Friday, June 15, 2012


George Soros’s Fast & Spurious: Henchman Eric Holder To Protect The Elite By Taking The Fall ~ HOLDER KNEW IN 2009 PROOF!
June 14, 2012 by Volubrjotr 0 Comments

BELLEVUE, WA – -( The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms today released a powerful video call on American citizens to demand full disclosure on the deadly Operation Fast and Furious.

Soros has been actively working to destroy America from the inside out for some years now. People have been warning us. Two years ago Bill O’Reilly said on “The O’Reilly Factor” that “Soros [is] an extremist who wants open borders, a one-world foreign policy, legalized drugs, euthanasia, and on and on. This is off-the-chart dangerous….”

Soros has categorically denied receiving money from drug cartels or any form of criminal activity. The fact remains, however, that at least some of his financial operations have been based offshore, in banking and financial centers that are widely reported to be considered conducive to money-laundering.  The Soros fund is based in the Netherlands Antilles, a self-governing federation of five Caribbean islands. A CIA factbook describes the region as “a transshipment point for South American drugs bound for the US and Europe; money-laundering center.”
Soros reportedly purchased a major stake in one of Colombia’s biggest banks, at a time when the Drug Enforcement Administration, in its study, “Colombian Economic Reform: The Impact on Drug Money Laundering within the Colombian Economy,”  was documenting how major drug kingpins were taking advantage of the liberalization of the economy to put illicit drug revenue into legitimate businesses. The report stated: “U.S. and Colombian Government authorities have evidence of drug proceeds being deposited in every major bank in Colombia… A Colombian source indicated that many banks and businesses are owned covertly by principal members of the Cali cartel.”
In late 2006, Soros bought about 2 million shares of Halliburton—Dick Cheney’s old stomping grounds.
His complex web of financial interests, companies and foundations makes Halliburton look like a Mom & Pop operation.

Soros is a partner in the Carlyle Group where he has invested more than 100 million dollars. According to an article by “The Baltimore Chronicle’s” Alice Cherbonnier, the Carlye Group is run by “a veritable who’s who of former Republican leaders,” from CIA man Frank Carlucci, to CIA head [and ex-President] George Bush, Sr.

When the Democrats and Republicans held their conventions in 2000, Soros held Shadow Party conventions in the same cities, at the same time.. RINO Subversive Senator John McCain was the keynote speaker at the “Soros Convention” (so labelled by the late Robert Novak) in Philadelphia.
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The 1-minute video message asks viewers to imagine their child grew up to be a Border Patrol agent who was gunned down in the line of duty, and then imagine learning that the federal government had supplied the guns to Mexican drug cartel killers.
Then comes an image of Attorney General Eric Holder, being sworn in to testify before Congress, with the caption “I knew nothing.”
CCRKBA released the video coincidentally just hours after Congressman Darrell Issa, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, announced that next Wednesday, the committee will vote on whether to hold Holder in contempt. Holder has been reluctant to provide tens of thousands of documents relating to the investigation of Operation Fast and Furious, even after they were subpoenaed last October.
“What’s happened with Operation Fast and Furious is a travesty,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. “I wanted our message to be powerful, so that viewers understand who is claiming ignorance on this, and why the investigation has been dragging on so long.
“I’m delighted that Chairman Issa will bring the contempt citation up for a vote next week,” he continued, “but I want the public to hold Congress’ feet to the fire. We deserve to know who is responsible for Fast and Furious, and they deserve to be held accountable.
“Eric Holder needs to come clean and provide every bit of evidence to the Oversight Committee,” Gottlieb stated. “The notion that he can continue stonewalling Congress on this scandal, perhaps hoping it will fade from public attention after the election must be stopped.
“People have been killed because of this inept operation,” he concluded. “Border Patrol agent Brian Terry’s family deserves answers, and we need to make some examples so that this kind of thing never happens again. Our promotional video will keep this issue in the public eye until we get to the bottom of this case.”
With more than 650,000 members and supporters nationwide, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is one of the nation’s premier gun rights organizations. As a non-profit organization, the Citizens Committee is dedicated to preserving firearms freedoms through active lobbying of elected officials and facilitating grass-roots organization of gun rights activists in local communities throughout the United States. The Citizens Committee can be reached by phone at (425) 454-4911, on the Internet at or by email to

Richard Poe writes, “Soros’ private philanthropy, totaling nearly $5 billion, continues undermining America’s traditional Western values. His giving has provided funding of abortion rights, atheism, drug legalization, sex education, euthanasia, feminism, gun control, globalization, mass immigration, gay marriage and other radical experiments.


Anonymous said...

Now, let's just see what will be done about this.

Anonymous said...

So the 100+ years of the cabal and their treasonous acts, 911 and the millions of lives and livelihoods lost, have trickled down to focus on Eric Holder his 3 years of whatever while in office - compared to the bushes and shrubs and rothchild rockefeller romner et al & all else who have ruined the planet ... figures.. it all boils down to black or white in the end ..L O L

Anonymous said...

I believe I see why it is that this is important. Holder is just a tool, but if we can get to him, then the trail of breadcrumbs will lead directly to his handlers. One by one, the house of cards falls. You take down The Beast by chopping it apart piece by piece. And please don't turn this into a RACE ISSUE. This has nothing to do with race. These people are all colluding together to form a one world fascist dictatorship. They ALL need to be adjudicated. These people are criminals masquerading as 'world leaders'. I don't care what the hell the color of their skin happens to be.

Anonymous said...

All facts, as they really are, must be taken into account: usually you have even the worst people adding something good and the good people adding something bad into the mix.

To sort out the mess everywhere, we have to have the discipline to hear everyone and look into all the facts and what they mean -- overall. A predisposition to being positive and examining things in that light, will enable a person to look thoroughly and not stop at the first bad sign, which might be interpreted different ways, and will ensure that if a person really intended ill,would reveal how much, how much of a risk it is. That's why a positive personality must be understood to be a thorough, productive personality -- as opposed to a naive, feel good-no-matter-whatperson. When we clear up our terms, we can clear up our processes.
Folks who are too negative jump on the first bad sign and short circuit the full resolution
of issues -- and prevent everyone from getting clear on terms and clearing up processes.

Not attacking anyone here, just helping folks to understand that the fullest understanding has to be employed to clear up a problem fully.

Anonymous said...

(Continued from previous about processess to create fuller knowledge and resolution. . . )

It is critical for people to get clear about what attitudes, terms, and processes to employ:
then we can have a cooperative team working toward wise goals which do no harm to anyone else or
deprive them of their inalienable rights.

A look at some past realities and applying a new understanding of them to create better decision making in the future in order to have the best resolution where, especially serious, crimes have taken place: The very bad guy George Bush asked the very bad guy Saddam if he had weapons and ordered an inspection of the situation: I found it incredible that most folks were concerned about whether the first bad guy was being honest with the second bad guy and was not being "truthful" with him. Saddam was a heinous person and the many people he harmed in his own country do not miss him; he was put into a double bind where he could not comply or answer the question because it would have undermined he position of strength all around him ( where strength is thought to be the ability to war successfully) so, he -had- to refuse and not cooperate, because he was compromised either way. That helped to end his rule and the torture of so many people...

Where truth is concerned, Im not suggested everyone just go "hiding behind the Bushes". . . I'm saying that --sometimes-- the bad guy is doing the right thing where another bad guy is concerned to the benefit of all.
What the long national debate about whether or not Bush lied pointed out is that people need to get clear on what Truth is -- which matters most and protects all -- versus what actual facts are -- and the two are not the same. Getting clear on these terms, I really know, will help people make better decisions and fight a lot less: Truth is not about actual facts or preferences --alone,which may be debated, distorted, etc -- as it is about knowing if those facts were intended to be -fair to all truly caring individuals involved who were innocent, and if they were for the purpose of protecting the safety of the public at large and the planet. Truth is really a law which protects all of mankind -- because it is concerned with equality, or equity, as courts of law are (or are supposed to be and were founded to be. Where was everyone's rights protected: and I'm not talking about caring whether someone who tortured many people as an insane dictator would was always told actual facts, if that would keep him abusing the equal rights of others. Where we have many witnesses, videos; in other words, lots of proof that someone is a murderer, do we have to be more concerned about his rights -- as opposed to protecting the rights of all the people he might harm? I can't believe how myopic people -- even women reporters were over whether Bush was "fair" with Hussein, whose family abducted and tortured many women. . .Yipes!!

People who cause a great deal of harm, say: "There's no such thing as Truth, there are only my preferences and your preferences and I have the right to do as I please as a sovereign human being" The Truth --does exist-- however, and is a law, not preferences or facts that change; and it exists to protect everyone, as we are all sovereign beings and we have to be responsible with eachother's safety. There is an incredible amount of freedom of enjoyable action in there: it isn't true that laws are bad; this one law, which protects the entire universe cannot be ignored. We have what we have, because it was. . .

Anonymous said...

Yes, where you have confusion of terms and ideas among so many people -- even courts of law become less about Truth, which protects -- and more about private, distorted, un-safe -- interests. The same is true of all reviewing committees. . .

Not intending to preach nor attack anyone; just have been around the block and know where the disconnects are concerning the processes and the beliefs; and we are working toward a peaceful, abundant, free world aren't we?
Just one more thing here: the public, too, has been distorted with half facts (truth is not facts, facts may point to whether truth was present or not) as being simply disagreable, not proactive enough: the reality is that most people are working too much, or working to find work (an impossible task for the majority in reality these days) and sitting in traffic, come home and have time to eat and sleep: it is not because they are not deserving that we have the system we have: it is because the people need to have the wealth that was routed away from them returned to them. It is also not possible for a system of limited commodities to provide abundance to all, because it cannot by definition: it has us raping the earth for resources, tying one to another and depriving the people of their wealth; wealth which gives them the time to get knowledgeable and prevent bad business practices, and contribute more to society. What we actually have, is people, who have had all their wealth taken from them, misrepresented as not wanting to contribute when they need the wealth which provides the time -- in order to contribute. The wealth was taken from the people and it needs to be given back; then you won't have so many criminals doing desparate things to make a buck. The very bad system makes some people more agressive; if they still can find no other way, and no one can relate, or stop them, they contribute more and more crime. This all stems -- largely -- out of an unfair system in which one person was thought to be an expert and said that the masses cannot be trusted and so, we can't figure out good systems and rewards for people who are given wealth to contribute wisely. That just isn't so, and where everyone's safety and best interests are concerned, it isn't truthful.
We need more accuracy, more open mindedness, better terms to describe important realities and
better systems, including a generosity to the public where purchasing power and funding is concerned: everyone needs the time and other resources to figure out what to get rid of and what will protect the planet. Here again, say what you will, but the bad guy Federal reserve folks were right to just print up what they wanted in order to fund growth -- on the level that, there is no way for limited commodities to fund great growth; they simply benefited their friends, as opposed to all the rest of us; that's where all the bad guys go wrong. . . the internet would prove that everyone has more friends than enemies and we ought to get the right generous funding to all and clear up the terms and the systems, so everyone can win, with responsibility toward all human needs and the earth's actual resources. ( A good reason to employ the gold in technology or jewelry;-) rather than have it sit somewhere and make someone or some nation a target for theft.)

The Truth will set us Free!! ;-)