Thursday, June 30, 2011
ALIPAC is calling for the impeachment of President Barack Obama
For National Release
June 28, 2011
Contact: Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC)
(866) 703-0864 /
The Americans for Legal Immigration PAC is calling for the impeachment of President Barack Obama for his involvement in the Operation Gunrunner scandal, as well as his recent edict instructing federal employees to establish a form of amnesty for illegal aliens in defiance of the Congress, existing federal laws, and the US Constitution.
Obama's ICE Director John Morton issued a memo on June 17th to all ICE Field Office Directors, Special Agents-in-Charge, and all Chief Counsel, authorizing them to decline to remove illegal aliens who meet the qualifications for amnesty under the DREAM Act Amnesty which Congress has rejected many times.
Congressional investigations have determined that Obama's ATF and Justice Department have been supplying assault weapons to the drug cartels that import most of America's cocaine, methamphetamine, and illegal immigrants.
"President Obama is no longer the legitimate President of the United States," said William Gheen, President of ALIPAC. "By arming drug and human smugglers with assault weapons that have been used to kill American and Mexican citizens and police forces, and by ordering Amnesty for illegal aliens which has been rejected by both the Congress and the American public more than eight times, Obama has committed a form of Treason against the United States and must be removed from office by Congress."
Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC) is a national organization founded on 9/11 of 2004. ALIPAC has over 40,000 supporters, comprised of Americans of every race, party, religion, and walk of life, who represent the over 80% who want America's existing immigration laws enforced.
ALIPAC is sending letters to the 137 current members of Congress whom the group endorsed and supported in the 2010 elections requesting the impeachment process to begin immediately in the interest of public safety and civil stability.
"Obama just made it clear to the American public that he does not care what they think, what the current federal laws are, what the US Constitution says, or what Congress has ratified," said William Gheen. "Congress must take immediate action to stop Obama or the American Republic will fall. What use are elections, candidates, or the Congress, if the Executive Branch rules by decree?"
All ALIPAC supporters and like-minded Americans who oppose Amnesty and illegal immigration are called upon to immediately call and write their members of Congress demanding the impeachment of President Barack Obama for crimes against the people of the United States.
If Congress does not respond by July 15, ALIPAC will move to call for public protests across the nation calling for the ouster of this authoritarian regime which feels it can arm rebel groups invading America with their illegal cargo while forcing an Amnesty on the public.
The self-governance of American citizens and the health of the American Republic must be guarded against this form of Treason.
The Congress will be given an opportunity to act before members of the public take things into their own hands and call for a day of nationwide protests.
For more information, to schedule interviews or to show your support for the impeachment of President Obama, please visit ALIPAC at
Confirmed: Democratic Party of Hawaii would not certify in 2008 that Obama was constitutionally and legally eligible for the Office of President -Details here.
Notre Dame Professor Charles Rice: Obama's eligibility could be biggest political fraud in the history of the world; time for a new approach -Details here.
Attorney Mario Apuzzo: All presidents born after 1787, except for Chester Arthur and Barack Obama, met the “natural born Citizen” criteria. -Details here.
Commander Charles Kerchner: List of U.S. Presidents - Eligibility under Article II Grandfather Clause (GFC) or Natural Born Citizen (NBC) Clause or Seated due to Election Fraud -Details here.
Jack Cashill Discusses Obama's Fraudulent Social Security Number Reserved for Connecticut Applicants -Video here.
Detailed reports on Obama's SS# can be found here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here. Visit the Birther Vault for the long list of evidence against Hawaii officials and all of the people questioning Obama's eligibility; [
Riddle of the Day
Riddle of the Day
Arnold Schwarzenegger has a big one.
Michael J. Fox has a small one.
Madonna doesn't have one.
The Pope has one but doesn't use it.
Clinton uses his all the time.
Obama is one.
Mickey Mouse has an unusual one.
Liberace never used his on women..
Jerry Seinfeld is very, very proud of his.
Cher claims that she took on 3.
We never saw Lucy use Desi's.
What is it?
Answer below! (this is pretty good )
The answer is: 'A Last Name.'
You didn't think I'd send you a dirty joke, did you?
Get your mind out of the gutter !!!!!!!!!
My chosen ones doubt not that I have called you out, to be My conduits of power and light. I have great plans for you My chosen ones. Shrug off the heavy weight and lies of satan which bring confusion and cause you to doubt that you are called for My purposes. Stand on My promises! For in My Word you shall be victorious. I am the Great I AM, and I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. So press into Me and follow after Me. I have called you out of the muck and clay, out of the pits and the ravines to be My lighthouses dispelling the darkness with My Light.
Doubt not that I have called you out to be victorious in Me. Because you are My branches you shall bear much fruit. My desire is that none shall perish and all shall know Me as Lord and Savior. Stand on My Word for I am with you. Declare My Word from your mouth. Be bold and have faith enough to shout “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me,” and to actually BELIEVE IT! Doubt not!
Press into My word and by faith claim My truths; speak them out over your lives with authority. For you are My chosen ones. Doubt not! But arise and walk in the destiny and plans I have for you. Put on the full armor I have provided for you. I have called you out to be My light bearers, and to declare My truth. My truth shall set many people free to walk in the destiny I have called them to, and they will soar like the eagles – high and lifted up. They will soar with confidence, boldness and authority to fulfill the purposes I have destined for them.
Come up I am calling you up to a higher place then you have ever known before. It is a place of higher authority as well as a place of higher accountability and responsibility. Doubt not that you can learn to comprehend what I desire here and now. Doubt not that you can do what I require from you as you rise up to soar in this higher place I have called you to.
Doubt not for I am with you. My Spirit is within you and where My Spirit is – there is freedom, and liberty, and newness of life. Press into Me, Your God. Hearken to My voice and receive all I have for you. To fulfill your destiny in Me you will need everything I have set aside for you. So ask for what you need and gladly accept what I offer you. Do not refuse to accept the things I desire to give to you. You must learn how to receive as well as you give – then you will be properly balanced.
Doubt not for this is the season I am raising a people to fan the flames of the fire set by My Spirit, to walk by faith, and act boldly and courageously by faith, and proclaim My truths, with signs, wonders and miracles following. The outpouring of My Spirit such as has never been seen before is coming, so quit doubting and ready yourselves!
TSA Airport Scanners Dangerous?
Paul Joseph Watson
FOIA documents reveal how “large number of workers have been falling victim to cancer, strokes and heart disease”
Paul Joseph Watson
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Fearful of provoking further public resistance to naked airport body scanners, the TSA has been caught covering up a surge in cases of TSA workers developing cancer as a result of their close proximity to radiation-firing devices, perhaps the most shocking revelation to emerge from the latest FOIA documents obtained by the Electronic Privacy Information Center.
After Union representatives in Boston discovered a “cancer cluster” amongst TSA workers linked with radiation from the body scanners, the TSA sought to downplay the matter and refused to issue employees with dosimeters to measure levels of exposure.
The documents indicate how, “A large number of workers have been falling victim to cancer, strokes and heart disease.”
“The Department, rather than acting on it, or explaining its position seems to have just dismissed. I don’t think that’s the way most other agencies would have acted in a similar situation if they were confronted with that question,” EPIC’s Marc Rotenberg said.
In an email sent to Heather Callahan (PDF), deputy federal security director at Boston Logan International Airport, union representatives express their concern about “TSA Boston’s growing number of TSOs working here that have thus far been diagnosed with cancer.”
Of course, if TSA workers who are merely standing near the scanners are already developing cancer, frequent flyers are also putting themselves in harm’s way by standing directly inside the radiation-firing machines.
As we reported yesterday, newly released internal government documents, obtained via the Freedom Of Information Act by the Electronic Privacy Information Center, reveal that the TSA, and specifically the head of the Department of Homeland Security, “publicly mischaracterized” the findings of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, in stating that NIST had positively confirmed the safety of full body scanners in tests.
In erroneously citing both NIST and the Johns Hopkins school of medicine to claim that the body scanners are safe, the TSA has also deliberately misled the public on the dangers posed by the devices.
Documents obtained by EPIC show that, far from affirming their safety, NIST warned that airport screeners should avoid standing next to full body scanners in order to keep exposure to harmful radiation “as low as reasonably achievable.”
Further documents illustrate how a Johns Hopkins study actually revealed that radiation zones around body scanners could exceed the “General Public Dose Limit,” contradicting repeated claims by the TSA that Johns Hopkins had validated the safety of the devices.
At the time we pointed out that Dr Michael Love, who runs an X-ray lab at the department of biophysics and biophysical chemistry at the Johns Hopkins school of medicine had publicly stated two days previously that “statistically someone is going to get skin cancer from these X-rays”.
TSA workers complained about the radiation dangers of the scanners back in December, saying they were being kept in the dark by their employers, despite repeated requests for information.
“We don’t think the agency is sharing enough information,” said Milly Rodriguez, occupational health and safety specialist at the American Federation of Government Employees, the union that represents TSA workers.
A study conducted last year by Dr David Brenner, head of Columbia University’s center for radiological research, found that the body scanners are likely to lead to an increase in a common type of skin cancer called basal cell carcinoma, which affects the head and neck.
Following the study, Brenner urged medical authorities to look at his work, pointing to the dangerous notion of mass scanning millions of people without proper oversight.
“There really is no other technology around where we’re planning to X-ray such an enormous number of individuals. It’s really unprecedented in the radiation world,” said Brenner.
Similar concerns to those explored in the Columbia University study were voiced in February 2010 by the influential Inter-Agency Committee on Radiation Safety, who warned in a report that the scanners increase the risk of cancer and birth defects and should not be used on pregnant women or children.
Despite governments claiming that backscatter x-ray systems produce radiation too low to pose a threat, the organization concluded in their report that governments must justify the use of the scanners and that a more accurate assessment of the health risks is needed.
Pregnant women and children should not be subject to scanning, according to the report, adding that governments should consider “other techniques to achieve the same end without the use of ionizing radiation.”
“The Committee cited the IAEA’s 1996 Basic Safety Standards agreement, drafted over three decades, that protects people from radiation. Frequent exposure to low doses of radiation can lead to cancer and birth defects, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,” reported Bloomberg.
In a recent letter to President Obama’s Science Advisor, several University of California professors also complained of how, “There is still no rigorous, hard, data for the safety of x-ray airport passenger scanners.” The scientists noted how the safety tests for the scanners were carried out exclusively by manufacturers, and recommended an immediate moratorium on use of the devices until the health risks can be independently studied.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show.
June 28, 2011
Dinar Intel Update 6-29-11
Hi everyone...!
Today at 2PM PST I went into my Chase Bank (We have two personal accounts and two LLC Business accounts) to inquire about a Private Banker. The Manager saw us and invited us into her office and inquired about Oksana's last Russia trip (we had spoken to her last just before her trip). She then indicated that she would be our Private Banker, and remembered that we hold Iraqi Dinar. She indicated that when the IQD Revalues they would be happy to handle all our exchanges should we desire to use a bank for that purpose.
She went on to bring in the branch's Business Manager, and one of the Financial Planners, then went through all the services they could provide for us when it happens. Then she excused the others.
Then she said something that shocked both of us... "IT'S SUPPOSED TO REVALUE TOMORROW, RIGHT...?" I said, "that is what we are hearing, what have you heard from Chase...?" She indicated that that is what she has heard from some people, but couldn't speak for Chase. She didn't go into any detail as to who the people were. However, she kept smiling a real "Cheshire Cat Smile", with a wink. She was unusually animated and almost excited - if we read her correctly. Then she said, "I expect to see you both tomorrow".
I don't want to read more into this than happened, but we've spoken about the IQD to her before, and got a kind and professional, but indifferent, response. My wife is a PhD Economist who worked as an International Bank Director in Moscow...but when we walked from the bank she said, "They are well prepared for this to happen, not like Wells Fargo (who have been generally un-encouraging)." She is NOW finally somewhat excited about it happening.
Blessings to everyone. We pray it really does RV tomorrow...!
8:30 PM [EdH] [fivedee] Please ask Okie if he will have a conference call 20 minutes
8:32 PM [EdH] [dreamin] Okie...Do you think that the influx of extra taxes after RV will help our economy or should we prepare for more rough times ahead? thank you
8:33 PM [EdH] [lsugirl] will we be able to see it on un operational exchange
8:33 PM [Meatman4dinar] Okie, sorry for interupting, i just wanted to thank you and wanted to show you my little joke. I really appreciate everything you do and LOVE this site.. I was also silenced after my joke and had to log out and back in. Come on, some of yal need to relax and quit taking everything so serious. It was just a joke.
8:39 PM [EdH] [rb13] can you open a business trust in a state where you don't live
8:39 PM [abbababy] Okie i hear tonights gonna be a good night yeah yeah gonights gonna be a real good night yeah yeah let's go okie cause tonight's gonna be a good night let's dance come on okie let's go rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrvvvvvvv
8:40 PM [modude39] Ghost and Mod's of all the time I have been in a chat room with Okie, this is without a doubt, the best job I have ever seen pulled off with Okie, and He must of enjoyed it also, cause he stayed a lot longer then usual, you all are to be commended... Thanks for a job well done.
8:40 PM [EdH] [gwattbp1] still not answered, any time frame and where to look first
8:40 PM [cowboyjoe] Due you no how to get your blood pressure up. I swear it was not 1 hour after you (Okie) told us all that it could be as ealier as 1am est time I get a call from my best friend that no,s a guy in Iraq that told him we could see this rv at 1 am est
8:42 PM [EdH] did you get this one okie...sarababy99] Okie question: My local bank, not one of the big 4, does currency exchange and told me they will exchange my dinar. Is there any risk by not going with one of the Big 4
8:42 PM [EdH] [diamonddust] I heard the US bought 3 trillion dinar, do u know any thing about this. (to get us out of debt.
8:44 PM [EdH] [JudyElen] Okie: Do you still think we will have a 15% tax rate?
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
"NEW" Message from Wanderer of the Skies - June 29, 2011
Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
"NEW" Message from Wanderer of the Skies - June 29, 2011
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 29-Jun-2011 06:31:21
Wanderer of the Skies - June 29, 2011
Greetings from the Federation:
There is much happening on your world right now despite the fact that so many of you have doubts about this process moving forward. We can assure you that it is indeed on track and all things are happening as we have planned.
There are many looking for answers to questions about what is happening now and many more who are totally overwhelmed by the process. We will not address these issues with you. We ask only that you keep focused on the task at hand. We ask that you direct your love, in its purest and most intense form possible, to your leaders as they discuss the final steps towards Disclosure. This will inspire a great movement forward as the power of your intention can create your reality.
In the time leading up to disclosure, we ask that you spread the word as diplomatically, and as articulately, as you know how so that the greatest number of people will have an idea of what is to happen. In the days following Disclosure, we ask that you triple those efforts, as the act of Disclosure itself will be your rallying cry and you will have been “vindicated” in all your actions leading up to this moment.
It is here and upon you. You will know it most definitely when it occurs. There will be no mistaking this. Our representatives are already among you and are taking their places for the announcement. The “cracks in the dam” are coming from every side now in ever increasing numbers and quality of information.
We know how difficult the ups and downs of this disclosure process has been over the years. But time has now run out and we are quite confident that any outbreaks of hostility to the announcement, which we are becoming more and more convinced will not happen, can be contained by us. The true “test” will be your abilities as Light workers to calm the fears of those who have no idea that this process was underway for so long. Information and knowledge are the keys to obliterating fear. It is the torch of truth that eliminates fear from the minds of the human being. When Disclosure occurs, you need not stand on the soapbox to preach about us. They will already know. You simply have to point those who are uncertain or fearful to the same sources you have been following these long years so that they may drink from the pools of knowledge and information that have allowed you to become assured of our benevolence.
After that, we will test, ever so diplomatically, the waters of Disclosure ourselves by becoming apparent in more than obvious ways. In the weeks and months following, we will begin the process of mutual understanding, mutual respect, mutual kindness and love. Those acts alone will bring the torch of Truth to those who are uncertain. Until then, you are charged with the responsibility for the knowledge you have. Begin by intending your result with Love and Kindness for all.
Be at peace.
Message from SaLuSa, June 29, 2011 by Mike Quinsey
Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from SaLuSa, June 29, 2011 by Mike Quinsey
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 29-Jun-2011 06:23:27
SaLuSa, June 29, 2011
By now you will have a good idea of what to expect as you pass through the final days of duality. Out of the chaos and uncertainty will come changes that will set the scene for what follows after Ascension. All will eventually be lifted up to a higher dimension, where you will have a degree of perfection not presently found on Earth. Indeed anything that is not of the same vibration will be unable to enter it, and will be attracted to its appropriate level. Now you will understand why there is so much emphasis on your individual development. It is up to you whether you ascend or not, but if you do there is not that much required from you to reach the higher level. It is largely a matter of intent and living your understanding of what it is to be at One with All That Is. It is love in action and it will take you all the way to and beyond Ascension. You do not have to belong to any sect or particular group, as it is something that is very personal and within your capabilities.
There is no experience quite like finding your true Self, and living out your beliefs in the face of many distractions and attempts to divert you off your path. Your power lies within your ability to stand fast, when others around you are failing to overcome the challenge from the dark Ones that is always present. Love is the gentle energy that is the supreme energy, that cannot be destroyed and remains all-powerful. It is the energy of what you call miracles, and can be applied even now and achieve results. It is God given and never taken away from you.
We have previously mentioned that those souls who have departed the Earth, will have exactly the same opportunity to ascend as those of you still on it. What you may not be aware of is that those who are of the higher vibration, will at some stage be able to meet you again when the Earth raises its vibration. The veil between the dimensions will no longer exist, and there will be some amazing re-unions with those who never thought they would see each other again. However, you will not be permanently together until the Ascension process has fully taken place. We do know that some of you visit the higher dimensions when out of the body, whether by chance or intent. There are in fact laws that govern entry into the Astral regions, and not every one would be allowed to go into them. For example souls leaving their physical body in near-death-experiences are usually met before they can enter such realms. The result is that most of them return to their physical bodies, when they understand that their time on Earth has not finished.
There is so much to learn about your future lives, and it is all beautiful, happy and most harmonious. In your wildest dreams you have been unable to capture the feeling of Oneness that exists in the higher dimensions. It is truly a heavenly existence where you want for nothing, because you have your own creative powers. How do you like the idea of being where no money changes hands, where there is no need for a health service or doctors for that matter? Where your lives are not run by how much time you have, where traveling is no longer a chore, and you can live in your dream house? This really gives you something to aim for, and makes the effort you put in to succeed so worthwhile.
Understand that all souls in your Universe are progressing through the same levels and onto the Source. For you Ascension is the first major step that will lift you up to levels, where you can meet with extraordinary numbers of different souls. Distance is of little consequence as you will move by thought, and could if necessary negotiate wormholes into other Universes. You will of course be given the necessary tuition so that you can safely travel around. When you reflect on what we have told you to expect in your future experiences, you will understand they are perfectly normal. It is your present life experiences that are peculiar to the third dimension and duality, and were never intended to be permanent. That is why the solar cycle was planned to complete in 2012, thus giving every soul the opportunity to rise up out of it.
Since you do not carry long-term memories of your previous lives, you have no feeling of having been in the lower realms for such a long time. If you did, to be present now would be so much more exciting as like any long trek, it is a great feeling when you reach the end of the journey. However, as you begin to learn about your true past and how you came to be in existence, a whole new picture emerges. We are all in it together and a wonderful union of souls will take place, that will see us traveling the wide beyond in one adventure after another. We of the Galactic Federation are made up of units of Beings that often stay together for thousands of years. That is why we can speak from experience where your past history is concerned. Bear in mind that we do not age such as you do, and changing from one body to another is by choice and like you putting on a new suit of clothes.
Dear Ones can you see now how important the power of thought is, which is why you should try to develop it at the same time as learning to control its use. Have no fears however, as there will be much help available to you as you acquire such skills. It is why even in your dimension thoughts are considered to carry the same responsibility as actions. The reason is that both carry energy with them, which can be misused if care is not taken. We create by the power of thought, sometimes individually or in groups depending on what is in mind. Where you are concerned we can heal you by thought alone, read your mind and transfer our thoughts to you. That is something you do, although you are not necessarily aware that you are doing it. So you can see Dear Ones that you are a much more complicated Being than you probably imagined, and have a huge potential that you can now start to develop.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and it is wonderful to be with you at a time when you are so much more receptive to the truth. Hitherto, your minds have been infiltrated by false beliefs and information intended to mislead you. The dark Ones still use the media to poison your minds, and cause fear amongst you. However, you are becoming wise to their methods, and they do not have the same power over you anymore. Stay in your love centre and live from the heart, and you will be doing a service to other souls by sharing it with them.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Edward Kennedy FBI letter discloses secret Japan funding for rogue CIA faction in US
Wednesday, June 29, 2011 Bramerton Twitter .. WikiLeaks Master Mirror Sites .. #1ab archive
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Richard Armitage
A photograph of the former US Deputy Secretary of State in the first Bush administration. Since his Vietnam days, Armitage is said to have been covertly involved with the Bush-Cheney Drug Empire.
Edward Kennedy FBI letter discloses secret Japan funding for rogue CIA faction in US
A Rothschild family source has released a cache of top-secret FBI documents. One of these is marked: "Top secret, to Senator Edward Kennedy - for his eyes only."
The text discloses that Japanese Prince Hiruko Watanabe, a cousin of the former Emperor Hirohito, provided George Bush Snr and his aide Richard Armitage with secret funds without the knowledge of the US government. These funds were used to manage political bribery and élite assassinations in Japan, and to help finance a rogue element within the US CIA which is controlled by the Bush syndicate.
In Japan, one of the Bush syndicate's bagmen was Soichi Iisuka. He laundered political slush fund money through the Mitsui Bank in Tokyo.
Projects Wanted By World Bank -Funding Available
These humanitarian projects are to help mankind and 'Green' in nature. Location can be anywhere on our planet. This is an international program.
Allowable Budget for any project is in the range of millions to billions.
Your suggestion is requested in a form of a one page 'Executive Summary'. These will be submitted for review and selection by the World Bank. Additional details will be required upon selection.
Deadline for submittal is this weekend as I will be forwarding them out on Tuesday.
Please submit your project to with the subject line "PROJECTS"
GOD Bless
John MacHaffie
"80 Year Old Tucson Mayoral Candidate Seizes Foreclosed Homes From The Banks !"
The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
Reader, link: "80 Year Old Tucson Mayoral Candidate Seizes Foreclosed Homes From The Banks !"
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]Date: Wednesday, 29-Jun-2011 00:09:00
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation
The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]Date: Tuesday, 28-Jun-2011 22:52:55
Health Diabetes Medication
Hi John
Here are some shocking statistics that I saw when I read a recent report on the diabetes epidemic:
According to a recent British-American study, over the past 30 years the number of adults with diabetes has more than doubled, jumping from 153 million in 1980 to 347 million in 2008!
The incidence of diabetes in the United States, where we supposedly have the "best, most advanced medical care" is rising TWICE as fast as that of Western Europe.
The question is, naturally, what the *&$% is going on??
The researchers suggested that 70 percent of the rise can be attributed to the fact that people are living longer, since diabetes risk goes up with age.
Uh, not quite.
What HAS changed dramatically in the past 30 years or so are these factors:
1) Processed food & refined carbs
This is a major contributor to our ever-widening backside and creates a vicious cycle in your body that leads to type II diabetes.
Here's what's happening:
Most nutrient-poor processed foods and refined carbohydrates (sugars, white flour, white rice and all products made with them) basically turn to sugar (glucose) in your body.
If your body burns up the glucose for energy, that's fine. But the problem arises when there is SO much excess glucose over and above what you need for daily fuel.
Excess glucose not used by your body is stored as...
So, if you like breads, cakes, cookies, chips, crackers, canned fruits/veggies, sauces and just about anything else that comes in a box or plastic/aluminum bottle or can, and rarely move your body other than to grab a soda or use the remote to change the channel, you're JUST BEGGING FOR DIABETES.
Plus, you're tempting fate with your pancreas. Having excessive amounts of glucose in your blood consistently is a great way to stress your pancreas because it needs to operate in overdrive to keep up with your insulin needs.
Eventually it either can't keep up, or your cells become resistant to the insulin...
...And you are a member in the diabetes club.
2) The use of prednisone (synthetic cortisone)
Elevated cortisol commonly goes hand in hand with elevated blood sugar.
Prednisone continues to be one of the most prescribed steroid drugs of choice for autoimmune conditions such as asthma, allergic disorders, ulcerative colitis, psoriasis and arthritis. That's a LOT of people getting pumped with excess cortisone.
And a lot of resulting diabetes.
3) Enzyme deficiencies
Diabetics are commonly deficient in lipase (the enzyme that digests fats) which is needed for the metabolism of insulin and for the best "acceptance" of the glucose by your cells.
Plus ANYONE who has eaten a lot of processed food and complex meals has greatly diminished their body's ability to produce necessary enzymes, because their body uses up SO many breaking down those foods each day.
Insulin metabolism can be hampered or markedly reduced depending on the amount of undigested fat you have floating around in your blood. So clearly, it's essential to have the enzymes you need to properly digest fats.
What you can do
There are two very effective measures you can take to avoid stressing your pancreas and encourage your body to properly metabolize insulin and glucose:
1. Eat fewer processed foods and refined carbs
It's so easy to do. And tasty too. In the Great Taste No Pain health system, I show you new, delicious ways to enjoy REAL foods -- whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats and fish. And the meals are all easily digested, so you are better able to absorb the nutrients from your foods and help conserve your body's ability to produce digestive enzymes.
These are foods that are nutrient-dense and don't result in the harmful onslaught of sugar in your body like processed and refined foods. So your risk of getting diabetes is slashed dramatically because there's less excess glucose to turn to fat, and less likelihood of insulin resistance.
Plus, when you do what I tell you to do, you feel fuller longer, so you'll eat less. That means a smaller number on the scale...and an incredible shrinking arse!
2. Get your enzymes
Unfortunately, your body doesn't poke you and say, "Hey, you're deficient in enzymes, dummy."
Instead it gives you subtle hints -- like painful digestion, gas, bloating, acid reflux and...
That's right. If your body doesn't have the enzymes it needs to properly break down fats (and many people with a diet rich in fats, especially animal fats, are prime candidates), you are reducing your body's ability to respond to insulin.
And practically begging for diabetes.
That's why it's essential to eat lots of enzyme-containing foods like raw fruits and vegetables.
But if you're already in the throws of enzyme deficiency, or would rather stick needles in your eyeballs than to eat fruits and vegetables, then a medical-grade enzyme supplement like Digestizol Max is an absolute MUST for you.
Digestizol Max contains a potent, effective blend of 14 plant-derived enzymes that will get to work immediately and help your body break down proteins, carbs and fats like it should.
When your digestion is efficient, you feel it from head to toe:
- Your body eliminates wastes and toxins better, so inflammation goes down and so do the aches and pains.
- Excess fat slides off.
- You have easy, regular bowel movements -- no more laxatives or anti-diarrheals for you.
- Less gas, bloating and flatulence.
And most of all, your diabetes risk is slashed.
If you're overweight and/or have diabetes in your family history, it's crucial that you do all you can to prevent this disease from striking you.
It can cost you a limb, your kidneys, your sight or even your LIFE.
Remember, diabetes has DOUBLED in just the last 30 years. And your chances of being a diabetic could become as high as 1 in 3...
...if you eat like most of the people around you, that is.
Don't let that happen to you.
Don't be stupid.
Don't follow the crowd. Don't be a sheep.
Don't become a statistic to be quoted in some study.
Let the power of Great Taste No Pain and Digestizol Max help you beat the odds and keep YOU healthy, slim and diabetes-free.
To your health,
Sherry Brescia
PS: Phyllis' husband Robert is off his diabetes medicine and is free of diverticulitis!:
Hi Sherry
I am writing this for my husband, Robert. We started your Great Taste No Pain two weeks ago.
Following the first two days your plan helped Robert so much. He immediately had relief from the diverticulitis pain that he had been having. Taking medicine from the doctor had not helped. Little by little the pain went away, and within a week of starting the plan he had no pain.
We are following the plan as he said he never wanted that pain ever again. As an added bonus, he is off of his diabetic medicine, as his diabetic numbers are good, morning and night. He does exercise, and walks twice a day.
Neither of us have the acid reflux that we had occasionally. And I have shed 4 pounds.
I am so grateful that I went on the computer that day and looked up diverticulitis. It has changed our lives and I will be forever grateful to you.
I am spreading the word, to whomever I see or talk to, family and friends.
Thank you, thank you,
Phyllis T.
PPS: Whenever you "fall off the wagon" and eat foods that are likely to cause problems, Digestizol Max is your ticket to smooth, comfortable digestion. Check it out.
PPPS: Gluten-sensitive? Great Taste No Gluten is your ticket to health without giving up taste.
Want more case studies? Here are a few thousand for you.
Haven't taken the Great Taste No Pain test drive? Why not? Atsamattayou? You like pain or something? I've heard about people like that!
Want to read past articles? Here they are.
* Forward this email to the people you care about the most!
(c) copyright 2011 Holistic Blends
Orders: 1-315-295-1236
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Dinar Cash In Tips
DISCLAIMER:……I listened to Okie, Poppy2. Dewey, (first dinar dealer in USA), BGG, et al 6-26-11 8:30 PM…. Recorded MP3 only at present.
The link will not work after copy & paste…. I found the call on the Get Team Forum if you want futher clarifyication.
It is fresh very crutial Post RV info. you should know…. I am only posting this to help you…. This is not my personal Intel.
I took notes and do think I got the Intel/info. correct but I may not be able to convey it to you to make since….I suggest you listen to the call yourself and take control of your destiny by making sure you get the correct understanding. ….Hope this helps.
Blessings To You Guys,……..CZ….
Okie was on a live Call tonight and he said that Obama sent a tax bill to congress targeted at foreign currency exchange again. Congress turned it down. Thank You Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okie said Israel sheckles were just raised in value and Okie says, there is your RV right there.
Poppy2 sat in on a meeting with some congressmen this week and he cornered a congressman and got dinar Intel.
It was big!
To much Intel to remember and share. All factual Intel not just rumors. VERY impressive.
Dewey was on the call with Okie et al. He said we need to protect our Dinar at cash in. Trust no one period. Okie and all trust him. Here is what he says to do:
-Place a postage size sticker/adhesive backed/liftable, off currency later, without any damage to dinar later. Place on dinar.
-Copy on Arabic side showing the two sets of serial numbers.
-On the sticker put your hand written initials plus number the dinar. First dinar will be No.1 plus your signature,
second dinar will be No.2 plus your signature and so forth. This will be like your personal serial numbers in case you
would have to go to court to prove your money was good at the bank, since a judge cannot read the serial numbers in Arabic.
It is possible that the bank could take in bad dinar and if the amount is equal to yours the bank could call you days later
and say that your money was not good even after putting it thru a DeLaRue Machine. They said DeLaRue Machine will not protect us from this happening.
- Make only Black/White photo copies of each Dinar, if in color then you are considered counterfiting.
-When you cash in ask banker to be witness to these being the actual bills you are turning in, by having the banker sign his initials on each sticker beside your initials. Before putting your dinar in the DeLaRue Machine you must take the stickers off. After the dinar goes thru the machine ask them for the copy of authenticity for the dinar and put your sticker on every copy. This is total proof that your money was authentic before you left the bank.
They said post RV that we will probably be told by our US government (not Iraq) we have about 10 days to cash in (10 days is their guess). So they said just in case the rate comes in low, like a rediculous $1.17 figure, to start out here is what they suggest. For example you can, through Meryll Lynch, open a dinar account and put a 7% stoploss on it to not sell useless the value goes this low. Also you must have them put your agreement with them in writting. They said many people are cheated out of their money because they did not protect themselves. Or possibly exchange large dinar bills for the small bills and keep them in a safe until the value rises.
They said don’t cash in until many others have, so you can see how it went for them.
They suggested to give the bank your social security no. or EN (EIN) and have the IRS Wire Transfer number ready and pay your taxes first, (or you can wait until next year) then what money is left over put into only a non interest bearing account. Non interest bearing accounts are unlimited coverage. Just in case your bank fails your money is insured. When April 15th comes the IRS will demand their money even if you have lost yours due to bank failure.
They suggested if you are giving money to a church that it would be best to give them the dinar. Ask your tax person!!!
I will be making copies this week and following this advice. PROTECT YOURSELF!!!
Also, from the CC with Okie that was on today, It is also a good idea you scan every bill in black & white and make a note on the scanned bill its serial number. Below is an image of a Arabic to English 0-9 translator. Better safe than sorry, just in case you have trouble exchanging your bills in with the bank, if they get lost during the bank exchange, ect. It can only benefit you to have as much proof and documentation as possible, of your dinar notes. I hope this serves you well
~ Cheers

- Dewey, Poppy2, Okie & Others 06/25/11 Call notes
Dong didn't happen last Thurs>distributing LD's now
same as Iraq>distributing LD's seen on t.v. too: mosque announcement too
Do This: making plans, researching, interview financial strategist and tax atty
to make this a lasting blessing for years
be a good steward of the blessings received
Ask as many as possible>it's not a Walmart tax atty u want for trust atty
the best financial strategist, not a financial planner!!!
a money manager>thru banks, or individuals >ask lots of questions
have that list made>write it out
what priorities : bills, what you want
Pray on it>to God to fulfill where we can bless many
that was Poppy2
6/30 list to be completed:
Iraq in WTO as ful l mmbr; DFI funds released to CBI full access; anthr mtg cbi, imf, Paris 7/1 ; funds electricity released; imf ceo named; independence day in I; forex ofc opened last week>need tradeable currency
IT work reprted done; our UST IT dept done there;
: tested , working>zero glitches
and other things>huge exciting week>no negatives>political/paprwk, all sources all confirmed completed>timing/release of RV>waiting
BGG: guest spkrs: Jim
< Jim: good news for banks other than big 4
early as last wk>smaller banks r showing rates
one>saw rates similar to what we've been discussing
now these smaller banks are seemingly starting to see the rates; sit tight>don't be first
find out their procedures, wht they will be able to do for you
the rate seen at this one bank>no name of bank given>
YYY: owns part of this bank in TN>rate $5.25
XXX: bank Pres showed this woman the rate
owner: he asked YYY to get him the dinar; thinks it will have a de la Rue too
Jim: heard the same no. twice locally; one man>I'll bring him on if he shows up as he said he would
he saw the $5.25>not live, but on the screen
the question: is that the real rate? I have a feeling that is a marker/hold rate
sounds like a legit marker rate
similar anomoly to what we've heard since Thurs
so that's a consistent theme
I've seen it sev. X's myself
Pam: same as BGG & Poppy
$5.25 I think that's low
bank stories all saying mostly Mon, and some Tues
ust says 6/30
my fav source says this week
post where she works in LA>got email where the bank couldn't sell dinar, said stop selling but they were still selling Fri; supposed to be cashin Mon
MRMILLION: (we want chief of staff briefing intel plz says the moderator)
5/20 - 6/01 plz
notified of congrsnl mtg w/ notice that RV to take place (4 wks ago); not 48 hrs; something happened; then,
banking source allso infrmd by upper mgmnt> same as congrsnl mtg>put onnotice>nothing>next wk>nothing
back to table to make inquiries>2 X didn't happen
then anthr mtg called in w/ 24 hr notice>
2-3 am to bank>bank ready with de la rue
my contact said 24 hrs, but to be realistic >give 3-4 days
we talked>visited at her bank>dong disappeared
up till yesterday late
iqd not on screen now; dong reappeard but only has a code
bank closed today when she texted me
dong has a banking code, no rate
she says good news for us>IQD>she's watching for us
I got a txt>bkg in S LA got an email > to stop selling on Fri>customers to cash in mon>customers> then others after that
XXX: 2 congresnl staff 5/28 briefed>RV was to happen that following Mon
MrM: yes, and others too congrsmen
XXX: u on a trip> she advised u
Mr M: befr I travel to TX; we talked about that>cuz I'm to be away for 4 days
she said>bring some on ur trip
I know her sev. yrs
XXX: it's illegal to cross state lines with >$10,000
fincen form: how long you known this customer?
cash at a familiar bank
don't let her put the whole relationship
on the form
Poppy2: there was a mtg 2 wks ago>Congress>give folks a 2 min briefings fr previous wkend
yes, in a mtg with Cgsman< I cornered him
not bashful & shy>>when's RV to happen? can u push this thru?
he smiled>told his aide to tell me>he was laughing>they told P that tons of folks now asking the Cngrsman
rumors then>it was to happen Thurs; last briefg>evrythings' ready>IMF & BIS ready; political things done>Iraq has to tell them release order
nothing we were waiting for 2 wks ago
he's back : BGG=XXX
[6/26/2011 10:07:48 PM] - M: BGG: UST sent notices prior to 6/21
one big bank isnt' going to participate, only 3>then declined the memo
then anthr memo 6/01>that was to be the date
saw it from banks & UST; to back this date
angst a week later
cuz didn't happen>
people at banks working overtime, extra currency>>>
UST solid source, & govt & banks>all concurred;
UST: Poppy's contacts are spectacular
since 6/01>>>>>a few days ago looked good; Tue, w, thurs of last week looked good; this next week is huge
looking for Bob
[6/26/2011 10:10:34 PM] - M: Bob: (timeframes); source/Canada
Weds befr 5/28>bank source>evrything done told him
security tightened up by then> Canada had been put on notice
befr 6/1st> iqd had been off at that point
politicos briefed
BGG: TMoney???
TMoney: same as since Friday
on forex now
lkg forward to Tues
he's in the financial industry
Bruce: (ticker)
6/30> 5 yr plan>G20 ended balances, banking system ready
installation of sys>befr had hickup; chpt 7 to be realeased 30th
20 yr period ends > serbia?
6 mos to finish KU>ends 30th
13303 suspenede d till 30th>that ends
Malkiki end of Erbil 30th
min of fin>100K dispersed to build hses>30th
ticker>china wiped out $10 trill debt!!!!!!!!!!
govt's cash out first
Poppy?: on China>world's 3rd lrgst dinar holder
Bruce church folks going to Jacksonville w/
cuz he didn't have a Warka acct
W closed after 6 wks after I go t in there
foreign soil
won't give you ur money unless they want to
stay away fr for banks
W closed a yr ago; citibk opened them back up
many lost money
OKIE: interest in oil
tonight related intel fr that to the RV
China cnpc>oil co.>started exploration>ad hob oil field
is there a relation betwn debt pd off and this oil field
Libya> tunisia out of gas; Lib opened first time since June
othr news: Israel raise d the sheekel
there's ur RV there
Chinese PM in Europe guaranteeing loans>
European invstment to make sure euro stays as paower ful cur.
one of the 3 world's curr.
infltn in SE Asia>India 9% >ovre Russian
Basel rules raised reserve in all banks (4-7%) now (9 1/2%) wow
Obama sent his boy to Congrss Fri>congress refused him
team reprtd about>>>>>
hold infltn down worldwide
Bloomberg>> watching
Asian mkts down
most world's mkts down
money boys know
boom in stocks curr supposed to be>but diminishing
don't understand that
XX: lwr it >buying back own debt cheaper cuz they know it's coming
Okie: futures mkt> only thing strong>usd> .72 to >.80 this month>on way back
euro, gbp down
XXX:........they had to make good on futures>when they lost, they had to make that back
trading oil up ev. day
will make the same trading downward
7/15th do away w/ straight commodities
cotton, wheat rice>
going to have to have a percentage>a hand in the trade?
doing away with the fractional
frctnal metal sales
have to have certain amt of sil/gold>cant' shuffle paper on it
metals must back
< Dewey: wife follows all of this
in body building>winner
few mos. ago>idea >lay money on Arabic side>one sided copies BLK & WHITE
sticker put on middle with initials on the post it note>photocopy
4 to a page
number them
with your initials>your own pen
take to bank
ask teller>show her the bills with the serial nos.
get a receipt
take sticker off to go thru de la Rue
hunting for criminal bills
when machine says it's clear>ask for a copy
staple to your copy
cuz they are then authenticated at that moment
If they tell you yours is bad, you have proof
crook tellers now can't get away with anything either>eliminated
the only way to do it>
if they hold ur money>how can u sleep if you don't have the real full proof
PROTECT & GUARD UR MONEY>that's all - we made some money in Moroco>
we made blk & wht copies>bank held our money>showed them our copies>they coughed it up then!! comes fr Seria
you want to defend urself>have ur perfect proof & do it perfectly
* 5 yrs ago, we took money to Los Vegas
got a call"I'm gonna kill u"
he said u sold me bills with serial nos> fake?
I wasn't aware; let me look at my money>if I've done this>I'll go to ur house
I went>u can kill me or I'll call the cops
called him>I had similar lkg bills
got magnifier
wife figured it out>key on the end looks similar T
the guy was confused>
one's a 6 and one's a 7
(thick accent here)
(Martha's seen this too- rusty on this)
If we get a low number> have to turn it in if they give us a deadline, I'm going to do it 10 days before>befr deposit into acct>give wiring instructions w/SS & pay taxes on spot>put money in non interest bearing acct> if it's (CDARS called before)
do not put in interest bearing acct (if they govt goes broke...bad)
pay it now is better
* 2nd mouse gets the cheese; listen to the bad stories>then act
* if low rate; if u not happy>open an acct at Merrill Lynch>he's gonna put a stop lose on his>
try to make money>dinar digital acct>
7% stop loss
not low
I'm gonna say sell it at 7%
bring in the Pres to give you a written receipt for this
sorry doesn't work for me>I want my money that I earned
the banks will poo poo on u
if u want to go into small denoms and hold them, but need a huge truck
only taxable when it goes fr dinar to dollar>pay tax, then gold
BGG: tks Dewey
DMoney (sorry)
not there all nite
seen on the screens>IQD thurs taken off the screens, it came back on Fri
he's not here to tell u
give church dinar, no tax dollars
BGG: awesome article other day I posted in my daily email
art: out early; sev keys>cbi cmg into new categories up to 100 inferring new denoms; curr will come early cuz need purchsg pwr>to suprt P & goi
"needed" in the past
this past tense was the first time brought up>SHABS
Phoenix convinced this IS the announcement
we are hearing this fr sev sources
I always say this is from people what they're telling us
I think personally like middle of last wk>this wk is red hot>events, news, dfi art just released; too much happening>super duper excited; tonight till Thrus we can see it is my opinion
close in prayer plz
Father God: Bless all dinar holders>give them purpose wisdom and direction liberally
it is fr your Word in Rev>Babylon being rebuilt
fin mecca of the world
TU for allowing us to be in this historic even
Bless everyone's health
inthe name of Jc
Daddy's Poem
This is priceless. May you be blessed by it.
Daddy's Poem
Her hair was up in a ponytail, her favorite dress tied with a bow.
Today was Daddy's Day at school, and she couldn't wait to go.
But her mommy tried to tell her, that she probably should stay home;
why the kids might not understand, if she went to school alone.
But she was not afraid; she knew just what to say.
What to tell her classmates of why he wasn't there today.
But still her mother worried, for her to face this day alone.
And that was why, once again, she tried to keep her daughter home.
But the little girl went to school, eager to tell them all.
About a dad she never sees, a dad who never calls.
There were daddies along the wall in back, for everyone to meet.
Children squirming impatiently, anxious in their seat.
One by one the teacher called on a student from the class.
To introduce their daddy, as seconds slowly passed.
At last the teacher called her name, every child turned to stare.
Each of them was searching, a man who wasn't there.
"Where's her daddy at?" she heard a boy call out.
"She probably doesn't have one," another student dared to shout.
And from somewhere near the back, she heard a daddy say,
"Looks like another deadbeat dad, too busy to waste his day."
The words did not offend her, as she smiled up at her Mom.
And looked back at her teacher, who told her to go on.
And with hands behind her back, slowly she began to speak.
And out from the mouth of a child, came words incredibly unique.
"My Daddy couldn't be here, because he lives so far away.
But I know he wishes he could be, since this is such a special day.
And though you cannot meet him, I wanted you to know
all about my daddy, and how much he loves me so.
He loved to tell me stories, he taught me to ride my bike;
he surprised me with pink roses, and taught me to fly a kite.
We used to share fudge sundaes, and ice cream in a cone.
And though you cannot see him. I'm not standing here alone.
'Cause my daddy's always with me, even though we are apart;
I know because he told me, he'll forever be in my heart"
With that, her little hand reached up, and lay across her chest.
Feeling her own heartbeat, beneath her favorite dress.
And from somewhere there in the crowd of dads, her mother stood in tears.
Proudly watching her daughter, who was wise beyond her years.
For she stood up for the love of a man not in her life.
Doing what was best for her, doing what was a right.
And when she dropped her hand back down, staring straight into the crowd.
She finished with a voice so soft, but its message clear and loud.
"I love my daddy very much, he's my shining star.
And if he could, he'd be here, but heaven's just too far.
You see he is an American Soldier and he died just this past year,,
when a roadside bomb hit his convoy and taught Americans to fear.
But sometimes when I close my eyes, it's like he never went away."
And then she closed her eyes, and saw him there that day.
And to her mother's amazement, she witnessed with surprise,
a room full of daddies and children, all starting to close their eyes.
Who knows what they saw before them; who knows what they felt inside.
Perhaps for merely a second, they saw him at her side.
"I know you're with me Daddy," to the silence she called out.
And what happened next made believers, of those once filled with doubt.
Not one in that room could explain it, for each of their eyes had been closed.
But there on the desk beside her, was a fragrant long-stemmed pink rose.
And a child was blessed, if only for a moment, by the love of her shining star.
And given the gift of believing, that heaven is never too far.
They say it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them, but then an entire life to forget them.
Send this to the people you'll never forget and remember to send it also to the person that sent it to you. It's a short message to let them know that you'll never forget them. If you don't send it to anyone, it means you're in a hurry and that you've forgotten your friends.
Take the live and love.
Until eternity… God Bless
There must be many children in the same boat as this little girl, thanks to our servicemen and their families for the sacrifice they are making to keep our country Free. The ULTIMATE sacrifice is being left behind. Don't forget them.