Monday, May 30, 2016



Old Republic
Versus New Republic:


For too many years we have been played with by what we called government when in fact it was always nothing more than a Corporation.
Well, it’s time for them to come forward and face the fact that they have finally been cornered and there is no out.
Yes we have heard about the New Republic but when you put together the pieces of the puzzle you realize that they are both one and the same – just flying a new flag with new colors or what have you.  “They” have the wherewithal to do just about anything they wish with us, so long as we don’t catch on but guess what?
We have caught on!!
Neil Keenan and Group K have finally acquired the necessary pieces of the puzzle to put an end to their existence should things be handled properly.
If not then it will be the same old same old…In this case we will all be in dire straits.  I have personally financed most of this endeavor myself with bits of funding coming in from others who wished to assist mankind.
Well, we are now at the point in time where mankind comes first otherwise kiss mankind goodbye and welcome in the advent of worldwide slavery – and this is where they are attempting to lead us – and this and now is where we need to draw the line.
It is happening and we do know; and you all need to get your acts together and understand we just might not make it to the next Elections.
This will be dealt with before then.  So, we address it now or we put down our books and pick up a gun because there is going to be a whole lot of fun.
YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED which is what we have always been about.
Neil Keenan and Group K

There is a trembling in the halls of governments around the world, as mankind awakens to their enslavement and the blatant fraud and trickery that have been perpetrated upon them by “corporate” governments.
This arose as a result of the division between Corporate Law (Admiralty, Commercial Law, Law of the Sea) and Common Law (Law of the Land).  Common Law is generally based on Universal Truths such as the Ten Commandments and other basic, common religious beliefs or standards that are set within a society and that act upon “real” persons.
Corporate or Commercial Law works with “fictions” (false entities created in the mind), and as such requires real flesh and blood humans to be hoodwinked into believing that corporations are “real” entities, on the one hand, and that “straw men beings” created in your name are “YOU”!
If you are awake now, you will be aware that these fictitious entities were created at your birth by way of your Live Birth Certificate and a Trust was created in your name ALL IN CAPITAL LETTERS – so that the corporate government (a fiction) can deal with another fiction (YOU in caps).

As a result, the establishment creates all kinds of laws, statutes, taxes, and many other ways to enslave YOU and steals all of your personal wealth. Your house, your car, your land, and your children are all owned by the corporate government as your name is ALWAYS in CAPITAL LETTERS (WHICH IS NOT you).
And so we find ourselves presented with the current dilemma: The united States of America and the United States of America, Incorporated – which one is WE THE PEOPLE?
Judge Anna has recently made it very clear that the de Jure Republic of the united States still exists, but the offices and officer positions have not been filled, nor can they be filled, with the existing Congressmen (or women), Senators, Judges, President or other Corporate government officials duly elected or appointed; as all existing usurpers have committed fraud and a host of other unconstitutional acts.
Every elected Congressional person has sworn an oath to defend the Constitution and has committed TREASON when operating under any incorporated government or by being a member of the BAR or by holding dual citizenship.
Similarly, these usurpers cannot change their position (as Judge Anna stated, “cannot change their spots”) by stating or passing legislation that allows them to convert the existing Corporate (Admiralty) Government into a Common Law Government.
And so it would appear that the current convoluted, underhanded maneuver by the bad guys is to create a New Republic as a facade for the bankrupted USA Inc. and United States of America Inc.
Apparently, this New Republic has been chartered in France (again) with the Treasury domiciled on a sovereign Indian Nation Reservation outside Reno, Nevada, and with funding (gold backing) by the Chinese, although which ones remains to be seen.
This New Republic Group is obviously a whitewash with General “Dumbford” (Dunford) and Speaker Ryan being positioned to “transition” the united States into an new era of Admiralty enslavement.
Then there is a Third Group headed by persons unknown who have filed with the Hague that the De Jure united States of America under Common Law still exists and is alive and well with a duly appointed Congress, Senate and President, and presumably Common Law Judges like Judge Anna,  BUT still with no Continental Congress meeting of All States; thus lacking in some legitimacy.
Common Law State governments, however, are being formed, and many States (30 to date) are now rallying against Federal (corporate ) overreach. This might lead to a call for a Continental Congress which can then revive States Rights and Common Law on the Land.
And so the question now is, “Can WE THE PEOPLE beat down the New Republic publicly?” This is where the real battle is playing out right now.
And if it is true that the Asian Elders have financed the New Republic, then are WE compromised?!
The Asian Elders hold the keys, and it is their intention to transition the World more equitably. They have no interest in which side wins or loses, as they finance both. It is just business to them.

Financing the “New Republic” is just a means to, hopefully, a better outcome. What they don’t seem to realize is that what they are propping up is the same old hideous monster morphed with red, white and blue stripes with starry-eyed greedy banksters just gagging to carry on – business as usual.
Similarly, the Foreign Registry of the New Republic and its Treasury domiciled in another foreign sovereign nation is in clear violation of the De Jure Constitution which is still legally alive.
This creates a condition of TREASON by General Dunford and Speaker Ryan and legally nullifies the collateral borrowings of gold and any other confiscation and distribution of funds retrieved from the fraudulent activities of the Fed and other international financial institutions.
General Dunford only has the authority to arrest those in violation of their Oath of Office and try them in a Military Court for treason.  He has no authority to make himself an interim President or Vice President of the Republic. Speaker Ryan is completely ineligible, as he should be among the first arrested.

The American people need to wake up to this new con job! 
And the situation is no different for the Asian Elders!

How can a foreign chartered New Republic be American? How can a foreign domiciled US Treasury legally issue new US Dollars (TRN’s, currency and Bonds)?
This is corporate enslavement all over again! Just change the paper and revalue.  Anyone for hide-and-seek?
Again, consider what happens to all those hard-earned overseas Dollars acquired in exchange for real goods? The Petrodollars are more slippery than ever!  And a few hundred trillion in gold backing for these worthless numbers does not seem to be on the Chinese plate of noodles.
We have done our part in exposing the banksters and the formation of the BRICS financial system. It is time now to swing our search light around onto the so-called New Republic fiasco being perpetrated on the American people.
We HAVE OUR OWN REAL REPUBLIC! Let’s breathe life into it again!
Read what Judge Anna has written and spread the word. Revitalize our REPUBLIC on the LAND!
Judge Anna has cleared a path in front of us, but she doesn’t have the position to confront these bastards head on.  However, the key that Anna needs to be as potent as possible is Neil Keenan signing the M1 papers quickly.  M1 status gives Neil Keenan and Group K the absolute authority to empower Anna with the right to confront and deal with the corporate US government – and woe to whoever gets in Anna's way at that time.
Furthermore, with Neil Keenan’s status as M1 confirmed financing will never be a problem again. Group K will have access to as much funding as required for any project imaginable.
Statements have been made that clarify the Elders’ position on Common Law and Admiralty Law and how the two can co-exist in commerce, but not ON THE LAND of the united States of America in the form of a Federal Government under the Constitution.
Such clarification is necessary at this time to circumvent this nefarious attempt to implement a New Republic – when the Old one still exists and is the legal one.
Such a clarification also exposes the disinformation efforts of Karen “Hades’” and all the drivel that she espouses in her claims as an “authority”. This also means that all of the following entities have already been paid in full: The FED, World Bank, IMF, UN and all the incorporated governments around  the globe.
You would do well to understand the importance of such a declaration and the need for the Elders to confirm their support of the De Jure Republic, even if it takes a bit longer – and working with Neil Keenan to clean up this mess.

It remains to be seen if the perpetrators pushing the New Republic are using this as an underhanded strategy to transition back to the Old Republic, but the RV and GCR are just “business as usual” moves that don’t solve the problem.
The RVs and GCR merely move money around and give commerce a bit of a reprieve – by hopefully distributing funds to infrastructures and areas of need, but they still include the enslavement of world economies and all of mankind.
And so, what then does the surrender of the Cabal actually mean? Likewise, what does the collapse of the US Government as a public service provider (which it has not been) mean?
There is no surrender – not without arrests. Unfortunately, “Dumbford” is too afraid to make any arrests.
We concede that some readers might be of the opinion that this post comes across a bit too heavy – but this is no game. The Keenan team has spent many hours receiving and analyzing information; putting together this massive jigsaw puzzle which ultimately shows us that another attempt is being made to just put up a new facade – and our information sources are second to none!
The stakes could not be any higher – and you really need to understand the gravity of the situation in which you find yourselves.

Neil Keenan and Group K

Memorial Weekend-Day - Guest post

Guest Post for this weekend: A special message to Texans and to all Patriots across this nation


This memorial weekend is a time to reflect on Who and What you are spiritually and naturally as a result of the freedoms so graciously provided to you by so many who sacrificed their own.

Let’s start with the Lord Jesus Christ who provided the foundation for all freedoms when He took on the uniform of humanity and gave Himself as a sacrifice, went to the cross, and became a substitute for the sins of the world, past, present, and future, (I John 2:2). He took our place, took our punishment, provided the potential of spiritual freedom from the slave market of sin called redemption (Eph. 1:7, 1 Pet. 1:18-19), and gave each and every one of us the opportunity to possess this spiritual freedom simply by having faith alone in Him alone. “Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved”, (Acts 16:31a). You have His promise that at the moment you accept His gift of atonement for you, you have eternal life and cannot lose it. You never have to doubt it, (1John 5: 11-13).

Let’s remember and be thankful for all of our Veterans who provided through God’s providence and deliverance a foundation for freedom that is still evidenced today. People are still writing books about the people and heroes of the WW I and II era and the great achievements they passed on to this country of North America, once “the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.” Now, it seems that that reality is a possibility in the minds of North Americans and Texians today.

Let’s not forget to remember and be thankful for those sovereigns across North America, especially in the Texas republic, who have sacrificed their time with loved ones and friends, their health, and their money in order to bring forward to this generation and future generations the hope and reality of greater independence and freedom for all.

People of the Texas republic, please make a special effort to go and look at our official website at Encourage your friends and family to do the same as you:

1.     Attend our monthly congressional meeting on the second weekend of the month,
2.     Give your time and money when you are able to, and write articles for us.
3.     Ask your representatives in your county for brochures to pass out at the Memorial Celebrations, and
4.     Ask them what you can do to keep the Torch of Freedom lit for your generation and for generations to come.
5.     Find out about our International Committee and how you can help us get Independence sooner for Texas. This is the Committees Mission and Failure is NOT an option.

We as sovereigns, kings, and queens under God’s law and not under color of law are humbly asking you to be a part of the Solution rather than a part of the Problem.

The republic of Texas needs you. We can only accomplish these goals and desires together, and by God’s Grace, Mercy, and Power, we can bring back a lawful government to the Texas republic. Believe it and don’t give up, no matter what happens. The future of Texas and your children depends on your indomitable attitude and perseverance.

If we Texians do all we possibly can for our Texas republic, doing and living within God’s Word, then God will do what is impossible for us to do for our Texas republic." "Duty is ours.  Results are Gods." John Adams
~ Quote by a great Texian ~

Your servant and a servant to God Almighty

The only people ANGRY at those who speak the Truth are those who LIVE A LIE.

White House threatens to veto 9/11 lawsuit bill

White  House  threatens  to  veto  9/11  lawsuit  bill

Saudis warn of economic payback for 9/11 bill


Story highlights

  • Presidential candidates from both parties are seizing on the legislation to score points with New York voters
  • The President lands in Riyadh Wednesday for talks with Saudi Arabia over ISIS and Iran

Washington (CNN)

A bipartisan bill to let families victimized by the 9/11 terrorist attacks sue Saudi Arabia ran into sharp setbacks Monday, as the White House threatened a veto and a GOP senator privately sought to block the measure.
The move comes as presidential candidates from both parties are seizing on the legislation to score points with New York voters ahead of Tuesday's critical primary there.
And it has pit the likely next Senate Democratic leader, Chuck Schumer of New York, squarely against the Obama administration.
The White House and State Department are bluntly warning lawmakers not to proceed with the legislation over fears it could have dramatic ramifications for the United States and citizens living abroad to retaliatory lawsuits. The President lands in Riyadh Wednesday for talks with Saudi Arabia over ISIS and Iran at a time of strained relations between the countries, making the bill's timing that much more sensitive.

The stepped-up lobbying against the legislation comes as it is coming up against fresh roadblocks on Capitol Hill, with party leaders learning that a GOP senator is objecting to taking up the bill, according to a source familiar with the legislation. The senator's identity has not yet been revealed publicly.
Proponents of the measure, for their part, are beginning to intensify their pressure campaign.
"If Saudi Arabia participated in terrorism, of course they should be able to be sued," Schumer said Monday. "This bill would allow a suit to go forward and victims of terrorism to go to court to determine if the Saudi government participated in terrorist acts. If the Saudis did, they should pay a price."
Speaking to reporters Monday, White House spokesman Josh Earnest fired back, warning that it would jeopardize international sovereignty and put the U.S. at "significant risk" if other countries adopted a similar law.
"It's difficult to imagine a scenario where the President would sign it," Earnest said.
The bill, which Schumer and Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn of Texas are pushing, would prevent Saudi Arabia and other countries alleged to have terrorist ties from invoking their sovereign immunity in federal court.
Saudi Arabia has long denied any role in the 9/11 attacks, but victims' families have repeatedly sought to bring the matter to court, only to be rebuffed after the country has invoked legal immunity allowed under current law.
"It makes minor adjustments to our laws that would clarify the ability of Americans attacked on U.S. soil to get justice from those who have sponsored that terrorist attack," Cornyn said of the bill, which is entitled the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act.

A hold in the Senate

But despite the effort, it has hit repeated snags on Capitol Hill. The latest: A GOP senator is privately holding up the bill, an obstacle that would require Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to file time-consuming procedural motions to move past. He would need 60 votes to overcome the objection, but it is uncertain whether he will move on the measure before his colleague's issues are ironed out.
No senator has yet claimed responsibility for privately voicing the objection.
Under the rules of the Senate, any one senator can privately inform his or her party leadership of plans to place a "hold" to block legislation. His or her name would not become public unless a senator took to the Senate floor and tried to advance the bill, forcing the opponent to object. That scenario has not yet occurred as negotiations to find a way forward continue behind the scenes.
Cornyn said that while several senators originally had placed holds on the measure, they had all relented save one.
"I think part of the concern is that somehow this is a thumb in the eye to Saudi Arabia, a valuable ally," he said. He then defended the bill, saying, "It's not open-ended and it's not targeted at Saudi Arabia."
How House and Senate Republican leadership deals with the matter is unclear.
While the bill was easily approved by the Senate Judiciary Committee in January with the support of a cross-section of senators including presidential candidate Ted Cruz, a Texas Republican, and liberals like Minnesota's Al Franken, McConnell has not yet taken a position on the issue, according to a spokesman.
The House is awaiting Senate action before proceeding on a companion bill introduced by Rep. Peter King, a Republican of New York. House Speaker Paul Ryan did not discuss the legislation during his recent trip to Saudi Arabia, according to an aide familiar with the matter.
On Tuesday, Ryan told reporters at a news conference that the bill should be reviewed carefully to see of unintended consequences.
While it may be risky politically for any senator to object to a bill supported by 9/11 victims' families, some are warning that it could have broader ramifications if it were to become law.
Paul Callan, a CNN legal analyst, warned that the bill could impact the U.S. if another country were to retaliate against Americans drone attacks, for instance.
"Which is why for almost 200 years, international law has recognized this concept of sovereign immunity that countries shouldn't really allow individual courts to sue other countries," Callan said on "Legal View" with Ashleigh Banfield. "It shall be worked down as a matter of foreign relations."

Campaign rhetoric intensifies

While Saudi Arabia has never been implicated in the 9/11 attacks, 15 of the 19 hijackers were of Saudi descent. Moreover, there has long been suspicion about ties between the royal family of Saudi Arabia to al Qaeda, speculation that has only intensified as 28 pages of a congressional investigation into the 9/11 attacks remains classified.
As pressure grows on Congress to let 9/11 victims' families pursue their claims against Saudi Arabia in federal court, Saudi officials are quickly pushing back.
In a stark warning to members of Congress, Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir warned lawmakers last month in Washington that his kingdom would sell $750 billion in U.S. assets, including treasury securities, if the measure became law, sources familiar with the matter told CNN. The development was first reported in The New York Times. Cornyn, however, dismissed the threat.
"It's seems overly defensive to me and I doubt they can do it," he said in response. "I don't think we should let foreign countries dictate the domestic policy of the United States so, no, it doesn't bother me at all."
Presidential candidates were also unmoved. Ahead of the New York primary, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders quickly sought to align themselves with the Cornyn-Schumer bill.
After Clinton said in a Sunday appearance on ABC that she had to study the bill and would not take a position, a spokesman later said she backs the bill.
Sanders, in a statement Sunday night, announced that he supports the bill and called on the Obama administration to declassify the 28 pages of the 9/11 report that could implicate Saudi Arabia.
Other presidential candidates jumped into the fray, including GOP front-runner Donald Trump.
Appearing on the Joe Piscopo Show, a New York radio program, Trump evinced no concern about Saudi Arabia's threat to sell off U.S. assets.
"Let 'em sell 'em," Trump said. "No big deal."
Trump added: "Hey, look, we protect Saudi Arabia. We protect them for peanuts. If we weren't protecting them, they wouldn't be there for a week." 

Memorial Day

Watch What Trump Just Did

Watch  What  Trump  Just  Did  When  They  Told  Him  There  Was  No  Time  For  The  National  Anthem

Billionaire businessman and presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump held a rally in Anaheim, California, Wednesday afternoon, and like most of his rallies, it was a packed house.

Perhaps because of the size of the crowd, not to mention the disruptive protesters both inside and out of the venue, the rally got off to a late start.

When Trump finally took the stage, instead of diving right in to his standard stream-of-conscious stump speech, he revealed something to the crowd that the rally organizers had told him just moments before.

Trump said that he had been told there wasn’t time to start the rally with the national anthem, but he replied, “Yes, we do,” and proceeded to call the woman who was supposed to sing up on stage with him.

They told Trump he didn't have time for our National Anthem & he said, "Oh yes we do!" He had his hand over his heart & singing along! I❤HIM "

After introducing her, Trump stood aside as she took to the podium, placing his hand on his heart as she delivered a stirring acapella rendition of “The Star-Spangled Banner.”

 Donald Trump Insists The National Anthem Must Be Sang in Anaheim

The crowd obviously approved of his decision to make time for the national anthem, despite the event organizers trying to skip it in the interest of saving time.

And just like that, with his simple gesture of standing aside to allow for the display of patriotism that so many liberals would just as soon skip or ignore, Donald Trump likely earned even more support and potential votes, as many patriotic Americans want nothing more than a president that unashamedly loves this country.

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Trump invokes MLK at D.C. biker rally At a Memorial Day weekend rally, Trump revs up veterans.

Donald Trump observed Memorial Day weekend on Sunday by speaking in front of the Lincoln Memorial at a rally of thousands of motorcyclists, where he praised veterans, called reporters “lowlifes,” thanked “the great Bobby Knight” for endorsing him and performed a derisive impression of a general he saw on television.

The presumptive Republican nominee took the occasion — the annual “Rolling Thunder” motorcycle rally, which raises awareness of unaccounted-for POWs and soldiers missing in action — to malign Hillary Clinton and tout his own electoral successes.

He began with brief remarks about Monday’s holiday — “It’s our day, and we have to be very proud of it and we are very proud of it” — and then launched into an abridged version of his stump speech, which included a mocking impression of an unspecified general Trump says he saw on television questioning the businessman’s asssertion that Japan should pay more for American military protection. “Doesn’t Mr. Trump know that? Japan is paying 50 percent,” Trump said, imitating the general. Trump said Japan ought to bear the entire cost of the American military presence there.

Event organizers say the rally draws hundreds of thousands of bikers annually, though police officers on hand for Trump’s address said they were unable to provide an official estimate of either the crowd gathered for the speech or the entire attendance of the weekend-long rally on behalf of veterans, which first took place in 1988 and includes a “First Amendment Demonstration Run” from the Pentagon to the National Mall.

Trump spoke at a stage set up at the end of the reflecting pool closest to the Lincoln Memorial to a relatively sedate crowd of hundreds of bikers and assorted tourists, who did not entirely fill the space between the pool and the memorial. The businessman said it was not the scene he expected to encounter.
“I thought this would be like Dr. Martin Luther King, where the people will be lined up from here all the way to the Washington Monument,” said Trump. King delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial to a quarter-million supporters in August 1963.
In his Sunday remarks, the New York billionaire promised to improve veterans health care, called for rebuilding the American military, and condemned Clinton for remarks she made last year downplaying problems at the Department of Veterans Affairs. “She thinks the VA is doing good,” Trump said.

He did not speak at length about any specific veterans or recount any tales of American soldiers’ heroism — Trump himself is not a veteran, having received multiple draft deferments during the Vietnam War — though he did recount his own political successes.

“I have 73 people on my staff, and I won long ahead of schedule,” Trump said, reveling in the clinching of his party’s nomination before July’s Republican National Convention.

The businessman praised his performance in Indiana, where his first-place finish May 3 effectively sealed his nomination. “I want to thank the great Bobby Knight,” said Trump, recognizing the former Indiana basketball coach, who endorsed the businessman and campaigned with him across the state.
Trump’s holiday weekend sojourn brought him face to face with one of his favorite niche constituencies. Trump has courted the support of motorcycle enthusiasts, and his campaign has coordinated with Bikers for Trump, an outside group of supporters, to give bikers tickets to Republican debates and VIP seats at campaign rallies, according to that group’s founder, Chris Cox.

“No matter where I go, there’s bikers,” Trump said.

The billionaire praised the volunteer security assistance that Bikers for Trump has provided at some of his campaign rallies, saying his staff explained to him, “They’re here to protect you, Mr. Trump.”

Trump remarked, “It’s an amazing thing.”

Nancy Regg, a spokeswoman for Rolling Thunder, which invited Trump to speak at the rally, said the group and a majority of its members support the billionaire.
“Mr. Trump was thrilled to be invited and attend this amazing event with people who have always been supportive of him,” said Trump’s spokeswoman, Hope Hicks, in an email. “This was an opportunity to reciprocate that support.”

While Trump’s love affair with bikers made the event a match, his history with POWs has been rockier. In July, Trump said that John McCain, who was held captive by the Viet Cong for 5½ years during the Vietnam War, was not a hero. “I like people who weren’t captured,” said Trump at the time, a remark he has walked back but not apologized for.

One introductory speaker said Trump “got all twisted up” in making the remark and was unfairly attacked for it. (Speakers following Trump included Hollywood actor Robert Patrick, who ended his remarks with “God bless America, and f--- ISIS.”)

Lesia Butler, a 53-year-old retiree from Tennessee in a red bandana and “Harley Davidson” earrings, toted a newly purchased Bikers for Trump shirt and said the McCain comment did not bother her. “Sometimes we say things that we regret. I’ve done it. Sometimes we say things that’s not so smart,” she said.

Butler also approved of Trump’s invocation of King’s “I Have a Dream” speech during his remarks. “I like his confidence,” she said.

Others did not approve of Trump, or of the decision to inject partisanship into the 28-year-old tradition.
Deb Teall, 61, who helped organize the rally, said she had reservations about inviting Trump to speak at an event created to help missing soldiers and POWs. “We don’t want to lose that focus,” she said. “We’re not really sure what his stance is on POW/MIA and accountability.”
“I don’t think this is a political stage for anyone. So for him to come here, I don’t agree with it,” said Craig Peters, a 63-year-old member of a western Connecticut Harley Owners group, whose leather vest featured one badge with a picture of a hand with middle finger extended.
“He scares me in some respects,” said Peters, who sported an American flag bandana and said he disapproved of Trump’s loose talk. “Stand for something. Don’t just say sh--.”
Still others were unsure how to feel about it all.
“Hillary? Trump? I don’t know, bro,” said Mike McAleer, a 56-year-old union laborer from “Strong Island,” sporting a leather vest and black POW/MIA skull cap.


How Hillary Loses

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Nebraska Just Abolished Civil Forfeiture, Now Requires A Criminal Conviction To Take Property

Credit: Shutterstock

(Comment – Thank you Nick for a spot of good news.  also see:

Nick SibillaNick Sibilla, Contributor
Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts signed a bill on Tuesday that eliminates civil forfeiture, which allows law enforcement to seize and keep property without filing charges or securing criminal convictions. The bill, LB 1106, passed the unicameral legislature last week by a vote of 38 to 8.

Civil forfeiture has ensnared a wide swath of victims in Nebraska. A Peruvian pastoronce had $14,000 seized during a traffic stop. Only after the local chapter of the ACLU intervened was he able to recover his cash. Last year, a federal appellate court upheld forfeiting more than $63,000 in savings from a decorated Air Force veteran, even though he was never charged with a crime.

The newly signed law provides sweeping reforms. First and foremost, Nebraska now requires a criminal conviction to forfeit property. The accused must be convicted of an offense involving illegal drugs, child pornography or illegal gambling to lose their cash, vehicles, firearms or real estate. Nebraska joins just nine other states that require a criminal conviction as a prerequisite for most or all forfeiture cases. Following North Carolina and New Mexico, Nebraska is now the third state largely without civil forfeiture. In addition to the criminal conviction requirement, LB 1106 also enacts new reporting requirements for seizures and forfeitures.

The Best And Worst States For Business 2015

But the legislation, introduced by Sen. Tommy Garrett, does not rectify the state’s incentive to forfeit property. Back in 1984, Nebraska voters approved an amendment to the state constitution that allocates fifty percent of drug forfeiture funds to law enforcement, with the other half directed to schools. Since 2011, agencies have received over $3 million in forfeiture proceeds under state law. According to a recent report by the ACLU of Nebraska, “significant amounts of money have been seized through the state system from people who have never been charged with a crime.” Nebraska’s motivation to police for profit remains unaltered by LB 1106—only another constitutional amendment can change that.

Recommended by Forbes

Yet LB 1106 does take aim at an even more egregious form of police profiteering. By participating in a federal forfeiture program known as “equitable sharing,” state and local agencies can move to forfeit property under federal law and receive up to 80 percent of the proceeds.

Tempted by the higher payout, police and prosecutors routinely turned to equitable sharing to federalize forfeiture cases. Between 2000 and 2013, Nebraska law enforcement collected more than $48 million in federal forfeiture funds, a report by the Institute for Justice found. A separate investigation by The Washington Post identified 889 cash seizures “from people who were not charged with a crime and without a warrant being issued” that were conducted in Nebraska since 9/11.

To curtail equitable sharing, LB 1106 bans state and local agencies from transferring seized cash and property under $25,000. The new law does allow transfers to occur if the property was “physically seized by a federal agent” and if the person who had their property seized is “the subject of a federal prosecution.” The only other state that currently restricts equitable sharing is New Mexico, though its anti-circumvention limit is set at $50,000.

Although Nebraska’s reform is not as sweeping as New Mexico’s, it will still go far in protecting property from unjust takings. Data analysis by the Institute for Justicefound that in 2013, out of all properties seized under equitable sharing in Nebraska, 78 percent were under $25,000. In fact, half of all seized assets were valued at under $6,035.

LB 1106 comes at an opportune time. Facing budget cuts, the Justice Department temporarily suspended equitable sharing last December, but unfortunately decided to revivethe program in late March.

“Civil forfeiture is one of the most serious assaults on due process and private property rights in America today,” IJ’s Legislative Counsel Lee McGrath said in a statement. “Today’s decision to abolish civil forfeiture will ensure that only convicted criminals—and not innocent Nebraskans—lose their property to forfeiture.”

If you or anyone you know has been a victim of civil forfeiture, please contact the Institute for Justice. For more information on civil forfeiture, visit

Follow the Institute for Justice on Facebook and Twitter.

Donald Trump Tells Drought-stricken California: ‘There Is No Drought’

'If I win, believe me, we're going to start opening up the water'

(FRESNO, Calif.) — Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump told California voters Friday that he can solve their water crisis, declaring that: “There is no drought.”

Video here:

Speaking at a rally in Fresno, Calif., Trump accused state officials of denying water to Central Valley farmers so they can send it out to sea “to protect a certain kind of three-inch fish.”

“We’re going to solve your water problem. You have a water problem that is so insane. It is so ridiculous where they’re taking the water and shoving it out to sea,” Trump said to cheers at a rally that drew thousands.

Trump said he spent 30 minutes before the rally meeting with more than 50 farmers who complained to him about their struggles.

“They don’t understand — nobody understands it,” he said, adding that, “There is no drought.”

Trump appeared to be referring to water that runs naturally from the Sacramento River to the San Francisco Bay and then to the ocean. Some farmers want more of that flow captured and diverted to them. The three-inch Delta smelt is a native California fish on the brink of extinction. The smelt has become an emblem in the state’s battles over environmental laws and water distribution.

Politically influential rural water districts and well-off corporate farmers in and around California’s Central Valley have been pushing back against longstanding federal laws protecting endangered fish and other species, saying federal efforts to make sure endangered native fish have enough water is short-changing farmers of the water they want and need for crops.

Water authorities say they can’t do it because of the water rights of those upstream of the farmers, and because of the minimum-water allowances needed by endangered species in the bay and by wildlife in general.

The farm lobby, a heavyweight player in California’s water wars, also is seeking federal and state approval for billions of dollars in new water tunnels, dams, water distribution plans, and other projects.

Trump says that, “If I win, believe me, we’re going to start opening up the water so that you can have your farmers survive.”

California is the country’s No. 1 agriculture producer. The state’s five-year drought is raising the stakes in water disputes among farmers, cities and towns, and environmental interests. California last year marked the driest four-year period in its history, with record low rainfall and snow.

Trump’s appearance drew several hundred protesters who marched around the arena where he was speaking.

Trump is also scheduled to appear Friday at a rally in San Diego, where police are also taking precautions to prevent the kind of violence that has occurred at previous protests against the billionaire businessman-turned-politician.

A count by The Associated Press found Thursday that Trump has reached the required number of delegates to officially clinch the Republican nomination.

Trump’s Touching Gestures Towards Grieving Mothers After Rally Brings Tears – Must See Video

Trump’s Touching Gestures Towards Grieving Mothers After Rally Brings Tears – Must See Video
Cell phone footage captured at Wednesday’s campaign rally shows Donald Trump’s touching and spontaneous interaction with a group of mothers who attended the rally and who lost their children to illegal alien violence.
The footage shows Trump kissing and signing posters of the mothers’ deceased children after his rally in Anaheim, California.

Sabine Durden—whose 30-year-old son Dominic was murdered by an illegal alien who was driving without a license and who had two prior DUI charges—said that she “lost it” when Trump kissed her son’s poster.
“It came from his heart,” Durden said. “We were not in front of a big audience. He was on his way out of the building and we were off to the side… It was such a touching, and very genuine and tender moment and it shows what a kind, gentle and very caring man he is.”
The footage also revealed the pandemonium after a Trump rally—with fans reaching over and around each other as Secret Service desperately tries to maintain control of the chaotic situation. It is in this context that Trump, despite the pressure to continue moving forward, stopped and interacted with the families.
The affectionate gesture draws a sharp contrast with the growing chaos outside the arena—where protesters were waving foreign flags, chanting obscenities, and violently confronting law enforcement. The irony is that these children are dead specifically because law enforcement was not allowed to do its job.
“He’s our last hope for our country to ever recover,” Durden said of Trump’s candidacy.
Durden said that Trump has been her “personal hero and lifesaver.” She added, “He gave me the boost I needed to keep going and keep telling Dominic’s story.
She explained that prior to Trump’s candidacy, “a lot of us ‘Angel Moms’ felt as though no one would ever hear our stories.”
Durden, who is herself an immigrant to the United States, explained that “a week before he [Trump] announced his candidacy, I was so depressed. No one cared about our stories, no one talked about my permanently separated family. [After Dominic’s death] I had no more family here, and I contemplated suicide. Donald Trump saved my life. [When Trump announced his candidacy] I felt like I was finally heard. From then on, my son had a voice through Donald Trump. What he did for me was profound.”
Durden said that she disagrees with Hillary Clinton’s characterization of Trump as a “bully.”
“Donald Trump has always been so very kind,” Durden said. “People call him racist, and he’s none of that. My son Dominic was half black… and Donald Trump has always been so very gentle and concerned about how I feel and how I am doing.”
Durden said that it is Hillary Clinton — and not Trump — who is “the bully”:
During one of the Democratic debates, Hillary Clinton openly announced what she was going to do to help illegal families be united again. She kept saying what she would do for illegal families, and I got so angry because we have American families that need help. We have American families that have been affected by illegal aliens, and Hillary never talks to us, and never talks about our stories or even about the issue. She’s the bully.

How To Use The Glossa Judicial Notice and Order, by Anna von Reitz

1. Realize that the “United States” is a federation of actual nation-states.  The states of the land not the federal “government” are the actual sovereign nations. You receive your nationality at birth as a Nevadan, Californian, Virginian, etc. Your nationality and your sovereignty cannot be taken away from you or changed unless you willfully throw it away.  The Founders knew this and protected your nationality
The Naturalization Act of 1802, Seventh Congress, Session 1, Chapter 28, Sections 1-4, April 14, 1802 sets forth the exact requirements necessary for anyone born in an American state to become a United States Citizen.  Period.  
While the “United States” has always allowed Dual Citizenship— that is, has allowed its “Citizens” to claim both State and Federal Citizenship at the same time, the States of the Union make no such allowance.  From the standpoint of the organic states, you are either out or you are in.  
So you have to make up your mind whether you are a man standing on your native land or a corporate fugitive merely “residing” here in a “Federal State of State” franchise existing only on paper. 
Most of us will agree that we are Virginians standing on the land of Virginia or Wisconsinites standing on the land of Wisconsin, and all of us can ask for proof that we ever completed the steps necessary to become United States Citizens?  
From the standpoint of the States of the Union, no such steps have been taken and no such “United States Citizenship” can be presumed absent such knowing and public declaration and action.  Also from the standpoint of the States of the Union no such thing as a “citizen of the United States” exists — This purely corporate political status was created by the 14th Amendment of the Corporate Charter of the United States of America, Inc.deceptively calling itself the “Constitution of the United States of America” and has nothing to do with us and our nationality. 
You must know this and give Judicial Notice along with an Affidavit affirming that your nativity occured on the land of whichever state and you must demand to see any proof otherwise demonstrating that you completed the steps required by the Naturalization Act of 1802. 
Of course no such evidence exists and they won’t be able to produce it.  Their claim after-the-fact that you agreed to become a corporate slave for them doesn’t hold any water. And your Mother’s unknowing signature on an Application for a Birth Certificate doesn’t either. 
2.  Once you have a grasp of who you are and how to prove and assert it, you are prepared to lodge further objections with the court and this is where the Glossa Judicial Notice and Order comes in. 
Ever heard anyone use the expression, “Put a gloss on it”—-?   It’s a slang expression meaning to “sugar coat or otherwise apply a mask or other deliberate obfuscation of identity or fact”.  That’s what the use of Glossa promotes— a form of knowing misrepresentation of fact calculated to promote personage being practiced by attorneys to hide the identity of both plaintiffs and defendants. 
It is unlawful and illegal for any organization promoting itself as a “court” to use Glossa or any other form of knowing misrepresentation. 
So either the “court” has to admit it is a crime syndicate and a fraud, or it has to stop using Glossa and clearly identify the plaintiffs and defendants.
3. There are two reference books called similar names (sound familiar?) — One is the Chicago Manuel of Style, a popular style guide used widely by newspapers and other publications to provide uniform guidelines and standards for reporters and other writers; it is a large reference book similar to a dictionary or thesaurus.  The other is The Chicago Manuel of Styles, with an “s” which is a much smaller and more limited publication the size of a larger format paperback book, that deals with the subject of “styles” or “stiles”(British) exclusively. The most recent edition I can find is 1948, though there may be more recent editions.
Both of these publications adequately explain what the Glossa is, as does Black’s Law Dictionary. The earlier versions of the American Bar Association guides to legal style and usage also plainly state that the use of all capital letters denotes either a corporation or a dead man’s estate.  
And as I explained, the use of Glossa goes back to Roman times, when the use of all capital letters was used to denote the name of a slave—-so there is no excuse for anyone pretending that the use of Glossa is meaningless and no reason for anyone to scoff at your objections to its use with respect to your good name.  If you aren’t a slave, you must say so. 
If you don’t object, the rats are free to “presume” whatever is advantageous to them. 
4. The authority for my Order is Article X of the actual Constitution, which the rats also adopted in their failed attempt to enclose and privatize our Organic Law— the “undelegated powers” of the states and the people in the international jurisdiction of the sea.  There is no delegation of power granted to Congress to create any corporate “persons” and name them after us — which is an act of attempted identity theft and a trespass upon our private property— nor was Congress ever enabled to use Glossa to denote corporations, estates or other corporate entities in any venue affecting us.  Our Public Law requires all corporations to be clearly identified by suffixes attached to the name of the corporation, such as “John Deere, Incorporated.” or “Hiriam Walker, LLC”.  This is required as a protection against exactly the kind of personage and barratry and other legal chicanery that has been practiced upon the innocent American People. 
Call the court on it.  Issue Judicial Notice that there is no evidence that Congress was ever enpowered to name corporate persons after living American State Nationals, nor is there any provision for Congress to require or even request registration of any child born on American soil — which is a repugnant and internationally forbidden activity resulting in involuntary servitude, press-ganging, and enslavement outlawed throughout the world since 1926.  Any claim that a private contract can overcome the Public Law of this country or the International Law as a whole is in their favorite word, “frivolous”; while anyone might enter into such a contract, the contract itself is unlawful and null and void from inception. 
5. Every “court” public and private operating on American soil is required to take Judicial Notice and stop accepting claims using GLOSSA. Both the plaintiffs and defendants must be clearly, explicitly identified.  
I have the right under Article X of the actual Constitution and under the provisions of The Alaska Statehood Compact to require this correction and I have done so.  
If they want to argue that they are dry docked on American soil and acting under treaty, they had better start obeying the treaties they owe us including the Treaty of Ghent 1814 and start operating exclusively within their proper jurisdiction.  When they trespass onto my jurisdiction and address my people under false presumptions they have to answer to me and my directives.   
6. It might appear that the wording of my Order is awkward and that the subjects and verbs mismatch.  This is because the Order is stated in Legalese.  It prohibits–separately– both the conventions using Glossa and the Glossa (NAME) itself—- both the deed and the word. This may seem a fine distinction, but it is necessary to prevent any additional fudging and chicanery. 
The judges and lawyers reading it will grasp the meaning and implications readily enough. 
This is all background information for you to know and use. 
The Order has been forwarded via Registered Mail to the Hague and also via email to the Office of the Special Prosecutor.  These outrages will not be allowed to continue in any event, but you can all assist by calling these courts and their personnel on the carpet.  When they trespass on you and your name and address mail or anything else to you using Glossa— feel free to stomp them flat with objections they cannot answer.  
7. And always remember that it is impossible to be “in contempt of court” with respect to a court that has no jurisdiction related to you.  When they operate in disrespect of the actual Constitution and our Public Law, they are owed no treaty.

Letter to Pope Francis– Memorial Day 2016, by Anna von Reitz

Anna  Anna von Reitz
Most Beloved Francis,
The lawyers have been bill collectors for the Roman Pontiff since the second century BC. Please redirect them with respect to their activities on American soil. 
As you can see from our attached Judicial Notice and Order to Cease and Desist forwarded to the World Court – the Hague, and the Office of the Special Prosecutor, they have been running private corporate administrative tribunals as if they were lawful public courts, employing Glossa to misrepresent and mischaracterize living Americans as corporate “persons” and otherwise running amok on our soil.  
As the single largest employer of all lawyers and attorneys worldwide as well as inheritor of the copyrights and trademarks of the statutory law, you are uniquely responsible for this continuing situation and the related abuses.
As has already been established by the Vatican Chancery Court, people born on the land of the American organic states are the lawful beneficiaries of the land and no one may claim otherwise. 
As has also been established by the Treaty of Westminster 1794 and the Treaty of Ghent 1814 we are also beneficiaries of the international jurisdiction of the sea “in perpetuity”. 
As Pope Benedict XVI has fully admitted, the secret Treaty of Verona of 1822 was an egregious Breach of Trust, an illegal, unlawful, and immoral act by the then-Pope and the British Monarch, owed nothing but confession, repudiation and correction.  
We call upon you to exert your full empowerment as the ultimate comptroller of the statutory law creating all corporations on Earth and your office as the Roman Pontiff to correct the operations of the American Bar Association, the International Bar Association, the International Monetary Fund, the Federal Reserve, the UNITED STATES, (INC.), and THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, (INC.), the UN Corporation, and all their franchises and affiliates including the corporation calling itself the GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES and the PENTAGON. 
These entities have functioned as crime syndicates on our shores and have been grossly misdirected by both the British and French Governments and various Vatican operatives in the past and present.  This entire mess must be cleaned up, and it cannot be accomplished by pretending that the Creditors are Debtors, via the use of scapegoats, or the avoidance of the facts. 
Your efforts of the Motu Proprio of July 11, 2013 are much appreciated.  Your decision to give the miscreants three years to clean up their acts and come into compliance with their charters has, as we feared, only encouraged them to redouble their acts of criminality, but we have nonetheless waited out the grace period. 
The American people are owed the guarantees of their actual Constitution— what the Vatican calls our “Original Equity Contract”— and we have acted properly to claim our property assets, have issued our Sovereign Letters Patent, have established our Joint Declaration of Sovereignty together with the Federal Indigenous Nations preserving our “Original Equity Contract” and have properly asked you in your capacity as Trustee to facilitate the settlement of the so-called United States National Debt by application of our National Credit to balance the books. We have likewise directed the Board of Governors of the Bank for International Settlements regarding our Will.  
May we now consider these issues done and settled?  
We also understand the embarrassment of the British, French, Japanese, Germany, and many other national governments with respect to the debts owed to the American people. These debts arising out of the need to rebuild after the Second World War together with the interest accrued would indeed be insurmountable and would result in the enslavement of most of the world if we were to insist on repayment.  We understand that this concern—the gross indebtedness of the world— has been the entire motivation behind the apparent international collusion against our lawful government.
Let us ask how much a life is worth and who will hazard to pay it back? 
While distracted by the chicanery of international bankers and the digits accruing on ledgers most of the world has been deluded into believing what we can only describe as “lies we have told ourselves”.  We have not succumbed to such silliness. 
We assert that we cannot give life and have no right to take it.  We assert that the value of even one life is beyond the ability of the world to repay.  We assert that the essence of a good life is to have all that we truly need, to possess some of the things we merely want, to love and to be loved, to serve a noble purpose, to have a home and to live at peace.  We assert that this is well-within the ability of each of us to achieve and within the Earth’s ability to sustain for a long time into the future.   
A higher law than any “law” of commerce is called for at this time, a law that requires each man of every faith and nation to come to terms with our actual nature and our actual needs. 
We assert that money is nothing but a tool, like a shovel or a rake, which everyone must have access to use to fulfill both their daily needs to pay for food, fuel, housing, water, safe sanitation and similar needs— and their dreams. Depriving people of money so as to make it a false god is a crime that renders us all in the ridiculous position of worshiping something of our own creation, as if we baked a cupcake and then bowed down to it.   
The accummulation of debt and the holding of debt has to cease and the forgiveness of debt must commence.  Let it begin with the American people and their lawful government. We didn’t give in order to commit usury against everyone else— as the “United States” defined as the “territories and District of Columbia” has done.  
We gave to give, to restore, to help.  We gave of our bodies in war and in peace.  We gave of our natural resources, too.  We did it to assist other nations to rebuild and have all that they need to live good lives according to their own dreams and traditions—not to ensnare them in a web of insurmountable debt. 
Nobody can ever repay the sacrifices made at Dunkirk and Normandy and Hiroshima and Treblinka, but we can all certainly learn our lessons.  The Americans have learned.  
No other nation has to worry about what they owe us, except the moral obligation to support us when we are right and to assist us now by fully recognizing the fact that the United States Congress has been operating a rogue secondary government and promoting a confusion between that government and our lawful government. 
The Federal United States composed of the “territories and District of Columbia” and doing business as the United States of America (Minor) is a separate entity from The United States of America (Major).  The United States Congress has operated this kingdom made of paper (and a few stray islands) to defraud the American people and the entire rest of the world via deceit based on similar names.
We are not the problem.  We have been the victims of this mischaracterization and misrepresentation and we have suffered along with the rest of the world.  
This deceit has been promoted by international banking cartels, corrupt politicians, and senior members of the American and International Bar Associations, some of whom have sought refuge in Mainland China when confronted with the severity of their criminality. 
This system was pioneered in China many centuries ago, so it has now come full circle and needs to be destroyed by the same people who first discerned the principle underlying it— which is summed up by the Chinese proverb:  “If you collect the money, you disperse the people. If you disperse the money, you collect the people”.  
The  American people are still provably the Priority Creditors of the entire planet. We have not abandoned our position nor our property assets.  We have paid the piper and what we say has to hold, or all the laws of commerce and all the laws of nations fail.  So what do we say? 
Neither we nor the rest of the world should suffer for the sake of greed, lies, and delusions. A cupcake is a cupcake and a crook is a crook.  
We call upon you and all world leaders to honor our contributions and inheritance— our land, our homes, our lives, our public and organic law—-as we have honored theirs, and draw the line between us and the Federal United States which has caused all the problems, racked up all the debts, and engaged in all these crimes against us and other nations.