Saturday, August 18, 2012

THIS IS A HOAX ----- David Wilcock Gives An Account Of His Trip To The Olympics In London First Contact Has Occurred

THIS A HOAX written by Idiots & Fools!

DivineCosmos Member Exclusive News Update 8/13/12

David Wilcock Gives An Account Of His Trip To The Olympics In London First Contact Has Occurred

David Wilcock wrote
All I can say is WOW!!!!
My Expedition To The Olympic Games - Hard To Put In Words
My trip to the Olympics was no less than Extraordinary. I'm finding it hard to articulate the sheer magnitude of my Experience as it impacted me and most importantly, mankind. I had been tipped Off by no less than three insiders by the time I decided to make the trip to London. Two insiders has contacted me when I wrote my last membership Exclusive update and a third called me when I was on the way to the airport And corroborated what the other two had told me.
Prepare for first Contact.
While I Was Expecting First Contact To Be A Public Spectacle, It Turned Out To Be A Private Affair
By August 11th I started having doubts as to why I had not seen anything to indicate first contact.
That afternoon is when my world turned upside down. An average looking English man sat next to me as I watched the track and field events. He handed me an envelope and then looked directly in my eyes and said, "This is what you waited for your whole life. We appreciated your work. Now reap the rewards".
Stunned I started questioning him right away. But as soon as he said what he had to say he simply ignored me and left. I immediately opened the envelope and the only thing written on the note inside was a time and place. I left and went back to my hotel room to review what just occurred with my support staff. I traveled to London with only two other good friends and volunteers at DivineCosmos. After about 3 hours of discussion, weighing the risks of going to the location at the time in the note I decided to take the risk and go.
What Happened Next Was Simply Amazing
I thought long and hard about whether to take the time to find out what this was all about. The location was about 75 miles outside of where I was staying in London. Part of me thought someone recognized me and was just up to a hoax. But after much thought my inner guidance instructed me to go. I arrived about 25 minutes before the time written in the note at the location.
The location was given as a set of GPS coordinates. It was outside of a small town in a clearing in a forest. It appeared as if the trees were recently cut down in the clearing as I could see fresh wood chips and saw dust on the ground.. This was in the middle of nowhere other than the small town that was about 5 miles away.
I was sworn to secrecy about telling others of the location and time of this miraculous event.
Others Were Already There Waiting When I Arrived
There were about 50 other people standing in the clearing when I arrived. A few government types but mostly it seemed like ordinary people who were just as perplexed as I was. Others arrived after I did.
However exactly at the time given in the note the area was sealed off by more government types who I didn't immediately notice upon my arrival. They were guarding the perimeter of the clearing.
This made the people there a bit nervous, by then I estimate about 70 had arrived. There were only a few of the government agents among the crowd and when they saw we were starting to wonder why the perimeter was being shut off they assured us that anyone could leave whenever they wished and that everyone was safe..
I met a doctor, a police officer and a veterinarian among others. There were people there from all professions.
About 10 minutes after the area was sealed off from anyone else entering is when the magic happened.
What Happened Next I Will Never Forget
The people there started to get a bit anxious. But their anxiousness soon turned to awe.
A whitish metallic ship was spotted in the sky towards the north. I'll never forget as one gentlemen began shouting that he was seeing something in the sky. Immediately the whole crowd of about 70 were fixed on the incoming object. It was approaching our location and coming closer and closer. It was simply surreal. The craft came ever closer and eventually started to hover about 200 feet off the ground above our heads.
It was a white ceramic metallic looking oval shaped craft.
There were a few strange looking characters that I could see on one side. The characters looked similar to those in our alphabet but I could not recognize them. The craft then landed.
There Was Anticipation And Excitement In The Air
It took about one minute, but seemed like an eternity, before a hatch opened and a walkway from the hatch to the ground rolled out automatically. An extraterrestrial appeared in the opening.
The crowd gasped with awe. It was a male in strange clothing. He looked human from my vantage point but I was about 250 feet away so it was hard to see any anatomical details. He then simply smiled and waved at the crowd. The crowd then cheered with total excitement!
It was so surreal I wish that you all could have been there. The man standing in the opening got a standing ovation. His smile got bigger as he saw the crowd's reaction. I can now in retrospect take an educated guess that the people chosen for this epic event were chosen because they were vetted by some sort of international government welcoming committee to be able to accept and react positively to contact based on the crowd's positive reaction.
They Were Human, Just Like Us
Twelve in all walked down out of the craft and into the crowd for a meet and greet. My eyes were filled with tears. I finally got my chance to speak to a few of them.
I had so many questions to ask them. Where were they from, what is their history, what is our history. What I learned that day has verified all that I had studied throughout the years. I will share those details for my next public article which I hope to get done in the next two weeks.
The meet and greet lasted about an hour before our visitors boarded their ship and left.
Post Meet And Greet Briefing
After our friends left one of the government types addressed the awestruck crowd. He told us that we were not the first who had this experience. That there were 4 other groups chosen and that this same event occurred at different locations around the world.
That these meet and greets had started in January of 2012 and would continue until the end of the year. That the good guys and the ETs were circumventing various parts of the world governments that opposed disclosure. But most importantly that by the end of this year or sometime early in 2013 we would have a single world disclosure event with ships making themselves seen in our skies so that no one can deny the obvious truth. That we are not alone.
And not only are we not alone that we on Earth are just one branch of the human family that is spread out throughout this galaxy.
He also told us that this plan was put in place to lessen the panic. He encouraged us to 'spread the news' of this event. I think this plan is brilliant and I feel honored to have been a part of one of the first groups chosen to experience this.
Just Returned From London, More To Come
This trip was physically as well as emotionally draining and I need to get some rest and absorb all that happened in order to better articulate it to those who visit DC.
But I plan to make this report part of my public website as soon as possible, hopefully in the next two weeks. There are many more details and I feel this will be my most important update I have ever given.
I thank you for your support. I look forward to filling you all in on the repercussions of this latest awe inspiring event!
Doing some googling, I found this post on GLP on 7/31/2012, 13 days earlier. This earlier post adds to the veracity of the post on 8/13/2012. –B
DivineCosmos Member Exclusive News Update 7/31 - David Wilcock Changes Schedule To Fly To The..
[11:45:22 AM] Richard A. Labadie:


Anonymous said...

If this was true, it would have been reported directly by David on his Divine Cosmos web site.
Perhaps the 'spooks' are going to target Wilcock.

zonsb said...

Posted at Divine Cosmos:

[Begin quote.]

The discussion-forum website Godlike Productions has featured writings from an impostor, posing as me.

Many were fooled by this campaign. I have now had it forwarded to me by about seven or eight different people through email chain letters.

Let me be absolutely clear: there are no "member excusive" writings here or anywhere else. Any and all things I write, with the sole exception of the Source Field book, are posted freely online.

Furthermore, I do not post writings anywhere else but on this site.

I did not go to the London Olympics. No "First Contact" occurred. The whole thing is a hoax."
[End quote.]

Screen captured this. Before. Now. And after.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Check out David's Blog, he says that story is a HOAX

The discussion-forum website Godlike Productions has featured writings from an impostor, posing as me.

Many were fooled by this campaign. I have now had it forwarded to me by about seven or eight different people through email chain letters.

Let me be absolutely clear: there are no "member excusive" writings here or anywhere else. Any and all things I write, with the sole exception of the Source Field book, are posted freely online.

Furthermore, I do not post writings anywhere else but on this site.

I did not go to the London Olympics. No "First Contact" occurred. The whole thing is a hoax.

It has been a while since I last posted, but that has mostly been due to the fact that I am working on several other mission-critical initiatives -- while suffering through a blistering heat wave that made it very difficult to work.

I needed to buy an in-room AC unit and run it in addition to the central AC in order to make it barely livable in my office for the last three weeks.

Furthermore, I am in the process of putting together the next step of the LIBOR timeline -- which is shaping up to be quite large. It also keeps transforming as time goes on -- faster than I can keep up with.

The London Olympics rituals have been so blatant -- and there is so much on that topic alone -- that I am about to post an article just on that, before I can get the huge investigation piece finished.

This attack was a fairly sophisticated operation. In the aftermath these same forums lit up with allegedly real people saying they would "never come back" to this website because I obviously lied to them.

This is a very desperate and easily disproven campaign of disinformation. It most likely was intended to destroy my credibility at a critical moment -- while we are on the brink of genuinely freeing our planet from the Cabal.

I hope to have the next piece up very soon. I have to work in the cracks now, as I am doing this at one of our Convergence events in Vancouver, British Columbia.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Prepare for first Contact.
While I Was Expecting First Contact To Be A Public Spectacle, It Turned Out To Be A Private Affair

so an advanced alien race can't get a hold of you without putting it out all over our internet... you get an email ... and maybe you show up by chance ???

I call BS

prove your claim mr wilcock

Anonymous said...

No proof = just so much hype! This was supposed to be world wide disclosure. supposed to be for everyone to see. What happened??????? I gave you the benefit of the doubt till now. No more, that benefit has expired!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

This is a hoax:


The discussion-forum website Godlike Productions has featured writings from an impostor, posing as me.

Many were fooled by this campaign. I have now had it forwarded to me by about seven or eight different people through email chain letters.

Let me be absolutely clear: there are no "member excusive" writings here or anywhere else. Any and all things I write, with the sole exception of the Source Field book, are posted freely online.

Furthermore, I do not post writings anywhere else but on this site.

I did not go to the London Olympics. No "First Contact" occurred. The whole thing is a hoax.

It has been a while since I last posted, but that has mostly been due to the fact that I am working on several other mission-critical initiatives -- while suffering through a blistering heat wave that made it very difficult to work.

I needed to buy an in-room AC unit and run it in addition to the central AC in order to make it barely livable in my office for the last three weeks.

Furthermore, I am in the process of putting together the next step of the LIBOR timeline -- which is shaping up to be quite large. It also keeps transforming as time goes on -- faster than I can keep up with.

The London Olympics rituals have been so blatant -- and there is so much on that topic alone -- that I am about to post an article just on that, before I can get the huge investigation piece finished.

This attack was a fairly sophisticated operation. In the aftermath these same forums lit up with allegedly real people saying they would "never come back" to this website because I obviously lied to them.

This is a very desperate and easily disproven campaign of disinformation. It most likely was intended to destroy my credibility at a critical moment -- while we are on the brink of genuinely freeing our planet from the Cabal.

I hope to have the next piece up very soon. I have to work in the cracks now, as I am doing this at one of our Convergence events in Vancouver, British Columbia.

siriusvoid said...

We come in peace

Anonymous said...

Thankyou for the courage you demonstrate as you speak "words" of TRUTH for ALL.

p said...

David Wilcock did not write the above and it has been refuted on his website. Sorry I don't have his web address off hand, but did feel this disinformation needed to be exposed.

D ... Breaking The Silence said...

Nothing about this appears on the Divine Cosmos site- I've sent a message asking for verification that this is not a hoax.

Anonymous said...

Bullshit caca crap..lies~!! Such a hoax...what a web we weave when we practice to deceive..! Be vigilant truth because you can handle it!!

Anonymous said...

And not one photograph.

Wiggy said...

Wilcock is a very lucky man. I wish I could have a similar experience. I have always believed we are not alone and have always wanted to meet those who live in the cosmos or even dimensions.

I can only hope that 1 day I get the same opportunity and could share it with my partner. (she thinks i'm a bit nuts lol) This is great news but I will use my discernment until such time as I can corroborate this with my own eyes.

I am doing my best to be the change I want to see.


Anonymous said...

he discussion-forum website Godlike Productions has featured writings from an impostor, posing as me.

Many were fooled by this campaign. I have now had it forwarded to me by about seven or eight different people through email chain letters.

Let me be absolutely clear: there are no "member excusive" writings here or anywhere else. Any and all things I write, with the sole exception of the Source Field book, are posted freely online.

Furthermore, I do not post writings anywhere else but on this site.

I did not go to the London Olympics. No "First Contact" occurred. The whole thing is a hoax.

It has been a while since I last posted, but that has mostly been due to the fact that I am working on several other mission-critical initiatives -- while suffering through a blistering heat wave that made it very difficult to work.

I needed to buy an in-room AC unit and run it in addition to the central AC in order to make it barely livable in my office for the last three weeks.

Furthermore, I am in the process of putting together the next step of the LIBOR timeline -- which is shaping up to be quite large. It also keeps transforming as time goes on -- faster than I can keep up with.

The London Olympics rituals have been so blatant -- and there is so much on that topic alone -- that I am about to post an article just on that, before I can get the huge investigation piece finished.

This attack was a fairly sophisticated operation. In the aftermath these same forums lit up with allegedly real people saying they would "never come back" to this website because I obviously lied to them.

This is a very desperate and easily disproven campaign of disinformation. It most likely was intended to destroy my credibility at a critical moment -- while we are on the brink of genuinely freeing our planet from the Cabal.

I hope to have the next piece up very soon. I have to work in the cracks now, as I am doing this at one of our Convergence events in Vancouver, British Columbia.

Anonymous said...

Just went to David denies the above account. Says it's a hoax perpetrated by an impostor. You can read it in his recent update here:

Anonymous said...

Well.......this is my last time to ever read anything David writes. I thought he was one of the good guys but I now have the opinion that he was either dreaming or drank too much kool aid.

What an encounter this must have been either in a dream or imagination.

David, you need to wake up and quit trying to impose your imagaination and/or dreams on the people. This spaceship crap hasn't happened, didn't happen near London and furthermore it "ain't" gonna happen.

Anonymous said...

When that guy slipped him that envelope he also slipped somthing into his drink. Probably a hallucinatory drug of some kind.

Anonymous said...

Hoax ! writings from an impostor, posing as David

see the end of

Anonymous said...

disinfo bs,,wilcock has already confirmed this is disinfo,,he was not even in london,,,getting very suspicous about this site,,,,why are you reposting this bs,,,do your research,,or are you posting this crap on purpose....

what's your game john,,,,??

Anonymous said...

John- this "story" has already been debunked on David's actual site and the fact that it came from GLP, well...
Not a very reliable source for "News" or "Updates" wouldn't you agree?

Anonymous said...

John PLEASE go to

Anonymous said...

This is an impostor, major disinfo...please place David's comment on your site:


The discussion-forum website Godlike Productions has featured writings from an impostor, posing as me.

Many were fooled by this campaign. I have now had it forwarded to me by about seven or eight different people through email chain letters.

Let me be absolutely clear: there are no "member excusive" writings here or anywhere else. Any and all things I write, with the sole exception of the Source Field book, are posted freely online.

Furthermore, I do not post writings anywhere else but on this site.

I did not go to the London Olympics. No "First Contact" occurred. The whole thing is a hoax.

It has been a while since I last posted, but that has mostly been due to the fact that I am working on several other mission-critical initiatives -- while suffering through a blistering heat wave that made it very difficult to work.

I needed to buy an in-room AC unit and run it in addition to the central AC in order to make it barely livable in my office for the last three weeks.

Furthermore, I am in the process of putting together the next step of the LIBOR timeline -- which is shaping up to be quite large. It also keeps transforming as time goes on -- faster than I can keep up with.

The London Olympics rituals have been so blatant -- and there is so much on that topic alone -- that I am about to post an article just on that, before I can get the huge investigation piece finished.

This attack was a fairly sophisticated operation. In the aftermath these same forums lit up with allegedly real people saying they would "never come back" to this website because I obviously lied to them.

This is a very desperate and easily disproven campaign of disinformation. It most likely was intended to destroy my credibility at a critical moment -- while we are on the brink of genuinely freeing our planet from the Cabal.

I hope to have the next piece up very soon. I have to work in the cracks now, as I am doing this at one of our Convergence events in Vancouver, British Columbia.

Rob said...

I'm sorry john but this post about David Wilcock that you gathered from GLP is a HOAX. Here's what David says on his blog:


The discussion-forum website Godlike Productions has featured writings from an impostor, posing as me.

Many were fooled by this campaign. I have now had it forwarded to me by about seven or eight different people through email chain letters.

Let me be absolutely clear: there are no "member excusive" writings here or anywhere else. Any and all things I write, with the sole exception of the Source Field book, are posted freely online.

Furthermore, I do not post writings anywhere else but on this site.

I did not go to the London Olympics. No "First Contact" occurred. The whole thing is a hoax.

It has been a while since I last posted, but that has mostly been due to the fact that I am working on several other mission-critical initiatives -- while suffering through a blistering heat wave that made it very difficult to work.

I needed to buy an in-room AC unit and run it in addition to the central AC in order to make it barely livable in my office for the last three weeks.

Furthermore, I am in the process of putting together the next step of the LIBOR timeline -- which is shaping up to be quite large. It also keeps transforming as time goes on -- faster than I can keep up with.

The London Olympics rituals have been so blatant -- and there is so much on that topic alone -- that I am about to post an article just on that, before I can get the huge investigation piece finished.

This attack was a fairly sophisticated operation. In the aftermath these same forums lit up with allegedly real people saying they would "never come back" to this website because I obviously lied to them.

This is a very desperate and easily disproven campaign of disinformation. It most likely was intended to destroy my credibility at a critical moment -- while we are on the brink of genuinely freeing our planet from the Cabal.

I hope to have the next piece up very soon. I have to work in the cracks now, as I am doing this at one of our Convergence events in Vancouver, British Columbia.

Anonymous said...

I see the propaganda is real getting deep. Must mean the real crap will be hitting the fan shortly.

So let me get this straight, as the world is engulfed in war, where innocent women, children fathers and sons are being slaughter by the minute, David Wilcock had a first person encounter with real aliens that take human form.

While a large portion of this earthly people on this planet are starving adn DYING, David Wilcok had a first person encounter with our human family from our galaxy and beyond!

While misery reigns through out the world we live in, David Wilcock had a first person encounter with human type beings from outer space, with technology that fix all of our Earthly ills in a heart beat.

While the earth goes through moral decay, human slaughter, hunger, corruption, pollution to name a few, David Wilcock had a close encounter with space aliens that decided to meet with special people like him rather than save the innocent of our planet?

Honestly, why do many of you people reading Wilcock believe such BULLSHIT?

...and let me guess, through out this entire meet and greet process, Wilcock had to take time off do to exhaustion? the man is so drained all the time from his great offerings to our world. Hey, who ouldn't be after writing on average 8 paragraphs every 1 month or 2?

Anonymous said...

This is a hoax and not written by David Wilcock.
(Update at the end of the article)

Anonymous said...

THIS IS A HOAX...check divine cosmos before you post stuff like this, please John. More Disinfo.

Anonymous said...


The discussion-forum website Godlike Productions has featured writings from an impostor, posing as me.

Many were fooled by this campaign. I have now had it forwarded to me by about seven or eight different people through email chain letters.

Let me be absolutely clear: there are no "member excusive" writings here or anywhere else. Any and all things I write, with the sole exception of the Source Field book, are posted freely online.

Furthermore, I do not post writings anywhere else but on this site.

I did not go to the London Olympics. No "First Contact" occurred. The whole thing is a hoax.

It has been a while since I last posted, but that has mostly been due to the fact that I am working on several other mission-critical initiatives -- while suffering through a blistering heat wave that made it very difficult to work.

I needed to buy an in-room AC unit and run it in addition to the central AC in order to make it barely livable in my office for the last three weeks.

Furthermore, I am in the process of putting together the next step of the LIBOR timeline -- which is shaping up to be quite large. It also keeps transforming as time goes on -- faster than I can keep up with.

The London Olympics rituals have been so blatant -- and there is so much on that topic alone -- that I am about to post an article just on that, before I can get the huge investigation piece finished.

This attack was a fairly sophisticated operation. In the aftermath these same forums lit up with allegedly real people saying they would "never come back" to this website because I obviously lied to them.

This is a very desperate and easily disproven campaign of disinformation. It most likely was intended to destroy my credibility at a critical moment -- while we are on the brink of genuinely freeing our planet from the Cabal.

I hope to have the next piece up very soon. I have to work in the cracks now, as I am doing this at one of our Convergence events in Vancouver, British Columbia.

Anonymous said...

Its posted on divine cosmos by David wilcock that he was not at the Olympics and he did not take part in any dissclossure. This is dis info!!!

Anonymous said...

It was stated that he was standing 250 ft away and could not make out details yet he could tell they were smiling.. lol! Dead give away on that one!

Anonymous said...

I don't need David or anyone else to tell me this was a hoax. It's obvious he didn't write this. None of it sounds like it's in his words. I only read the first couple paragraphs and was done. David is one of the few people that still resonates with me. Obvious hoax is obvious.