Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Water powered engine plans to be release !!!!!!!!!

Posted in our Skype Room

Water powered engine plans to be release !!!!!!!!!

This appears to be a don't miss event on vehicles that run on water by 98%.
Inventor is risking his life to unveil.


Mister X will reveal his real identify and all the technical details of his invention that is already running his own car and truck on nothing but water! He has put over 8500 miles on his Dodge Truck and he's running the truck on nothing but water! Mister X will also discuss how similar technology can power a house completely off the grid. He has given me permission to release the information in this article for now until he can talk directly to the people next Wednesday with many exciting developments.

The system Mister X will release to the world lets you fill up your tank with 98% water and 2% fuel. He says the fuel is only used to keep moisture from hurting some of the components that were not designed to be exposed to water all the time. Filling up with just 2% fuel keeps the system from being corroded by water. Eventually it will be 100% water powered as components in engines and fuel systems are changed out to not degrade being exposed to water.
Mister X was even offered $1 billion in cash from an oil producing country to walk away from this invention! But through his strong belief that God wants him to release this technology to the people he refused to sell out and made sure that this time the technology would not be suppressed in any way.

This is all I can report at this time. All I can tell you is to pray for the safety of Mister X. He has told me that even if they killed him now, he's put the information on how to do this in so many hands that it cannot be stopped anymore. He was very insistent that he had his bases covered and this technology would be released no matter what happened to him.

Once again, Mister X and his incredible technology that allows you to run your car or truck on water will be revealed in a world exclusive interview on Wednesday, May 4th at 10pm EST (USA) on the "Late Night in the Midlands" radio show that you can hear live on the streaming players at



Tell everybody you know so we can make this information go viral around the world.

Let's make sure to give Mister X a big welcome on "Late Night in the Midlands" and remember 2011 as the year when the lies about oil came tumbling down! We don't need oil anymore! Pass the word!


Anonymous said...

...remember 2011 as the year when the lies about oil, came tumbling down! We don't need oil anymore! Pass the word! (( from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBt30jHHR5s 5:55min, april29th, Inventor Survives 10 Murder Attempts, to Release World Changing Technology NOW! )) http://www.project.nsearch.com/page/training-1 http://www.facebook.com/people/Glenn-Canady/1445561025
http://www.project.nsearch.com/profiles/blog/list?user=1n0iclbmbggoc ...his blog....
http://www.project.nsearch.com/profiles/blogs/jesse-ventura-interviewed-by //// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ustream.tv http://www.woic.com/home.php ////
Invest in Nsearch and Help Us Change the World: De/from : projectnsearch | Créé le/made : 25 avril/april 2011 We are looking for qualified investors that want to be involved with creating the world's most profitable social network at www.nsearch.com This video explains how Nsearch has a unique selling proposition that will allow it to outpace the revenue growth of Facebook during it's first 5 years with proper funding at this stage. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tuzrf24v8sI 9:42min ////
On Wednesday, May 4th 2011 at 10pm EST on the radio show, “Late Night in the Midlands”, a group of inventors will announce that we can soon run our cars on water! This live broadcast will be carried on WOIC in Columbia SC, and around the world on Ustream. // http://www.ustream.tv/about // For the first time, the world will hear all the details on how a 2004 Dodge pickup truck has been converted, to run on nothing but water! This truck has already gone over 8500 miles, without visiting a gas pump! Michael Vara and myself will be interviewing these men and getting all the details during the 4 hour show. We're proud that the alternative media will be breaking the biggest story since oil was first discovered! ...We can shut down all the nuclear power plants first, as we replace them with ones producing energy through water. Remember producing energy from water, is not something that we might be able to do in the future, it's already being done now! ..... http://www.project.nsearch.com/profiles/blogs/water-replaces-gasoline

Anonymous said...

Reader RM: "I received an email about this technology release, and something was not right about it, so ..." Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail] Date: Sun, 1-May-2011 17:35:00
In Response To: Water powered engine plans to be release (vid) (NotRob)
(Thanks, R. : Reader RM writes: ...///
Hi Hobie, I received an email about this technology release and something was not right about it, so I started this thread over at Overunity.com .... to see if anyone else had the same suspicions I did. http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=10671.0
Turns out that senior members suspected exactly the same as me. This technology sounds just like the Fast Freddy scams. I went into the archive and pulled out some informative threads for you all from last year: http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=9611.15 Reply #22 and #23 are particularly interesting so I have reproduced them here:
#22 “The inventor’s name is Fred Wells, AKA: Fast Freddy. Freddy claimed to run a 2004 Dodge pickup on the cell, but then had an accidental meltdown which prompted him to build another cell. He built a much larger cell and could not even get it to run a smaller engine than the original Dodge. You would think he would have gone back to his former design, right? Instead, he gave up altogether and deleted his YouTube channel, where all of his videos used to be posted. Many people donated their hard earned money, only to be scammed as Freddy never even made good on his original promise, which was to release a detailed replication guide/e-book as some sort of open source project. He was a fake and not a man of his word. He has no honor or integrity. The honest and talented Meyer cell researchers, are working hard to deliver the goods at a site called ionizationx.com.” Chessnyt
#23 @Bill. I had three associates fly there last August. The claims are not true and I feel sorry for his original partner, who I believe lost thousands. The excuses offered why it could not be demonstrated were Bizzare. I cannot go into detail to protect the innocent in this case. Nothing has come of it and nothing ever will. Mark
This post below (Reply #1) has a list of all (or some) of Fast Freddy's scams, over the last two decades: http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=9769.0
So, before anyone donates or invests money into this technology, it would be prudent to find out if it is the same guy that has been scamming people for decades, as the Overunity community suspects. It would also be prudent to find out exactly what connection the project nsearch guy has to this technology, and what money he is going to make from its promotion, as well as his “own product”, that can defeat sophisticated biological weapons (cough). RM :)
Articles In This Thread
Water powered engine plans to be release (vid) (views: 4078)
NotRob -- Saturday, 30-Apr-2011 14:35:13
Reader RM: "I received an email about this technology release and something was not right about it, so ..." (views: 665) hobie -- Sunday, 1-May-2011 17:35:00
Thank you RM. (views: 140) NotRob -- Tuesday, 3-May-2011 02:36:01 // FROM:
http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=203568 ...

Anonymous said...

...some links from NENKI, at http://www.conspiration.cc/ ......
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