It appears Bill and Hillary Clinton are making plans to flee the country in the event Donald Trump wins this election. Reports are circulating that the Clintons have transferred 1.8 Billion dollars from the Clinton Foundation to the Qatar Central Bank, via a facilitation/abatement of JP Morgan Chase & Company for reasons not revealed.
This move of such a large sum of money to the country of Qatar says in itself, Hillary Clinton knows she is going to lose the election, and she doesn't plan to allow herself to be prosecuted for various high crimes and treason under a Trump Administration.
The country of Qatar happens to be one of a handful of countries that does not have an extradition treaty with the United States, thus would be a perfect place for her to run to in escaping justice.
Donald Trump has said many times during his campaign and at the Presidential debates that once he gets into office, he intends to prosecute her on various high crimes from her latest crimes of sending classified material via a personal e mail server. All the way to gun running to terrorist groups in Syria resulting in the deaths of 4 Americans in Benghazi
Apparently, Hillary is not the only person in Washington who has made plans to escape justice under a Trump Administration. John Kerry has quietly been selling his property in the US for millions of dollars of late, with an announcement of the sale of his $25 million dollar Nantucket mansion in June 2016, as well as the sale of his yacht for $3.9 million in July 2016.
President Barack H Obama has also apparently been making exit plans with his purchase of a $4.9 million dollar seaside mansion in Dubai in January 2016, another non extradition country.
Snopes and other supposed fact checking sites have debunked both the story of Obama's purchase of the mansion and the firing of Rear Admiral Rick Williams. However, over the last several months, these sites have been busted for lying in trying to debunk such information as the before mentioned, when in fact the information is true. Snopes and other sites try their best to keep incriminating information from being believed, but the truth has a way of coming out on its own, as it always has.
The Bush family has been quietly buying property, as well with the purchase of 100,000 acres in Paraguay in 2006, yet another country good for the Bush family since it does not allow extradition to any country if the death penalty is a possibility for the crime. If the corruption is found to go as far back as both of the Bush Administrations with any connections to them being the perpetrators of the events on 9-11
... oh I don,t think these 'vermin' ... are going anywhere.(out of the country)... no, I'd venture to guess the 'genuine' military,( as opposed to the CABAL military ), are keeping very close tabs on where and what these vermin have in mind for their,'disappearing' acts.... nope,... they won't get away. grin.
Obama has a massive resort in Saudi Arabia. Hillary just moved billions to Qatar Central bank ( see sorcha faal reports). Bushs, in 90's, bought nearly 300,000 acres in Paraguay to escape to (like their idol Hiler did). They built a US military base there (your tax dollars) to guard it. It has the best aquifir on the planet, and they have claimed all water rights, pissing off the locals. None of this is in the Israaeli-Jewish controlled US news.
Hopefully, they will be behind bars or off planet, soon. Bushs 300,000 acres would be a better place to ship all the soros-made refugees and immigrants, btw.
I'm sure we'll never get to know the true outcome
of their criminal careers, but I can think of
two just punishments for them as group.
1) drowned in blood
2) weighted down with an anvil and thrown
into the Potomac. Maybe we might erect
a granite 'memorial' with their names on it..
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