Comment on Luis Ewing, Larry Becraft, and Admiralty Lawyers, et Alia
Sunday, October 2, 2016
Anna Von Reitz
Luis Ewing is a "jailhouse lawyer"--- self-taught in Admiralty Law only---who makes his living off other people's ignorance. In this he is like many, many other lawyers--- except that he didn't go to law school and often messes up his processes and procedures.
Luis tried to attach himself to me early on as a means to troll for clients--- people seeking help on my website. He was jumping in and offering his services as if he was recommended and endorsed by me.
When I objected to this and exposed his unimpressive track record, he took it personally and decided that I was a potential danger to his income stream and went on the war path trying to discredit me, because I exposed his record----which all by itself discredits him.
As always look at who is throwing the dirt and why.
I am teaching people to respect and use the American Common Law, which they are owed as people per Amendment VII, instead of allowing themselves to be treated as "things" and railroaded around under Admiralty Law.
Since both Larry and Luis make their bean and coffee money off Admiralty Law and also obtain whatever power and control they have over others via the use of Admiralty Law, someone like me is perceived as a nasty threat. I am a competitor. I am taking away business from them. Reducing their market share.
What do you expect them say?
That I have better bananas than they do? That my system of law is far simpler and easier to use? That American Common Law is the legitimate law of the land? That people are being defrauded and suffering personage at the hands of Admiralty Lawyers?
You expect them to admit that and smile and dance all the way home when they see me coming? You imagine that they are going to be happy about the restoration of American Common Law Courts, when their income and their social prestige is tied to Admiralty Law?
You must be dreaming.
See this article and over 300 others on Anna's website here:www.annavonreitz.com
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