The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
Occupy organic vegetable gardens - Rebirth of the Victory garden
Posted By: LilliHart
Date: Wednesday, 27-Jun-2012 11:21:45
Date: Wednesday, 27-Jun-2012 11:21:45
This is an Awareness Blog to consider the future of your world. Actions are being done now to restore our freedom. County, State, and National Assemblies are forming across our world nullifying the corrupt corporations. Watch and become AWARE! Participate and be a part of making history! 62 MILLION VIEWS PER MONTH Exclusive public outlet for documentation and notices from The Original Jurisdiction Republic 1861 circa 2010.
A logical questions for people that understand LOGIC.... You ready ??? How can you have a organic clean garden, that is grown in chemtrail poisoned contaminated soil, and organic fertilizer???
"Mitt Romney says we can grow our own gardens. Isn't Romney great!"
Folks, Mitt Romney is a Democrat. DEMOCRAT stands for larger federal government and in other words Demonocracy.
Romney switched over from the Democrats not even that long ago, and he is a liar. A horrendously bad liar. Romney is such a crooked Democrat, he may have to appear before a Truth & Reconciliation committee after being charged.
Ron Paul is barely behind Romney in delegates if not outright ahead, now. Ron Paul is the only Republican up there & that proves why most of the media ignores him. Yes they made it seem as if the media ignores Romney too...but remind yourself, Romney switched over from the Democrats. He is a flat out Red Democrat.
He would be terrible for everything even with Ron Paul as Vice President, given his crimes.
A DE-MOCK-RACY is the opposite of a Republic! Remind yourselves this day and night. This is why the Republicans originally fought the Democrats for every cent they were worth, because it was well known, FDR, Bush, Blankfein etc were all going to institute a New World Order.
Ask Sarah Palin and she will tell you, if not warn you....they planned this ages ago. They are the party most vested in Israel, created Israel, crafted plans for New World Order and increasing the size of government for the "good" of all its inhabitants.
The Demo(n)cratic party's own platform, actually calls for a "New structure of government, such that it spans the globe bringing peace and prosperity to all." Have you ever read it? The Democratic party's platform states they will have a "Novos Orodo" - New Order!
That is what Mitt Romney and the plutocrats swear fealty to. A totally treasonous Federal plot. They don't even hide it.
SO get this loud and clear: The "NEW WORLD ORDER" is a concept of the Democratic Party and the original demon-possessed northerners. That means, no Democrats can ever truly be trusted....without having scrutiny on them every second.
Pelosi is a snake and I won't say anything else then its time she resigns. Dennis is already in the lead so just resign already. And actually folks, even though Mike Quinsey says Obama is "good" and can be trusted...don't assume he can be. He is a Democrat. It's that simple...if he gets rid of his 'friends', there is still always an agenda being driven.
Returning to being under common law again, only occurs as a result of the Republicans and their principles to limit size of government. Democrats always enlarged it. Our freedom comes at a price, Republicans who in modern times are the God fearing founders, must watch every single action Democrats take.
The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. Indeed, if you don't have your eyes & ears on EVERY single Democrat in this country...if you aren't shouting Independent reps & Republican reps watch this creature every second...bad things occur.
I think ultimately people would be vastly more content that Ron Paul was president than Obama. He knows so much, that he even knows where all the 'hidden' democrats are in our state movements who will one day try to destroy the republic. He was basically there when they passed the Federal Reserve....Obama wasn't.
Obama, so long as he is a member of the Democratic party...will need to be watched very closely by whoever in the Governor's hall can do so. Otherwise one day we wake up to a group of people trying to push governments together to create a United Council, and without a doubt Obama will be behind it.
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