Sunday, June 24, 2012




Look for:

Militia and Military presence. Governor level arrests and above, mainstream media to cover events as they unfold.

States:  It’s up to themselves to remove criminals at first, feds may help when available in highly populated areas but don’t count on it to happen for awhile, be prepared to help make it happen yourself with local law enforcement/sheriff

Stay inside and out of any civil unrest situations if at all possible, let it all die down, to get involved just to watch or give an opinion is to add to the problem. Expect military or militia to ask for your help and please give it to them After:

Banks will close for revaluation, a couple of days to a week.
Revaluation will happen, money will be worth less per piece at first, prices will go way up for a bit then everything will level off and money will have more value than ever before. 

Plan on about 2 weeks for all to take place, keep about 2 weeks of supplies/physical silver in case you need cash, physical silver coins before 1964 will work, most bank accounts for average people will not change so no need to withdraw funds unless a very large amount if you feel better just remove it all and hang onto it, don’t take anyone’s advice unless you feel comfortable with it, i.e., be your own financial advisor with your money and use common sense.

Benefits/pensions/disability, etc. currently being paid will not be interrupted, all will stay the same.

US borders will be closed minimum of 72 hours which will include flying out of the country, as well as Internet overseas transactions from banks and other financial institutions such as stock markets, and other investment agencies dealing with overseas accounts.

Return to founding documents -- constitution, bill of rights, declaration of independence, common law. 24/7 education on TV with our true history, how we came to this place, what was done to us, how they did it, and by whom, there will be all types of subjects to choose from and also possibly available on CD/DVD for those without TV.

All “alphabet” agencies (IRS, TSA, NSA, NASA, FEMA, etc.) to go.

Large banks will be gone, return to publicly-owned state banks, or honest private banks, no longer lawful to work with federal gov’t.

Prepare (probably won’t be but could be 2 weeks or more up to maybe a month):
Full tank of gas in vehicles.
Gun or other weapon if you feel you need it, plenty of ammo.
Flashlights, batteries, hand crank radio and/or two-way for communication.
Lots of water, canned food (beans and rice is good, filling, nutritious), food that can be stored safely such as noodles, powdered mixes, can opener, candles – be prepared to help neighbors who may need it so get extra of everything to share, have working BBQ grill or place to cook food if you want.
Extra toilet paper, pet/livestock food, personal needs, diapers, baby food, formula, paper goods.
Extra meds if you can – most insurance companies won’t allow this so you can tell them you lost it, or are going on vacation, etc., sometimes can get by with taking ½ or 2/3 and save it up a little at a time, check into natural meds as a standby or supplement.
Power, lights, and other things should be working through all of this but it’s good to have some extra to help out family, friends, and neighbors of the things listed above just in case they need help through this time of transition.

Common law –, barefoots world
Bad guys in your local gov’ts – download docs off state gov’ts websites showing self-appointed officials and elected ones not following constitution and where funding comes from for proof of federal government oversight, this is safe as the docs are all public, look for regional planning commissions, councils of government, government “partnership” websites, look for Agenda 21 plans (globalization) and find out where their funding comes from, if funded from the federal level then unlawful with common law.  Download everything you can find that’s public about your city, county and state gov’ts and study it so you know how your government has been working to avoid a repeat.

State and federal Bar association websites – search for lawyers, judges, etc., all are unlawful, internationally-owned corporate employees. Check for news articles re: police officers, sheriff, deputies, etc. and also businesses with their names attached and save all for later use if needed as proof of potential wrongdoing
Check your state secretary of state’s website, do business search for corporations, download copies of docs regarding cities and personnel involved in business with one another and keep a copy for later use to identify those who are potentially criminal

Return to common law
Know the personal responsibility that comes with freedom and common law and be prepared to help others.  Government will not be there to fix everything for you, so think twice before you act and use COMMON SENSE AT ALL TIMES.  No lawsuits because your feelings were hurt, or your “rights” were stepped on by another, be prepared to take responsibility if you hurt another person or another’s property, treat others as you want to be treated and you will be a model common law citizen, expect the same from others but if they don’t comply and don’t hurt you or your property, walk away.
Know the “good guys” in your current government, or people who normally don’t want a position and are painfully honest are the best to step in on local government level


Prepared by Kraig & Susan 


Anonymous said...

Get -r - Done

JimCosta said...

The main article refers to a Drake show from 2 weeks ago.
This is what Drake said today, June 24th:

Drake Radio Interview. He Said:

* This coming week a vote will be held by the G20 to globalize all of our countries
[NWO]. The military must act NOW to prevent this.
* We will know by Tuesday morning if the military is backing the people.
* A lot of the Cabal people to be arrested left and are in foreign countries now.
* Consider the possibility that force will be used on the people.
Have your gun ready to take action.
* By Tuesday AM the last legality the military is waiting for will be in place.
* U.S. uniforms will have the American flag as the highest badge on the right shoulder
of the uniform.
* It appears that the Cabal will try to bring the war to the U.S.
* The troops are just as nervous as we are.
* Restrain yourself from taking action. Do not engage unless you
see people being pulled from their houses.
* He says the military has the authority to arrest the Cabal as of Monday.
* Our reaction must be thought out and planned.
* He believes the military will step up for the people.
* The 150 country Eastern Alliance has the purpose to set up new banking
and monetary systems.
* is a website to help with foreclosures.
* Most areas of the U.S. have troop movements ongoing at this time.
Don't forget that the summer is the training time for the National Guard.
* Drake will have news of Neil Keenan's progress posted on Drake's Website mid-week.
* He hopes this will hit the Main street media in a couple of days.
Radio Recording:

Anonymous said...

Lets DO THIS!!

Anonymous said...

If we're all inside avoiding any civil unrest situations, how exactly do we "help" the Sheriff (if he's not a crook). And as far as "looking" for it, I believe we have been "looking" for some time. I can hardly blame anyone not wanting to "fall on their sword" while the sunshine patriots hide in the cellar until the smoke settles.

Anonymous said...

Drake wondered out loud if the military was for real about this, just around 14 minutes in the audio on the 24th.

Look Drake, we heard your message. The People are free, paperwork filed, States are free, no longer under the corporation, Constitution in place, Bill of Rights in place, three letter agencies no longer can affect the people.

But, three letter agencies still feel on people (who are presumed to be persons (corporations within the corporation)) before they can take an air flight.

Agenda 21 is still for the corporations. They can do whatever they want to do with each other, but they can't trickle down their agreements to the people.

Why is Drake not clear about the sovereign rights of the people and the business dealings of a corporation that no longer has control over the free, sovereign, people.

The Queen of England is sovereign. If the English Parliament passed any kind of agenda, she and her family would know it did not apply to them, only those who agreed to be subject to the authority expressed by these people.

They could pull out the military on English streets and the Queen and her family would not assume it has anything to do with them, because they are sovereign and know their rights and know no one can take it even by force.

So why is Drake not teaching the sovereign rights, and the common law power that the People have.

No matter that military is in force or a group of suits sit at a round table and plan some agenda.

He said he saw a document, 5 inches thick, a plan.
But he speaks as if this 'Plan' is not in work now or in the past 20 to 30 years.

He's the wolf.
He was the first to jump out front as if he was a part of a master plan, then all of a sudden there is a lady dragon (since his name is a dragon and he's a male), then they added a snake, a Cobra, that tells everyone to listen to the male dragon who is on the inside (but who speaks as if he's on the outside and unaware of what's going on).

Oh well.

Anonymous said...

God help you sheeple that believe this guy. He's acting like the end is coming tomorrow and giving everyone military advice on how to handle themselves and engage the enemy. You've got to be kidding! 99.9% of the people know nothing of this plan and would have no idea how to handle themselves if it actually happened. All he does is tell people to take action and get the bad guys, yet where's the plan? Who is going to coordinate this action in all the towns and cities in the U.S.? Who are they? Who are the bad guys? What are you supposed to do? Get a gun and go down to the courthouse and arrest the judges? Sorry folks, this is all bullshit from a delusional Drake, ie a Quack!

Anonymous said...

According to the Bible, this really goes down and the 'Revolution' clears the air enacting a new Utopia in the place of the prison state.

So apparently the U.N thugs are going to be few in number, they are going to be rounded up and they are going to be removed & arrested.

U.N wears the U.N badges above their name. However this will clearly still involve violence.

Watch the "patch" above their uniforms - make sure the U.S. Army patch shows an American flag. Otherwise its the wrong side so ignore them!

If anything breaks into your home at any point, dial 9-11, move to a "unseen" point of contact and shoot to kill multiple times. Don't stop until any invaders are dead, bring the neighbor in & get the Sheriff there right away. Get to the City Hall and pass a resolution against the Agenda 21 right away & keep well armed, wear a vest.

We will be more than victorious but its time you start acting your part, and join your Militias to put an end to any further movements.

Remember, they will lose & be done away with.
A time of "Peace" will be enacted as law once this is over.
Then obviously sometime down the line the Anti-God will rise & take over, while people are trying to rebuild. There's nothing that can be done about that garbage, now or then so ignore it.

In the meantime, WIN, WIN, WIN!!! Send the Federal Reserve packing and get to the Tampa convention for Ron Paul.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, John, Kraig, and Susan!

Anonymous said...

Okay.. Please tell us your plan.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... you seem to be late to the game, mate. Through all of this, Drake has reached-out to militias around the country to stand ready for what is about to occur. Please do your research.

Anonymous said...

Be careful how you use "accoding to the Bible"
There's alot good things in the Bible and some of those same things are written in many other books, religous and non-religous.

i just want to be completely free! I took an oath and i'm ready to act upon that oath.

it all remains to be seen...i hope i can finish my souls contract will be fulfilled regardless...

Anonymous said...

Get-r-Done while you sit on your fat ass and do nothing.

Anonymous said...

Do what?

Anonymous said...

Please help spread the message to all the people reading these recent Drake messages to USE THEIR HIGHEST DISCERNMENT, EDUCATE THEMSELVES, and ACT FROM A PLACE OF LOVE & LIGHT ~
While I believe he may mean well, and has some \’intel\’, inciting violence, hate, and fear is not the way we will achieve Peace, Prosperity & ascension. This new partner 'lady dragon' is doing the same - is this the kind of benovelent new leadership we want - instead of one set of dark we have another set still trying to rule by fear. Instead of the wars by the \’cabal\’, it will be wars by those who follow this fear mongering and go back to the 'wild west ' days of gun toting folks who know no better. This will nly make matters worse for those who follow it, not bring about Peace.
In his recent broadcast he was speaking such incitement words as \”I want firing squads, not lethal injection, no compassion, the President included, wonder why he isnt wearing knee pads.. etc \”. What? What happened to peaceful \”removal\” of the dark forces? Please DO NOT align with any FEAR mongering, and also align with what David WIlcock and Bill Brockbrader has said about our president.
As well, some of the statements are made from not knowing better, but inciting fear regardless, because if he doesnt know any better, many of his followers sure may not either. Big example is the Rio20 artifact being sent around as proof of G20 and NWO! Please help provide CLARITY on this.
The Rio20 conference, agenda, and any possible next steps, is to support the \”MIllenium Development Goals\”, which are POSITIVE.They have NOTHING to do with NWO. Drake needs to READ the things he promotes as NWO and other fear tactics, DISCERN, use WISDOM to BRING PEOPLE TOGETHER, not CREATE HATE, FEAR & ACTION based on those dark energies.
Lasting Peace comes from a place of LOve, not \”loading up guns and calling for firing squads\”. His broadcasts are becoming worse by the week. PLEASE HELP STOP THE FEAR MONGERING, and SPREAD THE MANY OTHER MESSAGES OF LOVE & PEACE .
READ key points from the Rio20 artifact. IF These are implemented, these are GOOD for the World. These are NOT destructive, NOT taking away our freedoms!EDUCATE YOurself - READ the ENTIRE Artifact, as well use DISCERNMENT, stay and act from LOve, NOT FEAR ~

Anonymous said...

what's the matter did you look in the mirror again