Sunday, October 2, 2016

Anna Von Reitz : Stern Warning About "Satanic Ritual Abuse"

New comment on A Stern Warning About "Satanic Ritual Abuse"


Sunday, October 2, 2016
Anna Von Reitz

I am not "unaware" of the problem. Nor am I unaware of the history of these vile practices and venal religions.  

I doubt that it exists to the extent you believe it does, because out of all the many people who have come to me and ranted about this, none of them proved to be victims themselves or to have any first-hand knowledge--- and that indicates a whole lot of gossip and hysteria going on. 

And this is why I have given everyone who is "pushing" this a stern warning.  If you do have any actual, factual, first-hand knowledge of such practices and fail to come forward and properly report these crimes, you are an accomplice to them. 

Even victims can be held accountable as accomplices if they don't report the crime, because their silence permits the continued abuse of others.

I have been told that many victims can't specifically identify their attackers because they were unknown adults or they used masks to hide their identities, however, with the breaking of several child-trafficking and sex slave kidnapping rings  in Britain and in the United States and elsewhere it is becoming possible to compile Rogues Galleries of known perverts.  Those visual files can be used to match these creeps to their deeds---but we cannot prosecute them without injured parties and complaints.

So I repeat--- telling me secondhand gossip all day long doesn't get the job done. Looking at photographs and connecting the dots and filing the sworn affidavits does.

I have been told that many victims are afraid of being murdered if they tell what happened to them.  Aren't they being "murdered" every day by the fear?  At what point do you say, "To Hell with this!  I am either going to get them or they are going to get me!"

What do you all think I had to come to, to raise my hand and do the things I have done?  I've flown in the face of the entire "federal government" like an avenging angel: CIA, FBI, IRS, BATF, DOJ--- the whole criminal lot of them.

And you are telling me that the survivors of these crimes don't have the anger and the strength now that they are adults to face down the lousy, stinking, vile cowards who did these things to them as children? 

Fear gets you nowhere. Fear corrects nothing.  Fear just begets more fear and helpless rage and feelings of powerlessness.  Fear lets them get away with it. 

Bah, humbug, on all of that.  We all have a choice to live fearlessly or die by slow inches of misery---all marching on to an inevitable end that comes whether you fear it or not. 

So why fear dying, if your fear denies you the joy of life and freedom and happiness and even destroys your self-respect? 

I came to a day when all fear passed away, a day when I knew for certain that I didn't want to live another day in fear.  

Getting the actual victims and eye-witnesses to the point where they realize that their lives aren't worth living until they address their fear and overcome it ---is necessary.  It's the only way the perpetrators can be brought to justice. It's the only way for these practices to be suppressed.

I've been told that many victims have suffered memory suppression, hypnosis, and other advanced "mind-altering" techniques designed to "wipe their memories" and ensure their silence.

The true Satanists among us have used date rape drugs and drug induced lobotomies for centuries.  It's part of their stock and trade.  But modern science can easily identify the presence of these drugs and it's unlikely that those using them would go undetected for long.

There are two things you have to keep in mind about people who prey on children: they are cowards and they are mentally and emotionally warped. Many of them were abused children themselves, and they act out the aggression they feel toward their own attackers and demonstrate their "power" as adults by raping new generations.

These acts are all acts of violence and shaming.  They have nothing to do with sex per se.

That said, nothing can be done until you have facts, victims, and witnesses who are able to come forward and press charges. All of you out "raising public awareness" via ignorant gossiping do nothing whatsoever to help anyone or resolve anything.  You just create new problems.

By all means, keep your eyes open and watch your children like hawks.  If you see anything at all abnormal or unusual going on, question it directly or report it. 

When my son was young I used an innocent subterfuge to make sure he was always with me and always aware of his surroundings.  I told him that I might get lost, so he needed to watch me and watch where we were at all times. 

I never lost my car in the parking lot again and I didn't have the problem of chasing toddlers under clothes racks, either. To this day, he remains very alert and aware and sensitive to his surroundings.

I also made sure that he was never left alone and that I knew exactly where he was.  I took him to karate and mixed martial arts lessons from an early age.  I made sure he knew weapons of all kinds and how to use them. 

This is a beautiful world, but it can also be ugly and violent.  If you have any sense, you have to take precautions and think about what you are doing, where you are, who you may encounter, and how you are going to react if you are attacked. Your defensive stance must become automatic and instinctual. 

As a parent you have to defend your children and teach them to defend themselves.  If you are a decent adult, you also owe a debt to the community to watch out for other people's children.

One day as I was walking home from work I observed a little girl, about seven, standing alone on a street corner. She was crying. Her Mother had left her alone at the Public Library--- just walked out the door and forgot her and the Librarian closed the library--- just booted the little girl out on the street at five o'clock.  She didn't know the way home and was frantic, as any child would be. 

At least a dozen other adults walked right past that child and never stopped to ask her what was wrong. 

I found it shocking then and I still find it shocking now.  How could the Librarian be so clueless and stupid as to leave an unaccompanied seven year-old on the street and make no effort to contact her family?  How could all those other "busy" office workers walk right on by?

I can only tell you that they did and as a result, a little girl was put at terrible and unnecessary risk. Anyone could have driven up and stuffed her into a car.  Anyone could have taken her hand, as I did, and led her down the street.

It was past closing time for all the public buildings in that part of the city, so I went to a nearby house and knocked on the door, explained the problem, and asked the householder to look up the Mother's telephone number.  Before we could dial, the Mother drove up--- frantic as her daughter had been. 

"Oh, my God! Oh, my God!" 

God was looking out for her and her daughter.  He put me in the way of anything truly bad happening, but this is all very instructive.  We all have moments of attention lapse.  We all do incredibly stupid things.  It's then that we have to have a decent community and good people in it, who care about their neighbors, who make an effort, who protect children from harm. 

Those of you who are all hyped-up and looking for Satanic Rituals behind every woodpile, why not organize yourselves to detect any signs of any such thing in all the churches and clubs and institutions?  Why not make the pledge to keep silent vigil as you go about your business, to watch out for children, to guard them, to protect them.  Why not support groups like "Amber Alert"?  Or start your own local child welfare advocacy group?  Why not publish safety leaflets in cooperation with the local police and schools?  Not to scare children, but to reasonably inform them of safe practices--- like going places in groups with known friends and staying with your group?  And to inform their parents?

There are hundreds of valuable, useful, practical ways that you can weigh in and make the world a safer and better place for children.  Do them. 

And puhleaze-----stop sitting on your butts uselessly gossiping about this topic? Stop spreading irresponsible rumors about other religious groups and foreigners whose only sin is being foreign? 

Child abusers come from all religions, all levels of society, all races.  This hideous phenomenon is part of what Jesus  and the Jews of his time called, "The Great Abomination", the worship of Ashtoreth, the Mother of All Harlots, Idolatries, and Blasphemies. 

Right now, in this day and age, a giant statue of Ashtoreth is standing in New York Harbor, masquerading as the "Statue of Liberty"----- or more properly, the Statue of Libertines. 

Remember what Jesus said---- "When you see the Great Abomination standing where it should not stand...."?  Well, ---you tell me what is a statue honoring an evil Babylonian fertility goddess doing standing in the middle of New York Harbor?  A goddess famous for the sacrifice of babies by burning them alive?  A goddess famous for raping little girls and selling them into lives as temple prostitutes?  

Ashtoreth is standing where she should not stand and giving her a new name doesn't change a thing.

Whatever else we are, a mélange, a nation of mutts, a melting pot, a stew pot, gullible hicks, livestock---- or all the other names we have been called by European Elitists-----we are not a nation of devil worshipers and we don't deserve a giant idol of Ashtoreth standing in New York Harbor proclaiming that we are.

If you want to see the moral conscience of America awaken, form a Committee to get rid of the "Statue of Liberty". 

See this article and over 300 others on Anna's website

Anna Von Reitz : Comment on Luis Ewing, Larry Becraft, and Admiralty Lawyers, et Alia

Comment on Luis Ewing, Larry Becraft, and Admiralty Lawyers, et Alia

Sunday, October 2, 2016
Anna Von Reitz

Luis Ewing is a "jailhouse lawyer"--- self-taught in Admiralty Law only---who makes his living off other people's ignorance. In this he is like many, many other lawyers--- except that he didn't go to law school and often messes up his processes and procedures.

Luis tried to attach himself to me early on as a means to troll for clients--- people seeking help on my website.  He was jumping in and offering his services as if he was recommended and endorsed by me.

When I objected to this and exposed his unimpressive track record, he took it personally and decided that I was a potential danger to his income stream and went on the war path trying to discredit me, because I exposed his record----which all by itself discredits him. 

As always look at who is throwing the dirt and why.

I am teaching people to respect and use the American Common Law, which they are owed as people per Amendment VII,  instead of allowing themselves to be treated as "things" and railroaded around under Admiralty Law. 

Since both Larry and Luis make their bean and coffee money off Admiralty Law and also obtain whatever power and control they have over others via the use of Admiralty Law, someone like me is perceived as a nasty threat.  I am a competitor.  I am taking away business from them.  Reducing their market share. 

What do you expect them say? 

That I have better bananas than they do?  That my system of law is far simpler and easier to use?   That American Common Law is the legitimate law of the land?  That  people are being defrauded and suffering personage at the hands of Admiralty Lawyers?

You expect them to admit that and smile and dance all the way home when they see me coming?  You imagine that they are going to be happy about the restoration of American Common Law Courts, when their income and their social prestige is tied to Admiralty Law?

You must be dreaming. 

See this article and over 300 others on Anna's website

Anna Von Reitz : There is Nothing Occult

There is Nothing Occult

Sunday, October 2, 2016
Anna Von Reitz

The word “occult” means “hidden”----- and there is nothing hidden from you.  Absolutely nothing.  There are only things that you haven’t thought of, things you are afraid to know, and things that Evil Ones have kept you ignorant of, so as to better plunder your assets and control you. 

There is nothing occult in this world or upon this Earth.  God has declared that if you knock, it shall be opened, and if you ask, it will not be withheld.  You can experience this Truth for yourself any time you dare to knock upon His Door.

Not only is nothing hidden, more is constantly being revealed, directly, right under your noses.  The Kingdom of God that has always been within you and part of you offers you unending riches of life and knowledge and experience that you only need to be brave enough to accept. 

You are the product, part and parcel, of the greatest love story ever conceived.  You are witnessing magic and wonders that make anything in Harry Potter look pale as a child’s drawings.  You are the Children of God----literally.  The Earth is your playpen and schoolyard. 

And if the true knowledge of who and what you are has been hidden from you, it can only be said that in the deepest sense, you have hidden it from yourselves.

There is One Life that fills the Universe and all of this dimension, and you are all part of it as a twig is a part of a branch. The One Life flows through you and exists within you and connects you to all other life, and if there is any occult secret, it is simply your own stubborn unawareness of your connectedness to everyone and everything else that exists.

You are afraid of this awareness because you fear that you will lose your individual consciousness. This is the same reason that you fear death.  You think that your “self” will be lost and that what little you have will be taken from you.  You think that your memories, good and bad, and all that makes you who and what you are will melt away and cease to exist, simply because the physical body does. 

Imagine for a moment how silly and ungrateful and stupid this is?

You have been given an individual life and consciousness, as a gift.  And now instead of being grateful and rejoicing and exploring it, you huddle up in a corner, pull a blanket over your head and cherish nasty suppositions about the motivations behind the gift.  

You suspect the Giver will take it all back, that there has to be a hitch, that it is at once too wonderful to be true and too big a responsibility to undertake. 

So you huddle in your little hut with the blanket over your head and curse the gift and blame the Giver for all the bad things you ever experience, unaware that you are causing your own misery and alienation and loneliness.  And it could be far, far different, except for the choices that you make.

This isn’t just about the history of America that has been obscured by con artists.  This is about revelation on many levels and concerning many subjects.  The word “apocalypse” means “the revealing” ---as in a curtain being withdrawn so that the light can pour in. 

How is it that you rear your own children and watch them grow and take for granted all the stages of their maturing, and you hear the words that you are the “Children of God” and yet, you don’t connect the meaning and implications of what you are being told? 

What do you suppose it takes to mature a god-scion? 
Just one lifetime in Puxtuxawilli, Maine? 

Imagine for a moment that you are standing in a room, looking out the window to a garden beyond.  Now, imagine that you turn and walk into another room and look out another window with another view. 

That is how easy it is to change—and expand--- your perspective. Just a little adjustment.  Walk a few feet into another room and look out another window.  How easy is that?

By choosing to do something as simple as that, you can know all the secrets of the world, all that is hidden from you, all that has been used to defraud and control and limit you.  And the choice and the means to do this is all yours, all in your control.
You can project your consciousness wherever you need it to go.  You can look into any musty corner of history, know any secret, at will.  Just as I do.

The “scales” will drop from your eyes---- your inner eyes.  And at the same time you know the truth about your own nature, you will reconnect and willingly take your place in the great order of things, knowing for sure that you are greatly loved and greatly blessed far beyond your wildest dreams.

All fear melts away when you know the Truth.  It simply doesn’t exist anymore, because you are sure of who you are and who your Daddy is.  What He tells you to do, you will run to do, gladly.  What He asks, you will accomplish out of pure love.  And you will never feel alone again. 

The destiny planned for you all since the foundations of the world is something far grander than your minds can presently conceive, but what He has purposed shall be.  You will grow, as a child does, and you will mature and become all that He cherishes in His heart for you.

God sees you, your ultimate pure essence, as a work already completed.  He has already mandated your success. He does not see your mistakes and imperfections as anything defiling or ruining you; rather, He sees them as your own unique process of growth and transformation, steps toward becoming your own perfected self, lessons you have to learn. 

Do you hate your child because he falls down and scrapes his knees? 

So what is this nonsense of the hateful, vengeful God who is going to condemn His own children to flames of unending torment and death?   Who, rather, is the “god” who delights in the “smell of burning flesh”? 

There are two Gods in the Bible--- the True God and the False God.   And the True God is constantly lied about and blasphemed by the False God.  For what reason? 

So that you can learn the Truth and learn to tell the difference between truth and falsehood, right and wrong, good and evil.  You must learn these lessons and develop an acute power of discernment in order to inherit your birthright and it is as plain and simple as that. 

You have one job in this or any other lifetime that is your own most serious undertaking, and that is to master all the complexities of the “knowledge of good and evil”, so that you can recognize both with consistency and certainty, discerning the good in evil and the evil in good, and choose your path according to the Will of your Father, the path that is good for you and all of creation. 

You are all struggling with these lessons, so tutors are sent to you---and some tutors are better than others.  As with all things, you must choose your teachers with discernment and judge the fruits of their teachings.  Do they lead to peace or war?  Do they provide mercy and charity, or violence and greed?  

Stop and really think about what is valuable in life and what gives you lasting joy and you will know the Truth and nothing in Heaven or on Earth will be hidden from you.  You can stop fearing the “occult” and start enjoying the revelation.  

See this article and over 300 others on Anna's website

New Documents Reveal Plans For Martial Law and FEMA Camps Exposed

New Documents Reveal Plans For Martial Law and FEMA Camps                                                 Exposed 

Here are 10 Facts About Microwave Ovens That Should Forever Terminate Their Use

Here are 10 Facts About Microwave Ovens That Should Forever Terminate Their Use

By dt on Oct 01, 2016 10:19 am
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Hight fructose corn syrup damages your body....

How High Fructose Corn Syrup Damages Your Body...
Image result for popeye the sailor

Hi Tony,

After reading your comment I dare say you are either not the brightest light bulb in the chain or you just have not been researching alternative medicine for 26 years like I have...  I am also very close to getting a N.D. degree, but I am too old to utilize it so I just keep researching and helping folks realize there are much better ways to take care of themselves....
By the way.....I do know a pig farmer and he does fatten his hogs with hi-fructose corn syrup. I don't dare show you any information that I know about since this simple article is over your head by a long way.... When I went to school there was no fat kids in an elementary of 850 kids, and as far as I know the food we ate then was not poisoned and there were no chemtrails....I never saw anyone with diabetes!!
By Dr. Mercola...
July 24, 2007 | 177,289 views

Drinking high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), the main ingredient in most soft drinks throughout the world, increases your triglyceride levels and your LDL (bad) cholesterol. These effects only occurred in the study participants who drank fructose -- not glucose.
Consumption of beverages containing fructose rose 135 percent between 1977 and 2001. Food and beverage manufacturers began switching their sweeteners from sucrose (table sugar) to corn syrup in the 1970s when they discovered that HFCS was not only cheaper to make, it was also sweeter, a switch that has drastically altered the American diet.
In 1966, sucrose made up 86 percent of sweeteners. Today, 55 percent of sweeteners used are made from corn.

Medscape July 5, 2007 (Registration Required)

Dr. Mercola's Comments:
Follow Dr. Mercola on Twitter Follow Dr. Mercola on Facebook

In case you forgot, or never knew in the first place, the number one source of calories in the US is high fructose corn syrup.  Let me say that in different words so you more fully appreciate the impact of this fact.  Remember that fat has 250% more calories than sugar, but even with this major disadvantage, the food that most people get MOST of their calories from is sugar from corn, primarily in the form of soft drinks.

Even though I have known this for years, it is still shocking to me every time I reflect on the enormity of this truth.  But, like W. Clement Stone, I believe that there is a nugget of good in this horrible fact. The good is that stopping this pernicious habit is one of the easiest things to do. Since this is such a pervasive problem in the US, we could make radically outrageous improvements in our health as a culture if we just simply stopped everyone from drinking soda.

I am HIGHLY confident that the health improvement would be FAR more profound than if everyone stopped smoking because elevated insulin levels are the foundation of nearly every chronic disease known to man, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, aging, arthritis, osteoporosis, you name it, and you will find elevated insulin levels as a primary factor.
This evidence of an increase in triglyceride levels and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels is just the latest among countless findings pointing to the dangers of High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS).
Part of what makes HFCS such an unhealthy product is that it is metabolized to fat in your body far more rapidly than any other sugar, and, because most fructose is consumed in liquid form, its negative metabolic effects are significantly magnified.

HFCS has also been linked to:

The delusion that fructose is an acceptable form of sugar is quite prevalent in many nutritional circles. In fact, nearly all simple sugars are metabolized quickly and disrupt insulin levels, which contributes to most chronic illness. Eating small amounts of whole fruit will not provide tremendous amounts of fructose and should not be a problem for most people, unless diabetes or obesity is an issue but fruit juices, sodas and other beverages sweetened with fructose should be avoided.
To add insult to injury, the corn that the high fructose corn syrup is metabolized from nearly all comes from genetically modified corn which is fraught with its own well documented side effects and health concerns.
High fructose corn syrup is  not something that should be in your diet at all. But HFCS is the primary caloric sweetener in U.S. soft drinks. Researchers estimate that most Americans eat 132 calories of HFCS per day, while the top 20 percent of sweetener consumers eat over 300. And some, they say, eat as much as 700 calories per day of HFCS.
Sodas, of course, are not the only source of HFCS (though they represent one of the main ones). This dangerous sweetener is also in many processed foods and fruit juices, so to avoid it you need to focus your diet on whole foods and, if you do purchase packaged foods, become an avid label reader.
I will have many more articles about this death juice just for you Tony....

The Clintons Caused the 2008 Collapse


Last night, pitching great and Boston Red Sox hero Kurt Schilling was on Fox with Neil Cavuto. As he is running to displace current socialist hack Elizabeth “Fauxahontas” Warren in the Senate in Massachusetts, there was very little baseball discussed, beside the fact that Cavuto is a Yankees fan. Anyone familiar understands that the Red Sox and Yankees are one of America’s greatest sports rivalries. The two teams, and their fans, are not fond of one another.

As Schilling is also a Trump supporter, the discussion centered on the presidential race, the debate, and Hillary Clinton, to be precise.

Schilling is not afraid to speak his mind. He said, in effect, that Hillary is the gift that keeps on giving – that it is easy to catch her in a lie because that’s pretty much all she does.

The discussion turned to the economy, and Schilling reiterated what Trump had said during the debate regarding Hillary having 30 years to fix the economy, but has apparently waited until now to do anything about it.

Both he and Trump are absolutely right to bring this up. The problem is that Trump doesn’t appear to have a grasp on specifically why. And if he does, he declined to share it with 84 million viewers.

Hillary, like Obama, loves to incessantly blame George W. Bush for the economic collapse, which, despite their best efforts, could evidently not fix in the eight years following.

Had Trump prepared, it would have been a perfect opportunity to explain to the record audience just exactly what did happen in 2008, and more to the point – why.

With a little help from IBD and an article I posted in 2014, entitled, “A Tantamount Admission,” allow me to do the job Trump should have.

First, Hillary, whenever a question arises, can hardly use the excuse that "it was my husband's administration." You may recall during the campaign in 1992, Bill and Hillary Clinton offered America a two-for-one special - vote Bill into the White House, and the country would get Hillary there too, at no extra charge.

That was not just a bumper sticker slogan. In this country’s history, there has never been a first lady who has wielded more power and authority. She had her hand in everything, and as such, was well aware of the co-presidential agenda.
She may claim that the '90s were an economic boon, but during their two terms, the Clintons also built the framework for the eventually collapse in 2008.

It was the Clinton Whitehouse who took Jimmy Carter’s dopey Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) idea and pumped it full of steroids. Carter's plan, through the force of government, was to provide "affordable housing" to those he deemed less fortunate. The Clintons doubled down on Carter’s initiative and used their stooge Janet Reno, to force banks to offer mortgages to those who could not afford to purchase nor had a prayer of paying back the home loan.

It was the Bush administration who tried to rein in this government thuggery, but democrats like Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, and Maxine Waters convinced America that all was well in the housing industry. It clearly wasn’t.

During the debate Hillary insisted that it was the Bush policies of tax cuts and attempts at deregulation which led to the 2008 crash. With a few facts and figures, Trump could have owned her, but, as stated earlier, he seemed ill-prepared. So again – allow me.

Bush got his tax cut plan passed in 2003. “From 2003 to 2007, the tax cuts helped push real GDP up 15.2%, or more than 3% a year.” In two terms since, there hasn’t been a single year with a 3% growth rate – not one – and most were not even close. In 2003, the evil rich, or 1%, paid $256 billion in taxes. By 2007, after four years of tax cuts for the rich, those same wicked one percenters paid $471 billion.

Despite Bush’s best efforts, it was the CRA policy so aggressively impelled by the Clintons that did us in. By 2007, there were almost 27 million subprime mortgages in America, totaling over $4.5 trillion. No economy can withstand this onslaught.

As clear as day – this is what caused the 2008 collapse. If Trump had been better prepared, he could have explained it to the American people in less than five minutes.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Presidential Elections - Are Americans being deceived once again??

Trump Accused of Violent Child Rape 
With his Billionaire Pedophile Buddy

Does Donald Trump have Incestious Relationship 
with Daughter Ivanka?

Politicians Rape Children 

by John DiNardo
Before presenting the evidence showing that at least two of our recent  presidents have raped children, you need to know that there is genuine hope of stopping this evil juggernaut, whereby presidential stooges of the war-profiteering military/industrial ruling elite obediently slaughter peasant men, women, and children abroad for profit and for territorial takeover. 

President Hillary or President Trump will be those obedient stooges --   guaranteed -- because both are HIGHLY black mailable by the military/industrial/ banking ruling elite. 

Therefore, the American people's solution is to support the few resistant men and women in the U.S. Congress who are being purged from office by this evil military/ industrial ruling elite. 

While you are tricked into dwelling on this fraudulent presidential election, the few resistant Congress members such as Sen. Rand Paul are being forced out of our Congress, just as the ruling elite forced out the valiant Congresswoman, Cynthia McKinney. 

These few decent Congress members are our last gasp  of oxygen in our politically strangled federal government. 

When Americans neglect their duty to retain their sincere representatives in our Congress, then those negligent Americans must suffer even greater taxation and even greater lose of their childrens' lives, both in foreign combat and in poverty and oppression here at home. 

The powerful elite who really rule America are trying to oust Sen. Rand Paul because he stands for America first, and because he resists the war-profiteering military/industrial complex, against which President Eisenhower warned the American people way back in 1960. 

I can prolifically prove to you that billionaire Trump is a fake savior of America, whom the ruling elite have chosen along with Hillary. In other words, you fooled Americans, the ruling elite do now, and have always, presented their stooges for president from both parties. 

Have you not always sensed my claim to be true? 
Have you not always hoped for a presidential savior,  only to be disillusioned and disgusted two years after that savior took office?? 

Astute, sincere political observers can confirm that you are about to become disillusioned and disgusted once again with either Pres. Hillary or Pres. Trump. 

Therefore, you Americans who surmise that your children stand to soon suffer even more -- you must email, facebook-share, and retweet Sen. Rand Paul's urgent appeal, for the sake of your children, whose misery will only intensify with the coming war and depression which is now being concocted against all the World by the military/industrial/banking ruling elite who rule from behind the curtain of the global stage.

America, stand by those who have proven their trustworthiness and faithfulness to be true to the best interests of this nation and its people. It is time to rid our nation of the traitors, liars, thieves and murderers who occupy and take advantage of their seats in power over the nation.