Saturday, October 27, 2018

What if what we are waiting on is for 51% of humanity to choose freedom, love and abundance?

Saturday, October 27, 2018

"Elizabeth Wilcock’s Guide" by Fireswan - 10.27.18

Entry Submitted by Fireswan at 11:48 AM EDT on October 27, 2018

What if what we are waiting on is for 51% of humanity to choose freedom, love and abundance?

Forward not Backwards
Upwards not Downwards 
I AM because we ARE
Where we go ONE we go ALL

Choose your words wisely 
They create our experience 

I wonder if there is a way to take a look at any sentence we speak or write and assign a value? Like measuring beauty or ugliness in the Emoto water crystallization experiments? Or taking Omoto’s research further in the rice preservation experiments?

Obviously it’s not something that can be done with a heartless computer program. We have all seen how ugly intentions be felt through pretty words. We’ve all been twisted into knots by words that might make sense in the brain but make us feel sick in our bones. Our innate knowing isn’t buying it, even though an elementary school Grammar teacher can’t dissect the sentence to the point to determine what’s wrong with it.

That brings me to discerning Intel. We can feel the love and light in much of it. We can feel the hope and promise. Yet, we don’t see results. We feel like little kids locked in a dark closet. We cry for help. It doesn’t feel like anyone’s out there to let us out. We don’t know what needs to happen for the lights to come on and the doors to open. Not just those in the RV, but all of humanity that’s waking up. 

Powerlessness is an awful feeling. Yet we have no inner choice but to trust and have faith that we weren’t put here (or sign up) to the adventure on Earth at this time to be thrown into dark closets with no hope or a way out.

Could it be as simple as choosing to speak differently in the quiet of our minds and hearts? To speak in words that puts us as Humanity over the tipping point into standing up for our unalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?

When enough of us speak of freedom with the power of our word reverberating through our being to the subatomic particles of ALL of creation, we will let ourselves out of the existential closets we find ourselves in.

What if there is only ONE of us HERE? What if that ONE that we ALL are waiting on for the RV to go is Fireswan?

In case that’s the case, I’ll make sure that every thought, word and deed today is of the highest light and the deepest love that I’m capable of today. If I’m only capable of 51%, let it be more. Company of Heaven and all my Earthly brothers and sisters, help me increase my capacity to be a positive force on this planet and throughout creation. Help me do my part to perfection so that ALL can go where ONE went.

Forward not Backwards
Upwards not Downwards 
I AM because we ARE
Where we go ONE we go ALL

Thank you ALL who have helped me HERE on IDC, especially those who helped me through a very dark time a few weeks ago when I was attacked. You shown a light into a dark closet. The fight for our freedom was grinding me down and I was hit by hate and evil while I was tired and exhausted. Your words are powerful and pulled me out of despair.

Words are powerful. Let us continue to use them wisely in the private moments of our everyday lives. Let’s embrace ourselves and one another through kind words and thoughtful actions in our moment-to-moment living. Let’s act as if every moment we live NOW matters to the entire planet, because it does. Let’s act as if the quality of our lives matter to the RV tipping point, because they do. Let’s raise our vibrations over the tipping point where humanity reaches the 51% to choose another destination for ourselves.

Forward not Backwards
Upwards not Downwards 
I AM because we ARE
Where we go ONE we go ALL


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