Thursday, July 27, 2017



We are told EVERY day that everything is done and no more papers need to be signed.  We are told to look for the 800 numbers and that tiers 1,  2, 3 are being hydrated and tier 4 is ready to 'go in', only to repeat the story line AGAIN - day after day after day.

What's going on?

Well, most of you readers have heard this by now from other sources but, in case you haven't, we will give you the latest 'scoop' on the poop here now!

And it all centers around the 'healthcare bill' - originally known as  'obamacare'.  If Americans only knew what was planned for them and included in that bill that Nancy Pelosi FORCED through CON-gress. In that bill the RV was only ONE of multiple offenses against Americans. But that's another story. To survive and participate in the RV  is what we want to do right now - and all are working on that one major issue. 

One of the major topics in the lying cabal 'news' is all the fuss over 'obamacare' - to repeal it and start over again or to retain it with all its hindrances to the Americans being able to participate in the RV (among other issues).

The 'obamacare' bill, consisting of thousands of pages, was a host of Obama's and his cohort's intentions for the destruction of the US and her people. This is THE reason 'why' behind the congressional standoff to retain the current bill.  The entire bozocare fiasco should not only be repealed but burn those thousands of pages in hell where they belong and bozo and his cohorts with them. Let's be honest about this creature - he did NOTHING - ABSOLUTELY NOTHING - to benefit our nation but ONLY TO DESTROY IT and making himself WEALTHY while doing it (among his other 'extra curricular' activities!)

Most of you know about (formerly) 'pretty boy' McCain, known by now to most all - especially his fellow VietNam compatriots -  as a traitor to America. He is also known these days as one of - if not the leading - obstructionist - to the passing of the repeal of 'obamacare' returning our nation to the gold backed financial system. 
As a result of the repeated excuses and delays on passing the repeal of the 'obamacare' healthcare bill, almost entirely centered around the RV, a Chinese General, who is in the states to oversee the RV, decided he had enough of McCain and paid him a visit. In that process the General decided to make his point to McCain - literally - to return to the swamp to lead the march for approval of the RV (the return to the gold standard) or else.  McCain received quite bluntly the 'or else' affirmation from the General himself.  I believe the General's sincere encouragement was understood and McCain received it as confirmation at that point in their conversation.

Pretty boy McCain is not so pretty right now.  You can't help but notice all the stiches above the left eyebrow line.  Difficult to cover those up. His left eye and checkbone has severe underlying blue tones - bruising - which can be seen to be heavily covered by makeup - no doubt very costly makeup and most probably supplied either by his wife or his surgeon.

Told he had a job to get done by the General and forced back to Washington, D.C. by military escort, McCain was literally wheeled on to the Senate floor so he could lead the vote (no doubt to the applause of the waiting idiots on the floor).  Observed and finally understood by all as to what can happen to those who do not cooperate with the General,  McCain was most able to encourage his fellow traitors to vote in favor of the return to the gold standard. 

What is often most overlooked, however, is that Mitch McConnell is the Senate Majority Leader and thus the lead negotiator for the Congress and not McCain, though McCain continues to believe that the voting process cannot proceed without his input and advice. Seems, however, the Chinese have their own opinion about the situation and who and what is important! 

Remember Harry Reid? Former Senator Reid from hell?  Oops - 'Senator' from Nevada?  Harry - I do NOT apologize to you for the insults!  You ARE what you ARE are and you ARE from hell - not Nevada. I would not insult the Nevada residents because you happened to show up there to follow your orders from satan himself. Well, Harry ALSO received an important message in 2015 while he was still in office.  His workout equipment fell upon him and messed up his left eye - really bad.  Do you remember that 'story'?!  You don't suppose that very same Chinese General who knows McCain also knew Reid way back then?!

Ain't Reid cute?  Ahhhhhhhhhhh, I DON'T feel so sorry for this AHO.  He got what he DESERVED, and he deserves a heck of allot more. Sins against the people have a way of catching up with these AHOs!

And ............... then we have the infamous John Kerry - yet another VietNam betrayer to our nation and to his fellow comrades. These jerks just seem to crawl out from under the refrigerators and holes in the walls - like the cockroaches that they are.  And Kerry - though I understand you are a clone as the original scumbag is dead - I don't apologize to you, either, for the low - VERY LOW - regard I have for you. Seems I recall you had a 'bicycle' accident. What a shame that falling off your bike did you in. Didn't you wear your VN vet hero helmet to protect you?

Kerry, as a clone - I hope you have more smarts and balls to be loyal to our nation and to follow orders than your predecessor did.  These pictures clearly demonstrate what can happen to traitors and those who disobey orders. Seems you learned the lesson the HARD way. Will McCain, Reid and the rest of the scum in DC EVER figure it out?  America wants you and your kind GONE - like out of sight - FOREVER.

Oh, yeah - we have been told about the Chinese method of 'left eye' and 'right eye'. We have seen that method in action - sadly - within the cabal crime syndicate 'government' of the U.S.A.  

Let's move on to what needs to be done - RV, official announcement of our restored Republic (NOT CORPORATION FROM FRANCE), announcement of NESARA/GESARA and the TRUE ELECTION of our NEW REPUBLIC government - would President Trump be willing to run for the job?  WE WANT TRUMP!!!

As always, voting on just one issue to get the RV job done is only a uninformed dinarian's dream.  There are always multiple issues to be brought up, debated and voted on. The 'cabal' is NOT dead and NOT off the planet.  It is alive and well and continuing their customary delay and confusion tactics.  No doubt multiple issues of extreme importance to the cabal are being brought up, such as added banking regulations, international rates for the new US gold backed note, what to do now about 'healthcare' and all the damage that was written into the 'obamacare' bill that they will now have to devise another method in which to hide their destructive plans for you and me and their money making plans for their own personal benefit,  anything and everything they can devise to salvage their positions and the influx of money to THEIR bank accounts. 

Folks! Let's be HONEST about this. Such is the makeup of those who occupy and run Washington DC.  Such a swamp of sub-humanity - those that ARE 'human' that is.  And that, folks, is a subject for further research and publication.

Back to the long awaited RV.  Seems it is NOT Iraq and all the other excuses proferred for the RV not having happened by now.  Seems all along it has been the scum, primarily Obama and his trademark schemes, in Washington DC holding up our trips to exchange.

Our nation is operating on a countdown right now - as always - and that is the end of September 2017. Let's hope that everyone involved can work together and get the job done so that the American people can finally  receive some HELP and POSITIVE BENEFIT from what comes out of the stinking swamp.

We send our sincere THANKS and a TON OF encouragement to President Trump to continue to 'drain the swamp.'  Trump found himself up to and above his eyeballs in scum and corruption, and needs our support and encouragement. There is no one more qualified to turn this nation around and back to the Living God than our President Trump. Forget what he did to negotiate amnesty. Trump is the MAN FOR THE JOB. If ONLY we could make it happen for him to continue on the job.  HEAR THIS CHINESE GENERAL???

Submitted by:  'RV Central Headquarters', NESARA

Unfortunately, I Am Right Again

By Anna Von Reitz

Remember what I said about Heather Tucci-Jaraf most likely being in trouble for trying to access the trust account of HEATHER TUCCI-JARAF which is a Cestui Que Vie Trust set up for a young child who was declared "missing, presumed dead" many years ago?  That she would have to go through probate and establish that she is indeed that same "Heather Tucci-Jaraf"? 

Well, here's the report from her website tonight:

There was a sealed hearing
They closed up everything and locked doors, black pieces of wool on window
They asked Bill, Yousef, and Neil to leave
Attorney came out and talked to Bill and Yousef after the hearing
Apparently TN, issued an arrest warrant for HATJ, for….? to gum up works for her
She will have an identity hearing on Monday. DC Jail lock up jail until then.
This all from Neil, live down there at the courtroom

Identity hearing on Monday. [ this is necessary, because HATJ refuses to sign her name and contract with the system. ;)    ]

It's not because she refuses to contract with the system.  It's because the only way she can do what she wants to do requires her to prove that she is the now-adult woman who has been declared "missing, lost at sea" by the Municipal government and whose identity has been stolen and redefined as a Foreign Situs Trust by the Territorial government.
She has to answer both presumptions and rebut them with factual evidence established on the public record.  Ideally, she should have all the recorded paperwork I have been encouraging everyone to record on the public land jurisdiction records. 
As it is, I hope someone has a High School Year Book or College Year Book or school transcripts or something credible that can establish a chain of evidence between the baby in the cradle and the grown woman now.  Hurry up!  Call her parents, her husband, her best friend from third grade!  Get them there so she can call them as credible witnesses and collect whatever memorabilia related to the progress of her life that you can find!
Get it to her ASAP and clue her and her lawyer into what is actually happening and why this is an "identity" hearing. 
If they go in there cold with some kind of drivel about contracting, confused about why such a hearing is being conducted, they will be lost.  This is a private hearing being conducted in probate in canon law.  Its among the highest and most deadly kinds of hearings possible.  Pray for her and help her any way you can.

See this article and over 600 others on Anna's website

Why I Am One of the Few "Judges" Left in America

By Anna Von Reitz

It amuses me when Bar Association members like Larry Becraft call me a “Fake Judge”.  This is amusing because to make that distinction, they have to know that I am the only actual "judge" in the room.  And they are tacitly admitting it.  Read on. I'll explain what's going on.
And then there are those who look for me in Bar Association registries and think that because they don't find my name, I can't be genuine.
It’s not that they are stupid.  It’s that they have never been taught anything about Law.  Instead, they’ve been taught how to practice law as if they are waiting in the wings for their moment to enter the grand stage and do more than practice.
I pity them.  I really do.
They’ve been taught protocol and evidence requirements and procedure until it runs from their sweat glands.  They’ve been drilled--- endlessly--- about court rules and their importance, dragged through vast tomes of case law, trained like young bird dogs in the dance and calls of courtroom drama and the skills of taking depositions and the art of cross-examination. 
At the end of three or four years of nearly constant living hell, they have been deeply indoctrinated and led to believe that they are members of a true elite, a cadre of heroes, part of a great and thriving enterprise, graced with ever-lasting superiority over their fellow-man.  Some of them, a few, have even gotten the idea of ‘Noblesse oblige” – that they should give back of their largesse to the less fortunate. 
In the real world these few idealists wind up fighting a losing battle to protect people as they thread very carefully between the rock of the Bar Association and the hard place of financial reality.  Most of them have spent between $150,000 and $500,000 for their education.  How would you like to hit the ground running and start a young family with that kind of debt hanging over your head?
No, so far as all that goes, my sympathies are with the attorneys.
I have now had the peculiar pleasures of working with quite a few former judges and attorneys who (1) retired and decided to “do something” about the situation; or (2) realized that a Bar Card is a form of enslavement and tore theirs up in a fit of moral outrage; or (3) in an innocent clueless moment, they did something logical to help a client and wound up disbarred, confused, alienated, hurt, angry----and unemployed. 
With the exception of the retired senior judges very few of these fellows can answer the question, “Where does law come from?”
Somehow they’ve been taught all the names and forms of law.  Some of them know about Sharia Law and Mosaic Law.  Yet, somehow the connection of Law to systems of religion and moral and ethical values, hasn’t passed through their conscious minds.  Almost to the man or woman, when asked this question, they stare at me and fumble and look dumbfounded.  “Ah, uh, oh, well…..”
Indeed.  After four years of law school --- including venerated law schools like Harvard and Yale – they don’t know and haven’t thought about the simplest things about Law.  Also, despite the ample histories of hard knocks some of them have suffered, to a man they don’t know or don’t quite believe the way the world really works.  The most hardened trial lawyers quirk their eyebrows in total disbelief when they finally realize the implications of what they have been doing for most of their lives.
It’s almost funny.  Almost. 
I recently met a Yale graduate with 25 years of private practice experience who suspected that Social Security Numbers were evil, and had read all of Title 42 looking for the answer--- and still didn’t get the joke.  I had to point out to him that most Americans aren’t eligible to participate in Social Security.
And then he had to find a chair and stare at the references for an hour to conclude that for himself.  It was just so shocking, so hard to believe, that when it all finally hit home he was sick and off work for a week. Like many otherwise decent lawyers, he had a family of four kids, a wife, two nice cars, a house on the hill and after twenty-five years of private practice was still paying off his education bills. 
So now that he knew the truth about the tip of that iceberg and was discovering more – like the truth about the federal income tax – he was perfectly miserable, angry, betrayed, and too deeply invested to jump ship and do anything about it. 
I know old federal judges and military judges and tax court judges who are so sickened and angry about the things they’ve had to do that they positively relish driving stakes through the heart of the Beast—howbeit, under pseudonyms and behind closed doors.  It would be a profound mistake to think that all lawyers are enemies.  Some of them are faithful friends of human decency, despite the dangers and gross ironies of their profession.
I don’t call them “fake lawyers” though, in fact, they are at the present time taking invalid oaths and are involved in simulating actual courts and are creating merely an “appearance” of justice. 
Nonetheless, the facts are the facts.
Land law, not surprisingly, is the law of the land. Literally.  We all happen to be standing on land and in fact, our bodies come from the land and return to the land: “Dust Thou art and to dust Thou returneth.” We are creatures of the land.  We belong to it and it belongs to us.
However, blood, which is largely composed of a saline solution akin to seawater is also a part of our make-up, isn’t it?  So we can be considered creatures of the sea, too. 
Thus, too, we have the Law of the Land and the Law of the Sea. 
I am a Land Judge, more properly called a “Justice”. 
All those other people that you see parading around in black robes are Admiralty/Maritime Judges--- Judges of the Sea.
My court deals with actual people, actual land and homes and assets, business agreements and marital covenants, actual money, and all the aspects of Law and Trade.
Their court deals with corporations, titles, records, registrations, stocks, bonds, Joint Ventures, Mergers, Insurance, and all the other paraphernalia of legal fictions and commercial paper and commercial contracts. 
Considering the subject matter inherent to each court, it strikes me that they are the ones involved in smoke and mirrors and fakery, presumptions and assumptions, fiat currencies, suppositions and flim-flam galore.  It makes more sense to call them “Fake Judges” because they deal with fake things, does it not?
Especially when you consider that that they are operating private courts “as if” they were public institutions?  Not one of them has a “Public Subdivision” letter or status as such with the IRS. 
And since 1991, none of the federal judges have taken a valid Oath of Office.  In that year the old Oath was subtly changed so that they promise to perform their duties “under the Constitution”—but that’s a big laugh, because the Constitution assigns no duties to the Judicial Branch.
I am sure there was a big “Ha-ha!” in some circles when they thought that one up, but it means that Congress and their legal advisers altered the Oath with intent to deceive and defraud and to avoid the restrictions of the Constitution.
May I hear a pin drop?
That is known as “Conspiracy Against the Constitution” and it is a crime akin to Treason in this country.  It also invalidates every decision they have made since then with respect to Americans.  When everyone is recouped and standing on the land jurisdiction and properly identified, there's going to be a huge number of cases nullified.
Now for those who have been following along, it should be apparent that what I have told you about corporate "government" officials seizing upon your name and creating a new entity named after you --- the federal PERSON operating under your NAME—is true. 
I’ve explained Glossa to you so that you now understand that what appears to be your NAME is actually a sign in a foreign language used as an ACCOUNT designation belonging to a Puerto Rican ESTATE trust that was named after you without your knowledge or consent.
YOU is not you.  It’s a corporation named after you.  It impersonates you.  And the crime related to this process is called “personage”.  They did the same thing with your regularly styled name, infringed on our natural copyright, and created a Foreign Situs Trust named after you. 
This also explains how the Law of the Sea is being falsely, indeed, fraudulently applied to living men. That’s another crime, called “barratry” because it is famously practiced by members of the Bar Associations.
It’s because you have all been “impersonated” that they can address you in their courts at all.  Of course, they never tell you all this.  If you knew, you could better protect yourself from their pillaging and ask them all sorts of truly embarrassing questions.
No, I don’t think I am a “fake judge” because I serve the Law of the Land and they serve the Law of the Sea. 
At most, there may be a semantic complaint in that I am properly called a “Justice” and everyone calls me “Judge Anna” because they aren’t aware of this fine distinction--- but in fact, “Judge” has become the popular catch-all general term and the whole flap – which would only occur in attorney circles anyway, amounts to calling me “cereal” instead of “mini-wheats”.  
Bottom line, those using this as an excuse to call me a “fake judge” are admitting that they know what a land jurisdiction justice is. 
No doubt, too, they dread the day when American Common Law Courts spring up all across America, because they know that the salad days of their deceptive Special Admiralty Courts will be over and the strangle-hold of the criminal Bar Associations will be broken and maybe they are also afraid that the petty, sneaking, deceitful, word games and crimes of fraud that are their stock and trade will be discovered and the Bailiffs like everyone else, will wake up and come for them.
Right now, we have thousands of judges sitting where justices should be and millions of attorneys where honest lawyers should stand, instead. Undeclared foreign agents have taken over courthouses that belong to us, and men who have been prohibited from holding any public office in our government since 1819 are nonetheless pretending that their government is our government.
Anyone who knows anything knows that this entire system is standing on its head and that something is indeed rotten in River City; in a way, quibbling over whether to call me a “Judge” or a “Justice” is emblematic of what the problem is. 
For people like Larry Becraft and his friend Bob Hurt, it’s all about form and special terms instead of being about truth or justice. They think their special terms and jargon are more important than the actual facts or the Law, and that their sacrosanct labels can deliver them from the evil they’ve embraced.

I pray that everyone reading this grabs an oar and proves them wrong. 
See this article and over 600 others on Anna's website


By Anna Von Reitz

No, I have not been arrested.  Times being what they are, anyone can be arrested and charged with darn near anything. With 80 million possible "laws" to choose from the perpetrators can criminalize breathing and defecating, which is part of the problem. But, no, I have not been arrested and it is not likely that I ever will be.


Because I know what I am talking about and have my records straight and don't preach violence or encourage people to do things that are half-baked.

Heather Ann Tucci Jaraf has been arrested. I have not heard the charges. Most likely this is because she is trying to access the HEATHER ANN TUCCI JARAF trust fund, which is a generation skipping trust set up for a young child long ago declared "missing, presumed dead". 

In order to legally and lawfully access those funds the matter must be returned to probate and she must prove who she is and prove to be alive and she must also return to the land jurisdiction of her birth. Otherwise the Federales are paid to guard her trust and guard it from her, they will. 

Like everyone else, she has been mis-characterized and suffered identity theft. 

Until people deal with those facts they won't be able to address the problem in a rational way or bring effective international pressure to bear on the regimes supporting these barbaric and outrageous practices. 

I call it commercial feudalism. 

These corporations have done unspeakable things to people in the name of profit.  Nobody needs to think that they are just going to grow a soul and share with the victims without being forced to do so.  

There are two very compelling reasons for this beyond greed.  First, if they do the right thing and share the profit it implies that prior to this they have been doing something wrong. They have been and they know it and now the whole world is learning how the hypocrites enslaved the entire western world--- but that is a different thing from admitting it by paying back the people you've wronged. 

There is an entire camp that firmly believes in just stonewalling and trying to brazen it through and keep the status quo. 

The other reason is that they have bankrupted the entire world and stockpiled all the stolen gold in China, preparatory to trying to force everyone back onto the gold standard. 

This is part of the same plan they hatched on Jekyll Island a hundred years ago. 

Issue and devalue the fiat currency, siphon off the profit from that devaluation, meantime take everyone off the gold standard and steal and confiscate and gather all the gold, then bad-mouth the currencies you yourself created, cause a crisis so that everyone runs back to the gold standard --and there you sit, open for business and ready to sell the gold back at a 10,000 percent profit to the grandsons of the people you stole it from. 

THAT is what is happening right now. 

Right on schedule. 

Preparatory to that they have bankrupted the UNITED STATES, which means that CANADA and the UNITED KINGDOM and HEATHER ANN TUCCI JARAF are also bankrupt. 

That action has also served to bankrupt the so-called Territorial governments worldwide, because they were all leeching off HEATHER ANN and ANNA MARIA RIEZINGER as the "presumed" beneficiaries of our ESTATE trusts. 

Are you all beginning to see how complex and diabolical this is? 

You have a global nest of bankers bent on defrauding the world and forcing everyone to use gold which they control as money on one hand, and you have a worldwide bankruptcy of all the Municipal governments causing the secondary bankruptcy of all the Territorial governments. 

The ones that have really been controlling the show are the Secondary Creditors of the Territorial governments which are now in Chapter 11 bankruptcy and attempting to reorganize. 

This has recently all hit a big speed bump because the actual Paramount Security Interest Holders in both the Municipal and Territorial government bankruptcies--- the American states and people-- showed up and reclaimed their assets and exercised their controlling interest. 

That bumped all the Secondary Creditors claiming to represent us (or to be more exact-- to represent our ESTATES) right out of the saddle. 

Remember the identity theft discussed at the beginning?  How they declared the actual Heather dead and created an ESTATE that they own and operate in her name? 

This is where it all comes full circle. 

We are the actual Creditors. Not the banks. Not the politicians. 

How do we cut our way out of this web? 

1. We take back our stolen identity and re convey all our Trade Names back to the land and soil of our birth state. Now we are on solid ground. 
2. We seize the Common Law Copyright to our own name as provided for in the Session Laws of every state. We claim all forms of our name---all the variations we can think of. 
3. We expatriate from any municipal or territorial citizenship and permanently domicile our names on the land and soil of our birth states. 
4. We record all this on the public record of the land jurisdiction.  

Now we go to the court and announce that--- lo and behold!  It's a miracle! The "dead" have risen and come home to reclaim their property.

Suddenly, the Secondary Creditors-- the banks, are not in control. And neither, really, are their selected Trustees, the UN, Corp.

We are. 

There is a lot more to it than that when you expand it to include all the states and all the people-- which we did. 

So that is also going on, too. 

That development means that all the gold, silver, platinum and other precious metals the banks seized as "abandoned funds"--- that also belong to us, have to be returned. 

Either that or a lot of bankers are going to jail and a lot of banks are going to close. 

But, you say, don't they still have us over a barrel?  After all, they have cashiered all the gold in China and who wants to fight a billion Chinese to get to it? 

The Chinese are intelligent and honest people. They see what is going on. 

These crooked bankers are causing trouble for them and for the whole world. 

They will take action to deal with the problem that has been dragged over their doorstep. 

And meanwhile, to the extent that we may need to trade in precious metals, we will trade in silver, not gold.  

That neatly cheats the dirty bankers out of their 10,000 % profit and defuses the entire situation while we mop up the loose ends. 

Like restoring our lawful government, discharging a lot of odious debt, and getting Heather out of jail. 

Cindy Kay Currier has also been arrested according to the local scuttlebutt.  If so, that is to be expected.  She has a record for bunco and has been pushing the bogus Swissindo "prosperity funds" offer. 

For the record, I don't think that Heather knew the full scale of the evil she has been trying to deal with, and she may have even been deliberately misinformed and misled.  The same might be said for Cindy Kay Currier, but I am not at all sure of that. When someone has an established criminal record and goes on promoting shady deals, that's more likely a matter of knowing choice than blissful ignorance.

See this article and over 600 others on Anna's website

A Groov'n Song to Begin Your Day!

A Groov'n Song to Begin Your Day!

Obama, Comey and Mueller

 Comey’s FBI HID Terrible Thing 
Obama Did To America…

Unthinkable Journalists WON’T Sleep Tonight 
After What Trump Sent To Special Council Mueller

What Trump JUST Did To Stop Mueller In His Tracks 
Will Make Democrats EVERYWHERE Cry

The Shocking Truth About Hilary Clinton

The Shocking Truth About Hillary Clinton
 Missing Trillions & Assassinations
Published July 26, 2017
Susan Lindauer joins us to discuss her investigation into missing trillions of dollars and everything leads back to the Hilary Clinton and her crime cartel.

Susan has sent documentation to AG Jeff Sessions and to President Trump informing them of the crimes committed and the money that has been stolen.

Just this week has seen Donald Trump speak out about Sessions and his lack of action against the Clintons.  Could it be that the information discussed on this show is the reason Trump is speaking out?

Susan has been threatened with indictment for exposing these crimes ??!!  and the evidence she shares on the show will hopefully offer her some protection because its harder for them to silence her the more public she is.

Will the evidence Susan has bring down the Clinton crime syndicate and others associated with it - Comey? Sessions? Obama? Mueller?

Share this show far and wide to help bring down the 
Clinton Crime Cartel once and for all!

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Charges Of TREASON Against Obama

U S District Attorney Revealed That 
He Will Press Charges Of TREASON Against Obama

 Comey’s FBI HID Terrible Thing 
Obama Did To America…

This Is HUGE 
Charles Krauthammer Calls For the ARREST 
of Former President Obama

BUSTED Michelle Obama CAUGHT

BUSTED Michelle Obama CAUGHT 
With 'Her' Hands In The Mud
Now Being SUED For Fraud!

790 - A very special message just for YOU!

790 - let's have some fun out of your continued diatribe

790 - you are hereby awarded the 'jackass' award

We feel sorry for you, and we suggest and sincerely hope that you will get help immediately for your anger, hate, need to argue, need for attention and vulgarity.  It appears you may even be dangerous.

You're either cabal or a very twisted individual who desperately needs - requires - specialized help.

All your responses were deleted without our reading through them.

Enough is enough.

We don't need your kind here.

Go somewhere else. 

You are DONE - MORE THAN DONE - at the NESARA website.

UPDATE! VP Pence - no more FIAT 'money' - now gold backed USN July 25 2017

united States money NOW GOLD BACKED USN
July 25 2017

Vice President Mike Pence today declared the USA, Inc.'s surrender of the old (cabal Rothschild) fiat USD in favor of the new gold backed USN.

Per international treaty and domestic law, the gold backed USN is now considered the lone sovereign currency of the land and may be released globally across tiers of the Asian controlled financial system.

At approximately 4:30 PM Wednesday, July 26th, President Trump is scheduled to affix his signature to a document declaring the restoration of the Republic and the restoration of the gold backed USN.  Upon this, the restoration of our Republic will be deemed complete by the Elders and the release codes for the Global Currency Revaluation are to be entered in Beijing. 

'Obamacare' was to be voted on Tuesday July 25th by the Senate. ** The ending vote was a tie  - 50/50.  Pence cast the determining vote for the Senate to debate and REPEAL 'Obamacare'.  

** The vote was taken today - the final vote with Republicans crossing party lines betraying Americans and their party was 55 to retain Obamacare and 45 to repeal. However, this is BS! Bozocare is NO LONGER IN EXISTANCE!!!!  SO RELAX, BE HAPPY!!!!! Americans, no matter what party you used to belong to - realize that you were betrayed.  Don't fall for the propaganda and lies - RELAX!!!!   

Don't worry!  Be happy!  
As reported, one of the provisions Obama demanded be hidden within 'Obamacare' was that the RV was NOT meant to be a benefit for the American People and the RV was NOT to take place for the benefit of the united States.  Obama saw himself as being the eternal 'king' and 'ruler' of this nation, if not the entire planet, and made provisions within legislation and other means to guarantee slavery and distress upon the American people would continue and even increase.  Obama's NO RV stipulation has been successfully overruled for the benefit of the people of the united States.

That stipulation, among many others yet to be revealed, was one of the primary reasons that Nancy Pelosi, as Speaker of the House, kept insisting that the 'Obamacare' legislation should be 'passed' immediately without time for the customary review, questions and debates. 

Now that Obama is out of office - despite what he may think otherwise - all the poison, rats, traps and treason at his hands is coming up through the cracks, including through DNC whistle blowers.  It is definitely NOW the time for Obama's arrest and prosecution. Obama's 'legacy' is, by far, the worst record for any man in the office of the president of the cabal crime syndicate that ruled and reigned over this  nation.  Good riddance - FINALLY.

God bless President Trump, his family, staff and appointees.

God bless America and her people.   

God bless those who have worked selflessly, diligently, faithfully - most without pay - behind the scenes to do what is necessary to take back our country and release her people from the imposed slavery of the birth certificate, the social security numbers and the corporation identification imposed upon us without our approval and knowledge upon our birth.

May this nation repent - each individually and as a nation of people - and turn back to her one true God that He may forgive us and place His hands of protection over us once again. 

Your help is needed once again for a special project.

From Paul Stramer

I have put off writing this post for too long now.

When I started the website over 2 years ago now, I was using a Dell Dimension E510 running Windows XP professional with service pack 3.  When I bought that machine in 2005 it was pretty racy. With 4 GB of Ram and just under 300 Megs of storage we got by very nicely. By today's standards and Windows 10 operating systems it's an antique by any measure.

I am still using that  machine to write this letter.

But now, with all this extra work, and the fact that Microsoft has stopped supporting that operating system, which in turn, caused some of the software companies for the programs I am using to stop supporting any upgrades for their programs running on XP, I am faced with several very exasperating problems.

For one thing, there are no more security fixes or upgrades for either functionality or security holes in the XP operating system platform. That means they are no longer writing lines of code to plug holes that hackers use to steal passwords and private information on this machine.

Some of the drivers are out of date and there is no way to update those either.

Also some of the programs I have been using such as Google Chrome will no longer get updates for their browser when they are running on XP.
This not only leaves loopholes that hackers can jump through, but it slows down the operation,  and some websites that are running upgraded secure systems can not be reached at all.

I have been running another laptop with Windows 7, which is still supported until 2020, to post the notices to the AWeber email system, because it's one that runs upgraded security. In order to do that I must create the notice and then send it by email to another account that I can get on the Windows 7 machine, then post it to AWeber. There are many other unnecessary steps I am doing because of this problem that cost me lots of time and frustration.

The solution to all these problems is to upgrade to a new primary computer.

Since the work load has doubled in the last 6 months or so, I am now spending between 6 and 10 hours per day on the computer doing this publishing work for Anna, and the website work to keep my online business pages updated. I am also moderating the blog which is getting far more traffic and comments than last year.

I have asked a friend in Salt Lake City to spec out a new machine with the computing power I need to keep this effort going for the next 15 years or so. At least that is how long I expect Microsoft to support Windows 10 judging by how long XP was being supported.

He came up with a design for a custom build that will run the new programs and keep all the drivers and programs updated, and I have added a couple of things to his recommendations, like dual monitors, and a 4 Terabyte external backup hard drive. I have also added dual solid state internal drives with a raid backup system.

I have a fiber optic connection right to my home. Right now I am using that fire hose, to try to fill a teacup.
I would like to have a black hole to work on. In other words the fiber optic connection can run 20 times faster than the computer I am using. With the new machine I won't ever be waiting on the computer, and pages will load from the Internet like they are coming in from my drive instead.

That will increase my productivity by many times, and make it possible to run some new programs that will greatly enhance the effectiveness of this Internet part of our educational effort.

The problem is the cost.  The unit I would have built is priced at $2200.

I would greatly appreciate some help with that project, and I have created a special PayPal button just for that project.  I am calling it  Computer Upgrade Project.  Here is the PayPal button.


Feel free to comment below on this request for your help.

One more thing. I am a volunteer worker in this publishing effort. I own the domain name, and it runs on my server in Canada. I have NEVER charged Anna one penny for what I do. I am supported completely by your charity in this effort.  So thanks in advance for whatever you can do, and I will keep you up to date on this. I will also keep you all in my prayers.
May God bless each and every one of you.

Paul Stramer

Hi Everyone,

Last night at about 6:30 PM I sent out the request for funds for a new primary computer for the Anna Von Reitz publishing effort.

The request was for a goal of $2200 for the machine. The software I can handle myself.

As of 6 AM this morning we are just over half way to our goal, currently standing at $1211.36   We have $988.64 yet to go.

Thank you and God bless you for your kind generosity.

Here is the article again.

Your help is needed once again for a special project.

We are getting much good advice about operating security and functionality.  As we get into this I will be doing my due diligence
and following most of that advice. Thanks again.
You are all in our prayers every day.
Paul Stramer  KC7MEZ  WQVW245
SLC Distributing
PO Box 116
Eureka MT 59917
800 889 2839
montanablog dot us

PO Box 116
Eureka Montana 59917

The Change in Presumptions

By Anna Von Reitz

I guess I didn't make this clear enough to everyone and need to explain that the legal presumptions about Americans and their political status has just been flip-flopped as a result of our directions to the bankruptcy court.  

Instead of us all having to prove that we are not federal employees or dependents, they have to prove that we are.  

The standards they have to meet are stipulated in the Judicial Notice of Claim dated June 29.  They can no longer just "presume" that you are either a Territorial or Municipal citizen or both.  

This changes the entire paradigm that we have all been struggling with.  

Although it is certainly good to get your own affairs straight and surrender the federal PERSONS and expatriate on the public record from these old claims against you, they are old claims and the basis for them has been shot through the heart. 

It is also important for everyone to know that the Cestui Que Vie trusts are being liquidated---- either in bankruptcy for actual federal employees and dependents, or in probate for everyone else.  

This was forced by the UNITED STATES bankruptcy.  Their plan was to discharge all the debts of the federal PERSONS entirely in bankruptcy, which would confirm their claim that we are all Territorial or Municipal citizens and pave the way for them to them to claim all our assets.  

We prevented that.  They must now regroup and provide the probate option which not only wipes away the debts of all federal PERSONS, but also returns your birthright estate to you, free and clear.  

Obviously, this is a very recent turn of events and there are no instant answers, but the process coming out of this should be much simpler and easier for everyone concerned.  

Most likely there will be two kinds of "Treasury Direct Accounts"---- one for federal employees and dependents and one for American nationals, both of which will be used to discharge debts--- one through bankruptcy and the other through probate.  

Stay tuned for more information as this plays out. 

See this article and over 600 others on Anna's website