Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Business Letter to U.S. Attorney Jeffrey Sessions

By Anna Von Reitz

April 18, 2017

Mr. Jeffrey Sessions, U.S. Attorney General
U.S. Department of Justice
 950 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
 Washington, DC 20530-0001

Dear Mr. Sessions:

I am writing this afternoon ---the 242nd  Anniversary of the “Shot heard round the world”---regarding three areas of immediate and urgent concern: (1) the continued forced, fraudulent and inadequately disclosed enrollment of American state nationals in Social Security programs intended exclusively for Territorial United States and Municipal United States citizens and (2) failure of the Territorial and Municipal United States to come to an agreement with the actual land jurisdiction United States regarding proper identification of American state nationals and American State Citizens v. United States Citizens v. citizens of the United States on passports and other international and interstate IDs and (3) the pending bankruptcy of the Puerto Rican Electrical Utility and the fraudulent creation of millions of purported “franchise” public transmitting utilities operated under ACCOUNTS that are deceptively similar in appearance to the names of Americans. 

The pretense that people are knowingly volunteering to serve as Withholding Agents, that is, Warrant Officers in the Merchant Marine Service, to help win WWII ran out of steam in September 1945.

The continued international racketeering aimed at deliberately misinformed Americans and their enrollment in “Social Security” under these patently false presumptions of federal employment and Territorial and/or Municipal citizenship have to end immediately.  The Territorial and Municipal Government organizations have been under Notice for going on two years.  The longer you wait to admit the circumstance and release the adhesion contracts the worse it gets--- and the more people are harmed. 

Ditto the situation with passports.  The American people are owed competent passport service, but they are being routinely misidentified as United States Citizens and/or citizens of the United States as a result of having been improperly and unconscionably enrolled and conscripted under conditions of fraud as U.S. Territorial and/or U.S. Municipal citizens. 

As you are aware, it is illegal to use “legal names”.  As you should also be aware, it was never the intention of American states nationals to operate in commerce.  Instead, another false presumption was foisted off on us by the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Administration which sought to “redefine” our lawful American Trade Names as U.S. Foreign Situs Trusts so as to palm off the debts of the private, mostly foreign owned “United States of America” Inc. onto the American states and people by an undisclosed process of hypothecation, fraud, and assumption of debt we never owed. 

That boondoggle ended in 1999.  Trillions of dollars-worth of labor and assets were siphoned out of this country as a result.  Let me suggest to you that there isn’t going to be a re-run of it. 

We aren’t putting up with any more “government” racketeering or fraud.

Tell your Boss.  Tell the members of the feckless, treasonous, disgusting Congress. 

They need to drop the whole plan of bankrupting all those purported public transmitting utilities NAMED after JOE Q. PUBLIC Americans and stop hypothecating debt against all those illegal, unlawful, non-specific, but deceptively similar ACCOUNTS that appear to be our names, and stop sending fraudulent bills through the U.S. Mail.  

Tell Mr. Trump--- “NON-ASSUMPSIT” in very large letters.  Tell the COMMONWEALTH OF PUERTO RICO its electrical utility will have to go bankrupt like any other mismanaged corporation on Earth. 

While you are at it, get ready for all the homebound Americans who are now wise to the scam, returning to the land jurisdiction and surrendering all those millions of bogus U.S. PERSONS that were created by the UNITED STATES, INC. back to the Secretary of the Treasury. 

Also be aware that we seized upon the derelict United States of America, Inc. that we bailed out of bankruptcy and paid off and which is ours and when we did so, we also took all 50 American land jurisdiction States with it and rolled the whole enchilada back into our actual land jurisdiction state trading companies.  Look at the extractions on file and made part of the public record. 

All the States of __________ and STATES OF ___________ belong to the  ____________States and the __________States belong to the united States of America which belongs to the States which belong to the actual states and people of this country.  

It’s over, Mr. Sessions.  The Great Fraud that began with the so-called “American Civil War” is over.  The Territorial and Municipal “United States Congress” members need to get their paws out of our pockets and start paying attention to those nineteen enumerated services we are owed, including the national trust indenture owed as the Preamble of that old, musty, dusty original equity contract called The Constitution for the united States of America.  

Beyond that, if Mr. Trump needs money to continue operations, he doesn’t need to borrow any debt from the Israelis and he doesn’t need to borrow credit from the Rothschilds.  He just has to realize where the actual money and credit has gone and assist us in our efforts to recover the assets that are owed to us. He will have all that he needs to operate the governmental services corporations.   Free and clear.

                                                                                   Judge Anna Maria Riezinger

Red Alert! Another Bankruptcy Fraud in Progress! Please Post Notice!

 12405-judge2banna  Judge Anna von Reitz

Americans----- another Territorial United States "National" bankruptcy FRAUD is in progress and coming at you!

On May 1, 2017, an international day of Communist celebrations and also a Satanic festival, it is the stated intention of the "THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" (INC.) to declare bankruptcy and turn over its Puerto Rican Electrical Utility to international bankruptcy courts and bank-appointed trustees.  There is just one little problem.  Mr. Obummer created and named millions of public transmitting utility franchises of this bankrupt Puerto Rican Electrical Utility to stand as sureties for its debts.  And they are all named, nominally, after living Americans. 

Remember how the vermin mischaracterized your estates as ESTATES named after you, so that "John Allen Dunn" became "JOHN ALLEN DUNN"?  

Well, now the limey cretins are trying another trick.  They are trying to redefine and rename JOHN ALLEN DUNN as JOHN A. DUNN --- a purported franchise standing as surety for their bankrupt Puerto Rican Transmitting Utility. 

Please note that "JOHN A. DUNN" isn't even a legal name.  It is no name at all for lack of specificity.  Is that "JOHN ALLEN DUNN"?  Or "JOHN AMBROSE DUNN"? Or "JOHN ALLISON DUNN"?  Or, or, or.....?

I am bringing judgment to the World Court concerning this blatant attempt to defraud Americans and I am writing to Attorney General Jeff Sessions to protest this fraud upon the bankruptcy court. 

What I want all of you to do as your part of the effort--- those who can afford to do so --- immediately put advertisements in the "legal section" of your local newspapers as shown below and upon publication, send a copy of the ad along with the name and address of the newspaper and the publication date to me at:  Judge Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o 1336 Staubbach Circle, Anchorage, Alaska 99652.


What appear to be names in the form JOHN A. DOE are not names, but Puerto Rican ACCOUNTS belonging to franchises of a bankrupt Puerto Rican Electrical Utility operated by THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (INC.).   All such ACCOUNTS are pre- paid in full by Payment Bond AMRI00003 RA 493427653 US on file with the Vatican Chancery Court. 

All re-flagged American Trading Vessels dba under lawful names in the form John Adam Doe operated by the United States of America and its land jurisdiction states operating in undelegated international jurisdiction are now under the beneficial ownership of the united States of America  and are indemnified under sovereign private registered indemnity bond AMRI00001 RA 393427640 US on file with the U.S. Treasury. 

Any billing statements issued to names in the form John A. Doe or JOHN A. DOE are illegal and unlawful and are in violation of United States Public Law and are an illegal conveyance of grammar.  No payment, credit, or debit issued in response to such an improper 
solicitation may be considered an assumption of that debt nor that identity and no legal or punitive action may be taken against anyone for failure to pay or perform any action is response to such solicitation. 

The COMMONWEALTH OF PUERTO RICO and Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the UNITED STATES (INC.) and United States (Inc.) are hereby given NOTICE/Notice of these facts and are  prohibited from seeking bankruptcy protection under false pretenses, hypothecating debt against American state nationals, making false claims of surety-ship related to American Trading Vessels, or otherwise promoting fraud and racketeering on our shores.   

Notice Posted by: The American States and People
                              c/o 1336 Staubbach Circle
                              Anchorage, Alaska 99562  *****

This, and writing letters to the US Attorney General and President Trump, are the most effective actions you can take to prevent and forestall another attempted "national" bankruptcy fraud scheme of the Territorial United States aimed at the American states and people. 

13 Days of Occult Sacrifice begin tomorrow - April 19th!

13 Days of Occult Sacrifice Begin  Tomorrow  4-19-2017!  

13 Days of Occult
Sacrifice Begin


 Blood and Fire

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Tuesday, April 18, 2017 at 7 Central


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Dawa, the ideology behind terrorism

Dawa, the ideology behind terrorism, is a broader threat

Ayaan Hirsi Ali's book, “The Challenge of Dawa,” is an explicit attempt to persuade the Trump administration to adopt “a comprehensive anti-dawa strategy before it is too late.”
Research fellow in journalism at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution
April 7, 2017 2:41 pm. ET Stanford, Calif.
The woman sitting opposite me, dressed in a charcoal pantsuit and a duck-egg-blue turtleneck, can’t go anywhere, at any time of day, without a bodyguard.  She is soft-spoken and irrepressibly sane, but also—in the eyes of those who would rather cut her throat than listen to what she says—the most dangerous foe of Islamist extremism in the Western world.  We are in a secure room at a sprawling university, but the queasiness in my chest takes a while to go away.  I’m talking to a woman with multiple fatwas on her head, someone who has a greater chance of meeting a violent end than anyone I’ve met (Salman Rushdie included).  And yet she’s wholly poised, spectacles pushed back to rest atop her head like a crown, dignified and smiling under siege. 
Ayaan Hirsi Ali, born in Somalia in 1969, is Islam’s most eloquent apostate.  She has just published a slim book that seeks to add a new four-letter word—dawa—to the West’s vocabulary.  It describes the her book, “The Challenge of Dawa,” is an explicit attempt to persuade the Trump administration to adopt “a comprehensive anti-dawa strategy before it is too late,” ceaseless, world-wide ideological campaign waged by Islamists as a complement to jihad.  It is, she says, the greatest threat facing the West and “could well bring about the end of the European Union as we know it.”  America is far from immune, and Ms. Hirsi Ali has come a long way from the days when she—“then a bit of a hothead”—declared Islam to be incapable of reform, while also calling on Muslims to convert or abandon religion altogether.  That was a contentious decade ago. 
Today she believes that Islam can indeed be reformed, that it must be reformed, and that it can be reformed only by Muslims themselves—by those whom she calls “Mecca Muslims.”  These are the faithful who prefer the gentler version of Islam that she says was “originally promoted by Muhammad” before 622.  That was the year he migrated to Medina and the religion took a militant and unlovely ideological turn.
At the same time, Ms. Hirsi Ali—now a research fellow at Stanford’s Hoover Institution, where I also work—is urging the West to look at Islam with new eyes.  She says it must be viewed “not just as a religion, but also as a political ideology.”  To regard Islam merely as a faith, “as we would Christianity or Buddhism, is to run the risk of ignoring dawa, the activities carried out by Islamists to keep Muslims energized by a campaign to impose Shariah law on all societies—including countries of the West.” 
Dawa, Ms. Hirsi Ali explains, is “conducted right under our noses in Europe, and in America.  It aims to convert non-Muslims to political Islam and also to push existing Muslims in a more extreme direction.” The ultimate goal is “to destroy the political institutions of a free society and replace them with Shariah.” It is a “never-ending process,” she says, and then checks herself:  “It ends when an Islamic utopia is achieved.  Shariah everywhere!”
Ms. Hirsi Ali contends that the West has made a colossal mistake by its obsession with “terror” in the years since 9/11.  “In focusing only on acts of violence,” she says, “we’ve ignored the Islamist ideology underlying those acts.  By not fighting a war of ideas against political Islam—or ‘Islamism’—and against those who spread that ideology in our midst, we’ve committed a blunder.” 
There is a knock on the door. I hear hushed voices outside, presumably her bodyguard telling someone to come back later.  To add to the mildly dramatic effect, a siren is audible somewhere in the distance, unusual for the serene Stanford campus.  Ms. Hirsi Ali is unfazed.  “What the Islamists call jihad,” she continues, “is what we call terrorism, and our preoccupation with it is, I think, a form of overconfidence. ‘Terrorism is the way of the weak,’ we tell ourselves, ‘and if we can just take out the leaders and bring down al Qaeda or ISIS, then surely the followers will stop their jihad.’ 
But we’re wrong.  Every time Western leaders take down a particular organization, you see a different one emerge, or the same one take on a different shape.  And that’s because we’ve been ignoring dawa.” 
Ms. Hirsi Ali wants us to get away from this game of jihadi Whack-A-Mole and confront “the enemy that is in plain sight—the activists, the Islamists, who have access to all the Western institutions of socialization.”  She chuckles here:  “That’s a horrible phrase . . . ‘institutions of socialization’ . . . but they’re there, in families, in schools, in universities, prisons, in the military as chaplains.  And we can’t allow them to pursue their aims unchecked.” 
America needs to be on full alert against political Islam because “its program is fundamentally incompatible with the U.S. Constitution”—with religious pluralism, the equality of men and women, and other fundamental rights, including the toleration of different sexual orientations.  “When we say the Islamists are homophobic,” she observes, “we don’t mean that they don’t like gay marriage.  We mean that they want gays put to death.”
Islam the religion, in Ms. Hirsi Ali’s view, is a Trojan horse that conceals Islamism the political movement.  Since dawa is, ostensibly, a religious missionary activity, its proponents “enjoy a much greater protection by the law in free societies than Marxists or fascists did in the past.” 
Ms. Hirsi Ali is not afraid to call these groups out.  Her book names five, including the Council on American-Islamic Relations, which asserts—and in turn receives in the mainstream media—the status of a moderate Muslim organization.  But groups like CAIR, Ms. Hirsi Ali says, “take advantage of the focus on ‘inclusiveness’ by progressive political bodies in democratic societies, and then force these societies to bow to Islamist demands in the name of peaceful coexistence.”
Her strategy to fight dawa evokes several parallels with the Western historical experience of radical Marxism and the Cold War.  Islamism has the help of “useful idiots”—Lenin’s phrase—such as the Southern Poverty Law Center (a disgrace to America to be allowed to continue their hate filled agenda and diatribe), which has denounced Ms. Hirsi Ali as an “extremist.”  She sees that smear as a success for dawa:  “They go to people like the SPLC and say, ‘Can we partner with you, because we also want to talk about what you guys talk about, which is civil rights.  And Muslims are a minority, just like you.’  So, they play this victim card, and the SPLC swallows it.  And it’s not just them, it’s also the ACLU.  The Islamists are infiltrating all these institutions that were historic and fought for rights.  It’s a liberal blind spot.” 
Western liberals, she says, are also complicit in an Islamist cultural segregation.  She recalls a multiculturalist catchphrase from her years as a Somali refugee in Amsterdam in the early 1990s: “ ‘Integrate with your own identity,’ they used to tell us—Integratie met eigen identiteit.  Of course, that resulted in no integration at all.” 
Ms. Hirsi Ali wants the Trump administration — and the West more broadly—to counter the dawa brigade “just as we countered both the Red Army and the ideology of communism in the Cold War.”  She is alarmed by the ease with which, as she sees it, “the agents of dawa hide behind constitutional protections they themselves would dismantle were they in power.” 
She invokes Karl Popper, the great Austrian-British philosopher who wrote of “the paradox of tolerance.”  Her book quotes Popper writing in 1945:  “If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them.”
I ask Ms. Hirsi Ali what her solution might be, and she leans once more on Popper, who proposed a right not to tolerate the intolerant . “Congress must give the president—this year, because there’s no time to lose—the tools he needs to dismantle the infrastructure of dawa in the U.S.”  Dawa has become an existential menace to the West, she adds, because its practitioners are “working overtime to prevent the assimilation of Muslims into Western societies. It is assimilation versus dawa.  There is a notion of ‘cocooning,’ by which Islamists tell Muslim families to cocoon their children from Western society.  This can’t be allowed to happen.” 
Is Ms. Hirsi Ali proposing to give Washington enhanced powers to supervise parenting?  “Yes,” she says. “We want these children to be exposed to critical thinking, freedom, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the rights of women.”  She also suggests subjecting immigrants and refugees to ideological scrutiny, so as to deny entry, residence and naturalization to those “involved with, or supportive of, Islamism.” 
In effect, Ms. Hirsi Ali would modernize the “communism test” that still applies to those seeking naturalization.  “I had to answer questions when I applied for citizenship in 2013:  ‘Are you, or have you ever been, a communist?’  And I remember thinking, ‘God, that was the war back then.  We’re supposed to update this stuff!’  Potential immigrants from Pakistan or Bangladesh, for instance, should have to answer questions—‘Are you a member of the Jamat?’ and so on.  If they’re from the Middle East you ask them about the Muslim Brotherhood, ‘or any other similar group,’ so there’s no loophole.”
[Ed., She failed to mention that Muslims are told to lie to accomplish their purposes.  If they don't answer those questions truthfully, then nothing has been accomplished.  They are even told to pretend to be Christians as long as necessary to accomplish their purposes.  It would be wiser to prevent any Muslim from staying in the US for more than a few months.  They should also be prevented from owning any property in the US and from building any mosques in this country as the mosques serve as their training ground and where guns and military equipment are stored to do battle against us.]
Might critics deride this as 21st-century McCarthyism?  “That’s just a display of intellectual laziness,” Ms. Hirsi Ali replies.  “We’re dealing here with a lethal ideological movement and all we are using is surveillance and military means?  We have to grasp the gravity of dawa. Jihad is an extension of dawa. For some, in fact, it is dawa by other means.”
The U.S., she believes, is in a “much weaker position to combat the various forms of nonviolent extremism known as dawa because of the way that the courts have interpreted the First Amendment”—a situation where American exceptionalism turns into what she calls an “exceptional handicap.”  Convincing Americans of this may be the hardest part of Ms. Hirsi Ali’s campaign, and she knows it.  Yet she asks whether the judicial attitudes of the 1960s and 1970s—themselves a reaction to the excesses of Joseph McCarthy in the 1950s—might have left the U.S. ill-equipped to suppress threats from groups that act in the name of religion. 
I ask Ms. Hirsi Ali if there’s any one thing she would wish for.  “I would like to be present at a conversation between Popper and Muhammad,” she says.  “Popper wrote about open society and its enemies, and subjected everyone from Plato to Marx to his critical scrutiny.  I’d have liked him to subject Muhammad’s legacy to the same analysis. But he skipped Muhammad, alas.  He skipped Muhammad.”
Mr. Varadarajan is a research fellow in journalism at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution.

Syria is the Biggest Media Lie of our Time

The  Media  Coverage  on  Syria  is  the  Biggest  Media  Lie  of  our  Time' -- Interview  with  Flemish  Priest  in  Syria

By Weird Duk
Saturday February 4, 2017
undefinedFlemish Father Daniël Maes (78) lives in Syria in the sixth-century-old Mar Yakub monastery in the city of Qara, 90 kilometers north of the capital Damascus. Father Daniel has been a witness to the “civil war” and according to him, Western reports on the conflict in Syria are very misleading. In short: “the Americans and their allies want to completely ruin the country."
Interviewer: You are very critical of the media coverage on Syria. What is bothering you?
Father Daniel: “The idea that a popular uprising took place against President Assad is completely false. I’ve been in Qara since 2010 and I have seen with my own eyes how agitators from outside Syria organized protests against the government and recruited young people. That was filmed and aired by Al Jazeera to give the impression that a rebellion was taking place. Murders were committed by foreign terrorists, against the Sunni and Christian communities, in an effort to sow religious and ethnic discord among the Syrian people. While in my experience, the Syrian people were actually very united.
Before the war, this was a harmonious country: a secular state in which different religious communities lived side by side peacefully. There was hardly any poverty, education was free, and health care was good. It was only not possible to freely express your political views. But most people did not care about that.”
Interviewer: Mother Agnès-Mariam, of your Mar Yakub (“Saint Jacob”) monastery, is accused of siding with the regime. She has friends at the highest level.
Father Daniel: “Mother Agnès-Mariam helps the population: she has recently opened a soup kitchen in Aleppo, where 25,000 meals are prepared five times a week. Look, it is miraculous that we are still alive. We owe that to the army of Assad’s government and to Vladimir Putin, because he decided to intervene when the rebels threatened to take power.
When thousands of terrorists settled in Qara, we became afraid for our lives. They came from the Gulf States, Saudi Arabia, Europe, Turkey, Libya, there were many Chechens. They formed a foreign occupation force, all allied to al-Qaeda and other terrorists. Armed to the teeth by the West and their allies with the intention to act against us, they literally said: “This country belongs to us now.” Often, they were drugged, they fought each other, in the evening they fired randomly. We had to hide in the crypts of the monastery for a long time. When the Syrian army chased them away, everybody was happy: the Syrian citizens because they hate the foreign rebels, and we because peace had returned.”
Interviewer: You say that the Syrian Army protects civilians, yet there are all sorts of reports about war crimes committed by Assad’s forces, such as the bombardments with barrel bombs.
Father Daniel: “Do you not know that the media coverage on Syria is the biggest media lie of our time? They have sold pure nonsense about Assad. It was actually the rebels who plundered and killed. Do you think that the Syrian people are stupid? Do you think those people were forced to cheer for Assad and Putin? It is the Americans who have a hand in all of this, for pipelines and natural resources in this region and to thwart Putin.”
Saudi Arabia and Qatar want to establish a Sunni state in Syria, without religious freedom. Therefore, Assad must go. You know, when the Syrian army was preparing for the battle in Aleppo, Muslim soldiers came to me to be blessed. Between ordinary Muslims and Christians, there is no problem. It is those radical Islamic, Western-backed rebels who want to massacre us. They are all al Qaeda and IS. There are not any moderate fighters anymore.”
Interviewer: You once mentioned Hillary Clinton to be a "devil in holy water," because as Secretary of State she deliberately worsened the conflict.
Father Daniel: “I am happy with Trump. He sees what every normal person understands: That the United States should stop undermining countries which possess natural resources. The Americans’ attempt to impose a unipolar world is the biggest problem. Trump understands that radical Islam is a bigger threat than Russia.
What do I care whether he occasionally takes off his pants? If Trump practices geopolitics the way he has promised to do so, then the future looks bright. Then it will become similar to Putin’s approach. And hopefully then, there will be a solution for Syria, and peace will return.”
Interviewer: You understand that your analysis is controversial and will encounter much criticism?
Father Daniel: “I speak from personal observation. And no one has to believe me, right? But I know one thing: The media can either contribute to the massacre of the Syrian people or help the Syrian people, with their media coverage. Unfortunately, there are too many followers and cowards among journalists.”
Reprinted with author's permission from Algemeen Dagblad. Translation: SOTT. Photo: Sjoerd Mouissie

Heavily armed Muslim warns U.S. public


Heavily armed Muslim warns U.S. public: 'Be terrified'

Cops  investigate  Facebook  live  video  outside  Christian  conference,  make  no  arrests

Leo Hohmann

A Muslim man entered a private gathering of Christians in a hotel ballroom in South Dakota, started cursing and live streaming video on Facebook of the event and then, after he was ushered out, displayed multiple firearms and issued statements the speakers say were a direct threat to their safety.

The man, wearing a t-shirt that said, “I’m American, I’m a Muslim, I open carry, I conceal carry, and I’m dangerous only if you’re stupid,” was approached by a security guard and told to leave.

Once back in his car, he brandished an arsenal of weapons, including two military-style rifles with loaded magazines and three handguns, and made several threats of “Be scared, be f—ing scared. Be terrified.” Again, it was all live streamed on Facebook while parked in the conference center parking lot.

To the surprise of the conference organizers in Sioux Falls, after reviewing the videos, police chose not to charge the man with any crime. The state’s attorney says he’s still investigating but didn’t see anything criminal in nature on the videos.

The Muslim man, Ehab Jaber, a self-described former resident of Saudi Arabia who works as a server at a local steakhouse in Sioux Falls, was questioned by police and the FBI following his bizarre behavior at the April 9 Christian Worldview conference. And now two of the speakers at the event are saying if the security guard had not noticed Jaber’s strange activity and escorted him out, something “bad” could have happened to roughly 500 Christians, including women, children and at least two state legislators who were in attendance.

“It was a ticketed event but we didn’t have enough volunteers to be checking everyone coming in throughout the event,” said Shahram Hadian, a former Muslim turned Christian pastor and one of the speakers. “This guy came in after the event started so the way the hotel was set up, there were just too many ways to get in. This was a private event, a closed event for Christians, but that’s how he got in, because we just didn’t have the manpower to be checking everyone.” (with 500 in attendance, there weren't enough men with guns to be guards and enforcers?)

“I do believe the off-duty police officer who noticed what was going on is a hero who may have stopped a potential attack,” said Brannon Howse, who was on the podium speaking when Jaber was asked to leave.

Jaber entered the Worldview Weekend Conference at the Hilton Garden Inn on Palm Sunday, April 9, where several hundred people gathered to hear speakers address Islamic persecution of Christians worldwide. Jaber’s first action was to film the cover of his Quran, then he began panning the audience.

Jaber was approached by a retired police officer who was working security at the event, where it was announced beforehand that no videos were allowed to be taken. He told the officer he was a Muslim and gave a false name.

“My name is John Smith,” he said, as he is shown on the video being ushered out. “The Muslim John Smith.”

After the security guard escorted Jaber out of the conference, he made a second video from his car parked in the hotel parking lot in which he displayed two military-style rifles and three handguns, as well as dozens of rounds of ammunition loaded into magazines.

“There’s about probably 400 people in there, if not maybe 500. And now if you want to be really scared, be scared,” he said as he held up five different weapons in the second video. “Be scared. Be terrified.”

The speakers at the event, Hadian and radio talk-show host Brannon Howse, spoke with local law enforcement afterward and also contacted the FBI.
But Jaber was not arrested nor charged with any crime.

“In America, there is now a separate set of laws for Muslims and non-Muslims,” wrote activist/author Pamela Geller in her blog Monday. “Sharia in America. If a non-Muslim was armed to the teeth obscenely threatening Muslims with massive firepower at a mosque in their parking lot, he would be arrested, his face smeared across every newspaper and nightly news program across the country. This Muslim was not arrested.”

The strange story of the unwelcome guest was prefaced, Hadian points out, by important background leading up to the event.

Earlier this year the far-left Southern Poverty Law Center added Hadian’s ministry, Truth in Love Ministries of Spokane, Washington, to its list of “hate groups.” Since that happened, wherever Hadian speaks he encounters protests from Muslims and liberal activist groups. The local mosque in Sioux Falls was tipped off to Hadian’s impending visit to Sioux Falls by an article in the local newspaper, the Argus Leader, which cited the “hate group” designation by SPLC.

The Sioux Falls Police Department notified the speakers that the Islamic Center of Sioux Falls filed a permit to protest the Worldview Weekend Rally because they viewed the event as bigoted and “Islamophobic.”

The property for the Islamic Center of Sioux Falls is owned by the North American Islamic Trust, or NAIT, meaning it is a part of the Muslim Brotherhood’s network of American mosques waging “Civilization Jihad,” said John Guandolo, a former FBI counter-terrorism specialist who now consults law enforcement agencies nationwide.

“The Muslim Brotherhood threatened, a Muslim showed up in what was a possible thwarted attack, and local officials did nothing,” Guandolo wrote in a blog at Understanding the Threat.

“This is how America will lose this war if it does not change course immediately at the local level.”

“The media trashed on Shahram and myself a week before we got there,” Howse told WND. “I believe the police saw that, and they didn’t want to be part of this. The politicians have a political career to be worried about. They’re self-serving people who do not care about the American people and their safety, just their own politically correct careers.”
Hadian was also baffled.

“This is not good for us. We’re going to have to have more security, probably see more protests. His videos are probably going to go viral. He’s now getting hundreds of views on his pages, he’s going to be glorified.”

Hadian said about 40 to 50 protesters greeted him and Howse when they arrived at the hotel in Sioux Falls to speak.  He said he has no problem with the protesters, but when an armed man sneaks into the event and films it live on Facebook while uttering a profanity-laced tirade, that concerns him.

“We’re now told by our legal counsel that the prosecutor in that county, the prosecutor in Sioux Falls, they’re going to do nothing,” he said. "Nothing, nothing, nothing. That’s outrageous.”

The message being sent by law enforcement is clear, says Howse: “If you are a Christian daring to speak out against Islamic violence, then prepare to be a martyr, because the elected prosecutors, which are really politicians, don’t give a darn about you or your safety.” (churches, ministries, even home meetings had better be planning on self-preservation and self-defense because trouble is not just coming to River City - IT IS HERE! - and it is looking for you.)

Howse, founder of Worldview Weekend Foundation and Worldview Radio, said he wonders what the response from law enforcement would be if an armed white Christian walked into a Muslim conference and made the same type of comments on a livestream video? He said he believes the outcome would have been different.

“He is armed to the hilt and he’s parked outside the hotel where we are holding our conference and he shows his weapons on video and says, ‘Be scared. Be terrified,’ cursing all the while,” Howse said. “We had to edit his profanity out of the video.”

Howse said his organization kept the incident quiet for a week. They wanted to give law enforcement a chance to investigate and “see if they would do the right thing.” Secondly, they had four more cities lined up on the speaking tour so they did not want to call more attention to themselves and stir up more protests and possible violence by intolerant leftist organizations like those who set fires on the campus of University of California at Berkeley earlier this year.

After the event Sunday in Sioux Falls, they moved on to speak in the Wisconsin cities of LaCrosse, Green Bay, Madison and Milwaukee. Five cities in five nights.  The FBI sent out a bulletin alerting the other four cities on the speaking tour to make sure security was beefed up for the Christian Worldview conferences.

“I believe that police officer who was off duty, who caught him filming with his Quran, I believe he stopped something from happening,” Howse told WND. “One of the police officers told me ‘I think we stopped something bad from happening.'”  Police say no law was broken. 

Lt. Mike Colwell of the Sioux Falls Police  Department, confirmed for WND that no charges will be filed by his department.  “It is correct there was a gentlemen who arrived at the event and was livestreaming it was contacted by a hired security guard at the event,” Colwell said. “And when officers did contact him they were able to check his social media, Facebook account, and found videos where he did display some guns and make some threats but the threats were not directed at any one specific individual or group. He was using speech that was aggressive but not necessarily saying it was threatening. The video was made in the parking lot outside the conference. We completed the investigation, which was reviewed by the state’s attorney’s office in Lincoln County, and at this time the state’s attorney has decided not to charge him with anything related to the event or any of the language used that’s being shown on that video.”

Lincoln County State’s Attorney Tom Wolman, told WND, however, that he is still investigating the incident, as is the FBI.  “It is an active, open investigation. That is not the case [that a decision has been made],” he said.  But Wolman said the fact that police did not make an arrest at the scene makes his job harder.

“They did not make an arrest. Since they did not make an arrest, obviously they didn’t believe there was probable cause that a crime was committed.  “I don’t know that we’ll have anything more in the near future on it but you’re welcomed to check back,” Wolman added.

‘No double standard in South Dakota’

Wolman said Jaber was within his rights as a South Dakota resident to “open carry” weapons in his car or on his person or to conceal carry if he had a valid permit.  “The constitutional rights are there. Obviously law enforcement made the decisions that there wasn’t a violation of state gun laws,” he said.

He said he did not agree with Howse that South Dakota had a “double standard” for applying the law, one for Muslims who are treated as an “oppressed minority” and another for non-Muslims who get the book thrown at them. “Maybe that  double standard exists in some parts of the country. I don’t believe it exists in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, I don’t think that was part of the story here,” he told WND. “And, at any rate, we enforce the law across the board, whether it’s a Christian offender or Muslim offender, we look at the facts that we have in front of us. And that’s the standard we have.”

Asked if he was afraid of Muslim civil rights groups suing the city, Wolman said he was not.  “Every day of the week on this job I am aware that there is evil in our community, and by the oath of office I took, I am also aware that I have to apply the law fairly… I am not afraid of anyone, certainly not Mr. Jaber.”  He said he was “not aware” of any crimes on Jaber’s record.  “I’m not aware of any record. He’s a host and a server in a very high-end steak house here in Sioux Falls and everyone who works with him enjoys working with him. We can’t run roughshod over people’s First Amendment rights, or their Second Amendment rights,” he said. “We’re taking this very, very seriously,” Wolman told WND.
