Monday, June 25, 2012

Uranus square Pluto - Archons Activity

Uranus square Pluto - Archons Activity

I would like to bring to your attention that this Sunday, June 24th, was the exact time of Uranus-Pluto square, a very powerful astrological alignment that brings much tension into the air.

This influence is most intense in the time window between June 21st and June 28th. This is the timeframe that major non-physical Archons set for the beginning of a violent revolution and civil war. They are hoping to spread this worldwide to create chaos in order to help their physical counterparts hide away from the mass arrest sweeps. That will not help them, even if they try to hide in Uganda. Rest assured that the Light forces know where they are in every moment.

This Archons’ plan will not come to fruition as there are higher positive forces preventing this. Know that non-physical Archons and their minions are behind most violent acts on this planet and they will not be able to initialize this as they are losing power daily.

Goddess wants peace. And peace shall come.

There is hidden war now taking place in Pentagon. The dark Cabal tried to infiltrate the Positive Military group to stop the mass arrests but this is currently successfully being dealt with. This was one of the main reasons for delays that frustrated so many people.

Stardust 2 is a defence and not an attack weapon. It will be activated only to prevent the Cabal from doing harm at the time of the Event. This technology can be activated on a distance with a precision of about one millionth of a millimeter. It will be targeted specifically to the neurotransmitters in nerve cells in the bodies of the members of the Cabal. This technology is very target - specific and no innocent individual will be harmed in any way.

Taking certain hard-core members of the Cabal into the Galactic Central Sun is healing, not punishment. Some of them have been damaged beyond repair. They have rejected the Light completely and this is the only way to deal with the situation. They will not feel any pain while being disintegrated. They will simply be gone forever.

Regardless of the events in the next few days, please remain calm, but alert.

Archons and their minions will try to provoke you. It is natural and human to feel anger, fear, doubt or impatience. But do not act on it. Just calmly observe your emotions, take a few breaths, maybe play your favourite song and then decide how to act.

Do not engage in violence, whether physical (rioting, violent revolution) or verbal (attacking messengers on the internet, hateful comments to anyone, relationship quarrels). Violence will NOT solve our problems. Clearly planned and focused action will.

Focus instead on beauty, nature, meditation. Find calmness within. And when you need to act, act from that calmness. 


Michael Of Nebadon said...

Hi John
Allow me to introduce to you my blog site writings which if you feel it is within your integrity you can share with your readers as you see fit. I am one who has come in His Name as a member of the forces of Light and Love which are taking back this planet from the dark cabal and their minions...

Sincere regards
Esu Kumara Michael

Anonymous said...

Unbelievable jokes, spiritual jokes, I follow these guys and their doctorines for quiet some time , I can't resonate anymore with their BS. Now is the time, 11:11 , 12:12 144000 numbering eminence , gaia healing and universal law BS. N O P R O O F N O F A C T S pure pure BS.
People have had enough of these, no more BS, 3D needs facts and proof else .... please do us a favor and leave us alone with our day to day problems.
Thank you

Anonymous said...

Out of the blue we have Cobra , a Canadian site which claims is here to fight our war and liberate us, thank you, we don't need any more liberators, we had enough allready.
Besides the being since (does not state if its a he or a she maybe its an androgyne) is claiming knowledge on every sensitive info concerning life in our planet, I guess it plays God.

Anonymous said...

The Mass Arrests are clearly beginning today in Missouri.
The Police in Saint Louis are very calm and non-antagonistic, there has also been no reports of any kind of tussles/shootings in Missouri as the militias are on stand by & no kind of illegal actions occurred.

If they were initiating 'Martial Law' we would hear a whole lot of commotion. There are those on the web spreading fear about troops in Missouri, these are likely cabal operatives and patriots who have been used by the archons. Instead, Missouri as a whole is relatively calm today and supportive of the efforts to arrest and detain trouble makers. (Cabal members, including the Bush/Scerff kids, Rockefeller Jr., Calderon, Blankfein etc.)

Commanders can say that its just a drill all they like, but once the T.V. cameras roll we will know some of the worst cabal members were placed under arrest & escorted off site to pay back their dues to a society they helped destroy. Then the patriot groups will activate and immediately hit Fox News.

siriusvoid said...

Timely advice...
The last Uranus/Pluto Square occurred between the years 1932 and 1935...
during the years of the Great Depression and the rise of Facism in Europe.
Powerful effects from this Uranus/Pluto square are supposed be with us for five more years.

Anonymous said...

WOW! Thank you for keeping the rest of us posted, please send any updates.

Anonymous said...

"You fools need to WAKE UP!!! Alex Jones said they are preparing outright Martial Law!"

Alex Jones is a self-admitted fear mongerer for the Cabal. The APC units have NO automatic firing weapons such as AK's or even mini guns. There is no reports of the Militia and military getting into a fight, anywhere throughout Missouri!

IF there was ANY factual basis to Martial Law being declared, we would see proof and absolute evidence of the Military and Milita in a fight versus working together!!

Why is the military working with civilians and no reports of "panic" have been alleged, even on the alternative media?

Because the martial law scenario is PURE BULL-T, civil war "rapture dreams" which proves the only answer for the high activity in Missouri is Cabal arrests.

Cabal members are being taken into custody and that will be proven true when the media reports their press conference for the whole world to see. Clearly, the Military does *NOT* work for the Cabal they work for the American people and are not doing anything to incite violence.

Anonymous said...

"You are a hate monger. By supporting mass arrests you support racial hatred against jews!!!"

This false line from the false doctrine needs to be dispelled once and for all. The rulers who started the Vatican plunge into paganism weren't real jews. They were modern day Pharisees from the hideous Sabbatean cult.

The Sadducee Pharisees are all fake jews, destroying mankind throughout the ages. These zionist thieving liars infiltrate & destroy society, as we can see via their total corrupt one world government. Also, the majority of jews who work in offices across the globe have nothing to do with these Pharisee, globalist fascists. They were brainwashed by the media for generations, so they did not notice these tyrannical slimeballs taking over Juda and impersonating their greatest heroes in order to usher in a fascist One World Government.

Despising these Tare traitors is not anti-semitic. They are Babylon.

Anonymous said...

Alex Jones close minded mad man... it could be Positive Military for Devine Intervention... he never talks about space brothers positive ET's... because maybe he is jealous... he only criticize current corrupt system no real solutions for that...