Friday, August 10, 2012

Beyond the Veil

Beyond the Veil

Beyond the Veil, beyond the confines of quarantine Earth, there is a totally different reality, a totally different universe.

If you climb above the tachyonic membrane that exists 8.6 miles above the surface of this planet, you enter a universe of Love.

The experience on this planet has taught you that life can be mean and cruel. Most of us have accepted this as an underlying basis of our reality, learning not to trust other beings but fear them instead.

This premise is the basis that the Cabal is operating from. It is the glue that keeps their reality together and keeps us enslaved into it.

But we have our Souls. They exist on the plane of the fifth dimension and have direct connection to the universe beyond the Veil.

Whenever we connect with our Soul, we enter a reality where the Cabal can not reach us with its tricks.

Whenever we connect with the universe beyond the Veil, the same thing happens.

So we connect vertically and horizontally. This is the key to our individual liberation. It is also part of the key for the liberation of the planet.

Beyond the Veil, universe is full of Love. Every atom, every molecule, every subatomic particle beyond the Veil is vibrating with that Love. All beings in this universe except most beings on planet Earth are now operating from that Love. Whatever they do is an act of Love. Their every thought and every emotion expresses that Love.

And that Love will soon overflow our planet and set it free.

Be aware of that fact when you make your decisions.


Anonymous said...

A man just did the highest free fall sky dive from 11 miles up just 2 weeks ago and he never reported anything about this. IF any of this story was true he would have been just overflowing with love and excitment when he finally got to the ground and would have been gushing his feelings about this new found world of love love love.
He never mentioned it in any of the articles I read about him!!
This must be another one of those articles about ETs wonderful world that doesn't exist!!

siriusvoid said...

That we are much more than we think we are, is like saying a masterpiece is by far greater than a single brush stroke on a canvas... A symphony is much greater than an individual note etc.
We are gathered into an assemblage.. into an elaborate and completely integrated context, which is our nature and is who we in truth, really are. Some describe this as a Great and Wondrous LOVE, and they are right.
The 'quarantine' preventing us from experiencing this greater truth is also known by other names and other descriptions.. I have taken to calling it 'PTSD', but some just call it 'suffering', or sin... - The state of 'separation', or failure to comprehend and fulfill GOD's will for us.
To accomplish, and fulfill GOD's will for us, limited individuality must be sacrificed, and rendered holy (whole).. to serve an individual's highest calling.
PTSD or sin, is a state of chaotic dissonance.. It is overcome by atonement through a radical departure beyond states of limitation... Through faith, into the field of GOD's Grace..
In this way we expand and ascend... becoming what we, in truth, always already are.
Eight miles is nothing.. Yet it should be considered a great success, just to make it a few inches
above the head. To reach beyond into the part of our lives that transcends thought and there discover TRUE PEACE...
To transcend our limited selves laterally, restoring and re-enlivening our true identities.. Inside one another.. AS one another.. As the entire planet and the entire cosmos. Living in and AS the FULLNESS.