Monday, May 21, 2012

Banker Bill On Line with Hammerman
Sent: Sunday, May 20, 2012 7:18 PM
Subject: Dinar - Banker Bill

Banker Bill On Line with Hammerman
Banker Bill says the banks are definitely ready and have been ready. Expect this anytime now. The Dong could go first.
IQD Rate $9 - $10??? possible but well over the Kuwait rate.
When we make our appts. can we lock in the rates??
The rates will be locked in even if the appt. is 7 - 8 days later. Appt. phone Lines will be open 24/7, so once registered your rate will be locked in unless you miss your appt. DO NOT MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENT UNTIL THE RV HAPPENS. PLEASE, DO NOT CALL THE BANKS.
Special account you can get to protect your money, should the US dollar fall?
All you need is an non-interest bank account, and if you want to purchase additional insurance. Look into the  Dodd/Frank accounts for US only. There are floating rates. They are starting to see them. Only very influential bankers can see the rates floating. it's happening. It's close and will happen very shortly.
Is there an imminent sign that US Dollar$ is crashing?????
Stability of US $$ when the RV hits. "All speculation" probably a couple years out...conspiracy theory....
Bill has to rush over to the Bank, so saying goodbye.
Is there a concern about JP Morgan and Chase, Goldman Sachs leaving their RV money there???
Maybe they could go bankrupt.
PapaJack, The possibility always exists, so put your money into different profit centers.

Transcription of Prosperity Programs found at 49 minutes to 51 minutes.

Within 1 to 4 hours after you see the posting of rates on the RV, your Prosperity Program packages will come out to you. Everything is ready to go right now. All paperwork has been done. It's sitting in the courier's hands whether that be private courier or certified mail. You'll get those packages, and there will be a letter directing you. Instructions which will send you to a bank within 120 miles of you. There won't be but probably 5-10 people that that bank handles. When you go in, you go in originally for Fines and Penalties. They'll be able to draw up your Prosperity programs that your in. Let you know what funds you have. You'll be able to talk about whether the programs you're in have gifting attached to them and ability to gift. They'll also tell you if there are gold certificates attached. I'll answer any other questions people might have on them.


Anonymous said...

The PP comments are from a gentleman known as 'Papabear', not 'papajack'.

Anonymous said...

The more people with money the harder it is for the cabal to stay alive, Weeellllll? Are we waiting for the next eclipse on June 4th? The Bilderberg controllers to be rounded up? Bush to go to the White House to have his portrait dedicated? Seriously, if this is true why are good people still needy and desperate today, 5/21? No info can be trusted, this has had so much hype, for so long, how can anyone believe a word about anything? So- on and on and on we go, where it stops nobody knows. Now go steal some toilet paper and package condiments for dinner, since most cannot afford luxuries now! BTW, we are still in a great place for this to happen, as we were during the past year! Now go feed your head, and I hope your are looking at the right stuff!