Sunday, June 3, 2012

Poofness - 6-03-12 The Wizard Of Oz ----- I bid a fond adieu to you wide.

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Sunday, June 03, 2012 2:34 PM
Subject: The Wizard of Oz

Ball Of Confusion lyrics

People moving out,
People moving in,
Why, because of the color of their skin,
Run, run, run, but you just can't hide.

An eye for an eye,
Tooth for a tooth,
Vote for me and I'll set you free,
Rap on, brother, rap on.

Well, the only person talking about loving thy brother is the preacher,
And it seems nobody's interested in learning, but the teacher,
Segregation, demonstration, intergration, determination, aggravation, humiliation,
Obligation to our nation.

Ball of confusion,
That's what the world is today, hey.

The sale of pills is at an all time high,
Young folks walk with their heads in the sky,
The cities aflame in the summertime,
And oh the beat goes on.

Evolution, revolution, gun control, sound of soul-shooting rockets to the moon,
Kids growing up too soon,
Politicians say, "More taxes will solve everything,"
The band played on.

So, round and around and around we go,
Where the world's headed, nobody knows

Oh, Great Googamooga,
Can't you hear me talking to you,
Just a ball of confusion,
That's what the world is today, hey.

Fear in the air, tension everywhere,
Unemployment rising fast,
The Beatles new record's a gas,
And the only safe place to live,
Is on an Indian reservation,
The band played on.

Eve of destruction, tax deduction,
City inspectors, bill collectors, mod clothes in demand,
Population out of hand, suicide, too many bills,
Hippies moving to the hills,
People all over the world are shouting, "End the war!",
And the band played on.

Great Googamooga,
Can't you hear me talking to you,
Just a Ball Of Confusion, -ac

Greetings and Salutation,

 So as I was discussing the 'latest' with the folks in the rafters, I was cautioned about paying attention to the 'movie' being run on the screen by the media or the talking heads for that matter. The euro is going away, the experiment it's not. Greece is getting kicked to the curb, out of the european union, no it's not. Figures don't lie, but liars sure figure. The neo-cons in the back ground are itching to get another war going. Syria? Iran? Doesn't matter, we need to go blow up something, kill some folks. That's the old formula, if the money is taking you down the tube...start a war...that'll fix it. Trick is you need money to prosecute a war and the nations are broke...people are hungry. The 'art of war' says a government must have the people behind it's actions...if they are destitute, you got problems maintaining order.

 So on the eve of utter change in this world, 'be wise as serpents and cautious as doves'. Many news worthy people, movers and shakers, as it were, shall lose their status and be gone from having any impact on our lives. They had their chance and didn't choose wisely. Funny, I'm hearing from the folks doing this and no one is telling me, I need to store up water, or worry about the banks suddenly shutting down. While things may be a little spooky out here, chaos is not the order of the day. Of course, that is the what the bad guys were trying to create, something looking like Mad Max world. There's a fire sale going on and nothing will be left on the shelves, all must go from the old banking system. People can justify, their lack of fairness and thievery all the want, but it doesn't play in the courts of justice. The evidence against them is overwhelming. Don't be shocked at what you see and hear.

 I got a lot of 'happy talk', now we shall be looking for fulfillment. I bid a fond adieu to you wide.

Love and Kisses,



Anonymous said...

seem's like he's saying the last post from the poof

Anonymous said...

Poof's updates are total BS. He's been a broken record for so long you could easily post one of his Sunday sermons from 3 years ago and the only way to tell the difference would be a record of his past dribblings.

IMO he either believes what he writes and feels he's doing some service to "keep hope alive" or he's being used by TPTB to keep us ever hopeful and always sitting waiting for something that is never going to arrive.

One good way to figure is just look up at the skies. Notice the chemtrails aren't going away, if anything, they're getting heavier. Not a good sign that the bad guys are losing their grip as Poof would have you believe. No wait!! His retort to that would be they're letting it all hang out because they're backed into a corner like a rabid dog and firing all their bullets. Not buying that excuse anymore either as they've been doing that for 2-3 yrs if one takes Poof seriously.

Anonymous said...

Is Poofness gone forever?

Anonymous said...

Seeya next week same time same channel.

Anonymous said...

Poof is trying to help naive folks lessen the blow to their psyches they are about to receive, when he says don't be shocked at what you see and hear.

There are no two ways around it, you are about to get your mind kicked in the rear so to speak, in a very big way none stop from hear on out.

It is a designed feature built into the surprise event, so that you absolutely WILL be shocked at what you see and hear, that you
cannot currently fathom what that entails at the present time.

The dinarians think they are just going to go to the bank and get their money and go back to a normal business as usual life, only with more money. So they can get their rest at night about all the things they don't understand and cannot even begin to imagine.

There are so many things about to come at you none stop and you are totally unprepared for the licking your mind is about to take. Can you say Information Overload? Sleep my little pretties....sleeeep. zzzzzzzzzz

You say you want change aye? Watch out, you just have no idea what you are up against. I use the example of new recruits in the military, when the drill sergeant introduces himself. He's not playing around, because his job is to break you down of everything you hold near and dear and are familiar with, so he can teach you something new you aren't going to like. How to get along with each other.

That would be pretty much all of you my children. Arrogant skeptic self righteous smart alecks are going to have a ruff time and there are very many of them. In fact, most everyone you know including yourself. It's just not your fault of course.

Since you are unaware to admit you need help, it is being delivered to you on a silver platter for easier digestion, so you can still stay standing and breathing, but that is about it.

Times are about to get very good all in order so times can get even better. And you can't stand that idea. It is all too good to be true for the current state of the collective mind and you don't believe it.

You would rather have the catastrophic disaster for everyone, so you can say you were right about the world going to hell in a hand basket. As if that was some original idea and it already hasn't.

Anonymous said...

I am going to believe in Poofness- he is the only thing that gave me hope of a new future--the thought of energy that doesn't harm the planet--plus, freedom...
Here is a thing to ponder:
1. When you look at a color, how do you know that it is a color everyone else sees?
Just because someone says it's green doesn't make it that color...we all see the same as a collective. What happens when we look at the green color and start saying the color is blue?
The same with money. The only time money is valuable is when the collective is in agreement with it.

Anonymous said...

Totally agree!
Well put.

Steve Zarpas said...

For the last ten years my gut has told me something "BIG" was coming. I had no outward reason to want things to change. I wasn't hoping for a self-fulfilling prophecy. For the first seven years, I became increasingly certain what I was feeling was "The End Times."

Desperate for proof or validation, I searched obsessively. There were no shortages of suggestions, answers, insiders, etc. it was not until 2 years ago that I learned to shut up the chatter in my head that my inner voice kept repeating its going to be unbelievably great. The only thing holding us back is a critical mass of individuals waking up to the fact we must play active roles as individuals. We have been lead to the water, now we must drink.

Anonymous said...

And you know this how?