesigned note.
Mr Bush's choice drew applause.
"I would go with Ronald Reagan's partner, Margaret Thatcher," he said, noting it was "probably illegal" and unlikely to happen because she is not American.
But he added: "A strong leader is what we need in the White House, and she certainly was a strong leader that restored the United Kingdom into greatness."
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Image paste-up was actually made by Al Jazeera. 

Donald Trump on the traitorous NAFTA pact


Trump calls NAFTA a disaster!


Donald Trump is calling the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) a "disaster" and vowing to renegotiate or break the deal if elected president.

"It's a disaster," Trump told CBS's Scott Pelley in an interview airing Sunday on "60 Minutes." 

"We will either renegotiate it or we will break it because you know every agreement has an end.

"Every agreement has to be fair. Every agreement has a defraud claim. We're being defrauded by all these countries," Trump continued.
Trump has blasted trade policies, accusing leaders of allowing China and Mexico to steal U.S. jobs and hurt American workers.

The GOP front-runner also opposed granting 'president' Obama fast-track trade powers.

In his CBS interview, Trump also vowed to tax corporations that move their production overseas.

"Let's say Ford moves to Mexico.  If they want to sell that car in the United States, then they pay a tax," he said.

"Here's what's going to happen: they aren't going to build their plant there, they'll build it in the United States."  


BREAKING: Obama Issues Chilling Threat to Christians Across America… Spread This Everywhere

BREAKING: Obama Issues Chilling Threat to Christians Across America… Spread This Everywhere

Once Pope Francis boarded a plane back to the Vatican, President Barack Obama wasted not time getting back to business as usual — attacking religious freedom.
On Sunday night, at a Democratic National Committee-sponsored event in New York City billed as an “LGBT gala,” Obama took to the podium and warned Christians across the country that their religious freedom means nothing in the face of gay rights.

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“We affirm that we cherish our religious freedom and are profoundly respectful of religious traditions,” the POTUS said. “But we also have to say clearly that our religious freedom doesn’t grant us the freedom to deny our fellow Americans their constitutional rights.”
Obama patronized Christians and Christian groups about their “genuine concerns,” but ultimately suggested that the issue was being pushed by Republicans who were simply using the concerns to acquire more votes.
“America has left the leaders of the Republican Party behind,” Obama said during his anti-Christianity speech. He’s made quite a few of those now.
Obama then launched a series of verbal assaults on several GOP presidential candidates, including Dr. Ben Carson, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee.
“I’m sure he loves the Constitution — except for Article III,” Obama said in a sarcastic tone, referring to Huckabee. “And maybe the Equal Protection Amendment. And 14th Amendment, generally.”
After thoroughly trashing Christians everywhere and essentially promising that their religious liberty would not be recognized under his rule, he called for the LGBT community to remain vigilant and assured them he would continue to fight for “progress.”
If this isn’t a clear warning sign for American Christians, we don’t know what is.
H/T Breitbart



Image result for common law trust
One businessman wanted a copy of the common law trust of one of the richest families in America and he stated that he had to pay $20,000 to receive a copy of their family common law trust. Even years ago it was common to pay an attorney with any knowledge how to set up common law trusts legal fees such as a low of $5,000 on up to $20,000 or more to set it up for anyone!  A common law trust besides being used to create a non-incorporated business entity or a legal substitute for a business partnership and other forms of business entities can also be used for such as to create legal entities to pass on family inheritances through without family wills, estate taxes, etc. and some used common law trusts to make their families become some of the richest families in the world through use of these family common law trusts. A common law trust could be used to give a church a legal charter by means other than incorporation, etc. It could be used to create charities with, cultural societies, and legal entities to carry out your wishes but separate from you and you not liable for what it does as a legal entity.
Some time back years ago I picked up the copyright licensing rights to one of these common law trusts prepared by one of the smarter lawyers in America in this field and I am sure that this was not cheap when he used the format I was supplied to create his basic common law trusts for his clients. There is also a listing of court decisions across America that he supplied on rulings upholding the legality and legal rights of common law trusts under law. He showed how to use common law trusts to achieve your legal purposes in life where they can be used. They have tried to tighten up how common law trusts can be used today in tax issues, but they used to be very effective many times to create tax-free legal entities in America for use under federal or state law. Under special angles or factors of law in special situations, I would assume they could still be used for tax-free angles if the involved financial angle is already technically tax-free under law when done properly such as properly handled currency exchanges, transfer of property, family money, stocks, etc. from one source to another, etc.
A point of law to consider. The U.S. Supreme Court stated years ago that it was not illegal to avoid taxes but only to evade taxes. Maybe your common law trust can be legally used to avoid taxes or certain taxes, but not used to evade taxes if required by law. How you operate in life determines how much taxes, if any, you owe in life! The smart protect their assets from personal liabilities, avoid as much taxes as legally they can, and pass on their estate to their heir or heirs without inheritance taxes and without their heir or heirs having to go through a costly and lengthy in time probate court. In other words, common law trusts have been for the wealthy who are smart with how to live well legally under law and not intended for the ordinary citizens of America who are ignorant of their legal rights such as setting up common law trusts for their own selves, families, etc. Common Law Trusts go back to the American Revolution as legal and were used by such as Founding Fathers of America in 1776.
For example, it is reported that Samuel Adams, one of the leaders of the American Revolution, set up a common law trust for a business that was still operating as a business in America over 200 years later! Among other things, it is a legal structure that can be used to raise capital for a business venture by means other than partnership or corporate stock.
The Continental Congress under President John Hancock fighting the American Revolution called upon and encouraged the American people to raise the money to start founding industries in America and stated that the states could not license nor stop raising money for new industries to be founded through such as using common law trusts which was probably the main way the first industries were financed and founded in America.
When the American Revolution was over, America had national industries started which did not exist when the American Revolution began. America started as an agricultural nation and was born as an industrial nation by the time the American Revolution was over! John Hancock, President of the Continental Congress, starting around the time of the beginning of the American Revolution, began the drive in Massachusetts to found textile industries, etc. in America when the the American Revolution was starting to erupt. The history books do not teach on this now, but I found this in the original histories still left us printed at the time of the American Revolution. They judged founding industries in America would create much employment in America and this was the practice of Christianity to help out the poor in America wherever they might be. They stated starting industries in America was the practice of Christianity to make the people prosperous through this instead of poor.
Common Law Trusts are among the legal rights retained by the American people as referred to in the U.S. Bill of Rights which neither federal nor state government could ever legally take away from the American people later on in America. And under federal civil rights laws, even judges state or federal can be potentially punished with lawsuit or imprisonment for trying to use their courts to take away from the American people their U.S. Bill of Rights! As the U.S. Supreme Court ruled, when state or federal personnel and officials try to violate the legal rights of the American people in the U.S. Bill of Rights, they then lose their legal right to immunity from lawsuit and prosecution for what they did criminally under color or pretense of law. At the bottom of this report are listings from search engines showing that common law trusts are used in business across America.
I will briefly offer as a free bonus offer with the Omni Law Loan Program my package of legal material which I previously sold for $495.00. This shows you how to set up a common law trust for yourself and how it is run by you once set up. It has the sample common law trust which you substitute your name, etc. for the sample name, etc. in order to set up your own common law trust for yourself if you want to. This is the format that the attorney supplied who wrote up this sample common law trust for you to use. It has all sorts of court rulings on common law trusts covering basically all the states of America listed in material the attorney supplied as supporting legal documents for a Common Law Trust so you can understand how this type law works for you.
And I supplied some historical material on the Common Law Trust as I was a history major at the university and when in high school apparently rated by national testing as the top history student out of American high schools that year. I won a postgraduate college scholarship in political science off of that testing and while still in high school. I have a 10 page Common Law Trust sample for you to have. You put your name, etc. in the form where an invented name is used to show you what to put in the form as information for your Common Law Trust. You can make a copy or two of the pages and blank out the invented names, etc. and put in your own name, etc. in the form. You have legal notes supplied by the attorney on court rulings on the Common Law Trust. I help by showing the history behind The Common Law Trust as used in America for over 200 years now in American law. The material is written so you should be able to understand it fine yet technically important for you to read.
Years ago when I once previously offered this to the people, I had this collection of Common Law Trust material offered for $175.00 plus state tax if they ordered it within 10 days. After that, this Common Law Trust package of material would cost $495.00 for it. At this time through Oct. 10, 2015, I will send to you this Omni Law Legal Package for free if you put $100.00 or more in my Omni Law Loan Program shown on my national website. Whether I will offer this after Oct. 10, 2015 I have not committed to yet. If I continue it as an offer, you may even have to pay out $500 to get it then one way or another after Oct. 10., 2015. It is all copyrighted and I allow you to use it for your private use and run extra copies for your own use and your family, but not to be reprinted nor shown to others. This is valuable legal property and I retain legal rights to it. You may for yourself use the information in the legal package any way you see fit including copying any or all of the other reports with the format sample of the Common Law Trust in court filings, legal records for your own Common Law Trust, etc. You may use it for whatever legal purposes you need for yourself. If you want, you may use your own attorney to officially write this Common Law Trust up for you, but as most lawyers are not too familiar with Common Law Trusts, he may learn some new law by reading what is in the legal package!
Our website is Our email is You can put in $100.00 or more in our Omni Law Loan Program and as a note say "For Common Law Info." Or if you can't place an order through our website, our mailing address is NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679. Make checks, etc. out to NIFI and tell us what the payment is for. The proposed Omni Law is to give the American people the legal right of referendum over the federal government which has gone way out of control and poorly if at all continues to obey the terms of the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights. Once you have the legal right of referendum over Wash., D.C., then we can see that the laws and policies of Wash., D.C. now again obey the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights instead of invalid laws passed or decreed as "acts of pretended legislation" as Thomas Jefferson wrote of invalid British law passed off as valid in summing up the bad government that Great Britain had imposed over the Thirteen Colonies which they found impossible to live under any longer. Full name of the Omni Law is shown on our website to be "The Omnibus Civil Rights Act For America." Once passed, free enterprise skyrockets in America, taxes get reasonable again, and we return to serious freedom and legal rights in America which Wash., D.C. has nearly forgotten what real freedom is supposed to be in America.
Show this report to others! Pass it around! And returning to the roots of the founding of America in 1776, Thomas Jefferson said that "The Bible is the cornerstone of all liberty (in America)." And as both Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin suggested as the motto for the American Revolution should be: "Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God!" And Benjamin Franklin so beautifully summed up what the American Revolution was all about, "Where liberty dwells,
Yours for God and Country, Erasmus Of America (Pen name for that American who likes too much the freedom America was founded upon in 1776 to let Obama and other despisers of the founding principles of America in 1776 take away from us freedoms and a great nation to live in for us and our descendants we want to carry on the America that we love and want for the future!)
Business Trust. An unincorporated business organization created by a legal document, a declaration of trust, and used in place of a corporation or partnership for the transaction of various kinds of business with limited liability.

Massachusetts business trust - Wikipedia, the free ...

A Massachusetts Business Trust (MBT) is a legal trust set up for the purposes of business, but not necessarily one that is operated in the Commonwealth of...

Trust (business) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A trust or corporate trust is an American English term for a large business with significant market power. It is often used in a historical sense to refer to monopolies or near-monopolies in the United States during the Second Industrial Revolution in the 19th century and early 20th century.
History -See also -References -Bibliography

What is business trust? definition and meaning
Definition of business trust: Commercial organization managed by appointed trustees (who hold the title to the business' property) for the benefit of one or more...


Site for young entrepreneurs, purpose of the Trust is to develop business skills in young people in the Americas.

Business Trust Law & Legal Definition Legal Definitions Home B
Business trust is a form of business organization which is similar to a corporation, in which investors receive transferable certificates of beneficial interest.

What is a Business Trust? (with pictures) - wiseGEEK
A business trust is a legal organization set up to control and manage assets and property. To be considered a business trust, a...

Why Every Business Owner Needs a Trust - LegalZoom

A living trust can protect your business in the even of your death.

Business Trust - Business |
A business trust is set up when the assets and property of a business corporation are entrusted to an appointed trustee. The trustees will manage the operation...

Business Trust
This website provides a summary of the work of the Business Trust along with access to the reports, publications, case studies and research produced by the..

Group Submits Signatures to Repeal California Vaccine Law

Group Submits Signatures to Repeal California Vaccine Law

Gov. Jerry Brown signed SB277 into law earlier this year amid fierce opposition

Group Submits Signatures to Repeal California Vaccine Law
by Juliet Williams | NBC | September 29, 2015

Supporters of an effort to repeal California’s new law requiring mandatory vaccines for schoolchildren faced a Monday deadline to turn in enough signatures to qualify a ballot initiative asking voters to repeal the law.
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The group had until the end of the day to submit the needed 366,000 signatures to county clerks to ask California voters to repeal SB277, which struck the state’s personal belief exemption for immunizations, a move that requires nearly all public schoolchildren to be vaccinated.
Gov. Jerry Brown signed SB277 into law earlier this year amid fierce opposition from some parents’ rights groups who argue the state should not force their children to be vaccinated, saying the science is clear that vaccines “dramatically protect children against a number of infectious and dangerous diseases.”
Election clerks in Los Angeles and Contra Costa counties reported receiving signature petitions Monday, but officials might not know until next week whether supporters have enough signatures to make it to the ballot. County clerks have eight business days to count and report how many signatures they received, which would likely be followed by a more detailed review.
Read more

Obama Gave Over 1,500 Terrorists Asylum in US, Documents Reveal

Obama Gave Over 1,500 Terrorists Asylum in US, Documents Reveal

Law waived to allow foreigners who engaged in terrorism "while under duress" into country

Obama Gave Over 1,500 Terrorists Asylum in US, Documents Reveal
by Mikael Thalen | | September 29, 2015

Documents obtained by Judicial Watch reveal that the Obama administration gave as many as 1,519 terrorists asylum in the United States in 2014.
According to the government watchdog, “the administration let 1,519 ‘inadmissible’ foreigners embroiled in terrorism into the U.S. last year because the crimes were committed ‘while under duress.'”
“Before the Obama administration tweaked a federal law last year, these foreign nationals would have been banned from the country for supporting terrorist causes,” Judicial Watch writes. “But under the changes the Secretary of Homeland Security has ‘discretionary authority’ to waive certain grounds of inadmissibility relating to terrorism.”
Data obtained from the DHS and the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service reveals that more than 50 percent of those rewarded residency, most of which whom were linked to the refugee crisis, provided material support to terrorist organizations.
“The others received military-type training from a terrorist organization, voluntarily provided medical care to members of a terrorist group and solicited funds or individuals for membership in a terrorist organization,” Judicial Watch continues. “After a case-by-case review, Obama’s DHS Secretary, Jeh Johnson, determined that the recently admitted terrorists only participated in these activities ‘while under duress.'”
The policy of admitting known terrorists began last year after the Obama administration altered legislation, the Immigration and Nationality Act, designed to keep anyone who may have provided material support to terrorists from stepping on US soil.
“In other words, the federal law rightfully had a zero tolerance for any kind of involvement with terrorist elements,” adds Judicial Watch. “But a joint effort by DHS and the State Department created an ‘Exercise of Authority’ that allows ‘an alien who provided limited material support’ to a terrorist organization to stay in the U.S. if the powers that be in our government believe they pose no threat.”
Judicial Watch also links the revelation to the Obama administration’s secret terrorist “hands off” list, uncovered in DHS emails last year by a U.S. senator, which show the administration had allowed a suspected Muslim Brotherhood member to openly travel within the US.
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Public Service Commission staff suggests surcharge for American Water

Public Service Commission staff suggests surcharge for American Water

By Andrew Brown, Business Reporter
Monday, September 28, 2015

As public hearings get set to begin for West Virginia American Water’s pending rate increase, various groups have asked the state Public Service Commission for smaller increases and alternative funding options.
Last Friday, the PSC staff, the PSC’s Consumer Advocate Division, Advocates for a Safe Water System and several local government agencies filed testimony in response to the company’s request for a 28 percent rate increase that would increase the average residential customers bill by more than $11 per month, or $139 per year.
Throughout the testimony, each group discussed American Water’s replacement of water mains and several offered up alternative rate calculations for the company, which has come under pressure following the chemical contamination of people’s drinking water in January 2014.
In response to the company’s request for $35.4 million more in revenue annually, the Consumer Advocate Division suggested that the Public Service Commission approve an increase of no more than $1.8 million annually.
In comparison, the PSC staff recommended an increase of $12.1 million — 9.68 percent — and suggested that the commissioners approve a new rate mechanism that would allow American Water to pay for water main replacements through a separate surcharge assessed to customers.
In advocating for that surcharge, Terry Eads testified that the current rate structure may not encourage the company’s shareholders to invest the adequate amount of money into the water system, which documents show is aging quicker than the company can replace lines.
According to PSC documents, American Water’s system continues to lose around 26.9 percent of the water it treats before it gets to customers, nearly two times the 15 percent standard that the PSC set. Documents have also shown that it would take nearly 384 years to replace all of the mains in its water system.
And in response to questioning, American Water officials have said the requested $35.4 million rate request was “not expected to significantly reduce” that life cycle.
Laura Jordan, spokeswoman for West Virginia American Water, said that the company would submit follow-up testimony by Oct. 15.
In his testimony, Eads suggested the need for pipeline replacement was the reason the PSC staff was recommending American Water be allowed to assess a surcharge that will be put towards upgrading the company’s system.
“While public opinion of this rate proceeding indicates customer’s concerns with increasing rates, it also indicates concern with increasing incidents of water leaks and main breaks,” Eads testified. “These service-related issues impact the quality and reliability of water service which is critically important to customers.”
If approved by the commission, the proposed surcharge would allow American Water to submit a comprehensive plan that outlines several years of main replacements and trues up the amount of money received by customers every year.
According to Eads, the plan was based on other surcharges that have been approved by the PSC and the West Virginia Legislature recently for things like natural gas pipeline replacements and tree trimming along electric power lines.
While the CAD and Advocates for a Safe Water System are still reviewing the staff’s proposal and will have time to respond, officials with those two groups have suggested that a surcharge could be something worthy of consideration.
“It’s clear to everyone that the water company has very serious infrastructure issues and we need to find a way to address them,” said Jackie Roberts, the CAD director.
In other PSC cases dealing with surcharges assessed by electric and gas utilities, Roberts and the CAD have come down in opposition to those separate rate cases. Roberts said she and the CAD staff would be reviewing the surcharge proposal and would submit a response in the next two weeks.
Cathy Kunkel, a member of the Advocates for a Safe Water System’s steering committee, said she saw the surcharge as fitting with her groups effort to bring recognition to the way American Water invests money in its system.
“It could be a good thing in recognizing the company is falling behind in main replacement,” Kunkel said, adding that a surcharge specifically for main replacement could help prioritize spending on infrastructure replacement. “It’s certainly worth considering.”
In its testimony, the Advocates for a Safe Water System requested that the PSC perform a management audit that focuses on investigating the company’s priorities in capital investment projects.
While the citizen group, which was established after the Freedom Industries spill in 2014, has pushed for a public takeover of the water system, Kunkel said they are also pushing for greater commission oversight of how American Water decides where to invest. She said several parties in the ongoing rate case have raised that exact issue.
“It is going to be an important part of what the commission is going to have to figure out,” she said.
Reach Andrew Brown at, 304-348-4814, or follow @Andy_Ed_Brown on Twitter.