Wednesday, October 26, 2016


GESARA and NESARA and NO-SERA about 90% correct

Wednesday, October 2 2016
Anna Von Reitz

I am sorry but the real General Roy Schwasinger, who was a long-time friend of my Mother's and many of the other desperate Wisconsin dairy farmers who joined the NFO back in the 1970's, 80's and 90's, would turn over in his grave if he heard the claptrap now being spread about NESARA.  And the so-called GESARA, the Global Government version 2.0--- would not be at all well-received, either.

Please note that the writers of all these articles about NESARA never nail the name of the legislation down. 

Pay attention--- very close attention---to the words.

Those who have read my articles about the Great Fraud which has been engulfing our nation and the entire world will be familiar with this con artist technique called "mirroring".  The perpetrators set up two (or more) deceptively similar names and confuse people deliberately.  It works hand in hand with another con job technique called "Bait and Switch"---- you offer a superior product or deal, and at the last minute "switch" to a much lower grade product. 

The classic example is buying a Thoroughbred race horse named "Glory and Honor" and being shown a beautiful, high-spirited, young animal named "Glory n' Honour"--- only to sign on the dotted line and receive instead "Glory and Honor"---- a Thoroughbred race horse, all right, the Great-Great-Great-Grandsire of the horse you thought you were buying. 

First, you are confused by the deceptively similar names, and then second, you make natural, innocent----but wrong--- assumptions about the information you've been given, and third, acting upon those wrong assumptions you commit to buying something or supporting an action that brings unexpected and unfortunate results.

This is happening with NESARA, too. 

The anonymous writers of these Intel-Updates routinely talk about the "National Economic Security and Recovery Act" which Schwasinger pioneered, and in the same breath, they talk about the "National Economic Stability and Recovery Act"--- note the deceptively similar names?

They talk up the great popular selling points of the actual original NESARA legislation and associate it with competent and honorable men like Schwasinger----- and then having garnered popular support for something called  "NESARA"----- substitute and push through the ringer legislation which is also called "NESARA". 

The same trick is being used to mask the actual Economic Stability Fund and confuse it with the deceptively named Economic Security Fund, both of which are abbreviated "ESF" so that it is impossible for anyone to know which fund the rats are talking about at any given moment, except from context.  

The Economic Stability Fund was established to control the amount of various national and private currencies in circulation and keep the fiat money system in balance.  The world's top bankers could determine, for example, that there were too many Yen in circulation (in their opinion anyway) and the Japanese economy was exploding due to a ready money supply. 

If this was not in line with their plans --- for example, to take over the Japanese auto manufacturing sector---they would simply use other currencies from the Economic Stability Fund to buy up large quantities of Yen on the world market and remove them from circulation. 

Reducing supply of a currency hedges it against inflation but it also puts a curb on the growth of the targeted national economy.  In this way, the bankers manipulated and controlled both money supplies and national economies at will.  This Fund was created by agreement and collusion among the major central banks--- they simply printed up more or less of specific fiat currencies----and kept "pushing" and "pulling" currency supplies around using the Economic Stability Fund to do it.

Imagine that you are a gardener and you have an array of fertilizers to choose from---- organic and inorganic, bone meal, fish meal, blood meal, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, manure..... and you can choose which sector of the garden gets fertilized and which does not, and which fertilizers are applied and in what amount.  This is essentially the position that the major central bankers garnered for themselves----  the Economic Stability Fund has functioned as their fertilizer supply warehouse. 

This is the "$800 trillion dollars" these yahoos are talking about that was supposedly discovered during a military audit of the Federal Reserve in the early 1990's.  They neglect to tell you that this vast stockpile of currency was only denominated in "dollars"---- and that it is actually composed of all world currencies and that it has been used to manipulate the supply of all world currencies.  It did not come from the "US Taxpayers".  It came from printing presses and digital account ledgers controlled and manipulated by Central Banks and it represents the single largest counterfeiting and commodity market rigging scheme in world history.

They also neglect to tell you why you are finally hearing about this and something is finally being done about it going on thirty years after the fact. 

The Economic Security Fund is a different animal entirely, but also represents a vast asset fund compiled to secure the US Dollar and buffer it against outside manipulation of the kind just described.  The focus of this Fund was not to manipulate world monetary supplies, per se, but to guarantee the position of the USD as a Reserve Currency.

Advanced digital counterfeiting by foreign nations including Thailand, the Philippines, and China have effectively undermined the operations of these funds and the entire kingdom of paper created by the central banks.

Those of you who have your thinking caps on should be asking yourselves some highly interesting questions right about now--- like, why is the military involved in any of this?   Why General Schwasinger?  Why the Chief of Naval Operations?  And if the military Top Brass has been aware of this criminality since the 1990's, why haven't they taken action to put an end to it? 

The short answer is that the military is at the root of the problem and since 1863 always has been.  In that year, President Abraham Lincoln adopted the Lieber Code and issued General Order 100 as Commander-in-Chief.  This placed the responsibility for our nation's future and for the security of our money in the hands of the Grand Army of the Republic and General Ulysses S. Grant----who was a tough soldier, a decent man, and didn't know diddly about international finance.

The next day, Lincoln bankrupted the original United States (Trading Company) and relinquished his position as Chief Executive Officer.  He continued to function in the Office of Commander-in-Chief.

Every United States President since then has executed his office by acting as the Commander-in-Chief.  And the responsibility for protecting our money has remained with the military, too. 

The problem is that the military depends on the politicians for its own funding, a basic conflict of interest and powers.  The present situation with General Dunford and the "treasury" in Reno and what they are calling the "New Republic"  speaks volumes about this same conflict. 

The actual United States Treasury ceased to exist in 1924 and throughout my lifetime whatever United States Treasury there has been, equates with the International Monetary Fund.  That's why the US Secretary of the Treasury is the head of the IMF Board of Governors. (Rothchild team of banksters - the fox over the multiple henhouses)

The military has been charged with protecting our money, but our money has, at the same time, been used by the bankers and politicians to keep the military from actually doing its job.  An uneasy see-saw of conflicted interests has been the result.  On one hand, the military has held its mandate to protect the nation's money over the banker's heads, and on the other, it has been stuck begging for their own budget from politicians who are controlled by the bankers.

Around and around it goes, with the military for the most part scowling and shuffling and letting the bankers and politicians do whatever they want, in exchange for ample defense budgets.  That may be cruel to say and in a few cases of individuals who have fought the fight, like Roy Schwasinger, even unjust, but the proof is in the pudding overall---- and that proof shows that despite knowing about the criminality of the Central Bankers and the unauthorized usurpations of the members of Congress, our military has failed to take any truly effective and meaningful action and it remains to be seen whether they will do anything now.

Like all the other so-called  "federal functions," the US Military has been largely privatized and has been manipulated into functioning as an international commercial mercenary force.  They have been used and abused as the muscle behind the private profit agendas of the bankers and politicians for generations----rubber and drugs in Vietnam, oil and more drugs in the Middle East, minerals and drugs in Africa. 

In 2015 the Queen (SERCO) stopped paying the US Military payroll.  This caused a brief panic worldwide because, in addition to its unsavory duties, the US Military has also performed the role of international policeman.  Hence, we had Karen Hudes jumping up and down and claiming that our military might would be decimated and claiming that she was in control and that the World Bank would have to come save us------after stealing us blind.  The Chinese volunteered to take over the policeman duties  The UN accepted.  La-Dee-Dah.

General Dunford and the rest of the Joint Chiefs were placed between a rock and a hard place, but not for long.  The Central Bank of FRANCE (which also funded the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and through the IMF created the now-being-liquidated UNITED STATES, INC.) in the person of its chief stockholder, Jacob Rothschild, came to the rescue.  

The motivations for doing so are plain to see. The International Monetary Fund is the off-shoot of the Bank of France and the IMF is in deep trouble if it can't recoup by forcing the Americans to pay off the Odious Debts that it has racked up and charged off to our accounts without our knowledge and consent. Therefore, it becomes important to the Bank of France (and Jacob Rothschild) to keep the US Military in guns and ammo.  Not only can he charge us royally for this "service" but he can then continue to use the US Military as a counterpoint to safeguard European investments worldwide.

So the so-called "New Republic" was born as a bastard of necessity, as a result of European banking interests hauling their own fat out of the fire and seeking to maintain control of American trade and foreign policies, natural resources, and labor assets.  And since the IMF and the regime we have endured since 1946 calling itself the UNITED STATES and this current "New Republic" effort are all French-based, this is why I have dubbed it "La Neu Republique".

It has nothing to do with honoring The Constitution.  The same group of hoodlums has been in control of the UNITED STATES, INC. since 1946 and as we can all testify, honoring The Constitution has never been their practice in the past and we have no reason to think that it will be in the future--- aside from all the lip-service being given to it now.

So Bah-Humbug on La Neu Republique. 

I am sure we are all grateful to Jacob for saving his own bacon and in the process preserving European civilization as we know it, but on the other hand, we are not happy with the service we have received in the past and have no desire to be the goats in yet another round of fraud and pillaging.

This is why we have said "thanks, but no thanks" to any claim that the "New Republic" is the Successor to Contract and why we have counter-offered a pay-as-we-go arrangement pending full disclosure and a national plebiscite in which Americans can finally and freely choose their course going forward.

As for the "Dragon Families" and all the Hoorah associated with that line of propaganda---- ask yourselves: "Would Mao allow Chinese Elders in possession of the world's gold reserves to get by unscathed in the midst of building the People's Republic of China?"

And the answer is? 

Also ask yourselves---- if these "Chinese Elders" are so rich and so philanthropic in nature, where have they been the last several hundred years? 

And why have the people of China been kept so poor?

Because all this talk about "Chinese Elders" is, generally speaking, and with rare exceptions, tripe.  Just another cover story, more lies, more cloak and dagger.

It's true that the Chinese people were owed a large sum of gold, plus interest, from the New York Federal Reserve, which had had the gold on deposit from the former Nationalist Chinese government since 1928.  It's true that when the People's Republic of China discovered this fact, they brought suit through Neil Keenan in New York District Court to recover the gold on deposit.

It is also true that Neil's efforts stalled out, initially, because the Court admitted that the entity he was attempted to sue was bankrupt and had been discharged in bankruptcy as of 1999, so that he and the Chinese were trying to get blood out of a turnip and asking the Court to provide relief that simply couldn't be provided.

I have supported Keenan's effort in this regard since the outset of it.  That gold was owed to the Chinese fair and square and no doubt about it.  Just as $387 billion worth of gold being held by Karen Hudes' "Global Debt Facility" belongs, in fact, to the American People it was confiscated from back in the 1930's and their children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Thanks to a standing case in the World Court brought by Dr. Hendo Henderson in 2002,  the Chinese were finally able to collect on the debt owed to them by the New York Federal Reserve and that formed the first basis of their sudden, inexplicable wealth.

But there is more going on here than simply recouping gold deposits and interest owed from a long time ago.  I have reason to believe that we are in the process of witnessing another "Vanishing".

On Tue, Oct 25, 2016 at 9:56 PM, Mike Young <> wrote:

Federal Reserve to New Republic via a Global Currency Reset
11:27:00 AM  Emailed, Intel, News
Emailed to Dinar Chronicles:

Federal Reserve to New US Republic via a Global Currency Reset

The Global Currency Reset is a complicated process about a global reset of currencies, removal of the Khazarian mafia and restoration of the US Republic and the original US Constitution. At present the process is playing out with no holds and is expected to be completed within days.

Below is a history of that process, including forming of the US New Republic, integration of the Federal Reserve into the new US Treasury in Reno, expected changes in the US tax system, expected release of the 800 numbers and relationship of Humanitarian Projects to $800 trillion in US taxpayer monies gained from a 1992 audit of the Federal Reserve.

The higher Contract Rates are available, especially if you are dedicating a good percentage of your monies to Humanitarian Projects. Those higher rates are said to be funded out of $800 trillion in US taxpayer monies that were illegally taken by the Federal Reserve during the Bush Administration, then confiscated during the 1992 Federal Reserve audit. At present the monies are in European bank accounts awaiting the GCR.

History of the New Republic and Global Currency Reset Process:

1. Please refer to a short trailer of the to-be-released documentary "Eagle One to Wanta." The major film documentary covers how President Reagan's secret agent Ambassador Lee Emil Wanta amassed 3.8 trillion through a negotiated agreement with Soviet Secretary General Mikhail Gorbachev during the fall of the Soviet Union. The 3.8 trillion was designed to go back to the American people but was stolen by the Federal Reserve System. Wanta has pledged to eliminate our national debt overnight after a 2006 US District Court mandate is honored that would return the money. The documentary is scheduled to be released upon announcement of the New Republic around July 4 2016:

2. Since it's inception the US monetary system has been owned and run by the Cabal known as the Khazarian mafia, North American Union and U.S. Incorporated (Corporation of the United States), which is simply a privately owned Maritime Corporation out of Puerto Rico.

3. The US Federal Reserve is not connected to the US government. The Cabal owners are membered by influential world powers like the Vatican, European Royalty and private families such as George Soros, Rothschilds, Carnegies and Rockefellers. Cabal monies are commonly laundered through the Vatican Bank.

4. The current version of the privately owned Federal Reserve system started around 450 years ago at the creation of the Vatican Trust by ancient Royal Families. One of the major Royal funding streams reached it's term and was cut off at the start of Dec. 2015, opening the door for closure of the Federal Reserve and implementation of the new US Treasury.

5. The Federal Reserve Bank is composed of a group of private Central Banks whose main interest is serving the Cabal.

6. The Global Currency Reset has become part of the take-down of this illegal US corporate government through formation of the US New Republic, new US Treasury and new US currency notes backed by natural resources and gold of the Royal Dragon Families. The Dragon Families are based in the Philippines and are not connected to, nor claim to be influenced by the Chinese government.

7. US Federal Reserve Notes are backed by gold (borrowed from the Royal Dragon Families after World War II), but only used for government and trade purposes. This monetary system functions under the non-US government owned North American Union.

8. The Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs) that are used by US citizens have no backing at all and is referred to as fiat currency.

9. The United States is the only country on the planet that does not have its own national currency. One of the purposes of the Global Currency Reset is for the US to secure our own asset-backed currency.

10. For years the Cabal has fought implementation of the GCR since it takes away a lot of their power and monetary gain, including closure of their privately owned Federal Reserve.

11. Since inception of the US, citizens have been forced to buy their Federal Reserve Note currency, along with paying interest on it, from the privately owned Federal Reserve.

12. The US Internal Revenue Service came on shore as a Delaware Corporation back in 1934 and was immediately purchased by an attorney firm which then incorporated the Delaware Corporation.

13. Eventually the IRS ended up in a holding company known as the Northern Trust Company which also owns the state and US Bar Associations. For all intents and purposes the IRS and US Bar Association are essentially the same entity.

14. The Federal Reserve Note had interest attached to it which helped to create our nation's well over 17 trillion dollar national debt (some say we are actually over 100 trillion in debt).

15. The Dragon Families excused that debt when their gold was placed in the new US Treasury in Reno last week. This included excusing debt and derivatives of the Wells Fargo Bank, which is owned by the Dragon Families, plus the derivatives of certain other banks. (There is question about excusing debt and derivatives of Bank of America since it is heavily used by the Cabal).

16. In 1991 Roy Schwasinger went before a senate committee to present evidence of the international bankers and government criminal activity through the Federal Reserve. He informed them how the Corporation of the United States was tied to the establishment of a New World Order which intended to bring about a fascist One World Government ruled by the international bankers.

17. In 1992 a task force was put together consisting of over 300 retired and 35 active US military officers who strongly supported Constitutional Law. This task force was responsible for investigating governmental officials, Congressional officers, judges, and the Federal Reserve.

18. The task force included Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Jeremy Boorda, General David McCloud and Former Director of Central Intelligence, William Colby. They uncovered the common practice of bribery and extortion committed by both senators and judges. The criminal activity was so rampant that only two out of 535 members of Congress were deemed honest. More importantly, they ordered and carried out the first-ever (and only) audit of the Federal Reserve.

19. The Federal Reserve was accustomed to giving orders to politicians and had no intentions of being audited. However, after they were informed their offices would be raided under military gunpoint, if necessary, they complied with the investigation. After reviewing their files the military officers found $800 trillion dollars sitting in accounts which should have been applied to the national debt. Contrary to federal government propaganda, they also discovered that most nations owed money to the United States instead of the other way around.

20. These hidden trillions were then confiscated and placed into European bank accounts in order to generate the enormous funds needed to pay a successful Farmers Claims class action lawsuit that helped to instigate the 1992 Federal Reserve audit. Later this money would become the basis of the GCR Prosperity Programs fulfilling Humanitarian needs across the planet.

21. Despite these death blows, President George H.W. Bush and the Illuminati continued on with their plans of global enslavement. In August 1992 the military officers confronted President Bush and demanded he sign an agreement that he would return the United States to Constitutional Law and ordered him to never use the term New World Order again.

22. Bush pretended to cooperate, but secretly planned to bring about the New World Order anyway. He set out to sign an Executive Order on December 25, 1992 that would have indefinitely closed all banks, giving Bush an excuse to declare martial law. Under the chaos of martial law, Bush intended to install a new Constitution which would have kept everyone currently in office in their same position for 25 years, plus it would have removed all rights to elect new officials. The military intervened and stopped Bush from signing that Executive order.

23. In 1993 members of the Supreme Court, certain members of Congress and representatives from the Clinton government met with high ranking US military officers who were demanding a return to Constitutional Law, reforms of the banking system and financial redress. Clinton, however, was a proponent of the New World Order and as a result, nothing of substance was done.

24. NESARA - National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act - is the most ground breaking reformation to sweep the US. The act does away with the Federal Reserve Bank, the IRS, the shadow government, and implements the following changes:

A. Zeros out all credit card, mortgage, and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities. This is the Federal Reserve’s worst nightmare, a “jubilee” or a forgiveness of debt.

B. Abolishes the US income tax.

C. Abolishes the IRS. Employees of the IRS will be transferred into the US Treasury national sales tax area.

D. Creates a 14% flat rate non-essential new items only sales tax revenue for the government. In other words, food and medicine will not be taxed, nor will used items such as old homes.

E. Increases benefits to senior citizens.

F. Returns Constitutional Law to all courts and legal matters.

G. Reinstates the original Title of Nobility amendment.

H. Establishes new Presidential and Congressional elections within 120 days after NESARA’s announcement. The interim government will cancel all National Emergencies and return us back to Constitutional Law.

I. Monitors elections and prevents illegal election activities of special interest groups.

J. Creates a new U.S. Treasury rainbow currency backed by gold, silver, and platinum precious metals, ending the bankruptcy of the United States initiated by Franklin Roosevelt in 1933.

K. Forbids the sale of American birth certificate records as chattel property bonds by the US Department of Transportation.

L. Initiates a new U.S. Treasury Bank System in alignment with Constitutional Law.

M. Eliminates the Federal Reserve System. During the transition period the Federal Reserve will be allowed to operate side by side of the new U.S. Treasury for one year in order to remove all Federal Reserve notes from the money supply.

N. Restores financial privacy.

O. Retrains all judges and attorneys in Constitutional Law.

P. Ceases all aggressive, U.S. government military actions worldwide.

Q. Establishes peace throughout the world.

R. Releases enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes.

S. Enables the release of over 6,000 patents of suppressed technologies that are being withheld from the public under the guise of national security, including free energy devices, antigravity, and sonic healing machines.

25. Late one evening on March 9, 2000, a written quorum call was hand-delivered by Delta Force and Navy SEALs to 15 members of the US Senate and the US House who were sponsors and co-sponsors of NESARA. They were immediately escorted by the Delta Force and Navy SEALs to their respective voting chambers where they passed this National Economic Security and Reformation Act.

26. These 15 members of Congress were the only people lawfully allowed to hold office in accordance with the original 13th Amendment. Remember British soldiers destroyed copies of the Titles of Nobility Amendment (TONA) in the war of 1812 because it prevented anyone who had ties to the crown of England from holding public office.

27. President Clinton had no interest in signing NESARA into law. On October 10, 2000 and under orders from U.S. military generals, the elite Naval Seals and Delta Force stormed the White House. Under gunpoint, they forced Bill Clinton to sign NESARA. During this time Secret Service and White House security personnel were ordered to stand down, were disarmed, and allowed to witness this event under a gag order. President Clinton also relinquished his bar registry.

28. From its very inception Bush Sr., Clinton, the corporate government, major bank houses, and the Carlyle group have opposed NESARA. To maintain secrecy, the case details and the docket number were sealed and revised within the official Congressional registry to reflect a commemorative coin. It was again revised even more recently. This is why there are no public Congressional Records about NESARA and why a search for this law will not yield the correct details until after the reformations are made public.

29. Members of Congress will not reveal NESARA because they have been ordered by the U.S. Supreme Court Justices to deny its existence, or face charges of treason punishable by death. Some members of Congress have actually been charged with obstruction. When Minnesota Senator Paul Wellstone was about to break the gag order, his small passenger plane crashed, killing his wife, daughter and himself.If fear isn't enough to keep Washington in line, money is. Routine bribes are offered to governmental/military officials by the power elite/secret government.

30. Not surprisingly, much disinformation about NESARA can be found on the Internet. Wikipedia’s article is total disinformation. Dr. Harvey Francis Barnard’s NESARA bill was rejected by Congress in the 1990s. Dr. Barnard was a systems philosopher and had tried for years to interest Congress in his monetary reform suggestions. A testimony and articles by Dr. Barnard’s close friend, Darrell Anderson, are shown below.

31. The next step was to announce NESARA to the world, but it’s was not an easy task. Many powerful groups have tried to prevent the implementation of NESARA. The NESARA law requires that at least once a year, an effort be made to announce the law to the public. Three current US Supreme Court judges control the committee in charge of NESARA’s announcement. These Judges have used their overall authority to secretly sabotage NESARA’s announcement.

32. In 2001 after much negotiation, the Supreme Court justices ordered the 107th Congress to pass resolutions approving NESARA. This took place on September 9, 2001, eighteen months after NESARA became law.

33. The next day on September 10, 2001, George Bush Sr. moved into the White house to steer his son on how to block the announcement. The next day, on September 11, 2001, at 10 AM Eastern Daylight Time, Alan Greenspan was scheduled to announce the new US Treasury Bank system, debt forgiveness for all U.S. citizens, and abolishment of the IRS as the first part of the public announcements of NESARA.

34. It is alleged that just before the announcement at 9 am, Bush Sr. ordered the demolition of the World Trade Center’s Twin Towers to stop the international banking computers on Floors 1 and 2 in the North Tower from initiating the new U.S. Treasury Bank system. Explosives in the World Trade Center were said to be planted by operatives and detonated remotely in Building 7, which was demolished later that day it is alleged, in order to cover-up their crime. It also was said that remote pilot technology was used in a flyover event to deliver a payload of explosives into the Pentagon at the exact location of the White Knights in their new Naval Command Center who were coordinating activities supporting NESARA’s implementation nationwide. With the announcement of NESARA stopped dead in its tracks, George Bush Sr. was said to have decapitated any hopes of returning the government back to the people. See this documentary to be released after the GCR:

35. By 2008 another proponent of the New World Order, the Obama Administration, was in charge. Obama refused to work under a budget while ballooning the national debt with a stimulus package that didn't stimulate the economy, but more than tripled the national debt.

36. The US fast began loosing their influence as the main world reserve currency due to it's uncontrollable monetary policies, ever-growing debt and use of fiat currency.

37. Also in 2008 the Royal Dragon families became very concerned when the US could not even pay the interest on it's debt. They called in their loan on Lehman Brothers, thus causing the 2008 Mortgage Crisis.

38. By now nations of the global monetary system had alarming concern about the US national debt and US currency which had no backing, yet was being used as the main world reserve currency.

39. The Royal Dragon Families then stepped in to form BRICS, backing the currencies of nations who joined the BRICS system with their own natural resources and gold reserves of the Dragon Families.

40. Brazil, Russia, Indonesia, China and South Africa formed BRICS to correct the situation, and backed the world's individual currencies with gold and natural resources to conform to Basil III of the IMF. They revalued all of the world currencies and worked toward a Global Currency Reset, using revaluation of the Iraqi Dinar as a kingpin for the other world currencies to revalue.

41. By 2015 all the nations of the world except for the US and Japan had joined BRICS. Japan joined in the Fall of 2015, leaving the US as the loan holdout.

42. Around the same time that BRICS was formed (7-8 years ago) the United States Army created an interim government called the New Republic and stationed it in West Virginia. The Royal Dragon Families had demanded formation of this New Republic as a necessary step before they would back US currency with their gold in the BRICS system.

43. A New Republic interim government was formed by concerned Congress people because the Obama Administration refused to join BRICS, thus creating a dangerous situation of fiat currency where the US economy could easily collapse.

44. The New Republic went into operation near the start of 2015.

45. The New Republic had to construct a national currency but they didn’t have the gold by which they could comply with the IMF's Basil III. In April 2015 the Chinese Elders leased 100 billion in gold to the New Republic.

46. US Treasury Reserve Notes [TRNs] were created by the New Republic for use at the government level, but they’re not used on the street. Since 2015 they have been trading the new TRNs internationally, in Europe and in the Japanese Market.

47. For a monetary system that could be used by the general US public, the New Republic created what’s known as United States Notes [USNs].

48. The only difference between the new US Notes currency and the Federal Reserve Notes is that the new currency will not be charged interest.

49. The new US Note currency is like what President Kennedy had created way back in 1963 when he tried to shut down the Federal Reserve right before he was killed.

50. Kennedy's cost of trying to take down the Federal Reserve using new US Notes is explained in this documentary to be released July 4 2016 as an introduction of the New Republic:

51. In 2012 as the Settler on a Econo Trust Lein against the Federal Reserve Bank and to prevent them from rechartering, the Federal Reserve was melded into the new United States Treasury now located in Reno Nevada.

52. Patriots like Winston Strout helped the Federal Reserve to be absorbed into the US Treasury. A recent interview with Winston Strout discussing the process is here:​c

53. There was a 2011 Treaty White Paper that informed finance ministers of the economical conditions of the world. As a result, Ireland challenged the banks. They said, “If you can prove that you loaned us any money, we will gladly pay you. But If you can’t, basically ‘go pound sand’!” And they held to it. They had that same thing going on with Greece. It was believed that if the right one had gotten elected in Greece, they would have done this same thing as did Ireland.

54. In 2015 the New Republic (charged with protecting the Royal Dragon Family gold that backed the new US currency) located the new US Treasury in Nevada on an Indian Reservation because Indian Reservations have free trade zones.

55. In 2015 Marine Corp. General Dunford was selected to be the interim President of the New Republic because he had recently been appointed by Congress to be the Joint Chief of Staff at the Pentagon.

56. Also in 2015 when Paul Ryan replaced John Boehner as Senate Majority Leader and Speaker of the House, he did so knowing he would eventually replace Dunford as the interim President of the New Republic.

57. On Jan.1 2016 Paul Ryan replaced Dunford as interim President of the New Republic. He will remain in place as the interim US President until the Nov. 2016 elections.

58. Dunford stepped down to fill the slot as Vice President of the New Republic.

59. On March 31 2016 the US finally joined BRICS, opening the door for the New Republic to take over and dictate US monetary policy under rules as outlined in the original US Constitution.

60. The New Republic of United States government and Treasury were restored at 6:30 pm Wednesday, March 30, 2016 when the Dragon Family released funding for the New Republic (the real reason for the Chinese visit to the White House that day).

61. The Dragon Family 100 billion in gold that was leased to the new US Treasury and temporarily stored in Texas, was shipped to the new US Treasury in Reno.

62. As of March 29 2016 the USA Inc government cabal membership was being legally arrested. This was expected to continue until all known "dark agents" were rounded up.

63. Also as of March 30 2016, redemption 800#s were released to the New Republic leadership for final implementation at some unknown time. These 800#s could be released any time per internal discretion.

64. The GCR is about to take place, along with the release of 800 numbers. The New Republic will be announced some time after the GCR has taken place, suspected to be around July 4 2016.

65. Under the New Republic, the Federal Reserve is closed.

66. Under the New Republic, the IRS and corrupt judges will be dealt with.

67. Under the New Republic, the Bar Association and all US attorneys will have to renounce their Bar Oath to the Temple Bar of London and become lawyers, but they can’t be considered attorneys anymore.

68. The individual governments of the 50 states will remain in place.

69. The North American Union is now done. Washington D.C. has been dis-incorporated.

70. Pope Francis has fired five of the Cardinals out of the Vatican Bank which controlled the world currency before instigation of BRICS.

71. The New Republic Military is in the process of reclaiming all military installations.

72. The purpose of the New US Republic is to function as a restored Constitutional Government as established pre-Civil War.

73. Announcement of the New Republic is pending, but some say it will be done on July 4 2016, along with forgiveness of bank and individual debt, plus release of this documentary:

See this article and over 300 others on Anna's website

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  1. Anna and Paul are you are losing it ?
    Almost ALL of this is disinformation.
    Nothing has happened.
    People are still being pulled over and the FBI is still arresting people for "Code Violations"
    This proves that the government of a republic will not and cannot be restored until the country goes back completely to the common (Royal) law.
    In the true restoration of the republic, you would experience for example, no property taxes if you had no mortgage if you brought the land patent current. Conversely you would be penalized by having to pay a property tax IF you had evidence of debt/mortgage. Duplicate that way of thinking on EVERYTHING !!!!!!!!!


Donald Trump Has Won The 2016 Presidential Election

In this special report Alex Jones goes over how Donald Trump has already won, and the Democrats are pulling every dirty trick to try and steal the election from him.

Are the Obamas, the Clintons and the Bushes going to seek refuge in Countries that don't Extradite to the US if Trump Wins?

It appears Bill and Hillary Clinton are making plans to flee the country in the event Donald Trump wins this election. Reports are circulating that the Clintons have transferred 1.8 Billion dollars from the Clinton Foundation to the Qatar Central Bank, via a facilitation/abatement of JP Morgan Chase & Company for reasons not revealed.

This move of such a large sum of money to the country of Qatar says in itself, Hillary Clinton knows she is going to lose the election, and she doesn't plan to allow herself to be prosecuted for various high crimes and treason under a Trump Administration.

The country of Qatar happens to be one of a handful of countries that does not have an extradition treaty with the United States, thus would be a perfect place for her to run to in escaping justice.

Donald Trump has said many times during his campaign and at the Presidential debates that once he gets into office, he intends to prosecute her on various high crimes from her latest crimes of sending classified material via a personal e mail server. All the way to gun running to terrorist groups in Syria resulting in the deaths of 4 Americans in Benghazi.

Apparently, Hillary is not the only person in Washington who has made plans to escape justice under a Trump Administration. John Kerry has quietly been selling his property in the US for millions of dollars of late, with an announcement of the sale of his $25 million dollar Nantucket mansion in June 2016, as well as the sale of his yacht for $3.9 million in July 2016.

President Barack H Obama has also apparently been making exit plans with his purchase of a $4.9 million dollar seaside mansion in Dubai in January 2016, another non extradition country.

Snopes and other supposed fact checking sites have debunked both the story of Obama's purchase of the mansion and the firing of Rear Admiral Rick Williams.  However, over the last several months, these sites have been busted for lying in trying to debunk such information as the before mentioned, when in fact the information is true. Snopes and other sites try their best to keep incriminating information from being believed, but the truth has a way of coming out on its own, as it always has.

The Bush family has been quietly buying property, as well with the purchase of 100,000 acres in Paraguay in 2006, yet another country good for the Bush family since it does not allow extradition to any country if the death penalty is a possibility for the crime. If the corruption is found to go as far back as both of the Bush Administrations with any connections to them being the perpetrators of the events on 9-11, the death penalty would surely be a stipulation of any extradition request. Apparently, if things get going with prosecuting the corrupt and treasonous, the Bushes plan on getting out of the country as well.


Donald Trump: New Hillary Clinton Crime Exposed! 10/24/16

DNC And Hillary Clinton Are Flipping Out After Last Project Veritas Video

Election Rigging Bombshell: Hillary was Personally Involved (Video)

So, if anyone was wondering why Project Veritas founder James O'Keefe may have feared for his life over the weekend, this video just might explain it. Former federal prison inmate and election rigging guru Robert Creamer now confirms that Hillary Clinton was personally involved in Democrat discussions that would be used to rig elections.

According to Project Veritas, "Part III of the undercover investigation dives further into the back room dealings of Democratic politics.  It exposes prohibited communications between Hillary Clinton’s campaign, the DNC and the non-profit organization Americans United for Change.  And, it’s all disguised as a duck.  Several Project Veritas Action undercover journalists catch Democracy Partners founder directly implicating Hillary Clinton in FEC violations."

“In the end, it was the candidate, Hillary Clinton, the future president of the United States, who wanted ducks on the ground,” said Creamer. “So, by God, we would get ducks on the ground.”
PV also noted, "It is made clear that high-level DNC operative Creamer realized that this direct coordination between Democracy Partners and the campaign would be damning when he said: 'Don’t repeat that to anybody'.”
The video not only implicates Clinton, but DNC Chair Donna Brazile as well.
"The duck has to be an Americans United for Change entity.  This had to do only with some problem between Donna Brazile and ABC, which is owned by Disney, because they were worried about a trademark issue.  That's why.  It's really silly.
We originally launched this duck because Hillary Clinton wants the duck.
In any case, so she really wanted this duck figure out there doing this stuff, so that was fine.  So, we put all these ducks out there and got a lot of coverage.  And Trump taxes.  And then ABC/Disney went crazy because they thought our original slogan was 'Donald ducks his taxes, releasing his tax returns."
They said it was a trademark issue.  It's not, but anyway, Donna Brazile had a connection with them and she didn't want to get sued.  So we switched the ownership of the duck to Americans United for Change and now our signs say 'Trump ducks releasing his tax returns.'  And we haven't had anymore trouble."
This collusion between Brazile and Clinton is a definite violation of federal election laws.  Project Veritas points out, "The ducks on the ground are likely 'public communications' for purposes of the law.  It's political activity opposing Trump, paid for by Americans United For Change funds but controlled by Clinton/her campaign."

Here are the previous two videos.

4-year-old Michigan girl mauled to death

Michigan girl mauled to death by dog was trying to give it treat just moments after adoption

A 4-year-old Michigan girl mauled to death by her brand new dog was trying to give the pup a treat when it pounced on her, neighbors said.

The dog attacked little Kiyana McNeal just moments after its previous owner brought it to her family's St. Joseph County home Sunday.

The girl's mom, who tried to protect her daughter from the Doberman mix, suffered head and hand injuries in the attack.

Kiyana tried to train her newly adopted pet with a treat just after the unidentified man brought it to her family.

"The dog come and sniffed it, and then stepped back. Then come, sniffed it again," neighbor Becky Davis told WOOD-TV. "And evidently the third time he got her."

Kiyana McNeal, 4, was killed by a Doberman dog when she tried to feed it a treat after the family adopted it.

Her mom and the dog's old owner desperately tried to revive Kiyana while they waited for an ambulance.

"They had the baby on the ground doing CPR. It didn't do any good," Davis said.  

It's not clear how Kiyana's mom found the dog for the family. Its original owner insisted it had never been violent before.

Kiyana's dad, Gerald Johnson, said his daughter loved animals and dreamed of becoming a veterinarian.  

"That's my little baby girl," the Detroit man said. "My baby girl will always be loved and we're going to treasure all the videos and the pictures that we have of her."

The dog was taken by animal control. The attack, which happened about 125 miles west of Detroit, is under investigation.

With News Wire Services

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

War Declared on Russia By Soros Controlled U.S.

EMERGENCY: War Declared on Russia by Soros-Controlled US

Globalists  pitting  US,  Russia  against  each  other  so  they  can  rule  both

Alex Jones
October 16, 2016

The US and Russia have all but declared war. Alex breaks down how this manufactured conflict is being used to take over what remains of the United States by the globalists:

 EMERGENCY! War Declared on 
Russia By Soros Controlled U.S.
Published on Oct 16, 2016
The US and Russia have all but declared war. Alex breaks down how this manufactured conflict is being used to take over what remains of the United States by the globalists.

 Emergency: US, Russia Entering State Of War
Published on Oct 16, 2016
The US and Russia have all but declared war. Alex breaks down how this manufactured conflict is being used to take over what remains of the united states by the globalists.

 Emergency Message! 
Why The Elite Must Destroy Donald Trump
Published on Oct 16, 2016
As the global elite charge forward in an unprecedented attack, attempting to break the will of the American people and destroy Donald Trump, the real media, and our final chance at restoring the Republic, Alex Jones presents a full frontal assault exposing their brazen lies and manipulations. The only way to save this country rests in the hands of the true freedom fighters and the people who wish to strike the match and ignite the fire that will make America great again.



Guess Who’s CEO Is Running for Their Life?
Monday, October 24, 2016
By Dr. William B. Mount
Before it's News)

With the death of Davin McFadden (Wikileaks Director) the former CEO of the Cltn foundation Eric Braverman is running for his life, seeking asylum in the Russian Federation.

Apparently those released Emails are now laying bare the evils of everyone connected to the Democratic Party – especially the Big H.

Apparently Eric Braverman had a contract to run the 'Foundation' from 2013 through 2017 but left after only 2 years due to it’s corruption.

Currently a lecturer at Yale University on the practice of the Government, he has applied for Asylum in Russia and protection.

Why are the owners of this 'Foundation' not in jail?????

Could it be the $675,000 that was given to the wife of the FBI
Assistant Director’s Andrew McCabe?

Andrew McCabe was the principle investigator of the Big H.

Like NBC Said Last Year – Follow The Money of the Cltn Foundation.
And Eric Braverman has all of those records and has already shared them.

Fortunately – it is all being exposed not only by Wikileaks but by the State Department itself – who just released another 2,500 e-mails concerning the Big H.
Finally – with all the Votes already counted – and all 100% for Democrats across the nation – The Big H is already so confident about her win she is appointing her advisors despite being behind by 75 Points.

It appears that she may already have enough votes to win the General Election unless the Voter Fraud is contained.

Her final quote of the day:
If that “F****ing” bastard wins, we all hang from nooses.”
Hillary will win or go to jail
Please pray the White House Handlers all turn and do what is right in the eyes of GOD
Please also pray that your families are ready for what is coming.


FOREIGN OIL = $$$ FOR DEMOCRATS (and for the Clinton Foundation?!)











Fogle's ex-wife drops bombshell claim in lawsuit 



READ THIS!    Jared Fogle's ex-wife is suing Subway, alleging that it ignored complaints about his sexual interest in children!

Guess What Company's Moving....

 Guess What Company's Moving....
US President Barack Obama tours the General Electric Waukesha Gas Engines facility on January 30, 2014 in Waukesha, Wisconsin. The President is expected to discuss taking executive action to enhance reform of job training programs. GE's Waukesha gas engines plant, is a facility that employs around 700 people and manufactures natural gas engines. AFP PHOTO/Mandel NGAN        (Photo credit should read MANDEL NGAN/AFP/Getty Images)
President Barack Obama toured the General Electric Waukesha Gas Engines facility in 2014 in Waukesha, Wisconsin. The company has just announced they will pull over 300 manufacturing jobs at the Waukesha facility. (Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty Images)
Guess Who's Moving.....
GE is moving from Wisconsin. Keep your eye on Waukesha, Wisconsin, Their biggest employer just moved out. General Electric is planning to move its 115-year-old X-ray division from Waukesha, Wis., to Beijing.
In addition to moving the headquarters, the company will invest $2 billion in China and train more than 65 engineers and create six research centers.This is the same GE that made $5.1 billion in the United States last year, but paid no taxes - the same company that employs more people overseas than it does in the United States.
So let me get this straight. President Obama appointed GE Chairman Jeff Immelt to head his commission on job creation (job czar). Immelt is supposed to help create jobs. I guess the President forgot to tell him in which country he was supposed to be creating those jobs.
Thanks Jeff.  You're a "real" American, and give Obama our Best!
Please pass this information to others and
think about it before you buy a GE product.
Thank Bill and Hillary Clinton for NAFTA.

Photo of Miramar Landfill - San Diego, CA, United States










Fake Alien Invasion on Election Day? Nov 8th?

Fake Alien Invasion on Election Day?  Oct 21 2016

Clinton Foundation Leaked Documents
Planned Alien Invasion

Fake Alien Invasion - Election Day?
New Info

Fake Alien Invasion Planned for Election Day?
How to protect your family - just in case

Fake Alien Invasion Planned for Nov 8th

Published on Oct 21, 2016
A document appearing to be from the Benson Group presents a salvage plan for Clinton's presidential campaign: a fake alien invasion to be launch in areas where Trump voters live.  Benson Strategy Group Clinton Foundation Document:
Ballot for Individual Self-Governance:

“Alien” races beneath Walmart (and in government)

“Alien” races beneath Walmart 

 (and in government)

Evidence suggests that there are several subterranean races operating beneath the USA utilizing Walmart and other big box stores as supply chains. There is also evidence that humans are being held captive in these locations. Over the years there have been planned operations to purge these locations and rescue the people. To our knowledge, this has not yet happened.…  

 Tunnels Under Walmart Confirmed 

Published on Apr 23, 2015
The tunnels under Walmart are confirmed. Photos online have been appearing for a better part of a week. National Guard and the resistance from within have been believed to had been leaking the photos however as we know the game they could come straight from the white house and they could be completely random tunnel photos.  But this is what we know. These photos are of the Walmart Tunnels, and these people have invested to much money not to go live at some point.

HILLARY is Finished ! Latest WIKILEAKS BOMBSHELL will Force Her to stand...

Ex Democrat attorney general sentenced to jail, then cuffed in court

Ex-attorney general sentenced to jail, then cuffed in court


Former state Attorney General Kathleen Kane leaves court in handcuffs after her sentencing at the Montgomery County Courthouse in Norristown, Pa., Monday, Oct. 24, 2016. Kane is sentenced to 10-to-23 months in county prison and 8 years probation. In August, Kane was found guilty of felony perjury and an assortment of misdemeanors related to a leak of secret grand jury materials.   (Dan Gleiter/ via AP, Pool) 
Former state Attorney General Kathleen Kane leaves court in handcuffs after her sentencing at the Montgomery County Courthouse in Norristown, Pa., Monday, Oct. 24, 2016. Kane is sentenced to 10-to-23 months in county prison and 8 years probation. In August, Kane was found guilty of felony perjury and an assortment of misdemeanors related to a leak of secret grand jury materials. (Dan Gleiter/ via AP, Pool)
NORRISTOWN, Pa. (AP) — Former state Attorney General Kathleen Kane, once a rising star in state politics, left a courtroom in handcuffs on Monday after getting a 10- to 23-month sentence for a retaliation scheme a judge linked to her all-consuming ego.

Kane, 50, also was sentenced to eight years of probation by a Montgomery County judge, who said Kane's need for revenge led her to break the law and then lie to a grand jury. Kane, who was accused of leaking secret investigative files to embarrass a rival prosecutor, was convicted of perjury and obstruction.
Judge Wendy Demchick-Alloy said Kane assumed an "off with your heads" mentality as she ran the state's top law enforcement agency. The judge called Kane a political "neophyte" who failed to make the transition from politician to public servant when she took office in 2013.

Kane, the first woman and first Democrat elected as the state's top prosecutor, was released Monday after posting $75,000 cash bail. She can remain free while her legal team appeals her conviction.

"I really don't care what happens to me," Kane told the judge. "There is no more torture in the world than to watch your children suffer and know you had something to do with it."

Kane had been a stay-at-home mother in the Scranton area and a former assistant prosecutor in Lackawanna County before using $2 million of her husband's trucking fortune to run for statewide office in 2012.
The judge told her: "Your children are the ultimate ... collateral damage. They are casualties of your actions. But you did that, not this court."
Kane didn't testify at her trial. She was convicted in August of two felony counts of perjury and seven misdemeanor charges, and she resigned the next day.

Earlier Monday, Kane's 15-year-old son, Chris Kane, pleaded for leniency while her former deputies described an office demoralized by her leadership and terrorized by "Nixonian espionage."

Kane argued that the loss of her career, law license and reputation was punishment enough. She had asked the judge to sentence her to probation or house arrest so she could be home to raise her sons. She and her husband are now estranged and share custody of the teenage boys.

The one-term attorney general said her younger son, 14-year-old Zachary Kane, did not attend Monday's sentencing because "he couldn't even bear it."
Prosecutors called her crimes "egregious" and pushed for jail time after the defense sought probation or house arrest. They said a paranoid Kane ruined morale in the 800-person office and the wider law enforcement community, burning bridges among state, local and federal agencies.

"Through a pattern of systemic firings and Nixonian espionage, she created a terror zone in this office," said Erik Olsen, a career prosecutor who's now the chief deputy attorney general.

Kane enjoyed mostly good press early on as she supported gay marriage, ramped up a child predator unit run by her twin sister and questioned her predecessor's handling of the Penn State child sex assault case. Kane's feud with one of the prosecutors, Frank Fina, who had helped run the Penn State probe and other sensitive investigations, led to the leak.

Kane, taking aim at Fina, had a campaign consultant pass confidential files to a reporter about a corruption case he had declined to charge before he left the office, authorities said. She then tried to frame someone else for the leak, aides testified.

Aside from the conviction, Kane's political career will be remembered for her investigation of pornography that she said was being traded on state computers by judges, lawyers and other public employees. Two state Supreme Court justices resigned amid the fallout.

District Attorney Kevin Steele, also a Democrat, said the jail term was a long time coming.

"She said, 'This was war,' and truth became a casualty," he said, quoting from a Kane email about her rivals.
Associated Press writer Megan Trimble contributed to this report.