Sunday, June 3, 2012

Dinar Intel --- Jonnywg ---- OKIE rec'd authorization

Subject: jonnywg post
Date: Sunday, June 3, 2012
[.jonnywg] Please be advised that I have just received a cell call from representatives of the    AND thebanking system. OKIE has been authorized to post information as presented by the aforementioned. .When it happens, we will have a similar POST here AT They are thrilled that we have 15,000 signups for cashin codes. Future posts will be made in a similar manner.  [.jonnywg] we will be advised with statements from the PTB when it happens........ Okie will be presenting prepared statements from the source as we will present them here as it happens...................... it is a time for cooperation so sit back tonight and we will bring it to you .......................... if there are changes in the program we will be advised as well


Anonymous said...

Hmmm... what is authorization to post really mean ???
Seams to me I have read this about him several times.... Sounds like another got to re-excite them messages from ahos who are laughing their arses off at us, as they need more dinar sales... I am sooooo tired of TPTB messages.... When is the BS going to END??????????????

Anonymous said...

This BS is not going to end as long as Obama/Biden/Cabal boys can control and keep the Americans poor. If Obama loses the election in November we will get Romnety who is being supported by the Cabal. He was a member of the Bilderberg group but for political reasons, his name did not appear on the list for the recent meeting.

So......we wait to read what kind of BS we will hear this week. How much longer will it be - hope not as long as the prosperity programs and WGS which, if truth be known, will never come to fruition.

Guru's keep spreading hopium, which we appreciate but it is time to shut up or put up.

Bob said...

Go Ron Paul.

Anonymous said...

GO RON PAUL! The only candidate that fights for the people.

Anonymous said...

I hate to be a pessimist but I think this guy is right. To my way of thinking you have to start the arrests at the top. And it's the marshals or military that needs to do that. If this was real, they had the perfect opportunity. Seems they are just buying time by stringing us along. If you guys want people to believe they better start doing it, there is more than enough evidence. Odumba gave you the tools, now use them.

Anonymous said...

LoL .. Just lol. These guys are not in control of the situation. All Currencies will be re-evaluated NOT just the dinar. It might be one of the first but its impcat will not matter. I suspect the guys fronting this are scam artists. I know you are just posting this and do not align yourself with any of this but if you go back a couple of messages and compare you will find their messages have been repeated over and over. The black screens are tied to the global collateral accounts who is managed by the trilenium tripartate gold comission. The jokers are taking everyone for a ride.