Thursday, June 7, 2012


Victory of the Light!


Drake wants "the people" to vote on a proposal as to how the Dark Cabal/Banking Families need to surrender and on what terms.  What is our demands? Options are to have an all-out war of violence in taking out the banking families or should we negotiate with the dark cabal to transition into a peaceful new way of freedom.

Do you (the people) want all-out war?  If so the Civilian Military will be fighting the mercenaries and loyalist of the Dark Cabal/Bankers.  It is estimated that 2/3 of both sides of the fight would be dead or wounded.  Both sides want to transition without war or violence. A proposal needs to be written so that a peaceful transition can occur.
More here:
I will post an official statement from the Resistance Movement about this as soon as I gather intel,  which will be in the next 12 hours or so. 


Unknown said...

I will have to say first and foremost that yes, these guys have perpetuated great acts of inhumane proportions, the old me (and had I not had spiritual guidance from the masters) would be all out for the "eye for an eye" approach. However, that is perpetuating the same back and forth we have always been doing for quite some time now and it is time for everyone to grow up. EVERYONE. So practice forgiveness and even though the violent route would be a much faster resolve (I would assume anyway) I for one would like to work towards a resolve where there is no bloodshed and lessons learned with justice and balance for all.

Anonymous said...


If they surrender they need to be put away so NEVER see or talk to the public again or if not chop their heads off thats one of the things they were planning for us. We get all their money. The rest of the story is they are all bluff right now... we need to tell their merc's to come on our side or they will be skinned alive if caught... Piss on them!!!!! They do not have as many guns as we do and the ex military people I spoke with want a piece of their assssss.............. IF THEY ARE LEFT ALIVE JUST LIKE A CANCER CELL THEY WILL FIND AWAY TO COME BACK..... LOOK HOW LONG IT TOOK THE NAZIS TO COME BACK FROM WW2 ..... 155,000 OF THESE EVIL AHOS SURVIVED.....Give me a gun I will gladly go to rid the world of this evil poison.. What side is Drake on ???? .... I knew from the beginning he was too good to be true..... Dad always said " son if it sounds to good to be true it probably is not true " TIME TO ARM UP!!!!

Anonymous said...

So, you are telling me there is a group of mercenareis and loyalists of the Dark Cabal/Bankers that are independently as powerful as our military? Seriously? To the extent that we will lose 2/3 of our military?

Of course we want peace, the Cabal is the ones pushing for violence. This is a redicioulous post. Now a "vote" is going to be coordinated by Drake to see how to proceed?

Come on now! What is going on here?

Marco said...

I have to agree with Bob Adams on this, if we do what they do, how does that make us better, different and more aware, if we are to learn anything from all this, it should be that it is our love of them that will kill them and so who needs weapons, in the grand scheme of things, if it were not for this criminal elite, how then do we grow to learn and become better if our first response is to shot to kill and ask questions later approach, we have learned a lot as a result of these monsters, not that I condone it, but we must go though the darkness to get to the light.

"It is only by going down into the abyss that we recover the treasures of life. Where you stumble, there lies your treasure. The very cave you are afraid to enter turns out to be the source of what you were looking for"

~Joseph Campbell

Anonymous said...

KILL KILL KILL KILLEM ALL. They destroyed hundreds of millions of lives. They make Stalin and Hitler look like amateurs.

I thought I read somewhere that the mass arrests have started. You don't have to negotiate with someone you have in cuffs. Finish them. Make certain that their families and ancestors know what is in store for them should they decide they want their power back.

uwho said...

Rob I'm all for forgiveness, but I will be a whole lot more forgiving once they are on another planet where they can not cause humanity any harm. I think that is merciful enough.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree, the longer it takes the more time they have to organize. Pick them up already. These beasts were afraid they were going to get picked up at the Nato thing, why didn't they?? That would have been the best opportunity. That's why I don't believe this is real. It's as though they are just buy time for them to organize against us.

Anonymous said...

i say fight to the death. so your telling me our military took out iraq in a week but cant take out a few mercenarys. your a dam liar drake and i would say that to your face you are nothing but a clone along with fulford and wilcocks and the other cia agents.

Anonymous said...

Revenge is not the answer. These people need to come to the light or be taken out of society and rehabilitated. If we demand anything else, we are no different from them. Just my opinion.

Unknown said...

This is where the Justice part comes in ;-)

Anonymous said...

this is how we got into this mess in the first place because you people fell asleep at the wheel and let them sneek in and take over i say no more. this is our planet and these people dont want peace are you kidding me they want us either slaves or dead. so im tired of hearing people say to forgive them. why so they can have another chance to finish the job. im telling you if you forgive these people you will seal our doom as humans on this planet. and thats exactly what they want.

Anonymous said...

First and foremost, why has " Drake" been made the spokesperson for the pentagon instead of someone that can convey the message needed in a more intelligent format? "Drake" comes across as a one man band that can't seem to put two words together. He loses credibility over and over again but yet we are suppose to make an intelligent decision which will affect all of our lives not to mention the lives of future generations based on the information we have been given to this point. People are tired of being manipulated. These people knew that the truth would come out eventually and they haven't gotten where they are today unprepared. Besides, most people are unaware of what has been going on behind the scenes. And if you try to tell them they don't believe you or don't want to hear it. So tell me how those of us that have been trying to find the answers as to how this world really works can make decisions for the rest of the people. Why can't these messages be put forth in an open forum via the main stream media instead of in an arena that the majority of people aren't aware of? Until all are allowed to participate in the decision making process concerning this very grave matter it is my belief that nothing should be done.

Anonymous said...

Revenge is not the issue here.

This message starts with Threats, then they throw in Fear. If you don't do this this will happen. Sound familiar?

If they want surrender, Why Don’t they just Surrender?

Once they surrender, they are not in power anymore,why are we negotiating anything with them ?

The way I see it, they are cornered.

Look at their past actions and total lack of any compassion for any human, they actually think of us as animals with plans to exterminate us, they are not capable of keeping their word in an agreement.

If there was a war, once the war starts it will wake up everyone who is now asleep and these thugs will be hanging from the nearest light Pole.

I think they have more to fear from all out war than we do.

Their best bet is to surrender. END of Story

The rest of the message is a Sales pitch.

The question is:

Anonymous said...

come on people with this posting iknow drake is a fake now. in future talks he states that the cabal is gonna go into fema camps that were meant for us. and he goes on to say how there gonna get everything that they deserve and now he says lets just forgive them. if that isnt cia talking i dont know what is. duncan o finaon was right about drake and fulford they are dis info agents were getting close to the end now so your seeing dis info everywhere becarful listen to everyone but trust no one till they can prove it...

Anonymous said...

anonymous 11.11 this is not about revenge this is about the whole world at stake here. these people of the dark need to be punishised for what they have done to man kind. and if that means going to war to protect all my brothers and sisters than so be it. i would give my life for this country and the human race. 911 was horific and that was done by the dark. how about i take out your family and see how forgiving you are lets test your faith

Anonymous said...

i believe once you cross a certain point your not considered human any more. and the rules change as far as punishment. like 911 is a good point what our government did to those people and familiys were horific you have to be absoletly soleless to do what they did. so in a case like that i believe death would be your punishment period.

Anonymous said...

let me explain something to you once you cross a certain point in your life, i believe you not to be human anymore. in which i believe death is appropiate. and only after you cross a certain point should death be a punishment. and i beliveve this dark cabal to be soulless anybody to do what they have done is not human

DeeJayBump said...

Arrests and Trials for all conscious, willful perpetrators of these crimes against humanity and Galactic War Crimes.

Interim governments to replace the Cabal's bought and paid for lackeys who are removed by the Arrests.

Announce and implement every condition/aspect of NESARA, immediately.

Release the World Global Settlements and Saint Germaine Trust Funds, immediately.

Full Galactic Disclosure.

Anonymous said...

I hate to play self righteousness, this is not a matter of forgiving or not forgiving , there is a war of light and darkness, until the cabals can really surrender, what is negotiation? are we making deal with devil? Ok,Probably we can understand cabals just played out their roles for us to learn lessons on this 3D world , if there is a finale of the show of 3D end time on earth, plays out as Drake suggested, then we are certainly not very good script writers , it's not exciting , there is no victory for the Light ? after whole a lot of channeling massages about mass arrest ? where are they ? where are the legions of Light ? 90% of good military ? Galactic Federation of Light ? ET/ED warriors ? after arrest and trials of their crimes ,then we talk about forgiveness , Right????-V.