Monday, June 4, 2012

Just Thinking...........

Hi John,
i have been doing some thinking and have a theory...


Just Thinking........... 

Years ago, while I was studying Logic at University, I said to my prof... "Sometimes it is more logical to be illogical than logical" Some folks will need to think about this for awhile before they see what I just said... Sometimes you have to look deep into the trees to see what is standing in the forest...

This morning, while I was looking out the window and saw the sun rising, the sky was beautiful crystal blue and no clouds were present.... I was elated at the thought that maybe, just maybe, there won't be any cockroach spray sprayed on us today...  One hour later there was dozens of planes bombing us with silent ordinances.... I call it SKY PUKE.... I wish we, as usa citizens, could declare war on these planes and have them removed.... The damage they are doing to us, our children, the critters of the world, the plant life, water, etc is ridiculous.... No, on second thought, more like CRIMINAL.

My mind went from those thoughts to this.....

We have been following the illogical ideas of the 'Gurus' for quite some time now. Their messages could be put on repeat from day to day, week to week, month to month and so on...

Their theme song could be 'Tomorrow' .... always a day away....

Just thinking, for discussion sake,  what I am about to say is not cast in stone but meant to be a  logical  possibility of what could be happening other than the daily "keep them quiet" diatribe. ..... A look deep into the forrest so to speak....

Do you suppose that the cabal is using the INFO folk like Ben Fulford, David Wilcock, Alex Jones, Drake and others (WITHOUT THEIR KNOWLEDGE) to keep us all happy and cheery while they prepare to round us up?  ...  This appears to be exactly what they are doing with the 'GURUS'.... These folks may be well intentioned and may not even consider they are being used. Their intel is sometimes kind of right but usually never, as of yet, has not produced any positive results...

The elitists have once said "If you want to win, control both sides"

I would love to hear your comments and ideas based on what we are seeing happening deep in the forrest...


ymp135 said...

Many of us have had this same thought... It is a very real possibility. Sad but true.ymp135

Anonymous said...

good stuff,especially Drake for disinfo.

Anonymous said...

Yes, this is exactly what is happening!!!!

Anonymous said...

There are various lawsuits regarding chemtrails going on right now - instead of listening to others talk about tomorrow - get involved today.

Start a petition in your area - get signatures and contact law offices in your area that will take case for settlement. Research, compile proof - factual non emotional proof ... and fight for your rights!!!

Google, chemtrail lawsuits --- inspire!

Anonymous said...

My opinion only.
It matters not whether anyone controls both sides.
The People, the ones who say they want to be free, have done nothing, nothing to get out of the system that oppresses them.

I look and there are still posts complaining about O and Eric. Then I step outside the box as if I am not part of the system and realize if I'm not in the system, what they do has nothing to do with me.

I look at posts about stock markets falling and people losing their life savings. Then I step outside the box and I know that people have known the market goes up and it goes down and that they are taking a chance (okay I'll say it) gambling with their future and they are putting their assets into a system that doesn't promise them the returns they load up the accounts to achieve.

I listen to Drake, and the others. I hear what they are saying and I hear some things they are not saying. They can't tell you when something will happen. But people think they have the 'crystal ball' because they want someone, anyone to be their leader.

If they knew...really knew when something was going to happen, they are a danger and so are the people they associate with. To effect change that greatly by their words and to have the power behind them such that when they speak 'as it is spoken, so shall it be done', would be power greater than any recognized leader of the world.

We all know leaders say things and then they have to wait for the ones who listened to them to implement the changes. If the ones beneath them don't take action the changes will not occur.

What would be surprising is if people find out that by still being a part of the system, yes, they knock on your door and ask you a few questions, and you answer appropriately and they remove you, (their perceived property) to a location where they can continue to govern you, and the people who are truly free...the ones who trekked over here across some border, or who were born here but not naturalized, or who got out of the system and has no part in it so is not speaking negatively about it because they aren't affected by the rules, laws, statutes, and provisions, they end up being the 500,000 who were truly awake and got out of the system and have free reign access to the land and it's resources.

That's what I think. I think in some weird way, all that are trekking to the same conclusions and buying guns to prepare for a fight, are the ones that may get the visit and the re-education.

The enemy is you, if you can see an enemy in someone you don't know or based on something you read from someone you never met.

I have no opinion of O nor Eric. I've seen glimpses of what a system can do when it gets upset that someone doesn't play by their rules.

There is murder, character defamation, lifestyles ruined, court cases, detention, oppression, etc.

It's not easy being in the system, and it's hard enough to see how being a part of it, you cannot sit inside and complain about the master., but are too afraid to leave, but will purchase a gun to kill anyone that frightened your imagination. They don't take too kindly to an enemy within. And those that belong to them are protected by them even if they have to pick you up and put you somewhere. You best know who you are when the time comes because once you know; they know you know.

Anonymous said...

What we are seeing deep in the forest is scary and we little people cannot do one thing about it. Are these bad boys on a power trip just to see how much control they can have? Our elected officials are not going to help us so where do we go to get away from the torment?

Are they trying to reduce the population? It's a known fact that they want to rid the planet of all the old people. Is it time for us to stop this ride and get off..........Got news for you - we are not going quietly and might just take you with us - you slime bags.................

Patty said...

I have been thinking this exact thing myself for some time now. If you hunt and find where a cabal member was outed when they thought they were speaking amongst themselves, they say the same thing: "There are too many of them to control, but we know that what a person thinks, he creates. So let's control what they think and they will create the world we want." Or something to that effect. Tomorrow never, never, never comes. If you put your belief in what you want coming TOMORROW, you will forever be looking to the future, and telling the universe, I don't have what I need/want TODAY - THUS CREATING MORE OF THE SAME! Yet if you believe what you want will come tomorrow, you will passively sit around waiting, and not do anything about today.

May I share some wisdom wisdom from one very awesome commander:
What do you choose to focus on? What do you conceive in your mind when looking at the future? Psalm 37:37 says: "Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright: for the end of that man is peace." In the context of this scripture, David sees a multitude of wickedness. Yet in the midst of it he looks for that one person, who will do what's right and treat people right; who will live in integrity. In the end this brings him peace. When in the midst of wickedness and immorality, you look for goodness, this will bring you peace. You can always find good in any situation, just as you can always find bad. Which do you seek out and focus on?

Keep your minds on the things of God and don't pay attention to the other side. When you put your focus on what they are doing, you give them your energy. That is energy you withhold from accomplishing God's agenda.

Reality is separating into two realities. It is your choice which one you follow. There is the negative reality, in which all the bad things people are thinking and talking about will manifest, and make no mistake about it, that reality is coming. Yet there is also another reality where God's will, will finally be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. This second reality will be happening simultaneously with the first reality, both taking place on the Earth. Which one you experience is up to you. When you keep on mind on the things of God and praise God in all things, bad can be happening all around you, yet it will not touch you. Like it says in the Psalms, "A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee." (Psalms 91:7)

Further insight reveals that the separation will consist of some people going into the 5th dimension yet also being present in the 3rd dimension, while others remain in the 3rd and are oblivious that some are conscious of the 5th. Going into the 5th dimension is really the ability to perceive the 5th, not a matter of going anywhere. This is the true meaning of the ascension.

Who goes with the positive reality and who goes with the negative one will be determined by where you put your focus.

Anonymous said...

When you look to the heavens, start asking our Creator - our Star Brothers & Sisters - the Angels - for their DIVINE INTERVENTION, for we have "free-will" and they CAN NOT assist any of us without our permission!

Re. the cabal and the intel guys that you have listed - they have been researching them for decades and if you "really listen" - they ARE NOT ALWAYS saying, "all is good in the neighborhood" but instead have been SCREAMING TO PEOPLE TO WAKE UP!!!

How many people still do not believe that that the USA is being run by the "private" Federal Reserve and that the USA is a USA, INC. and not a sovereign country? START THERE....and educate your neighbor!

The elitists have openly controlled both sides for over 100 years: the media and the political process!

The intel guru's, ie. the alternative media have been "attempting" to give the people in the USA as well as around the world the truth for "decades" but still the majority of people still do not believe in what they are saying!

WHY? Because the truth seems unbelievable! The truth sounds like one long twisted conspiracy theory broken into sit-coms for our entertainment!

THE SAD TRUTH IS - the truth is buried in between the lies being sold to us daily by the media and our secretive government while being spread by the cabal like manure.

Instead of spending your time thinking about the fear mongers and their pathetic end game, FOCUS YOUR ATTENTION on getting the truth out to your neighbors! GATHER YOUR COMMUNITY!

TAKE YOUR MONEY and put it into your local credit unions; remove your money from the hands of the criminals!

I read recently about an idea to STOP PAYING ALL CREDIT CARDS DURING THE MONTH OF JUNE! I say why not! PLAY THEIR GAME - hurt them where it counts!

TAKE YOUR MONEY and buy silver with the money you were going to pay the criminal banksters for the month of JUNE! TELL EVERYONE THAT YOU KNOW TO DO THE SAME!

TWO CAN PLAY THE GAME - and when MILLIONS JOIN THE GOOD GUYS - it will mean, "GAME OVER" and the world will be free!

In the deep forest, there are also many inter-dimensional beings who are of the light and want nothing more than peace on earth co-created!

1. STOP PAYING THE CRIMINALS the month of JUNE; DO NOT PAY ANY OF YOUR CREDIT CARDS so that we can begin a new era in peace and
4. GIVE GRATITUDE for the removal of all evil elitists/cabal from Mother Earth/Gaia
5. SHARE THIS MESSAGE WITH 10 people that you know and start a chain reaction of good-will towards all!

Anonymous said...

YES! I have had the very same thought! I must admit, I don't want to believe this theory,however,for obvious reasons. It's always,have you ever seen the sign hanging or posted behind the local bar>>>"FREE BEER TOMORROW" Well,as the saying goes,tomorrow never comes,because it turns into today,but hey, It's free beer tomorrow! God, help us all!

Anonymous said...

As each day goes by without any results i believe we are seeing RAP part Deaux and Drake seems to be using the same playbook as Tim Turner---as the wise native American said about the white man and all the promises "Heap big wind-no rain". So here we go again only this time instead of getting 3 million tons of gold we're going to see "mass arrests" etc, etc, etc---we're supposed to take all of this at face value just like TT---i can't think of one thing that he said that ever came to pass. Just call me "running out of patience" and/or "once bitten-twice shy".

Anonymous said...

Anybody with a rational mind HAS TO consider these 'gurus,' Fullfords, Drakes and even MacHaffies as plants or misinformation purveyors. Nothing personal, John. The single redeeming feature of us being lied to nearly ALL the time is we HAVE TO distrust EVERYBODY to some degree. No exceptions outside of god. The dinar gurus have sure proven how wrong you can be, as in every date it's 'gonna happen' goes bye-bye. No RV yet. In fact, I have yet to see any proof of anything besides business as usual, no arrests, no RV, no 'Galactics' from whatever planet at my door, and no naked pictures of Christina Ricci. I've got no real evidence that this whole pack of freedom stuff is more than wishful thinking! Yet, hopeful I remain, watching time pass by, knowing someone will eventually be right, or I will commit suicide by FEMA camp gestapo when they try to round me up for the 'showers.' The world must be made of mostly good people, or it would have been emptied of human life a long time ago. Come on, Galactics ! Get your posteriors down here and do some clean up, feed every hungry child, and remove the human garbage. We give you permission! I ain't getting any younger!
I still say a church steeple with a lightning rod is lack of confidence. frj

Anonymous said...

I'll not be so generous. Last Wednesday I listened to the Drake call. Until Minuteman started on the vertues of "diversity". History shows that every country that allowed it parished. It is clearly killing Europe as we speak. And here. There is not a true patriot that is not ready to cure diversity with a dose fast acting sumleadfrual. This is especially true for the open borders. Drake is just as guilty as Minuteman because he did not shut Minuteman up and get him out of there immediately and permanately. "(WITHOUT THEIR KNOWLEDGE)" Right... These guys are no more patriots than the man in the moon.

Anonymous said...

Why does everyone overlook the simplest solution? Why does everyone keep funding their own slavery? Stop paying the monster and the monster will die. The very survival of the monster depends on you. You have the ability to kill the monster by cutting off its supply. Everyone keeps waiting for the military or the Tim Turners or the Drakes to do something, when the solution is so simple. If you want to be free, stop paying the slavemaster.Do you think they can forclose on everyone at the same time? You are in this slave system by your own consent. Get out. Stop feeding the monster. Are you afraid your lifestyle will have to change? If you continue to feed the monster, your lifestyle will definately change. If only 10% stopped feeding the monster it would have a major effect and the solution would begin to snowball.
You have been scammed all your life by the fiat money system, thinking you have borrowed money when you have borrowed nothing. You create the funds every time you put your signature on a note, then you are made to think that you borrowed money, when in fact you created the funds that you now are paying back. So why do you continue to pay them back? Why do you continue to pay taxes to the monster? Stop feeding the monster and it will die, AND YOU WILL BE FREE.

Anonymous said...

Great response.
I always wondered 'why 144,000' (yes, there was a multitude of which could not be numbered), but the point being made is, there are few who are enlightened and awakened than awakened.

Posters here seem to think because they can 'see' what's going on; they are awake. Then they think it's their duty to wake someone else up and make them see.

You don't do that, it's a trespass.

They think they get to decide who comes and who goes from this piece of land that we all state is claimed by a corporation.

They have this allegiance to land claimed by a corporation and declared a fellow life as an enemy from not being born of this 'piece' on earth.

Yet they say they are awake.

They totally ignore what role they play in the 'evil' that exists. The role is massive. Just by wanting 'Evil' to go away, makes you have to experience it. That's how big a role you play. Whatever you resist you draw to you to experience.

Yet people still resist, and as a collective they experience it over and over and over. You don't have to 'believe' in anything, but some messages in some things just ring true.

The path to freedom is unconditional love, I didn't say rollover and be mistreated, but when you find yourself in such situations, you'd be amazed how not participating and not being angry at the one creating the problem breaks the entire situation apart on our level, cosmic and universal levels.

People want ascension because they are awake. Ascension is internal. Work on you.

The world I see is totally different from what these posters see. Mine is peaceful and prosperous. I wonder if the internet connects the multiple experiences in certain ways.

I have friends who watch their employers lay off and fire workers all around them, yet they hold a job. They have learned to not participate in the energies produced by activities.

They have learned to not draw to them to experience things by not choosing which side is good or bad. (they do not plant that seed).

Right now most of you are participating in election process. Electing your next God? You enslave yourselves and want a Galactic to free you. It's laughable. Really.

I told someone once, that they keep digging a hole for their self and jumping in and wanting someone to pray for them or rescue them, and when someone takes notice and helps them get out of the hole, they turn around and jump right back in and again needing rescuing. At some point, they will have to see what role they play in being in the hole and at some point the rescuers become enablers of the behavior because they give attention whenever that One is in the hole needing rescuing.

Should they turn their back, the one who jumped into the hole will figure they gave up on him so why should he continue with his life, rather than save him self.

This blog is full of awake complainers, haters, and Ones who jump in holes they dug for themselves but want someone else to rescue them from, and the funny thing is, I'm talking to many who don't think I'm talking about them.

Why, because they never analyzed their self and the role they play in Our Creation.

Marie said...

Drake has actually SAID that all the ILLEGALS in this country should remain. The propaganda media has touted 12 million of them for decades. The fact is there are closer to 100 million of them, 2% picking crops and 53% on welfare and food stamps, getting $20K back on their income taxes IF they file while claiming children still in Mexico. They don't have to claim homes and lands in Mexico for food stamps -- who is going to check??? And this year more non-Americans will be born in this country than Americans. Yes, "diversity" with Muslims and others has ruined some European countries, and we in the U.S. are threatened with Sharia law every day, where a man can beat and murder his wife, no problem. THAT is NOT what this country was founded on. ENOUGH!

Jane Doe said...


1. For 15 years now, Why hasn't the U.S. military SHOT DOWN any of the chemtrail planes dispersing chemicals over every American city on a DAILY basis?

Are those military contracts like Evergreen Air? Are Air Force personnel flying those chemtrail planes?

Isn't the ROLE of the US AIR FORCE supposed to be to protect U.S. skies....and the people? Our taxes pay NORAD and all those OTHER aerial commands to protect our skies. Yet the SPRAYING has continued for 15 long years! What happened to the military's OATHS OF OFFICE to PROTECT and DEFEND the Constitution of the US, its citizens, AND OUR SKIES?

2. Why is the U.S. military (Air Force & others) manning the HAARP stations and causing Hurriane Katrina, the Alabama/Joplin, MO tornados, the Japanese and other tsunamis, and destabilizing earthquake fault lines at home and abroad? Why haven't these facilities and their "murdering operators" been blasted into oblivion BY OUR SO-CALLED MILITARY PROTECTORS? What about their oaths of office to PROTECT and DEFEND the Constitution of the US and its citizens?

3. Add the two ONGOING CRIMES above to the multitude of FALSE FLAGS before and after 911 perpetrated by elements of the military, some of which succeeded. Recently Veterans Today outted ANOTHER false flag plan on Americans, this time nuclear, by the ONI, NSA.

We now have strong reason to believe that the Fukajima earthquake and tidal wave were not a natural event but one engineered to damage Japan and as a “first volley” in a radiation war against the United States.

A second, far more serious attack has been discovered, the agencies involved are the NSA, the British Covert Services, the Royal Navy and the Office of Naval Intelligence.

May 30, 2012
BREAKING - EXCLUSIVE: JAPAN ATTACK, GERMAN TERROR-INTEL GROUP COMPLICIT (Kissinger, Bush, etc will spread intense radiation across the U.S. in June)

"We now have strong reason to believe that the Fukajima earthquake and tidal wave were not a natural event but one engineered to damage Japan and as a “first volley” in a radiation war against the United States."

"A second, far more serious attack has been discovered, the agencies involved are the NSA, the British Covert Services, the Royal Navy and the Office of Naval Intelligence."

"A “repeat performance” is scheduled, one we hope this detailed report will offset. The US, North America in general and Northern Europe will suffer extreme radiation contamination at a level capable of inducing widespread cancers and a drastic reduction in population."

There is a hint in this article that aliens may be behind this NSA/ONI continued effort to DEPOPULATE the US. The directors of those agencies should be arrested, but we have NO DOJ!


Anonymous said...

I've already QUIT paying credit card bills. The economy is going to collapse sooner or later, and we'll all be penniless then anyway. Why support them longer? And most of us don't LIKE supporting HAPLESS HOLDER, BONKERS BERNANKE, or the FEDERAL FIASCO anyway.

Anonymous said...

Ponder this.
Everything you have, everything you own, and every time you open your mouth and speak you are presumed to be 'a person'.
There is no government of the People if there is no people.
Go look at your checkbook, voter registration, driver's license, when you enroll your child in school, even when you talk to someone you don't mind saying 'I'm just a person who is trying to make it.'.

There are contracts, invisible contracts where you placed your 'living signature' on a document that indicated you were a person, and that document is supposed to give anyone viewing it or enforcing it the right to treat you as one.

You go to war and fight and the status they give you is a 'person'. You may be patriotic, but your patriotism is for a business (not the land), and you are presumed to be a patriotic person.

You register to vote for a person and so you are presumed to be like the one you are voting for. Two equals.

Now, question for you. If the world thinks you are a person, how do you let them know you are not?
When you figure out that answer, you are truly awake.

Until then...............they aren't spraying free people, they are spraying 'proud citizens' who are presumed to be persons because they are registered as citizens of the corporation and participate in the corporate elections. No Galactic is going to let you spew words of Ron Paul for President, please come free me from everyone else who is my enemy. No Galactic is going to take a person from the role they are playing as a subordinate to anyone who is not a person.

You are angry at all the illegals, well they are not persons. They have more freedoms and are offered more things because of who they are...yet you get mad that they don't crawl down into the pits of hell and suffer like you.

They are NOT presumed to be persons. They don't have driver's licenses, they are not residents of the US Corporation, they do not register to vote in the corporate elections, they do not get licenses from the corporation to do what they can do freely by just being alive.

So as you spew the 'sheite' about your oppression and want to pass it on to the next guy, and as you get upset that people don't participate in the scam of being a 'person' and you wait on someone to free you, you may find that you've entered yourself into enough contracts and agreements that if you don't free yourself you have you to blame, and you can just stfu on what everyone else should be knowing and doing.

Thus it is said.

I am free; and it matters not what a 'person' who is bound by all their invisible contracts try to tell me about me. Because I know who I AM, and I belong to me.

It just may be that all these activities that are a threat to you, are a blessing for those of us who are free.
Maybe the changes are protecting us and squeezing you for not making up your mind in time.
Maybe you spent too much time hating and didn't learn the 'real' life lesson and you get to have your do-over.

There's more going on here than you think and time is about out.
When you never see any results, realize it was because you came to the wedding unprepared and did not get to go to the celebration.

This is one invitation you can't tail gate into. You either are, are you aren't. And negatives cannot mix with the positives...the wheat and the weeds will be separated. The harvest is a blessing for some and a curse for others and it is by their own mouths that they seal their own fate.

Think the last plague of the pharaoh. He was told the next plague would be uttered from his own mouth, and he had no one to blame for the outcome.

When the exodus happened, some left and some were left behind.

Jane Doe said...

So, the nation of us who had our BIRTH CERTIFICATES stamped US CITIZEN (without our knowledge, of course) means that WE ARE PRISONERS. Is THAT what you are saying, pretending to be SMARTER than the rest of the 310 million people, with your INABILITY to SPEAK OUTRIGHT and beat around the bush? YOUR POMPOSITY MAKES ME SICK! People, please storm the Sec of States offices and declare yourselves SOVEREIGN so we can all join this POMPOUS FOOL who THINKS he will be "left alone".

Anonymous said...

AND THOSE WHO "LEFT" were the CIA and Intel agencies who "CAUSED" the current mess! They have all left the US and are hiding in Costa Rica and South America, some in Europe. THE COWARDS!

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:29 here.

Jane Doe, maybe I am forbidden from 'giving' the answer to anyone.
Jesus spoke in parables...that should be a clue. He could have been 'forbidden' from speaking some truths in the public, as they belonged to Caesar...but in the private he could disclose everything to his private friends, the disciples. The clues are all around you.

Maybe the rule of the land is 'seek and ye ""shall"" find'.

I found it, so can you.

I'm no one's God, nor am I their Creator. Every door opened to me is opened to you. I went looking and gave up a lot of time and hours and made it my life to find out.

It took me searching myself, analyzing myself, and points of mediation where I had introspective points of view.

I don't have all the answers, only the answers for what I was looking for.

Also, it is against Universal Law to interfere with anyone's path.

That being said, if you are aware of the corporation and choose to participate and engage and go along, it's not my responsibility and it can cause me great Karmic effect to jump in and interfere.

If a stove is hot and you choose to touch it a thousand times from a thousand different point. You can, and I have no right to judge your decision.

If I touch it once and decide it's not for me and I don't even want to cook on it, it's my choice and I miss out on some experiences for my decision but I move on to others I would not have experienced if I kept standing there poking on the stove.

I don't mind you having your emotions, but I know for a fact I'm not the cause of your sickness.

If there is a group of people who have a list of people who have joined them in their cause, ie citizens and registered voters, countrymen or whatever, I have no right to step in and tell them to get out of a system they are participating in.

If you know about the birth certificates you know about all the other contracts too. I can't break a birth certificate, I'm not the holder in due course of it.

Get off the sofa and stop being mad because you don't know something. Whatever you desire, that's what you get. That's your power. Believe it or not, is not my problem. If you are getting things you don't desire, you need to check yourself, because it is what you desire whether you are aware of it or not.

Change how you make your desires known and how you manifest them and then new desires will appear.

YOu are who you are waiting on...not me...and if you desire to be sick from what I have disclosed, then so be it, I will NOT interfere with your path. It's NOT my job and I AM NOT your God. I AM of you. I AM equal with you. I AM One with you, but I do not control you.

There's a lot that is not known. The universe is vast. Change your vibrations and the info for that vibration will be accessible to you.

Anonymous said...

Hello Anonymous June 5, 2012 @ 12:29 PM

Outstanding very well articulated summary. You have got to be about one of the first to express the understanding of what the people are truly up against and have absolutely no idea how to come out of what they are in.

You have done some serious work and I am happy to have read you. It is a very grave circumstance that folks find themselves in they know nothing about.

Identity theft has taken place on the people on the grandest of scales unimaginable. They cannot even begin to fathom to what extent their very precious lives have been stolen from them without their knowledge of it ever taking place.

You have a whole bunch of alleged grown adults who are smart alecks out here, that are about to receive the shock equivalent to that of millions of volts to their psyche's.

The incompetence level for society is turned up on high, there are very few sovereign individuals. You do not run across those very often. It is very rare and it requires a sacrifice in order to get to that place of understanding that the people are not prepared for.

The truth will set you free, but first it will definitely upset the holy living crap out of you. You know no-thing, that is true or real, you are dealing with a fiction entity who does not exist, which can only work from the energy of real live people.

In order for that energy to be given from real live people, a fiction ghost who does not exist has to scare the holy living crap out of you in order for you to do it. You just happen to call it your life.

Otherwise, if real live people were operating IN their minds, instead of operating OUT of their minds, they would absolutely not play with a fiction entity. Whatever IT happens to be, is a fiction lie that is totally foreign to a sovereign individual who can stand on his own.

Thank you and peace to you brother, if there is anyway to connect I would be happy at the chance.