Saturday, October 27, 2018

Tucker Carlson on Trump, Mainstream Media, and Revolution (Full Episode) and more

The Rubin Report

Glenn Beck on Midterm Elections and the Future of Politics (Full Interview)

What if what we are waiting on is for 51% of humanity to choose freedom, love and abundance?

Saturday, October 27, 2018

"Elizabeth Wilcock’s Guide" by Fireswan - 10.27.18

Entry Submitted by Fireswan at 11:48 AM EDT on October 27, 2018

What if what we are waiting on is for 51% of humanity to choose freedom, love and abundance?

Forward not Backwards
Upwards not Downwards 
I AM because we ARE
Where we go ONE we go ALL

Choose your words wisely 
They create our experience 

I wonder if there is a way to take a look at any sentence we speak or write and assign a value? Like measuring beauty or ugliness in the Emoto water crystallization experiments? Or taking Omoto’s research further in the rice preservation experiments?

Obviously it’s not something that can be done with a heartless computer program. We have all seen how ugly intentions be felt through pretty words. We’ve all been twisted into knots by words that might make sense in the brain but make us feel sick in our bones. Our innate knowing isn’t buying it, even though an elementary school Grammar teacher can’t dissect the sentence to the point to determine what’s wrong with it.

That brings me to discerning Intel. We can feel the love and light in much of it. We can feel the hope and promise. Yet, we don’t see results. We feel like little kids locked in a dark closet. We cry for help. It doesn’t feel like anyone’s out there to let us out. We don’t know what needs to happen for the lights to come on and the doors to open. Not just those in the RV, but all of humanity that’s waking up. 

Powerlessness is an awful feeling. Yet we have no inner choice but to trust and have faith that we weren’t put here (or sign up) to the adventure on Earth at this time to be thrown into dark closets with no hope or a way out.

Could it be as simple as choosing to speak differently in the quiet of our minds and hearts? To speak in words that puts us as Humanity over the tipping point into standing up for our unalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?

When enough of us speak of freedom with the power of our word reverberating through our being to the subatomic particles of ALL of creation, we will let ourselves out of the existential closets we find ourselves in.

What if there is only ONE of us HERE? What if that ONE that we ALL are waiting on for the RV to go is Fireswan?

In case that’s the case, I’ll make sure that every thought, word and deed today is of the highest light and the deepest love that I’m capable of today. If I’m only capable of 51%, let it be more. Company of Heaven and all my Earthly brothers and sisters, help me increase my capacity to be a positive force on this planet and throughout creation. Help me do my part to perfection so that ALL can go where ONE went.

Forward not Backwards
Upwards not Downwards 
I AM because we ARE
Where we go ONE we go ALL

Thank you ALL who have helped me HERE on IDC, especially those who helped me through a very dark time a few weeks ago when I was attacked. You shown a light into a dark closet. The fight for our freedom was grinding me down and I was hit by hate and evil while I was tired and exhausted. Your words are powerful and pulled me out of despair.

Words are powerful. Let us continue to use them wisely in the private moments of our everyday lives. Let’s embrace ourselves and one another through kind words and thoughtful actions in our moment-to-moment living. Let’s act as if every moment we live NOW matters to the entire planet, because it does. Let’s act as if the quality of our lives matter to the RV tipping point, because they do. Let’s raise our vibrations over the tipping point where humanity reaches the 51% to choose another destination for ourselves.

Forward not Backwards
Upwards not Downwards 
I AM because we ARE
Where we go ONE we go ALL


Robert Steele: Active Shooter at Synagogue — False Flag Programmed, Drill, FEMA, Show Me the Bodies….

I don’t believe it.  If it is a real shooter, he is programmed and most likely programmed by the Mossad on the orders of Benjamin Netanyahu.  As we now know from a review of all past false flags, the Zionists are more than happy to kill their own (Argentina, Jewish community center) as well as Americans (USS Cole, USS Liberty, 9/11). Their objective: to legalize the censorship at #GoogleGestapo where anyone who questions anything is considered “anti-Semitic...continue article here

Trump: This wicked act of mass murder is pure evil

President Donald J. Trump Rally in Murphysboro, IL 10-27-18

Diamond and Silk

Mexican citizens furious about the trail of trash left by the invaders

PolishPatriot on twitter

Mexican citizens furious about the trail of trash left by the invaders. The narrator describes how the donated clothes and food is discarded in the streets. He questions what kind of poor and hungry people would do such a thing.

Mexican Government Offers Plan To Keep Caravan In Mexico

One America News Network

People rest as a thousands-strong caravan of Central American migrants heading for the U.S. sets up camp for the night in Pijijiapan, Mexico, Thursday, Oct. 25, 2018. Many migrants said they felt safer traveling and sleeping with several thousand strangers in unknown towns than hiring a smuggler or trying to make the trip alone.(AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell)
OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 6:06 PM PT — Fri. Oct. 26, 2018
The Mexican government offers a plan to keep Central American migrants in Mexico, as caravan pushes toward U.S.
President Enrique Pena Nieto offered migrants temporary identification papers, jobs and education for their children if they register for asylum.
This comes as thousands of migrants are making their way to the U.S. seeking a better life.
“In Mexico, you will be able to get medical attention and even send your kids to school,” said Pena Nieto. You will also get a temporary official ID for the paperwork you’ll need to do while you regularize your migration situation. And something very important, once incorporated into the plan, you will be able to access the temporary work program.”
President Trump has threatened to cut aid to Central American countries if nothing is done to stop the caravan from reaching the U.S.

So Much for the Goldfish Report....

By Anna Von Reitz
So Much for the Goldfish Report....

Good intentions have to count for something, even if it would be far better and more effective if those intentions were backed up with actual truth and with right action.  So I have refrained from saying anything much about "The Goldfish Report", but finding myself illogically attacked and misrepresented once again, I have decided to take exception. 

Not just because "The Goldfish Report" is definitely wrong about me and what I am saying, too.  I have to speak up because as long as people believe in lies they are incapable of defending themselves.  And that is how and why --- above and beyond all else --- they wind up in jail.

We already know that the "US District Courts" are not operating under any Constitutional power whatsoever. 

We know in fact that the UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTS are ecclesiastical courts --- Star Chambers, Inquisitions --- run under the auspices of the Roman Municipal Government and its franchises. 

We have "judges" here in Alaska who are now openly admitting that they are mere "Jurists" --- hired under contract to give opinions about law without having any public office or power at all.   

We also know in fact that the United States District Courts are run as private corporate tribunals under the auspices of the British Crown Corp and that these have no power to address anyone or anything but British Crown Corp officers, employees, dependents, and franchisees. 

The fact that actual justice will not return until our actual government is restored should also be self-evident.

The question should no longer be: "Why are we being screwed over by these courts?" but rather should be: (1) Why are we allowing these foreign courts to operate on our soil and address our people?  and (2) Why are we individually subjecting ourselves to these private religious and/or corporate tribunals instead of claiming our actual birthright standing? and (3) Why are we failing to form our own Jural Assemblies and providing ourselves with our own American Common Law Courts? 

Where the @%@#%@ is John Wayne when you need him?

It's largely because everyone involved has their favorite brand of reality that they, like The Goldfish Report, insist on clinging to, even when their theories  have long been disproven and even when they fly in the face of the actual facts, the actual experience of patriots, and the historical records, too.  

The Goldfish Report would keep us all running in circles looking for answers to questions that have been answered for twenty years, instead of facing facts and dealing with reality.  

They don't like to hear that their hero, Winston Shrout, was most likely still operating as a VESSEL owned and operated either by the Holy See or by the British Crown Corp and therefore owed federal taxes.  And if so, [because we really don't know the whole story yet] that would be the reason that the DEFENDANT was impounded. Uh-duh.

The answer to the court problem is right in front of us and the success of our effort in the right direction is already assured.  I have been harping on it for years.  Declare your political status as an American, stop claiming to be a "U.S. Citizen" [which means you have voluntarily adopted the political status of a Puerto Rican], and then organize your Jural Assemblies. Provide your own courts. That is what "self-governance" means.

You haven't been providing your own Courts and enforcing your own Public Law.  That's what's missing.  That's why we have lawlessness in our courts. That's why people like Winston get railroaded and defamed. Don't believe it? 

Read the Supreme Court case Mack and Prinz v. USA, Inc., in which Sheriff Richard Mack imposed upon the court for a finding that yes, Sheriffs hired as Law Enforcement Officers, could if they so choose, actually honor the Constitutional guarantees and enforce the Public Law. 

Now, ask yourselves, why on God's Green Earth should it be necessary for a Sheriff to go all the way to the Supreme Court to be told that he can, if he wants to, enforce the Public Law in this country? 

It's because there are almost no Public Courts left. It's because the Sheriffs are working as "law enforcement officers" and not as "peacekeeping officers" ---- they are hired by "Counties" operated as corporate franchises of federal "government services corporations", not land jurisdiction Counties owned and operated by the People of our States.

It's because stupid people have been leading stupid people.

It's because these foreign "governmental services organizations" make Big Bucks by entrapping and feeding off of you. 

It's because the British Monarchs and Popes have been in Breach of Trust for 150 years and nobody has called them on it. 

Except for me and the rest of the Party Hearties. 

You can go arrest these vermin who are parading around using commercial "law" as a means to entrap and falsely accuse people. You can kick the  Inquisition off shore.  You can kick the British Crown Corp Tribunals to Kingdom Come, too.  

But the only way to get there from here is by: (1) straightening out the deliberately falsified public records concerning your own political status and (2) booting up your own local County and State Jural Assemblies and (3) operating your unincorporated County and State Governments.

Once you do that, all the treaties and Public Laws come back into view and have enforcement. Until then, the only "law and order" is whatever the priests and pirates want to do.

Now, I am giving it to you all straight up, neat, no ice, no dilution. It's not a pleasant drink.  But it is the truth before my Maker.  And "The Goldfish Report" and all the other Gossip Sheets are stuck with it, once again, staring them in the face. 

Mysterious Green Anomaly spotted on Jupiter

shared by OOM2
Posted: 25 Oct 2018 09:16 PM PDT

Mysterious Green Anomaly spotted on Jupiter

on  October 25, 2018    

A NASA image of Jupiter shows a massive unidentified green anomaly just above or on the surface of Jupiter.

The green color probably is the effect of ionizing radiation.

It is said that Jupiter puts out a massive amount of ionizing radiation so any probe or UFO in its vicinity is going to be subject to that radiation.

Link NASA image:

I don’t think it is an imaging sensor anomaly caused by a high energy particle hitting the sensor since sunlight reflects on the green anomaly.

Is it just a cosmic phenomenon or could it be something in between biological and technological or something else so out of this world that humans have yet to even fathom it?

Thanks to:

4 Unbelievable Health Benefits of Medical Marijuana

shared by OOM2
Posted: 25 Oct 2018 09:25 PM PDT

5 Unbelievable Health Benefits of Medical Marijuana 
By Romit Malhotra, Conscious Life News
Upfront Summary (details below image): From easing the pain to treating depression, here are some science-backed benefits of medical marijuana:

Marijuana is legal in 29 US states and Washington DC. 84% of Americans support the medicinal use of marijuana. Above all, the NIH’s National Institute on Drug Abuse confirms medical uses of cannabis.
So the support for medical marijuana is growing like a “weed”. It clearly means that marijuana is no more an illegal or immoral drug.
Thanks to the multiple studies over the years which have established marijuana can be a potential remedy for a number of ailments like pain, depression and cancer.
On the basis of those studies, here are some health benefits of medical marijuana.

(1) Medical Marijuana Eases Chronic Pain Relief

Marijuana is an effective remedy to ease chronic pain, thanks to its analgesic chemicals like TCH and CBD. Over the years, many studies have also proved its pain relieving ability. One of them was published in The European Journal of Medicine. The study has reviewed the effects of medical marijuana on the patients 65 and older. It found that medical marijuana can significantly minimize pain and improve the quality of life for seniors. In fact, over 18 percent of respondents (patients) admitted to stop using analgesics or reduce the use of their painkillers.
In 2017, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine published a report on the health effects of cannabis and cannabinoids. The organization concluded that marijuana can treat chronic pain in adults.

(2) Medical Marijuana Prevents Glaucoma

Glaucoma is defined as a complicated medical condition in which damage to the optic nerve leads to a progressive vision loss. It happens due to the higher-than-normal pressure in the eye known as intraocular pressure. Marijuana can minimize this pressure, according to the National Eye Institute.

(3) Medical Marijuana Can Treat Mental Illness

Marijuana can be a promising treatment for various mental disorders. Its components like THC and CBD can ease the signs of depression.
recent study by the University of Buffalo found that marijuana can boost the production of endocannabinoids in the body. Endocannabinoids plays important role in physical and mental health. This way, it minimizes stress and lifts the mood of a person as well.
According to a report by Clinical Psychology Review published in, medical marijuana can be a potential treatment of PTSD (posttraumatic stress disorder), and a safe alternative for other substances.

(4) Medical Marijuana Can Be Useful for Cancer Patients:

National Cancer Institute has confirmed that CBD and THC found in marijuana can kill cancer cells without affecting the healthy cells. According to, marijuana can ease post-chemotherapy signs like pain, poor appetite, insomnia and nausea.

(5) Medical Marijuana Can Treat Epilepsy:

Epilepsy is a central nervous system disorder which causes sudden episodes of sensory disturbance, convulsions or loss of consciousness. It is triggered by a genetic disorder or acquired brain injuries like stoke or trauma. Epilepsy is the fourth most common neurological disorder and affects people of all ages.
While it is treated by medication, surgery, devices and dietary changes, medical marijuana has also been tested for its ability to treat epilepsy. Earlier clinical studies have found that CBD of marijuana can help control seizures. Recently, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved EPIDIOLEX, which is an oral solution derived from marijuana’s CBD. EPIDIOLEX is prescribed to control seizures in people two years of age or older.


So these are the health benefits of medical marijuana which are backed by scientific studies. However, there are several things to keep in mind before considering marijuana for a medical use. First of all, make sure your country permits the medicinal use of marijuana. Secondly, consult your doctor if medical marijuana can help with your condition and how to take it.

Author Bio:

Romit is a Marketing Manager at Phytoplant Research S.L., a Medicinal plants research and development company in Spain.

Thanks to Wes at:

New Social Media: Alternatives to Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and other Big Tech Platforms

shared by OOM2
Posted: 25 Oct 2018 09:27 PM PDT
The NEW Social Media: Alternatives to Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Other Big Tech Platforms
Date: October 25, 2018Author: Nwo Report 

Lately, I’ve written a lot about the alternative media purge and how Big Tech social media platforms are attempting to control the narrative, the elections, and public perception through censorship and financial blacklisting. Lots of people are ready to leave websites like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube for less-censored pastures. But what are the social media alternatives that are currently available?
Here are some social media alternatives to check out.
Before we get into the alternatives, please understand that all of them will start small. None of them will be able to take on Big Tech without a lot of help and support. We’ve gotten used to free social media because the companies with whom we’ve dealt have virtually raped us, reading our so-called “private” messages, and pillaging our date to sell to the highest bidders. So really, it isn’t that free after all.
You probably won’t find your parents, your best friend from kindergarten, and your Aunt Suzie on these platforms – not yet, anyway. But what you WILL be able to do is speak without fear of censorship. You’ll be able to find your favorite alternative media sources there and find answers that simply aren’t supported by the mainstream.
The only way to change this dystopian atmosphere is to actually make changes ourselves. Go where the freedom is!
MeWe calls themselves The Next-Gen Social Network. They raised $4.8 million and launched back in 2016 to take on Facebook and Twitter. They’re about 6 million members strong so far and Mark Weinstein, the founder, plans for it to be 500 million by 2022.
“In the future, MeWe will also revolutionize social media with decentralization, which will render Facebook’s spying and tracking data model completely obsolete,” Weinstein added, a comment that suggests he is indeed trying to replace Facebook. “Awareness around the world has never been higher regarding news feed manipulation and privacy infractions. Government regulations will never truly interfere with Facebook’s data collection model, evidenced in both California’s new 2020 privacy rules and Europe’s GDPR. But the free market can — and MeWe is here giving people great communication technology in a true multi-feature platform, with none of Facebook’s BS.” (source)

Go here to get a MeWe account. is a platform that is similar to Twitter. You have 300 characters with which to make your point. It has been called the Alt-Right’s social media alternative and although Gab itself doesn’t censor its users, Microsoft has threatened to take them down due to “hate speech.” A lot of folks who got banned, shadowbanned, or censored by Twitter are there.
Gab founder Andrew Torba feels that they aren’t being portrayed honestly in the media.
We survived a relentless and coordinated smear campaign by the dishonest mainstream media without any outside funding from advertisers or venture capitalists. Our community will continue to thrive and grow thanks to individuals from around the world who believe in putting people and free speech above politically correct corporate agendas.
Gab has always and will always be powered by you, The People. Gab is not just a social network, it’s a social movement. (source)

With any social network, what you see in your feed will depend on who your friends are and who you follow.
You can join Gab here.
Real.Video (Brighteon)
Real.Video was started by Mike Adams of Natural News in response to mass deplatforming on YouTube.
This is the YouTube alternative to give voices and free speech to those who are being systematically targeted and censored by YouTube, Facebook, Google, and Twitter for essentially being a pro-Liberty person, standing up for America, standing up for the Bill of Rights or just basic human rights for that matter. (source)

Adams would know about censorship firsthand, since last year, Google delisted his site, Natural News, from its search engine results.
Real.Video is in the process of changing its name to and hosts numerous videos that were banned by Twitter. It’s still in the developmental stages, so there’s an occasional glitch but thus far it has been a relatively smooth user experience.
Check out Real.Video/Brighteon here.
Another budding network is Mastodon, which has the tagline “Giving social media back to you.” It’s a free, open-source network, which means that developers can contribute to it because its design is publicly accessible.
Ultimately Mastodon is a decentralized alternative to all the commercial social network platforms, which means that no single company owns it or can monopolize your communication. (source)

I found it confusing to use (maybe you need to be more techy?) and was put off by the fact that I needed to log in via Twitter. Perhaps this is just so you can connect with the same people. It’s always worthwhile to look at your options. Mastodon was started by Eugen Rochko, who was fed up with the changes that Twitter was making that closely resembled the Facebook algorithms.
Last year, after Twitter began moving away from a purely chronological feed, Rochko began building the back end for what would become Mastodon. Instead of building a unified service, Rochko envisioned something more like email, or RSS: a distributed system that lets you send public messages to anyone who follows you on the service. Anyone can create a server and host their own instance of Mastodon, and Mastodon works in the background to connect them. (source)

Here’s a beginner’s guide to using Mastodon, and here’s where you can join.
If you can figure this out, maybe you can explain it to me?
Diaspora is a social network built on three cornerstones: decentralization, freedom, and privacy. To join Diaspora, you have to choose a “pod” which is a group of potentially like-minded people. Each pod is independently hosted which should lessen the likelihood of corporate censorship.
You can follow hashtags that interest you, and you can categorize people by how you know them (family, friends, work, etc.) Then you can control who sees the different things that you post.
Diaspora is decentralized which means no one person owns it. This means that it doesn’t have any form of advertisement and corporate interference. It also does not collect any of your data. When you create your account, you are responsible for your own data and retain the ownership of your personal data.
Unlike Facebook, Diaspora allows you to use whatever identity you want, so pseudonyms and nicknames are fine to display as your profile. (source)

Go here to find yourself a pod on Diaspora.
Or you can join an old-fashioned forum.
I know that personally, I’m not too jazzed about the learning curve of some of these new options and prefer the more familiar layouts of Real.Video (Brighteon), MeWe, and Gab. But honestly, people on social media can just be so horrible that Selco Begovic and I started an old-fashioned forum that is a throw-back to the 90s/early 2000s. I like forums because they’re familiar, comfortable, and they draw likeminded people together.
While there are tens of thousands of forums out there, if you are interested in freedom, self-reliance, and survival, I hope you’ll join ours. For privacy reasons, we ask you NOT to use your real name anywhere on the registration form. All we need is a real email address to send you password updates, etc.
Go here to join The Survival & Self-Reliance Forum with Selco and Daisy.
There are social media options.
Humans are social creatures. No matter how introverted we might be, we all seek connections with others. These days a lot of those connections are online. Thanks to the internet, it’s never been easier to find like-minded people. I personally have friends from around the world who I met online that I never would have crossed paths with otherwise.
Big Tech companies like Facebook and Twitter have taken advantage of our desire to do this. They “hooked” people then they manipulated what the users would see with algorithms. They collected every word you ever typed on social media and made assessments about you so they could sell that information to advertisers. They made a fortune off of every person who ever used their services, and deep down in the fine print, people gave them permission to do so.
Now they’re trying to control the narrative by removing people who dissent against things like war, police brutality, and corrupt politicians.
If you’re looking for an alternative social media outlet, check out some of the options above. They won’t be able to take on Big Tech without us.
Do you use any alternative social media?
Did I leave out any alternative social media options that you’re enjoying right now? If so, please share them in the comments section below.
Coming soon: articles on alternative search engines and alternative news aggregate websites

Thanks to: 

What do Doctors actually learn in Medical School about Vaccines?

shared by OOM2
Posted: 25 Oct 2018 09:29 PM PDT

What do Doctors Learn in Medical School About Vaccines?

What Doctors Learn in Medical School About Vaccines
by Marco Cáceres
The Vaccine Reaction
The idea that there are “medical experts” who, by virtue of the MD initials placed after their names, automatically know more than anyone else about vaccines is pervasive.
This commonly held belief persists, despite overwhelming evidence that doctors are taught almost nothing about vaccines in medical school.
Doctors are taught that vaccines have saved the world from infectious diseases and they are taught to follow the vaccine schedule promoted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)—which tells them which vaccines to give and when.
They’re taught that they must always abide by the schedule and vaccinate every patient. That’s pretty much it.
Yes, it’s hard to believe, but don’t take my word for it.
In an article I wrote several years ago titled “Doctors Are No Experts On Vaccines,” I included quotes from several medical doctors to backup my allegation.1
There is the following quote from biochemist Boyd Haley, PhD, who taught at the University of Kentucky Medical Center in Lexington:
I can tell you, having been in a medical center, having taught biochemistry to medical students, and talking to hundreds of medical doctors, they get very little training in toxicology… I mean, no courses that are specifically designed, such as a PhD student in toxicology would have, or a PhD student in biochemistry.
They don’t understand it at all. They are not trained to evaluate the toxic effects of chemicals, especially at the research level.
One, they don’t do research programs, they don’t have the insight that’s developed and required for someone writing a PhD thesis in toxicology or biochemistry of materials that inhibit enzymes.
They just don’t understand the science and the chemistry at that level. And certainly pediatricians don’t.12

It turns out that this is just the tip of the iceberg. There are many testimonies by medical doctors (and professors who taught them) regarding how little they learned about vaccines in medical school.
It is important to listen to them so that the magnitude of the myth that physicians are the experts on vaccines can fully sink in.
It is time to put this myth to rest because it is too often used as a way to disparage anyone who dares to disagree or even mildly question doctors about the safety and effectiveness of vaccination.
Case in point, there was an article published recently in The Conversation titled “Why vaccine opponents think they know more than medical experts.”
The article is essentially a hit piece on anyone who refuses to toe the line and agree with “medical experts” that the benefits of vaccination always outweighs the risks.
The authors, Matthew Motta, Steven Sylvester and Timothy Callaghan, argue that “anti-vaxxers” may suffer from a cognitive bias known in the field of psychology as the “Dunning-Kruger effect.” They ask:
Could the inability of anti-vaxxers to accurately appraise their own knowledge and skills compared to those of medical experts play a role in shaping their attitudes about vaccines?
This inability to accurately appraise one’s own knowledge is called the Dunning-Kruger effect, first identified in social psychology. Dunning-Kruger effects occur when individuals’ lack of knowledge about a particular subject leads them to inaccurately gauge their expertise on that subject.
Ignorance of one’s own ignorance can lead people who lack knowledge on a subject think of themselves as more expert than those who are comparatively better informed.3

You see what they did there? Of course, the problem with this cynical attack strategy is that it is based on a key faulty assumption—that the only way you can possibly know what you’re talking about when it comes to vaccines is if you have gone to medical school so you can put MD initials after your name.
According to Ramon Ramos, MD:
“The only thing we learned in [medical] school was that there was a program and that we should follow that vaccine program. As to the vaccine itself and the contents of the vaccines, no we didn’t study that. We assumed that what the pharmaceuticals, that what they did and the CDC accepted, that that’s the way it is.”45

Paul Thomas, MD recollected:
“We got a lot of microbiology, we learned about diseases, and we learned that vaccines were the solution to those diseases that, what they say, are ‘vaccine preventable.’ But, actually, what was in the vaccines, I don’t remember really learning anything. … I was never taught, when I was in medical school 30 years ago, what was in a vaccine. We were only taught they’re wonderful.”46

This lack of knowledge about vaccine ingredients and how vaccines can affect immune and brain function should be of particular concern to anyone getting a vaccine from a doctor.
“You’d be amazed at the number of physicians, you ask them what’s in a vaccine?” said neurosurgeon Russell Blaylock, MD. “They’ll say, well, there’s the bacteria, the virus you want to vaccinate against, and then there’s a little immune stimulant in there to help stimulate the immunity so they react against those viral antigens.”78

Dr. Blaylock points out:
They don’t know about these other chemicals in there like formaldehyde, special proteins, special lipids that are known to be brain toxic, that are known to induce autoimmunity in the brain. They’re not aware of that. They don’t know that MSG is in a lot of vaccines―monosodium glutamate, a brain excitotoxin. They’re not aware of what’s in the vaccine they’re giving.78

“We learned what [vaccines] were, what the diseases were,” said Joseph Mercola, DO.
“We probably learned more about the diseases and, of course, everyone accepted the dogma that vaccines work. There was just no critical analysis about the pros and cons. It was never discussed, let alone the side effects.”4

“I don’t remember them teaching me anything about adverse effects… at all,” said Patricia Ryan, MD.
“They just wanted you to memorize the schedule and make sure you knew when to give [the vaccines].”9

James Neuenschwander, MD recalled that, when he went to medical school more than 30 years ago, there was “not much training at all” on vaccines.
“I don’t know that it’s changed very much,” he said. “Basically, it was… here’s the schedule. These are the saviors of mankind, they are safe, and you need to make sure everybody’s vaccinated.”10

“We were told that vaccines are safe and effective, here’s the schedule, ignore the inserts… that’s lawyer jargon,” recalled Cammy Benton, MD.
“I think in medical school you’re learning so much that it’s kind of difficult to learn, that you assumed [with] vaccines the science was settled, tried and true. So you just didn’t question it, that was the easy part… okay, this is for sure.  So you just accept it.”11

I could go on and on with examples of how doctors admit they are taught almost nothing in medical school about vaccines except to give them to everyone.
But you get the idea.
I’ll end with an observation by Stephanie Christner, DO, whose infant daughter did not survive vaccination:
I never learned in medical school how vaccines were studied, what type of clinical trials they went through, how they evaluated adverse reactions… how they even evaluated effectiveness.
So, after Victoria died, I started reading everything that is put out there.
Anything that would lead me to a topic, then I would Google that topic… and if there were textbooks in relation to that topic, I would order them and then, based on reading that book, I would order another book. What I have learned has shocked me. 12

In conclusion, medical school does not train future doctors to be vaccine experts. In fact, unless they took personal initiative and independently studied up on vaccines, those who graduate from medical school tend to be functionally illiterate about the subject.
This aura of all-knowingness surrounding physicians, the common belief that they are vaccine experts, is wholly undeserved. That is why, increasingly, people are hesitant to rely solely on pediatricians and other medical doctors for guidance when it comes to vaccination, especially parents making a vaccine decision for their child.
It has nothing do with any kind of cognitive bias. It has to do with trust.
Read the full article at
Comment on this article at


1 Cáceres M. Doctors Are No Experts on VaccinesThe Vaccine Reaction Nov. 28, 2015.
2 Vaccines Are Not Safe. Mar. 13, 2014 (published by 999solomon999).
3 Motta M, Sylvester S, Callaghan T. Why vaccine opponents think they know more than medical expertsThe Conversation July 12, 2018.
4 Vaxxed TV. How Much Is Taught on Vaccines In Medical School? Feb. 18, 2017 (published).
5 Vaxxed TV. VaxXed Tour: Dr. Ramon Ramos. Jan. 16, 2017 (published).
6 The Truth About Vaccines. The Truth About Vaccines Docu-series – Episode 1. Apr. 13, 2017 (published).
7 Cáceres M. Those Who Give Vaccines Should Know The Ingredients in VaccinesThe Vaccine Reaction Oct. 12, 2017.
8 Dr. Russell Blaylock MD Dangers of Vaccines. (start at 15:51) May 18, 2014 (published).
9 Vaxxed TV. VaxXed Stories: Doctor Patricia Ryan in Nebraska. Dec. 11. 2016 (published).
10 Vaxxed TV. James Neuenschwander MD. Sept. 2, 2017 (published).
11 Health Impact News. Dr. Cammy Benton MD Interview from VAXXED Team. Nov. 8, 2017 (published).
12 Vaxxed TV.  Dr. Stephanie Christner on vaccines. Jan. 15, 2017 (published).

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Murdered Doctors, Cancer Enzymes, and Vaccines

shared by OOM2
Posted: 25 Oct 2018 09:40 PM PDT

October 25, 2018 


Earlier this week I blogged about two articles that seemed to imply a kind of "connection" for my normal daily dose of high octane speculation. And today is no different, as Mr. C.S., Mr. S.D. and Mr. S.D.D. (two different people) shared two different articles, and once again, my suspicion meter is in the red zone. First, Mr. S.D.D. shared this one about a strange new malady appearing in infants around the country:
US Doctors Baffled As Rare Spinal Disease Spreads Across 22 States
US doctors baffled as rare spinal disease spreads across 22 states
When he sent this story, Mr. S.D.D. wondered if this had something to do with vaccines. Well, regular readers on this site know me well enough by now to know that I'm more than willing to crawl out to the end of the twig and speculate, and for my part, I'm willing to bet that it does. But that speculation requires a bit of clarification. I strongly suspect that it has to do not with this or that individual vaccine, but with the combined effects of the vaccine cocktails infants are now normally subjected to shortly after birth. These effects, so far as I know, have not been adequately studied, but it seems to me that such a response - which to my mind suggests an immuno-response - was to be expected eventually.
And that brings us to the story shared by Mr. C.S. and Mr. S.D.: https:
Here the implications are nothing less than totally murky, and totally dirty, and the clear implications point to some big players:
A number of holistic doctors in Florida, over 60 of them within one year, who have been found, killed or dead all have one common denominator. They had all found out that an enzyme protein was cancer causing and the protein with the name of Nagalese had been added to vaccines that had been given to humans and this is something that has been happening on a global scale.
Nagalese affects the immune system as it disables it and it has also been known to be the cause behind Type 2 diabetes. It was said that the doctors who discovered this were not being killed because they had found a cancer cure or were treating autism successfully, but they were killed because they had researched and found evidence that vaccines that had been injected into children had been causing cancer and autism crisis.

And if that isn't enough, there's this:
A 19-minute video clip has been put online with a lot of important information being said during the first 10 minutes of the video. The speaker in the video is Dr Ted Broer and he breaks the information about Nagalese in the video and he goes on to explain the findings of the doctors. Broer had broken into The Hagmann & Hagmann Report and it took an hour to get him on air as the show, which typically lasts three hours, had been taken down and all the lines they had tried to use kept on being disconnected, then servers were brought down. An hour later they connected with Dr. Broer and one of the first things he was heard saying was that he was not suicidal. It was said that he had been frightened that he would be taken out Hastings style before getting the opportunity to say what he had to say publicly. The short clip is him telling the story.
It was alleged that on three different dates in one month two doctors died on the very same day, which means six doctors in total who died in pairs over three different days. Many skeptics rolled their eyes at the first few deaths believing it to be no more than coincidence that they had all been doctors.

The article also notes that the Florida-based doctors had been planning to make their findings public, and the clear implication is that they had been permanently silenced before they could do so. Accepting the allegations as true for the sake of argument, in Dr. Broer's case he clearly feared for his life.
Most regular readers of this site, who have been following it for a while, know that I have from time to time blogged about the "dead doctors", and that I'm simply not buying that all of this is merely coincidental. The death of Dr. Timothy Cunningham of the CDC remains unsolved. A Canadian pharmaceutical businessman (with ties to the Clintons, incidentally) and his wife are found strangled to death near their swimming pool. Nor are all these deaths merely of "holistic" doctors, but quite a few "normal" physicians have died under suspicious circumstances(think of Dr. Cunningham once again). And most of these have one thing in common: they were either involved in some way with vaccines, or with cancer oncology, or both.
All of this brings me to my high octane speculation. A recent study by a well-known Wall Street investment group (you can guess who) basically concluded that it was not profitable to heal people and cure disease. So how to keep those profits rolling? Weaponize vaccines, make people sick by the very thing you're selling and telling them will keep them healthy. Then, when your child is autistic (because of your vaccines), or comes down with rare spinal disorders, or develops cancer, then keep the profits rolling in by selling your drugs and performing expensive surgeries. And isn't it funny, that when one researches the great "divide" in medicine between the "holistic" and the "pharmaceutical/surgical" in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, one encounters the name Rockefeller.
The bottom line? It's time for the medical profession to wake up, and realize its reputation is quickly tanking, right along with banksters, lawyers, and politicians.
See you on the flip side...

Thanks to Mr. Farrell at:

4Chan Goes Bombspastic! LOL

Posted: 26 Oct 2018 08:08 AM PDT
4Chan Trolls Mock ‘False Flag’ Bomb Scare By Making Parody ‘Bombs’ Of Their Own
Date: October 26, 2018Author: Nwo Report

The New York Times reported Wednesday that bomb technicians who studied the device said it “had hallmarks” of a “fake explosive”

Chris Menahan | Information Liberation
You’ll no doubt be shocked to learn the “weaponized autists” at 4Chan are not buying the latest bomb scare targeting Democrats less than two weeks out from the midterms.
On Wednesday, CNN’s Jim Acosta shared images of one of the suspect devices he says was sent to CNN.

The New York Times reported Wednesday that bomb technicians who studied the device said it “had hallmarks” of a “fake explosive” of “the kind more typically depicted on television and in movies, rather than devices capable of detonating.”

None of the devices harmed anyone, and it was not immediately clear whether any of them could have. One law enforcement official said investigators were examining the possibility that they were hoax devices that were constructed to look like bombs but would not have exploded.
[…]A digital clock was taped to the middle of the pipe, a feature that experts say is typically shown on fictional bombs in an attempt to ratchet up dramatic tension, but unnecessary in real life.
In fact, bombmakers generally avoid attaching visible clocks to their devices to keep from tipping off their targets about when the bombs are set to explode.

4Chan trolls responded by sharing parody “bombs” of their own using the “Autist Cookbook” which they shared along with comments such as, “Just got this in the mail, I’m scared!”

On Wednesday, NBC News’s Ben Collins said the alleged bomb plot was likely inspired by “talk radio and Fox News” rather than “fringe websites like 4chan and Qanon-adjacent communities on Reddit and Facebook,” so I’d say such parody is fair game.

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