Friday, June 15, 2012

Elites Admit Violent Revolution Imminent - The American Empire is Finished! -vid

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Elites Admit Violent Revolution Imminent - The American Empire is Finished! -vid
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 15-Jun-2012 11:50:07

Elites Admit Violent Revolution Imminent: NWO Conference Part 2
TrutherGirl Sonia and Ken Fernandaz (who is a journalist and holds two law degrees) return to the 18th International Economic Forum of the Americas and find the discourse very different from the previous day's sessions. Today, the bankers and CEOs admit that the present model of globalization (imperialism) is not working, and that if things don't improve, violent revolution may be unavoidable.
I have to commend Mr Ketan Patel, Pres and CEO of Greater Pacific Capital, for his courage to be so honest about the current situation, to give credit to the level of awareness of the general public and to suggest that a complete overhaul of the system is needed- one in which the deck is not stacked in favor only of the elites. I don't know how his vision for 'Globalizatiion 2.0' would pan out, but at least he was willing to admit the current game plan (which looks to me like what the Rockefeller Institute once called 'Lock Step') is sure to end in disaster for the elites as well as the rest of us.
Here is Part 1:
TrutherGirl Infiltrates NWO Conference!
Special Report! TrutherGirl Sonia successfully infiltrates this year's NWO conference with subversive journalist Ken Fernandez and brings you a full report on what Elites such as banker and Bilderbergers have been discussing. Although the tickets are very expensive, which makes the event inaccessible to most of the public, to their credit they offer special deals for students, and are open to the media and generous with them, and encourage even difficult questions from journalists.
The 18th International Economic Forum of the Americas


siriusvoid said...

Chaos magic...
Cognitive dissonance + Hegelian Dialectic
Soft porn

Sympathising with Greenspan's standard disclaimer?
- 'Even we experts are often wrong'
- 'How could anyone have predicted?'
If he was giving testimony, the famous 'I don't recall' would have been trotted out to perform...
I feel used.

Anonymous said...

I'm a little fuzzy on these folks that are called "Elites". They are called "Elite" because they are really smart? Well, if this is their demonstration of smart I think I'll just stay "Not so smart". From all appearances these "Elites" couldn't find they fannies with both hands and a 6-man search team.

Anonymous said...

.......part1/3.......source is:*****...(...) The American speaker, Thomas Donohue seemed pretty out of touch with the plight of the middle class.An article on the forum,and the protests related to it:(FOLLOW: Montreal Protests, Quebec Protests, Economic Forum Of The Americas, Forum Of The Americas, Forum Of The Americas Montreal, Forum Of The Americas Protests, Montreal Student Protests, Quebec Student Protests, Canada Business News.) at: ****** *********
The18thInternationalEconomicForum of the Americas,-Palm Beach-Montreal-Toronto, **** Montreal,the War on Terrorism and the untold story of 9/11. Ken Fernandez is a Canadian nationalist who has become an activist in the 9/11 Truth movement,and the Canadian Action Party (CAP).... 2009.... *******About /À propos de/The Truther Girls: Sonia and her friends, bring you news,social commentary,information on vaccines,food,and Big Pharma,and a generous dose of humour.To see/post channel comments,on the new interface,go to feed.Please also visit my blog,radio show, website,and chat room,for more of The Truther Girls.Click on the banner or on the links below, to connect with all my stuff :,Live Radio Thursdays 2pm EST,Radio show archives,Chat room,
Facebook, FROM: ..(for More)..******* Blogroll: American Freedom Radio,Before It's News,Better Living Resources,Black Listed News,BP Oil Slick Blog,Canadian Biotechnology Action Network, Cryptome,David Icke, Dprogram, Freedom Slips,Healing Cancer Naturally,Illuminati News,Infowars, Mental Heath Abuse,Morgellons Research Foundation, MORPHcity,,Steve Quayle,The 3 Report,The Intel Hub,The Truther Girls Vlog,The Truther Girls Website,Truth News Australia,Vibrational Health Blog,What Does It Mean, Wikileaks, .. ...for more....********** Natasha and I interviewed Rick Simpson on‘The Truther Girls’ radio show,on Thurs. May 17,2012 from 2:00-3:00 pm EST. Please join us and feel free to send us your questions via the chat room,or to call in to talk. Listen live to our show from 2:00-4:00 pm EST at ..Chat: ..
Archive: Call-in: 218-339-8525 ...Second hour, Natash and I did News and Commentary. from:****

Anonymous said...

.........part2....Rick Simpson: Cannabis Cures Cancer! Posted on May 16, 2012. When Rick Simpson accidentally discovered that hemp oil cured his skin cancer, he ran to his doctor,to enthusiastically share his discovery. Instead of being thrilled at the news, his doctor basically stuck his fingers in his ears,and said he wanted nothing to do with this. Perplexed but undeterred, Rick went on to share his discovery with many people, and the results confirmed that cannabis does, indeed, cure cancer. For his good works, Rick has been relentlessly persecuted and has been forced to flee from Canada, currently taking refuge in the Czech Republic. Despite the authorities’ best efforts to ruin him, Rick continues in his work, teaching people how to make and use hemp oil to cure cancer, and treat many other ‘incurable’ diseases. Please visit Rick’s website for more information. In his own words, Rick explains: “My name is Rick Simpson. I have been providing people with instructions on how to make Hemp Oil medicines, for about 8 years. The results have been nothing short of amazing. Throughout man’s history, hemp has always been known as the most medicinal plant in the world. Even with this knowledge, hemp has always been used as a political and religious football. The current restrictions against hemp, were put in place and maintained, not because hemp is evil or harmful, but for big money to make more big money, while we suffer and die needlessly. Look at a proposal such as this; if we were allowed to grow hemp in our back yards and cure our own illnesses, what do you think the reaction of the pharmaceutical industry, would be to such a plan? Many large pharmaceutical companies that still exist today, sold hemp based medicines in the 1800′s and early 1900′s. They knew then, what I have recently found out. Hemp oil if produced properly, is a cure-all, that the pharmaceutical industry can’t patent. Two years a go I contacted the Liberals, the Conservatives and the New Democratic Party, about this situation. I also provided them with evidence to backup what I was saying. No one lifted a finger, in most cases I was lucky to get a reply. I contacted the R.C.M.P. along with many other organizations and Public Interest TV shows, with little or no response. Why are all these people trying to avoid such a simple truth? If I am in some way wrong in what I have been saying, then I invite the system to come and prove it. I would be happy to put on a public demonstration of what this oil can do. That would answer this question, for the Canadian public, once and for all. It seems unbelievable that we have a law in Canada, that will not allow us to cure our own diseases with a natural herbal remedy.“ To learn more about cannabis oil, please watch the documentary ‘Run From the Cure’ ...58min...******
Please also see the trailer, for the upcoming film ‘Crazy: A Phoenix Tears Story’ ..12:13min...

Anonymous said...

...part3......Miami Cannibal: Mind Control Slave? 5 844 views. Published 2012-06-08 by thetruthergirls. I thought it was the bath salts,but my viewers made me realize this is probably a diversion.While it could be possible Rudy Eugene was on drugs,or more likely had been drugged by someone else,it is also possible that he was a mind control slave gone berserk.Sounds far out? It's not and I'll tell you why. UPDATE! june 8: PILLS found in Eugene's stomach. No evidence of use of bath salts. *******(Pills? Pharmaceu-ticals?How much do you want to bet,if it turns out he went nuts on antidepressants,no thing will be done to ban them?)**********Mind Control by Hypnosis, Derren Brown: The Assassin:**The Black Awakening: Rise of the SatanicSupersoldier:*******Swedish twins run into traffic, exhibit superhuman strength. (twins were a favorite of both Nazi and CIA mind control experiments)** FROM:********** ...for more....///////// Welcome to The Truther Girls' Website. If you are not a paranoid nut,when you arrive,you will be,by the time you leave,or we'll give you your worthless fiat money back!This website is the result of a project launched by me,Truther Girl Sonia, in 2009,and was formerly known as 'Natural Baby' and most topics discussed here pertain to child care. However,The Truther Girls like to wade into current affairs,corruption,corporatism and conspiracy topics, as well so please check out The Truther Girls Youtube channel,for lots of informative and entertaining videos ...(...)When I had my son, I did everything 'by the book'- the popular book on childcare that I bought at the pharmacy, that is.But as time went on, I found that a lot of things we take for granted, are not necessarily what they seem.So I started to explore various alternative parenting topics,and found,to my great amazement,that formula is not a safe alterative to mother's milk,vaccinations are not as 'safe and effective' as Big Pharma would have us believe,and babies don't even necessarily need diapers.I was, of course very skeptical at first.How could it be, that everything I ad always assume to be true,wasn't necessarily true at all?By the time I had dug into these topics to a depth necessary to get some decent information,my son had already had his formula,vaccinations,and diapers,but I decided that it would be worth it to share with others,what I had discovered. ....(....)from: ...for more...

Anonymous said...

Elites just scammed money in grotesque amounts.
Research the federal reserve, masons, and mafia.
They have control over media, so the public has been blinded.

Anonymous said...

My Son whom was diagnosed with Leukemia cancer has just been cured with Rick Simpson cannabis oil after 4 months of treatment with his Cannabis oil medication. So much thanks to Rick Simpson cannabis oil that we bought at:, the Hemp oil was successfully used in curing my Son Leukemia cancer within 4 months as stated in instructions My Son is now a living witness and am testify to the greatness of natural remedies to cure cancer. All hope is never lost now that you have Rick Simpson involve and not the big Pharmaceutical anymore.
Unquenchable appreciation and gratitude from my family is going to Rick Simpson for his wonderful Hemp Oil that saved my Son from dying of Leukemia cancer.
Thanks and stop cancer with Rick Simpson Cannabis oil and also inform your love ones about this great opportunity of peace from cancer.
you can contact for your medication at:
Rick Simpson Cannabis oil gave my family and friends Freedom over Cancer.
Benedict George