Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Obama Job Plan: Make Illegals - Legal

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Obama Job Plan: Make Illegals - Legal
Posted By: RumorMail [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 26-Jun-2012 11:02:05

Obama's Immigration Move: Desperate Times Call For Deception Measures
Friday President Obama gave the most arrogant and close minded speech in the history of the office, and that is quite a feat. During his speech in the Rose Garden he unveiled his plan to grant immunity of deportation to ALL illegal aliens under the age of 30 who have no criminal record.The problem with this is nobody knows what an undocumented person's history is!
With these statements he showed the American people just how much of an amateur he truly is. The utter lack of understanding of the American people and contempt for the laws of this land were on full display.
The president does not have the power to change the laws of this land. Congress and the Senate are the ones that change laws and policy in this country and this move is nothing but the move of a man who considers himself the voice of the American people.
He himself said in his speech that giving work permits to any illegal alien that has broken the laws of this country for a minimum of five years, has not paid taxes for five years, has taken free education for five years from taxpayers, and has taken free healthcare from taxpayers "is the right thing to do."
No Barack, it isn't... and YOU don't get to tell US what the "right thing to do is" WE TELL YOU WHAT THE RIGHT THING TO DO IS via the Congress and Senate.
The voice of the American people has spoken already on the DREAM Act... it was VOTED down... that is how this works.
This is the desperation move of a man who has nothing left to lose. He has lost the support of his base. In the last few weeks the Obama campaign has been forced to run ads begging for the support of his most fervent supporters in the 2008 election.
He ran ads for the African-American community in order to shore up that voting block after nearly four years of forgetting that it existed. Now with this recent announcement he is hoping to gain back the support of the Latino community after spending his entire Presidency claiming to have deported more Latinos than his predecessor.
The administration must think they are pretty clever with this one. They think they are going to simultaneously get the legal American Latino vote and simultaneously bolster the numbers of that voting block by allowing millions of illegal aliens to be in the country during voting time. When you see how hard the left is fighting against voter ID legislation maybe we can begin to connect the dots.
DO NOT BE FOOLED, this is nothing but AMNESTY!
This cannot even be construed as an "ends justifies the means" approach. The means are illegal and the ends are nothing but politically motivated. The only results of this policy are an even more wounded economy, a government with no checks and balances, and a betrayal of all those he "intends" to help. No matter how you look at it, this is deception through and through.
We must show the leaders of this country that they have it all wrong!
They are not there to tell us what to do or to tell us what is best for us. We are not children, we are not subjects... we are free to choose what we want. Politicians are the ones that are not "free" to just do whatever they want! They are there to listen to what we say!
Flood your Representatives offices with email, mail, and phone calls! Tell them that we must not allow one man to decide the laws and policy of an entire nation!
Tell them to STOP AMNESTY NOW!
Defend America,
Alan M. Gottlieb
Chairman, AmeriPAC


Anonymous said...

IMHO the President did the right thing re. illegals who have been here as well as to assist them in the lengthy process of making things legal....

The farmers in California need these people (since Americans find it beneath themselves to do this type of work - for the most part)!

Lets look at the positive side to this for once!

Anonymous said...

OR our government could get off the backs of our farmers so that they can offer a descent salary that wil support a family. The illegals aren't making enough money to survive either. Hence, the high crime rate involving drugs, robberies, etc etc etc

Anonymous said...

This isn't a bad thing at all. Why are people so scared to help out a fellow race? We all live on the same planet right? why not help one another. I hope people get it through they're minds.

These "immigrants" would actually help you're country, why not stop all wars if you don't wanna help others become legal residents then? Too much bucks on the plate?

Anonymous said...

To the above Anons. who think we should give illegals amnesty: Why should anyone be rewarded for an illegal act? Frankly I'm tired of being taxed so that someone else can reap the benefits of my labor. Sounds heartless? No, I contribute to charity, but I like to pick to whom I give my money. I also resent having THOUSANDS of my tax dollars each year to a government who gives those same dollars to the children of ILLEGALS (Did you notice that word???) in the form of free breakfast, free lunch, free books, free dental care, free education, free psychiatric care, free housing, free medicaid, special rates for college tuition, etc., etc., all while my own family members do without all of the above or we have to borrow the money to provide!!! Duh! Are you freaking idiots?? Wake up! Or you on the dole, too? Then we have to pay when they are incarcerated for breaking more laws, like raping and murdering because...guess what? They have no respect for the LAW! Or, just as bad they throw off the balance of power in an election by fraudulently voting for the candidates that will assure them of a continuation of their living standard at my expense and yours, if you are a taxpayer! Furthermore, they aren't here to be AMERICANS! They are here for...Hey! Guess what??? I'll bet you can't answer that! They are here for THE HANDOUTS at your expense and mine. How do I know? I've seen them with the Mexican flags in our classrooms and fluttering on their cars parked in our schools. I see where their loyalty lies. Wonder why you can't save a dime? Or are you another one that doesn't pay taxes and has your hand out, too? Furthermore, if you think that only Mexicans are here illegally, you've got another rude awaking if you start using your brain cells. Honduras, Iraq, India, Bolivia, IRAN...it doesn't matter. They come from everywhere. Just ask someone who works for the Border Patrol. This is the only country in the world that breaks its own laws in regard to people illegally entering. Every other country either imprisons them or executes them. Are we brain dead or what??? I guess by the comments above, my question has been answered. I am one PISSED OFF citizen!!

Anonymous said...