Sunday, April 22, 2012

Dispelling the Fears

Dispelling the Fears

Polar shift 2012: this will not happen. It is true that there have been many axis shifts in the Earth’s geological past, but there is zero scientific or spiritual evidence for one scheduled for this year. The only thing that is true here is that the magnetic (not physical!) axis of the planet is traveling quite rapidly, about 25 miles per year. This only means that the compass needle points to a slightly different position each year.

Apocalypse 2012: there will be no drastic cataclysms this year. Ceaseless work of the lightworkers and a lot of Divine Intervention have insured this. In fact apocalypse is a Greek word for revelation, not for cataclysm. Yes, revelation will happen, when the veils are lifted and we are reconnected with the Source.

Alien invasion: this will not happen for a simple reason that it had already happened long time ago and nobody seemed to notice. Members of the Cabal are souls that invaded planet Earth long time ago from other star systems and they kept reincarnating here until now.

There are no bad aliens left in the universe, this galaxy or our solar system. They have been cleared by Galactic Confederation from the Galaxy and by Resistance Movement from our solar system years ago. There are also none left in deep underground military bases. They have been cleared years ago also. So if you read any reports about battles between Reptilians and benevolent ETs, they are not true.

The only thing left are the uppermost parts of some of underground military bases. There are no Reptilians or any other negative groups there, the only thing you might find there are computers, equipment and some weaponry, including whatever is remaining of exotic weapons. Some of those bases were also intended as safe haven for members of the Cabal in the case of emergency. Positive Military will take care of whatever is remaining of these bases at the time of the Event. They will be backed up by the Resistance, which will intervene directly in this cleansing of underground bases only if Positive Military needs some help.

Nibiru: there is no such thing as Nibiru. This idea comes from poorly translated Sumerian cuneiform tablets by Zecharia Sitchin. There is no such planet that will crash into Earth or even come close to Earth to disturb its orbit.

It is true that there is a planet X that has not been “officially“ discovered yet and this planet often gets confused with Nibiru. But in reality planet X has its orbit that never gets closer than Pluto so it poses absolutely no threat to Earth.

There is also no comet or asteroid that will crash on Earth in the near future. Rest assured that Galactic Confederation constantly monitors all objects in the solar system and they will not be allowed to crash on Earth.

Negative timelines: timelines are just possible future outcomes of situation on planet Earth. They are potential futures of a particular event and most of them collapse as we get closer to the event and when that particular event happens only one timeline remains. Until November 11th, 2011, all negative timelines for planet Earth have already collapsed and positive future of the planet is certain.

There will be no alternative Earths. Therefore, bright future for the planet is certain. This is also true for most inhabitants of this planet except for a small group of the Cabal that refuses to cooperate with forces of evolution.

Cloning: all cloning laboratories of the Cabal have been shut down by the Resistance years ago. You need to understand that there were two types of clones: robot clones and clones with a soul incarnated. Soul infused clones were produced in deep underground military bases with bodies grown in laboratories and souls pushed from the etheric plane into that clone body with strong electromagnetic fields. All this is gone now.

So there are no clones of Bush or Rockefeller. Nor are there any clones of Fulford, Wilcock or Drake. Those are all real people, involved in the last chapter of the cosmic drama of duality.

Chemtrails/contrails: most of what passes for chemtrails these days are just contrails. Contrails are water exhaust from planes that gets condensed into a cloud in stratosphere where the plane flies. They don’t look nice, but they are not dangerous.

Yes, a small percentage of those are chemtrails, which means that chemicals are added to the water exhaust. In vast majority of cases the pilots that fly those planes have no idea that they are involved in spraying chemtrails.

Chemtrails are not as dangerous as you might think. The volume of atmosphere is vast and toxic chemicals get dissolved pretty quickly below the concentration that is still harmful for human beings. Be more concerned about water you drink from your tap and food you eat from the supermarket.

Illuminati symbolism: this is in fact symbolism of ancient mystery schools. Symbols are reflections of archetypes of divine truth. They can be interpreted in both positive or negative ways. Illuminati used these symbols because Illuminati groups originated from mystery schools whose teachings got corrupted over the millennia and the original meaning of symbols was lost.

So next time you see a symbol of the sun do not think about it as an Illuminati symbol but as a symbol of eternal life. Next time you see a symbol of cobra do not think about it as a symbol for Reptilian race but rather as a symbol of kundalini, the mysterious force of enlightenment. 

Now that we have dispelled some fears, we can focus on more important things. Details will be posted on this website in a few days.


Anonymous said...

To whom ever reads this. THINK about this. Remember the dark blue skies. Living here in cenrtal MN. the only time I have seen the deep blue skies in the past 5 years or sio, has been after a serious wind, and storm with lots of rain. to flush out the metals in the air. CON-trials do not turn the skies silver dull, and make them off their deep blue. this is did info all of it I dont know, BUT the chem trails contiue. proof is in the color of the sky.

Anonymous said...

Sorry but chemtrails are very real and they are very poisoness. They pepper Michigan everyday now. I sit and watch the planes everyday. You have to be kidding me??? They block out the sun which blocks out the vitamin D, just to say the least of what they do. They are not contrails!!!! NO WAY! I KNOW WHAT A NORMAL AND HEALTHY CHEMTRAIL SKY USED TO LOOK LIKE! BLUE AND BEAUTIFUL! CONTRAILS DO NOT LEAVE THE DEFINATE STREAKS THAT LINGER AND LEAVE THE SKY A MILKY MESS! PLEASE!!! Who wrote this crap!!! I do not know about the rest of it but the fact that these are mostly CONTRAILS is a lie!!! plain and simple. IT HAPPENS EVERYDAY IN MICHIGAN AND WE GET PEPPERED THE MOST OUT OF THE STATES FOR SOME REASON!!! WAKE UP AND STOP THESE LIES AND STOP THE CHEMTRAILS.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this.
People don't realize it is their focus that creates that which they do not want to see. By giving it thought, they create the experience.
I am not going to argue with anyone on this fact.

I don't see Chemtrails because I stopped giving it focused thought, and over time when my thoughts really were NOT about chemtrails, but about butterflies, and blue skies and even fireflies at night, I got a chance to see those things.

Now when people talk of such things, I don't see them unless I 'look' for them which means I turned my focus back to seeing something and Universe delivers what I am 'seeking'.

Everyone won't get there.
Change you can believe in is just not in some people's vocabulary.

Being the change they want to see, is just not in some people's life plans.
Having the world change for them as they think negative and create the things they don't want to see, will have those same people posting about 'nothing has happened', 'nothing has changed'

When they added 'sea salt' to potato chips and french fries, I knew something had changed.

We will not reach everyone and that's okay.
Whatever your answers are, getting them from YOU is going to be your BIGGEST and BEST truth. If your truth is negative and nothing has changed, well if you want to see something different learn to use your power a different way.

We are powerful. We were told we weren't and we believed them.
They told us what to think and who to hate and we created a world they loved and we hated.

Your power is, that which you repel you will experience, that which you hate you will notice negatively more and will hate it more and see it even more will perpetuate it until you respond to it a different way.

Some things take time to change.

If it were instant, you would not appreciate how the Universe orchestrated it. It's beautiful music to watch the universe flow from one paradigm to another and you get to experience every vibe and beat of this beautiful music.

We cam evolve or stay the same. It's all about Free Will.

I've learned to tap my powers and be the change I want to see and see the change I wanted to be. I create my future and am aware of everything I do as I create what I will see, hear, and feel, and accept as my truth.

I have selected people who are like me to be around me so I can keep growing. I have loved those who are stuck in the old; but I can't go where they they are going, and I don't see what they see, and I don't feel what they feel.

They know my glass is half full while they see a half empty one.

It's okay as long as I get to experience what I want without their interference and they get to experience what they want without my interference.

To each his own.

Anonymous said...

Not to each his own! The chemtrails are there whether you choose to look at butterflies or the sky above with chemtrails covering your sun and the sun of your children. They are there and you are breathing everything that they spray on us. Your children and everyone in your family are also breathing the poison. If I choose not to read about the people in the gulf that have been affected by the planned oil spill does that mean that they are not suffering, along with the ocean life that is dying and contaminated and because I choose not to see or hear about this suffering in the gulf does that mean that the suffering does not exist. NO! You part of the problem if you choose only to see the butterflies because the butterflies are flying right through the chemtrail poison. The truth is the truth. You might not choose to see them but trust me they are there! No one is arguing. You cannot argue with the truth! Wake up! All of this feel good crap does not make the bad things go away but what it does do is prolong the bad things because you choose not to deal with them therefore, they fester. DO you see the flouride in your water? No! Trust me, it is there.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the other comments.
** Chemtrails are CLEARLY there. They are NOT contrails.
** Clones are CLEARLY here.
** There are CLEARLY "bad aliens" left in the universe, and they are controlling earth.

IN MY OPINION, THIS ENTIRE ARTICLE IS DISINFORMATION, and the source is clearly aligned with the cabal.

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:27PM here.
I'm not going to argue individual realities here.
I know the Creator is creative enough to give us each our own reality while allowing points for our separate realities to intersect.

I know, this is MY knowing, not a belief, and you can have your own KNOWING, but I am sharing mine because I can.

I know I am of the Earth, I know what I eat, breathe, and absorb is of the Earth. I know the Earth is alive, and try as I might I am always connected to it...not by tether, but direct connect (call it gravity, I don't care what it's called)

I know that the Creator is not out in some space or some cosmos, or up in Heaven somewhere(as we were taught to point to the sky when speaking of Creator or God or whatever you call him, doesn't matter, and capital and lower case him doesn't matter either).

The Creator is within me...and within you, and within everything created.

Now that I've set that basis, here's my point.

I am on a Free Will planet. I learned that from many sources, including Hidden Hand and Dolores and Wilcock and others. I took that belief and wanted to KNOW if that was true.

In my own journey I KNOW it to be true.

What I want to see, feel, and experience, I can make it happen.
I am always donating money to those on the streets, and always get down to my last bills, but I am NEVER broke.

Something happens, a refund I didn't know about, and overpayment sent back, or someone stopping by and buying me a meal or going out and someone treating.

i have taken the time to be aware of the world I am living in and the life I want to experience.

When they sprayed, I saw it and at first felt 'there is nothing I can do about it', but I wondered where did I get that understanding from.

It came from reading blogs and posts from people and those that commented all agreeing we are lost, we are slaves, there is no hope, we are owned by the vatican, or a bank, or a birth certificate.

Once I found out the source of the information I went to the original source. When I found out that it was what I believed that held me prisoner, because in a Free Will planet event he Creator will not interfere with an experience or thought we create of our Free Will, I got rid of the thought and created new thoughts that suit me.

I started walking and talking like I was free, and I said if I'm of the earth than whatever she creates can not be harmful to me no matter what it is.

Floride I told myself, I'd transmute it to glucose for energy if I got any in my body. Chemtrails I said stop! I said it out loud. I projected the energy that I did not want it.

I would say I want to see blue skies and puffy clouds and butterflies. Over time the sprayings stopped and that's what I see. I call it the 'Simpson's Sky" from the opening scene of the Simpsons.

When a straggling spraying happens, I thank the Sylphs for transmuting it and I make my desire clear, my desire is what I want of my Free Will.

While here I want to see blue skies and puffy clouds, and that's what I see.

So argue your beliefs or knowing if you must, and I won't argue because I know who I am, and I know who you are (Within) and I will not argue with "self" (the Creator within) --- that's why all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator...

You get your reality and I get mine. You can tap your power whenever you chose to believe or KNOW that you have it.

To each his own.

Anonymous said...

Again, you are the problem and you are clearly sucking in the chemtrail poison just as they have planned. Sweet dreams my dear! Chemtrails also contain sedatives and you have clearly been exposed! There is only one truth with scientific facts to back it up. Your reality as you call it is a big made up fantasy! Ask Hawaii whom is a doing major investigation and finding everything that you can think of in their water and in their soil because it is killing their crops and beautiful plants. As far as you knowing who I am I will clue you in as to who I am. I am ONE OF MANY WHO ARE GOING TO STOP THIS SEDATIVE AND POISONOUS CHEMICAL FROM YOUR BRAIN! Go back to sleep and dream of your butterflies. The rest of us will take up your slack!! Shame on you because you know that it is there and you choose to fantasize! Sweet dream!

Anonymous said...

Your comments about Chemtrails being mostly contrails now is so egregiously incorrect that it creates doubt about your credibility on anything you say. Come to west texas, ok. Panhandle, western ks, and southern co. For a day of frolicking in the chemtrail haze and photographing the haarp signatures. Throat congestion, ears hurting, haarp sensations, . No it's not allergies or the imagination. Sit and watch them spray on parallel patterns and x marks the spot for haarp focus all day long. Oh, forgot.. They took off Easter Sunday. The lords day.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:27 here again.
I am responsible for my own future.
I am responsible for my own reality.
I am responsible for my own health.

When you realize the importance of that truth, all the other 'facts' you have read, scientific or otherwise will be changed into a Knowing of your own truth and a visualization of your own reality.

I was once as knowing as you were.
I had no idea my power, only that I was told I had it.

The difference is I changed me and in doing so I changed my reality.

Inception (the movie) may be some truth...if an idea is planted long enough and deep enough it will appear to be the truth to those that rely on it for their identity and existence.

There are multiple universes. I'm glad I live in the one I created and maybe one day your universe (reality) and mine will intersect, but it may be for a second or a day just to prove to you that it exists.

It's you, that are responsible for the future 'you' created.

And a collective truth of those that think like you does not change my reality if I know my power and don't drink 'your kool-aid'

I am healthy. No pills, no drugs, no monitoring, no allergies.

I am the power I sought. For those christians needing reference.

Greater is he that is in me, than he that is in the world. 1 John 4:4 (KJV)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 7:27pm here:

This is for those seeking,

If you already know everything - there is nothing to see here.

How Long is a Piece of String -- documentary.

Helps with those who deal with their perceived reality based on scientific facts.
IF someone states scientific proof, they accept that as the truth, and only the truth.
(could there be many truths? Could there be many facts based on how something is observed?)

Do you know what time it is? Documentary

Helps those who do not realize the future doesn't exist until it's created. The only thing real is NOW, and what you do now will determine the future you see.
Even if it's that you take one step at a time going in a particular direction, or you make one decision that leaves out the others that you could have possibly experienced.

LakeAngel said...

Thank you all for this conversation, as it represents the "truest" of our realities.
If there's a way to stand in both positions, I'd say I'm there.

This reality is real. And we do and can create our reality.

I am creating an inclusive (not: exclusive), Whole, One, Reality of Love, of All Good, that includes all and everyone.

Desert Owl said...

Amen! That's it. I live as a free being amongst a bunch of prisoners,ie. NO alarm system, NO barbed wire, NO electric fence,open doors and windows, because I can fully trust Him who promised to protect me. BE the change and you'll see the change. Hanlo

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The power is in collective prayer, positivity and reverence to the Divine....

Anonymous said...

Yes...ONE LOVE....

Anonymous said...