Friday, January 29, 2016

Hillary Clinton’s Nightmare - The FBI investigation and her e-mails

January 28, 2016

Hillary Clinton’s nightmare is not the sudden resurgence of Bernie Sanders. It is the fidelity to the rule of law of the FBI.

The recent revelations of the receipt by Clinton of a Special Access Program email, as well as cut and pasted summaries of state secrets on her server and on her BlackBerry nearly guarantee that the FBI will recommend that the Department of Justice convene a grand jury and seek her indictment for espionage. Here is the backstory.

It seems that every week, more information comes to light about Clinton’s grave legal woes. Her worries are in two broad categories: One is her well-documented failure to safeguard state secrets and the other is her probable use of her position as secretary of state to advance financially her husband’s charitable foundation. 

FBI is currently and aggressively investigating both. What I will describe below is in the state secrets category. It is apparently not new to the FBI, but it is new to the public.

Among the data that the FBI either found on the Clinton server or acquired from the State Department via its responses to Freedom of Information Act requests is a top-secret email that has been denominated Special Access Program. Top secret is the highest category of state secrets (the other categories are confidential and secret), and of the sub-parts of top secret, SAP is the most sensitive.

SAP is clothed in such secrecy that it cannot be received or opened accidentally. Clinton – who ensured all of her governmental emails came to her through her husband’s server, a nonsecure nongovernmental venue – could only have received or viewed it from that server after inputting certain codes. Those codes change at unscheduled times, such that she would need to inquire of them before inputting them.

The presence of the SAP-denominated email on her husband’s server, whether opened or not, shows a criminal indifference to her lawful obligation to maintain safely all state secrets entrusted to her care. Yet, Clinton has suggested that she is hopelessly digitally inept and may not have known what she was doing. 

This constitutes an attempted plausible deniability to the charge of failing to safeguard state secrets.  But in this sensitive area of the law, plausible deniability is not an available defense; no judge would permit the assertion of it in legal filings or in a courtroom, and no lawyer would permit a client to make the assertion.

This is so for two reasons. First, failure to safeguard state secrets is a crime for which the government need not prove intent. The failure can be done negligently. Thus, plausible deniability is actually an admission of negligence and, hence in this case, an admission of guilt, not a denial.

Second, Clinton signed an oath under penalty of perjury on Jan. 22, 2009, her first full day as secretary of state. In that oath, she acknowledged that she had received a full FBI briefing on the lawfully required care and keeping of state secrets. Her briefing and her oath specified that the obligation to safeguard state secrets is absolute – it cannot be avoided or evaded by forgetfulness or any other form of negligence, and that negligence can bring prosecution.

What type of data is typically protected by the SAP denomination? The most sensitive under the sun – such as the names of moles (spies working for more than one government) and their American handlers, the existence of black ops (illegal programs that the U.S. government carries out, of which it will deny knowledge if exposed), codes needed to access state secrets and ongoing intelligence gathering projects.

The crime here occurs when SAPs are exposed by residing in a nonsecure venue; it does not matter for prosecution purposes whether they fell into the wrong hands.

Clinton’s persistent mocking of the seriousness of all this is the moral equivalent of taunting alligators before crossing a stream. SAPs are so sensitive that most of the FBI agents who are investigating Clinton lack the security clearances needed to view the SAP found among her emails. Most FBI agents have never seen a SAP.

Shortly after the presence of the SAP-denominated email was made known, the State Department released another email Clinton failed to erase wherein she instructed her subordinates to take state secrets from a secure venue, to cut and paste and summarize them, and send them to her on her nonsecure venue. Such an endeavor, if carried out, is a felony – masking and then not safeguarding state secrets. Such a command to subordinates can only come from a criminal mind.

Equally as telling is a little-known 2013 speech that recently surfaced given by one of Clinton’s former subordinates. The aide revealed that Clinton and her staff regularly engaged in digital conversations about state secrets on their BlackBerries. This is not criminal if the BlackBerries were government-issued and secured. Clinton’s was neither. It was purchased at her instructions off the shelf by one of her staff.

Can anyone doubt that Clinton has failed to safeguard state secrets? 

If her name were Hillary Rodham instead of Hillary Rodham Clinton, she’d have been indicted months ago.

What remains of the rule of law in America? 

The FBI will soon tell us.

Andrew P. Napolitano, a former judge of the Superior Court of New Jersey, is the senior judicial analyst at Fox News Channel. Judge Napolitano has written seven books on the US Constitution.

The most recent is Suicide Pact: The Radical Expansion of Presidential Powers and the Lethal Threat to American Liberty. To find out more about Judge Napolitano and to read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit

Pentagon on Afghanistan: US ‘Can’t Really Leave’

Pentagon on Afghanistan: US ‘Can’t Really Leave’

15-Year Occupation to Last Multiple Generations More

by Jason Ditz, January 26, 2016
While presenting it as a shift in President Obama’s mindset, Pentagon officials are talking up the idea that the US occupation of Afghanistan, which began in late 2001, is not just extended for a couple of additional years but will continue for several more decades, and for all intents and purposes may as well be permanent.

“What we’ve learned is that you can’t really leave,” one Pentagon official was quoted in the Washington Post as insisting, while other officials openly talked about a “generational approach,” in which the US stays for generations more to create an entire new Afghanistan.

Despite making some statements of aversion to “endless war,” Obama has never really appeared all that eager to end the Afghanistan occupation, and the end dates were always speculative dates set by NATO to give the impression the war was winding down.

Yet all along, these end dates were based on the assumption of a nigh-miraculous improvement in the Afghan military that hasn’t happened yet, and it was always more or less assumed the date would just keep getting punted down the road until victory just sort of happens.

The change isn’t that the US is staying, but that the Pentagon is doing away with the pretense of leaving in any measurable timeframe. 

From the Afghan military’s widespread corruption to the growth of ISIS in the nation’s southeast, all the military talking points are now that the Afghans aren’t ready, but that these Afghans likely never will be.

Instead, the shift toward “generational war” means measuring success a few decades down the road to see if the Pentagon can successfully rear the Afghan children being born today into the sort of pro-US warrior state that they’d feel comfortable turning back over to its population. If not, we just roll the dice on the next generation, and so on. 

Keep sharp in retirement!

Keep sharp in retirement!
  As we slowly move through (or into) retirement, we need to keep ourselves occupied with small projects 
like this guy

I know, I know....    
I saw it right away,  too

No safety glasses or hearing protection
And I caught something else that is really important. 
He has no gloves on
I might be up in age
but I am still sharp as a tack!

Cover letter to Pope Francis from Judge Anna Von Reitz...

Cover letter to Pope Francis from Judge Anna Von Reitz...

We are indeed calling upon you in your Extraordinary role as Trustee of the Unam Sanctum Trust and the Jurisdiction of the Air to act in our behalf in this matter addressed to the Board of Directors and Boards of Governors of the World Bank/IBRD/IMF.  Hard copy with seals is in the mail to you and HRM Elizabeth and those directly addressed. 
The Great Fraud that the Holy See and your predecessors participated in is fully known and exposed to millions of people worldwide.  Whatever the circumstances and reasons for this participation they are not important now. 
What remains is a prompt removal of false claims and improper administration of the Global Estate and especially our part of it.   We suggest that you access the Emergency Stabilization Funds and pay the American Armed Forces without respect to Jacob Rothschild.  His offer to operate the UNITED STATES under new management as a Successor has been rebuffed as just more of the same destructive and dishonest fraud. 
As we discussed with Pope Benedict in 2008 and as we have kept you advised since then, the entire mechanism and basis of this fraud--- including the Medieval misinterpretation of the Afterbirth as a deformed dying child and the establishment of an infant decedant estate in their behalf---has been fully exposed.  The Holy See's culpability is evident in the Summa Theologica and manifest in the current circumstance.  
The role of the Bar Associations, the Middle Temple especially in this instance, and the banks also is self-evident.  The privateers unleashed upon our trusting shores have wrecked their havoc and siphoned off our wealth for over a hundred years.  In those same hundred years Americans have loyally paid off immense sums of debt not their own and have preserved by industry and force of arms both the Papacy and the Monarchy; we are the Creditors in this situation and will not be obliged to accept any other role. 
We would also appreciate your correction of the ongoing false arrest and imprisonment of millions of Americans who have been incarcerated for profit  by the UN Corp dba IMF dba UNITED STATES and the FEDERAL RESERVE and their respective "STATE" and "COUNTY" franchises. We request the immediate and unconditional release of all people born on our soil who are being held for victimless crimes, including all those Americans being held for failure to file paperwork and pay taxes they don't owe. 
We request the end of the Foreclosure Fraud wrecking our country and its people, and the end of the use of private commercial mercenaries disguised as legitimate government employees on our soil--such as the ongoing situation in Burns, Oregon, where FBI Agents are threatening the people they are obligated to serve.  
We request the prompt liquidation of those banks and Bar Associations found to be operating as crime syndicates throughout the world and the transfer of their assets to new management dedicated to upholding the actual Law of Our Father.  
We note that the Roman Curia is responsible for the existence of all incorporated legal personas and that the Office of the Pope has retained both the right and the responsibility to repeal all statutory laws which are repugnant to justice and morality and to liquidate all corporations that are operating unlawfully and in violation of their charters. 
We request your assistance and the assistance of all your appointed administrators, Cardinals, Archbishops, Priests and Lay Brothers to re-educate and inform people everywhere concerning the nature of the Great Fraud and the justice of our actions as Children of God and beneficiaries of the Global Estate Trust.  
We wish an end to toleration of usury and idolatry in our midst and the adoption of a system of international cooperation to deliver credit, assistance, and relief to all people on this planet.  We have already suggested both an appropriate rationale and technology to deliver credit owed to every living man, woman, and child as well as a means for them and their countries to receive investment funding for all necessary and good purposes--- which shall no longer include making war and no longer include any necessity for defense of their lawful prerogatives.  
All that is happening has been long foretold and should come as no surprise to anyone concerned.  The true Kingdom of God is come.  When what is true comes, the false must pass away.  When the actual government stands up, that which merely represents it must stand down. When the actual people are present all "persons" must be dissolved. 
He is come and we are come.  This is the end of the world as people have known it and the transfer of power from Lucifer to the Lamb of God.  
We have established a lawful Commercial Obligation Lien in the amount of $279 trillion United States Dollars defined as one ounce of fine silver against the American Bar Association (ABA) and the International Bar Association (IBA) and the mis-named DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE for their part in these nefarious, long-lived, and pernicious acts of fraud and theft against the American People and our lawful government.   We request the immediate assistance of the Universal Postal Union and the Federal Marshals to aid in collection and enforcement of this debt from the offenders and their employers, the Federal Reserve Banks and the International Monetary Fund. 
A reward of 20% of all assets recovered is set aside as part of the lien provisions.  
These and all other such symbols of value are to be used only as a means to secure an orderly transition. These and other forms of idols must be recognized for what they are and ultimately relegated to the dustbin of history. When we were children we thought as children. Now we must think and act and be as Sons of the True and Living God.
You have chosen St. Francis as your patron and namesake and that claim upon his Spirit is upon One who was and is a true Lover of Man and Our Father in Heaven, so let it be that you act promptly in favor of the beneficiaries of the Earth and in accordance with the Will of all those who love the Only and True I Am. 

Thursday, January 28, 2016

LOOK AT THIS!!! LaVoy getting shot by FBI


This shows LaVoy getting
murdered (shot) by the FBI....

Tell the scum bucket news to go to hexx..




Unlike the sheriff down in Burns Sheriff Palmer was sympathetic to them. We really like him as he is always doing things for the protection of Grant County residents. Prior to this happening he made the statement that no FBI people were welcome in John Day...

Quite literally, according to Victoria’s account, the massive ambush and use of force was employed by the FBI in response to LaVoy trying to go to the man in government and law enforcement that was most receptive to his prior request for safety and protection. That same man, Sheriff Palmer is also the central law enforcement figure in the county where this incident took place. This may not have occurred to anyone yet, but given that I work in the legal world for a living – an act to prevent LaVoy and others from petitioning for relief from the duly authorized Sheriff is ALSO quite possibly a felony violation of federal law, by the government – in fact, the same federal law under which these parties have now all been charged. The scheme of the FBI clearly interfered with the Sheriff’s ability to exercise his duty, and these citizens’ right to petition Sheriff Palmer. While the FBI could defend itself by saying that an arrest would only be a temporary restriction and both Sheriff Palmer and these parties could talk later – by implementing their plan, directly in response to LaVoy invoking this choice – that defense would be more difficult, particularly given that LaVoy is dead.

LaVoy Finicum Shot w/Hands in the Air!

LaVoy Finicum Shot w/Hands in the Air! Eye Witness
Audio Testimony Here.......

Just in as we were getting ready to send this article....Dozens of snipers on their way from Fort Campbell...So now the Pentagon is sending snipers by orders of the Pentagon to shoot Americans????.... General Dumford have to know about this!!! What say you??
General Dunford do as I say, not as I do....
We decided to use these comments as an article from 6 anon posters from this Article...We are seeing a lot of Patriots waking up due to folks like these commenter....keep if going!!! These commenters are the best



  2. Who the hell is this illusional Dunford I keep hearing about???? Let's wake up to reality here. This giant slave plantation we call a country has been totally taken over by evil greedy foreign powers that have gained control over all the spineless coward traitors in the District of Criminals we call leaders and the masses have been so dumbed down they don't know their ass from a hole in the ground and all the sheeple are getting exactly what they want. Total slavery and destruction to those who don't bend over. The only salvation is to get the flock out of Dodge if that is even still doable. and the propaganda fear machine with all it's media whores continue their success with all the ignorant stupid apathetic sheeple that are as brain dead as a fence post. As long as they have their TV, sports and mindless entertainment, don't bother them with any reality of truth or facts, they are too busy consuming and their minds are already made up for them.

    "Isn't it great for tyrants that men don't think." Hitler

    As far as this illusional Dunford and our so called military are concerned, they are just like the Blue Gang members, (leo's), here to protect the corporation and their pay check. If u think other wise, keep taking the blue pill and go back to sleep. As Carlin once stated, "The American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.

    “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”
    ― Cicero

  3. Let me see if I understand this. You are expecting one of the generals that Obama did not boot out is going to help overthrow Obama and the cabal? One of the generals that Obama kept on staff because he showed loyalty to the cabal administration? This is the general you think is going to restore the republic?

  4. If it is true that General Dunford has been sworn in as the interim president for the Republic for the united States of America, and I'm not yet convinced that he has been, I would think that, by now, he would have either confirmed or denied our suspicions one way or another. By his silence and lack of any conformation that he is indeed the interim president of our legitimate, unincorporated, Republic form of government I have to assume that he is still under the illusion that he is serving in a government that he actually, although erroneously, considers and believes to be legitimate. I sure would love to see some proof, not just signs, that the RUMORS we have all heard are true. Personally, I hope it is true and that he will step up to the plate and make some kind of announcement and put this baby to bed, one way or the other. Then I damn sure would love to see him follow that up with some kind of action against the FRAUDULENT corporation posing as our legitimate government. He could start by taking down all the 3 or more letter (acronym) agencies (sub-corporations) of the parent fiction, The UNITED STATES federal government, Inc. A good start would be the FBI, BLM, CIA, NSA, FEMA, DOJ, and on and on; you get the picture. He might have to do like they did in regard to the farm claims; get the special forces, navy seals, marine recon, green berets, delta force, rangers, etc. to start arresting and putting those FEMA camps to good use. And while he is at it he might want to send some folks to Portland, Oregon and secure the immediate release of Ammon Bundy and his people and also secure the immediate release of the Hammond's from where ever they are being held. Then I would say that that would be a good start toward restoring our Republic form of governance.

  5. WE WILL NOT FORGET,.... Remember LaVoy! will be our call to arms.


  2. Jordan Page - Ballad of LaVoy Finicum (Cowboy's Stand for Freedom)
    Published on Jan 27, 2016
    Performance by Jordan Page
    Dedicated to the memory of Robert LaVoy Finicum; AZ rancher, father of 11 children, patriot, and member of Citizens for Constitutional Freedom who was killed by police with his hands above his head on 1/26/16 near Burns, Oregon.

    The Ballad of Lavoy Finicum (Cowboy’s Stand for Freedom)
    (copyright Jordan Page 2016)

    He was a man who loved to walk the land
    To turn his cheek but also take a stand
    When his conviction called he followed what he felt was right
    There’s no telling just what time will bring
    You can live for nothing or for everything
    But when the pushes come to shoving tell me will you fight

    I’m only talkin bout a cowboy’s stand for freedom
    I’m just talkin bout a name carved in a stone
    A friend and brother to anyone
    He’s riding off into the setting sun
    Drive on cowboy, he’s heading home

    Well there’s almost right and then there’s nearly wrong
    As you live your life from sunrise to dawn
    And then its over and the moment’s gone
    You can testify to the things unseen
    But the world is blind, and can’t see a thing
    All you can do is try be a human being

    I’m only talkin bout a cowboy’s stand for freedom
    I’m just talkin bout a name carved in a stone
    A friend and brother to anyone
    He’s riding off into the setting sun
    Drive on cowboy, he’s heading home

    I know not what course other men may take
    Can’t see that far down the road
    But as for me and mine, make no mistake
    The weight of justice is a heavy load,
    And I’m living by a code

    He left his home to go and take a stand
    His voice rang out across a deafened land
    And in the end it was a bullet that exposed the lies
    A truth remembered is a battle won
    And though his murder cannot be undone,
    It rings out like an echo, thundering across the night

    Here’s to all the cowboys who stand for freedom
    Why do we watch them from afar with hearts of stone?
    He’s riding off into the setting sun
    The thoughts of many from the voice of one
    Drive on cowboy, your work is done
    Godspeed cowboy, we’ll carry on

Jordan Page - Ballad of LaVoy Finicum (Cowboy's Stand for Freedom)


Jordan Page -

Ballad of LaVoy Finicum

(Cowboy's Stand for Freedom)

Anne Thu, 01/28/2016 - 14:29 (link is external)
Published on Jan 27, 2016
Performance by Jordan Page (link is external)
Dedicated to the memory of Robert LaVoy Finicum; AZ rancher, father of 11 children, patriot, and member of Citizens for Constitutional Freedom who was killed by police with his hands above his head on 1/26/16 near Burns, Oregon.
The Ballad of Lavoy Finicum (Cowboy’s Stand for Freedom)
(copyright Jordan Page 2016)

He was a man who loved to walk the land
To turn his cheek but also take a stand
When his conviction called he followed what he felt was right
There’s no telling just what time will bring
You can live for nothing or for everything
But when the pushes come to shoving tell me will you fight

I’m only talkin bout a cowboy’s stand for freedom
I’m just talkin bout a name carved in a stone
A friend and brother to anyone
He’s riding off into the setting sun
Drive on cowboy, he’s heading home

Well there’s almost right and then there’s nearly wrong
As you live your life from sunrise to dawn
And then its over and the moment’s gone
You can testify to the things unseen
But the world is blind, and can’t see a thing
All you can do is try be a human being

I’m only talkin bout a cowboy’s stand for freedom
I’m just talkin bout a name carved in a stone
A friend and brother to anyone
He’s riding off into the setting sun
Drive on cowboy, he’s heading home

I know not what course other men may take
Can’t see that far down the road
But as for me and mine, make no mistake
The weight of justice is a heavy load,
And I’m living by a code

He left his home to go and take a stand
His voice rang out across a deafened land
And in the end it was a bullet that exposed the lies
A truth remembered is a battle won
And though his murder cannot be undone,
It rings out like an echo, thundering across the night

Here’s to all the cowboys who stand for freedom
Why do we watch them from afar with hearts of stone?
He’s riding off into the setting sun
The thoughts of many from the voice of one
Drive on cowboy, your work is done
Godspeed cowboy, we’ll carry on
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!!! Tonight 7pm To 10pm US Eastern !!! TONIGHT BROADCAST

MASTER PLAN 3 Hour OREGON SPECIAL Tonight 7pm To 10pm US Eastern

Tonight (Thursday 28th Jan 2016) will be a special episode of Master Plan, dealing with the murder of Lavoy Finicum and the federal tyrannical takeover of America through various unconsitituional agencies, such as BLM
HOSTS Eli James and Doc Waterman

Install the free Tunein app and search for eurofolkradio

128k MP3 stream   64k AAC stream 

Burns Oregon: Why are they using Military Snipers on Civilians?

# Breaking - Burns Oregon
Here is what is going on

Sniper Teams coming from Ft. Campbell Ky among other groups

Why are they using Military Snipers on Civilians?



Michael Savage


"We're going to fight this dirty evil 'government'!" 

Jan 28 2016
Cheryl Chumley
Michael Savage, top-ranking conservative radio host and author of many best-selling books, took on a topic during his most recent broadcast that’s been playing second fiddle to the political press coverage – the Oregon standoff between ranchers and feds that resulted in the fatal police shooting of Robert LaVoy Finicum, age 55.

In between discussing Donald Trump and playing clips of his recent interview with the Republican primary front-runner, Savage referred to Finicum’s shooting as a “murder” and called for the U.S. attorney general’s office to investigate.

“I’m demanding an investigation,” he said. “I’m demanding the attorney general send a task force into Oregon."

"And if the feds won’t, the United Nations ought to look into it", Savage said.

Finicum had served as a spokesperson for the protesters occupying the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Burns for the last few weeks, according to the New York Times. The occupation came because of a dispute among ranchers and federal officials over land rights, sparked by what many saw as the unfair imposition of a five-year, U.S. Justice Department-pressed prison sentence for a local father and son, Dwight Hammond, 73, and Steven Hammond, 46.

The details of Finicum’s death are fuzzy. The Oregonian reported he was shot during a traffic stop by FBI and state police after he “charged police."

And the FBI, in a statement reported by WND, blamed protesters: “[Finicum’s death] didn’t have to happen. We all make choices in life. Sometimes our choices go bad.”

From top left, booking photographs of Ammon Bundy, Ryan Bundy, Brian Cavalier, Shawna Cox, From bottom left, Joseph Donald O’Shaughnessy, Ryan Payne, Jon Eric Ritzheimer and Peter Santilli.

But others say Finicum had his hands in the air while exiting his vehicle and yelling at the assembled police, “Just shoot me then,” WND reported, citing audio from one passenger riding with the protesters at the time they were stopped that’s been making the rounds on YouTube.

Regardless, Savage said Finicum was an American citizen, supposedly protected by the Constitution. “The cops executed a man in Oregon but because he’s white, there’s no outcry,” he said, apparently referring to the massive media coverage of the Black Lives Matter movement that included daily coverage of racial unrest in Ferguson, Missouri, in Baltimore, Maryland, and in other spots around the nation for more than a year.
He vowed to set up a legal fund to help the ranchers and families in the community.

“Those poor white guys, those ranchers who stood up,” Savage said. “They’re not rich guys … when the time comes, and it’s not today, I will set up a box at … and raise money for them."  He added: “I’m going to raise money for these poor guys in Oregon, it’s that simple.”

A few minutes later, Savage hit hard at the idea again. "[We] had a peaceful group of protesters assailed by [police] and there has been no outcry,” he said. “This is a huge issue. This is a huge story. … I know many of you don’t care because they don’t look like you … they wear cowboy boots and cowboy hats, but they’re Americans, too. … [We’re setting up a] legal defense fund for the ranchers that were oppressed. … The fear I have is [the government] will try to ruin them, take their life savings, put them in prison.”

Savage said in an email he would discuss specifics of his legal defense fund during an upcoming radio broadcast.  “We’re going to fight them,” he said on his show. “We’re going to fight this dirty, evil government.”
Police arrested 11 the day of Finicum’s shooting death. 
Another three turned themselves in the next day.

Anrianna Finicum Brown, 26, one of Finicum’s 11 children, called her father a “good man” who was peaceful at heart.  “My dad was such a good, good man, through and through,” she said, the Oregonian reported. “He would never ever want to hurt somebody, but he does believe in defending freedom and he knew the risks involved.” 

The Satanic British Royal Family

Monsters Inc: The Satanic British Royal Family

Christopher Spivey

We were involved in and spoke at the UK Rally Against Child Abuse in Trafalgar Square last Saturday (7 Aug 2010). Filmmaker and child abuse survivor Bill Maloney opened the Rally with a rousing speech in which he committed treason under Nelson’s column declaring that the Queen Mother was a paedophile. Diana had apparently declared to a close friend that she was evil. Her footman, who had previously been a butler to the Queen, was a convicted child sex offender who used to groom his victims by taking them to parties with the Queen Mother at Clarence House” – Spokes person for UKRACA

With the Queens Jubilee celebrations still dominating the news, it’s probably a bit unfair to try and gauge whether the Royal family are gaining or losing public support. After all, some of those who wouldn’t normally support the Queen but are easily led – of whom there are many – often get caught up in the inevitable wave of patriotism that an event such as QE2’s 60 years on the throne is bound to generate.

For what it’s worth, those who are pro monarchy tend to put the country’s support for Liz at around 80%. On the other hand, those in favour of Britain becoming a republic are more likely to site the result of a recent major poll undertaken which came back as showing support for the Queen as now being less than 50%.

To my way of thinking, even 50% support is far too high. There is a wealth of easily accessible information available as to how evil, corrupt, greedy and parasitic this woman and her family of inbreeds are, yet at least 1 in 2 of us are happy to let her reign continue…

Are these people mad?

The Queen should have been hanged for High Treason back in 1972 when she let the corrupt paedophile Prime Minister Edward Heath sign away our sovereignty. She had and still has the authority to do so, yet she still let him. Furthermore, she let him do so under very unfavourable terms for the country - terms which Heath had, in fact, been blackmailed into agreeing to.  This blackmail came about after it was discovered that Heath was molesting young boys from various children’s care homes around the country. 

The following is an extract from ‘Wheel Of Fortune’  ritten by T Stokes:

Heath had already been warned several times by the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police about his conduct but, like so many before him, the then Prime Minister thought that he was untouchable and, as such, ignored the warnings.

Many of these boys were allegedly provided to Heath and many more prominent MP’s for that matter by the Radio 1 DJ and TV Celebrity Jimmy Saville.  Course, Jimmy ‘rattle, rattle’ Saville was a hero to millions of kids in the 1960’s & 70’s who would never believe that of him. After his career took a nose dive in the 1980’s, Saville reinvented himself as a Charity fund raiser for the Stoke Mandeville Hospital and, as such, millions more would also never believe him capable of such a heinous crime.

On the other hand, I find it extremely easy to believe and very plausible, too. After all, he was extremely flamboyant.  He never married – in fact, he was never known to have had a girlfriend. But most tellingly of all was his fondness for children, especially boys in care homes. The following is an extract in connection with the Haut de la Garenne inquiry into the child abuse that took place at the Haute Garenne Childrens home on Jersey:

 “A source spoke to one of his victims and he said about others who were present, and more important, who was supplying the children to him. The person bringing children for him to abuse was Sir Jimmy Saville. He was seen by the witness, victim, taking young boys onboard Heaths yacht the ‘morning cloud’ when they were at party conference. Saville is known for supplying a number of high profile MP’s with children for them to sexually abuse”.

Saville, a homosexual paedophile, was also a frequent visitor to the Royal household. You can draw your own conclusions from that but I will remind you that during these 6oth anniversary celebrations, one of the invited guests on the Royal Barge was the convicted sex offender Harbinder Singh Rana who served a 4yr prison term for a list of offences, including 5 counts of indecent assault.

The fact that all of the senior royals were in the company of this known sex offender – who would have been closely vetted before being allowed anywhere near them – would not have mattered a jot to Liz & Co. After all, the Royal family have been linked to  perverse sex scandals for centuries.

Prince Andrew, for instance, has been dogged for years by rumours of homosexuality. If he is, fair enough, but he would never be allowed to admit it, what with his mother being the head of the Church of England. However, the nature of his sexual preferences was called in to question following the revelation of his close association and friendship with the child sex offender Jeffrey Epstein. Now if you or I were known to be regular visitors to a Paedophiles home, we would be attacked and beaten in the street.

Unfortunately, Randy Andy also thinks nothing of charging the public for the travel costs to his shenanigans. Now considering the fact that he is well aware that the tax payer should only pick up the tab for his travel to and from ‘Official business’ trips, the word ‘fraud’ automatically springs to mind.

Course, if asked which member of the royal family is gay, the majority of people automatically choose Prince Ed the Ball. Now while it’s true that he wasn’t man enough for the military and, as such, tried a career as a ‘luvie’, there are no scandal stories to support the claim. In fact, apart from trading in on his royal status and beating his dogs with a walking stick, there is actually very little tittle tattle on rock steady Eddie… He’s just a pratt.

His older brother Prince Big Ears… Sorry, that was rude so I will start again. Edwards’s older brother Prince Dobby, sometimes affectionately known as Charles, on the other hand is also rumoured to be gay, or at least bisexual. This information came straight from the horse’s mouth so to speak. That isn’t to say that the info came from Princess Anne. I will deal with her later.

This is a very long but also very interesting article. To read the remainder of the article, you can go to