Monday, June 18, 2012

Health - Two Keys To Beating Most Cancers

Two Keys To Beating Most Cancers
I spoke at a health conference in Chicago last weekend, and would like to say a special hello to Ron, Shirley, Mai and all of my readers who came by to talk to me--it was so nice to see you face to face!
After my presentation, a young lady who looked barely 20 years old approached me and asked if a person had cancer, what would be the best steps for them to take to help beat it.
I thought she was talking about a friend or family member...then when I saw the tears and seriousness in her eyes, I realized she was talking about herself.
After I swallowed the lump in my throat, this is what I told her:
The creation of cancer
Your body is made of about 100 trillion cells and every one of them contains your unique DNA--in other words, your genes.
All of your cells go through a life cycle. Your DNA replicates itself over and over so that your body can create new cells wherever they're needed.
The other half of the cell life cycle is cell death (called apoptosis). Old, damaged cells die off and are eliminated from your body.

Having a proper balance of cell replication and cell death helps ensure that your cells (and you!) are healthy and functional.
But cancer occurs when this crucial balance of cell birth and cell death is disrupted. In other words, cancer is unusual cell growth and division and/or an inability to carry out apoptosis (cell death).
With cancer, the DNA becomes damaged in one or more of your cells. When this happens, it starts to behave erratically and multiply itself WAAAY too quickly...until it eventually forms a tumor.
During this time not only does the tumor invade the surrounding tissues, but cell death also slows down, which gives the green light for the tumor to continue to grow even more.
The right environment
Now, damaged DNA is only half of the cancer formula.
The other half is that cancer also needs the perfect environment to thrive.
That environment is a body which:
1- Is acidic and/or loaded with toxins and
2- Has a weak immune system

Lab tests have been done repeatedly that prove that cancer cannot exist in a clean, alkaline environment. It fails to thrive! It MUST have an acidic, toxic environment to carry out its evil mission.
Plus, your immune system is designed to destroy cancer cells LONG before they can multiply at the speed of light and become tumors. But it can only do this life-saving job if it's strong and healthy.

Now the crucial question--what can you do?
Having a clean body and a strong immune system are THE most important things you can do to help prevent cancer, or fight it if you've got it.
Here are two very effective measures you can take to achieve this goal:
1) Nourish your body with a healthy, easy to digest food
The National Cancer Institute and the American Cancer Society estimate that at least 30-35% of all cancers are related to a poor diet!
Here's why a good diet has such a profound effect on cancer prevention and treatment:
First off, having a diet comprised of meals that are easy to digest and contain lots of alkaline foods (like fruits and vegetables) can help eliminate built-up toxic wastes in your body.
So you're a much less attractive home to cancer and can make it difficult for it to thrive!
The nutrients in a healthy diet play a big part, too.
Antioxidant vitamins (like Vitamin C and E) and minerals (like selenium) can actually help prevent and repair DNA damage so it never gets a chance to develop into a tumor!
Plus, Vitamins A, D and folate all encourage healthy, proper cell differentiation and growth.
And many of the phytochemicals found in fruits and vegetables have been shown to have anti-carcinogenic properties and are potent antioxidants as well.
The great news is, having this ever-important healthy diet is not only easy, but it tastes good too...
That is, if you follow the Great Taste No Pain health system.
Great Taste No Pain will show you how to create healthful, nutritious meals (featuring many of the anti-cancer nutrients mentioned above) that are not only positively delicious, but are also very easy to digest.
When your digestion is accomplished easily and thoroughly, not only will you be helping to eliminate toxic waste build-up, but you'll also help maximize your body's absorption of vital cancer-fighting nutrients from your foods.
Talk about a win-win!

2) Help strengthen your immune system
A strong immune system is absolutely essential in the fight against cancer.
You see, when your immune cells detect a cell with damaged DNA, they can surround, engulf and destroy it before it has a chance to flourish, and eliminate it from your body.
But if you have a weak immune system, not only are you lacking this crucial cancer protection, but you're also susceptible to every bug and virus around!
Since 70-80% of your immune system lies in the beneficial bacteria in your gut, it's essential to make sure yours are healthy and in the proper balance.
In addition to a healthy diet which feeds your friendly flora, probiotic supplementation can help you achieve this important, possibly life-saving goal.
Super Shield's 13 strains of friendly bacteria are up to the task, ready to line your intestinal walls, help keep your digestion smooth and be on the lookout for "suspicious" cells with damaged DNA.
Learn more about Super Shield and all the ways it can help you here.

Cancer continues to be a very frightening disease, but that doesn't mean you are completely defenseless against it.
When you help encourage your body's natural defenses and make yourself a less attractive home to cancer, you are taking giant steps toward fighting it and keeping it FAR away from you...for good.
To your health,
Sherry Brescia
PS: Vaunseal beat cancer and is helping to make sure it never returns:
It is always so good to hear from you.
I had a bout with breast cancer back in 1999 and I am just so thankful it hasn't come back.
I always take your Super Shield probiotic and follow your Great Taste No Pain books.
Everyone should have this plan because so many of us don't know what foods create acid and what to eat with what for good digestion.
Thanks again.

Got low energy? Brain fog? CRS disease? You just may be low in in just one vitamin. One out of four people are. Read more about this deficiency and how you can help turn that around FAST.
Want the best probiotic on the market today? Then learn why Super Shield outshines all the rest here. 
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A medical-grade fish oil like VitalMega-3 can help fight high cholesterol and triglycerides, as well as keep your joints feeling good, reducing chronic inflammation.
Learn more about VitalMega-3 and all the great things it can do for you here.

Gluten has been linked to hundreds of health problems, including autoimmune diseases. If you are gluten sensitive or have an autoimmune disease, see what avoiding gluten can do for you.  Great Taste No Gluten will make gluten avoidance easy, while giving you 160 of the world's best gluten-free recipes to make you love every bite of your gluten-free life. Learn more about Great Taste No Gluten here.

Want case studies?  Here are a few thousand health turnarounds for you to marvel at.

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Want to read past articles? Here they are.
* Forward this email to the people you care about the most!
(c) copyright 2012 Holistic Blends

Orders: 1-315-295-1236
**The FDA has not evaluated all of these statements. The contents of this email are not to be considered medical advice and are for educational purposes only. If you are experiencing health challenges, always consult your doctor for medical advice and follow it even if it contradicts the contents of this email.**
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Anonymous said...

Dont listen to this crap cancer can be cured with baking soda and water. And with alot of different natural cures that are out there that the fda wont tell u about

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ok, one should alkalinize his body, have proper diet, strengthen the immune system... what about DNA? How we treat the core of the problem from where all started in the first place? Take a look at this link:

Anonymous said...

Don't buy that BS "Tastes Great, No Pain!" That's a load of horse shit. It says you can eat some meats, eggs, and cheeses, you just need 'to eat the right ones'

Well let me tell you, dietary cholesterol whether it is from red meat, white meat, fish, eggs, dairy (raw or pasteurized, organic or non) all contain artery clogging, health dessimating dietary cholesterol. ANY ANIMAL PRODUCT SHOULD NOT BE CONSUMED!!! IT IS DOG FOOD, DO YOUR TEETH LOOK LIKE YOUR DOGS? DO YOU JUMP WITH JOY WHEN YOU FIND A HALF ROTTEN ANIMAL CARCUS IN THE BACKYARD LIKE YOUR DOG DOES? THEN DON'T EAT THAT SH!T!!!!! A steak to or chicken breast is quite simply a rotting animal carcus, just like your dog likes.

Read.... The China Study by. T. Colin Campbell
... Reversing Heart Disease by Dr. Cadwell B. ESSLSTYN.
... 80/10/10 Diet by. Dr. Douglas Graham
Watch... Forks over Knives.
... The Beautiful Truth
... Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead
... Dying to have Known.
... Earthlings. (Will convince you that that steak actually does have pain, a lot of pain im terms of pain experienced from the animal, all other videos will confirm you will have pain too, from any animal product.)

If you say the word protein people associate the word with meat, if you say calcium, dairy. What you don't know is that most people eat far more protein than required. Excess protein can be detrimental to our health and cause diseases such as diabetes and breast cancer. (too much fat will too.) Dairy actually robs your body of calcium as it turns acidic in the body which then forces your body to use calcium reserves to neutralize the acids. That means it leeches calcium from those precious teeth and bones that the dairy industry claims it is helping. Eat plants. There is plenty of protein and fat in all fruits and veggies, in the right form and ratios. You can get enough calories, and nutrients from plants you just have to eat enough of then, several lbs. Of sweet, ripe fruit and a lb of greens.
All those 100precious trillion cells live off of carbs and sugar. The brain runs on glycogen which is made from glucose, sugar, not refinded sugar but fruit sugars. Our mouths have an enzyme in them designed to start the digestion of fruit and carbs as soon as it hits our mouths. Dogs do not, hence why they can eat meat and massive amounts of animal fat without there being a dog obesity epidemic complemented with a doggy diabeties epidemic. Go easy on the oils, nuts and avocados, too much fat from any source is bad.

Einstein was a vegan... he even said something along the lines of, we will never have a civilized society unless we are vegetarian (vegan, no eggs or dairy people.)