Monday, August 27, 2012

Louisiana Purchase of May 2, 1803 Cancelled. Wash., D.C. Stole Back The $15 Million Payment Of America For This French Land. Reasons For Legal Action By

     "Not to oppose evil is to approve it, and not to defend truth is to suppress it; and indeed to neglect to confound evil men, when we can do it, is no less a sin than to encourage them." Pope St. Felix III (483-492 A.D.)
     "When millions of lives are threatened, it is better to practice preventive medicine which is light and of little pain than wait to cure the bloody disaster of millions of people killed by would-be tyranny and then countless more millions of people bloody killed to rid our land of the tyrant in power." - Erasmus Of America
     The sale of the Louisiana Purchase to America by France is on questionable grounds as to legality regardless as Wash., D.C. said they would send in 50,000 invading American soldiers to take what they wanted from the Louisiana Territory if this French land was not sold to Wash., D.C. Sales made at the point of a gun are not the kind of legal contract courts uphold as binding law! Years ago I owned a small office building and also a small manufacturing plant. My sales representative who was very capable had just secured orders from I think the final count was 8 national firms including Sears (then largest retail chain in America) and Grant's (a national retail chain which later went out of business). We had the financial backing to cover huge national orders as soon as we received the purchase orders from these national firms for our exclusive national product. They had seen the product, display racks we supplied for these, and thought this was a sharp national product line. I was going to use the profits from this to reestablish my father's Vatican endorsed trade secret food product the Pope had endorsed as potentially the greatest news for mankind since the coming of Christ since it was so important to world health. Wash., D.C. engaged in a savage campaign to smash our national deals and terrorize our office staff, national sales representative, etc. With national orders "in the bag," based upon national commitments, we evalauted first round we were good for $15 million and more profit from the first round of orders, and looked for maybe $30 million or more national profit second round of orders as we anticipated competitors to these national firms would also want our product after it hit the national market. Wash., D.C. destroyed our guaranteed national sales as they did not want me to reestablish my father's Vatican endorsed trade secret food product. Wash., D.C. had earlier pulled a wild stunt and due to total legal corruption in Wash., D.C., there was nothing we could do to undo the business sabotage engaged in by Wash., D.C. to block my father's Vatican endorsed food product from being reestablished in the American national market. We had the financial backing of West German industrialists to set up this food process in America again. The deal was arranged through a Canadian business source and arranged totally outside of America. But Washington, D.C. wiretapping our business phone and apparently reading our business mail knew we were about to win in reestablishing this Vatican endorsed industrial food process in America. The first time after being on the national market for several years, powerful enemies of my father arranged a trap how they would bankrupt him even though he had a plant worth millions of dollars. It was a clever plan and my father did not see how it was a planned ambush to wipe him out of business. Wash., D.C. held my father back until his enemies could figure out how to destroy him. It was a team effort to destroy him. Wash., D.C. on a deal arranged outside of the United States charged in and contacted the West German industrialists that this food process was a hoax, had never existed, and this was a giant con. My Canadian businessman in wrath called me from Canada and asked, "What the hell is Washington, D.C. contacting my West German industrialists in Germany and telling them this is a hoax and con, and the food process has never existed in history?" Wash., D.C. lied bigtime to sabotage this guaranteed backing I think was for either $12 million or else $15 million starting funds and likely more later on coming from West Germany then. Wash., D.C. through the U.S. Army had already tested the super health bread produced by this trade secret process in World War II as recorded in the Congressional Record of Wash., D.C. Besides being super healthy for U.S. soldiers, it tasted so good that polled by the U.S. Army, 85% of all U.S. soldiers who had tasted it at the two U.S. Army bases it was tested at said they wanted no other bread after tasting this. It skyrocketed again and again in marketing tests how well the public liked this super health bread when they were given samples of it. Bakeries getting the flour milled from this trade secret process typically showed fast growth of bread sales even as high as 150% increases sales or more often in 90 days or so. It was tested at one military academy and for the year the cadets had the super bread baked from this super healthy flour which retained basically all the nutrition of the original wheat whereas usual milling removes nearly all of the original nutrition in wheat or other grains milled, the military cadets increased their bread consumption up to 250 loaves of bread for every prior 100 loaves of bread they had previously eaten in a year. When the one year test was over, the military cadets went back down to their prior low level of bread consumption as happened all over America with people in general. The human body recognized this was good for it and wanted all of this bread it could get! Cadets at that academy even traded desserts for more slices of that bread! This is what Wash., D.C. told West German industrialists was a hoax, the food product had never existed, and this was nothing but a con as no food process for this had ever existed. Fortune Magazine and many other prominent national publications including American Legion Magazine had years prior wrote up glowing reports how great this food product was for national health and then Wash., D.C. in later years tells the West German industrialists that this Vatican endorsed food product had never existed and was just a hoax by a con artist student who had recently left a university as a history major there. By the way, his history professor there had commented that he was the most brilliant history student likely that had ever been seen at that large university. Same reaction as the chairman of the history department at a prominent military academy had commented on him as being the most brilliant military cadet in history that had likely ever studied at that military academy. I also won a postgraduate college scholarship in political science while still in high school after taking a national history test against other top honor students across America in high schools.
      I later studied mechanical engineering with an engineering school and was allowed to take one week's worth of engineering studies each day and kept an A average while doing this.
      Now Washington, D.C. stole from me by their criminal, totally insane, police state tactics apparently twice $15 million or more that was coming to me in order to block me from reestablishing my father's Vatican endorsed food process as publicized in the Catholic Digest in the 1950's with the endorsement of Pope Pius XII that this world important to the future and national health of all races on earth. Yet later Wash., D.C. lied through its teeth and told these West German industrialists this food process had never existed and was just a hoax to con the West German industrialists who were going to back me with all the finances I needed to reestablish my father's Vatican endorsed food process in America.
      Okay, this is the story behind the federal theft of $15 million and far more coming to me which I was going to use to reestablish this food process necessary for the health and survival of the human race on earth. To block it by sabotaging the money for it which legally is just a sophisticated way of stealing the $15 million that was already promised and guaranteed coming to me is the basis for the following legal act I technically performed on August 25, 2012. By the way, this Washington criminal tactics is violation of the Proxmire Act which is the domestic version of the Genocide Treaty and also clear violation of the international Genocide Treaty President Ronald Reagan signed while in office.
      Because the details of the following are releasing details hidden from Europe for a long time since elements in Europe thought they had successfully murdered off the branch of the royal line of France I descend from, the shock wave will soon reach Europe that the real royal line of France is still intact, well, and many of us in America descend from this branch of the royal line of France. When my great grandfather in pride gave all six of his children names from this French royal line, the family privately boasted how all six still had the hereditary birthmark of the family line which came from the mother who married the ruler of France which established this branch of the French royal line. An Austrian nurse to the Hapsburgs was quoted in the Latimer series of history on Europe mentioning what this unique birthmark was this branch of the Hapsburgs had. The six children all had the hereditary birthmark on their hip maybe no other family in Europe ever had. My grandfather Joseph had the hereditary birthmark. My mother had the birthmark and keeping to the family tradition, I also had the hereditary birthmark. Since the elder brother of Joseph who was Francis died young, Joseph became the lawful head of the family claims. And since I am his only male descendant, I have all the family claims to the Throne of France and which involve the authority to cancell the Louisiana Purchase if Wash., D.C. stole back the $15 million payment for the Louisiana Purchase which it has. The land not being paid for, I with the authority of the royal line of France declare that legally the Louisiana Purchase was cancelled as a land sale to America on August 25, 2012 since Wash., D.C. stole back the purchase price for this land and France certainly never gave this land to America for free. I know all the family details of the secret story how the royal line of France ended up in America after our enemies thought they had successfully murdered the line in Europe. One part of the story concerns the secret dowry that went with marriage and so they settled in America with a moderate fortune to establish themselves with in America. The Catholic Church had cooperated since they knew that enemies wanted this line wiped out by murder. No public banns were published and the royal couple was secretly married as Catholics in Europe without the Rothschilds knowing it who were the ones wanting the line murdered at all costs.
     I know all the answers but only releasing part of the family details as this is already adequate to establish that we are the real royal line of France. Get the six names of the children of my great grandfather and the family name is spelled out so clearly, any historian should immediately know who we really are among French royalty. The hereditary birthmark may have only been possessed by one family line out of the countless millions of family lines in Europe.
     I formally declare that the Lousiana Purchase due to the payment of $15 milllion and more being stolen back by Wash., D.C. so no money has been paid for this land, this purchse of land is formally declared cancelled, null and void under law. Until I meet with representatives of foreign governments to decide who gets potential option to the land of the Louisiana Purchase, I list the following just to make it rough for Wash., D.C. legally. Until and unless I cancell this later on, France has first claim to this land provided they agree that the Confederate States of America will be fully backed into national independence from Wash., D.C. which is so hostile and enemy to the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights that I consider it to be a tiny foreign nation like the Vatican State and not legally part of the United States of America but a foreign corporation which has usurped legal authority from the prior legal U.S. Republic, is an imposter government with ex-Americans working for it as any Americans who no longer have legal loyalty to the American people nor loyalty to uphold the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights are no longer American citizens, but subverted by the wickedness and corruption of Wash., D.C., have been turned into a barbarian race and no longer civilized enough to be part of the American people. There are still those who are loyal Americans in Wash., D.C., but your silence does not show who we may trust in Wash., D.C. as Americans and not now the new race of Washingtonians (ex-Americans swore in loyalty to the foreign nation now of Wash., D.C. since it seceded from the federal union when it had no more loyalty to the American Declaration of Independence of 1776, the Articles of Confederation and the U.S. Constitution which James Madison stated was just an expanded Articles of Confederation with more powers given to it. James Madison, called the father of the U.S. Constitution, said that if the U.S. Republic ever had no more loyalty to the founding compact of America (we call it the American Declaration of Independence of 1776 for the ignorant in Wash., D.C.!), then it was no longer the national government of America and its laws invalid and null and void for America.
     Also, to insure that the rights of the Confederate States of America are fully backed if we agree to what will likely end up a French commonwealth or confederation with France since part of the Louisiana Purchase covered some land later incorporated into the Confederate States of America, I am to be established as the lawful ruler of the Throne of France until I am satisfied that the Confederate States of America are fully reestablished as a nation with full freedom for its citizens. After that, I would prefer to work with science and engineering rather than political affairs unless the French people want me to stay in this position. To me it is a job which while I am hired to do it, I will be faithful to the interests of France. But also possessing authority for the Provisional Government of the Confederate States of America by grant of legal authority from three branches of the descendant Jefferson Davis family, I am totally loyal to the people of the Southern States represented by this legal authority.  I am making this incredible legal and political move because my people of the South are faced with pending mass slaughter under our would-be tyrant Obama who has amazed large military assets for the smashing of the American people planned at least tentatively for October, 2012 just before the national election which he will try to stop if he can. France has independent nuclear arms. I was already trained by a defector from the Moscow Institute For Nuclear Studies in all the nuclear warfare tactics of the prior Soviet Union and among these was how to construct the Soviet-era Doomsday Bomb. If once on the Throne of France, I am prepared to show the French military how we build this bomb and then we can annihilate any military opposition from Wash., D.C. if they try to stop us from sending in our French Army, etc. to liberate the Southern people from the tyranny of Wash., D.C. and give them their national independence as they are legally entitled to under international law. If Wash., D.C. dares harm even one citizen of the South in their planned mass massacre of the American people, if I control French nuclear arms, I will then demand the unconditional surrender of Wash., D.C. to the American people and hang those who resist. I will go one step further. You planned how the American people were to be mass slaughtered like sheep come October, 2012. If I head the French forces and you try this, I will hang or otherwise execute every leader of Wash., D.C. who wanted to mass slaughter the American people by order of Obama. If necessary, I will wipe out if necessary all your military if they try to mass slaughter the American people whether in the South or elsewhere in America. I declare all the American people under the military protection of the Confederate States of America and its ally if required of nuclear France in support of the Southern cause in exchange we will agree to sign over the Louisiana Purchase Territory over to France except for what is held back for the Confederate States of America.
      If France does not care for this offer, but I suspect they would realize this would wildy turn France around to a major world power if I do this, then I go down the list.
      To Russia, in exchange for total backing of the national independence of the Confederate States of America, I will agree in exchange for becoming the Czar of Russia, turn over to you what land of the Louisiana Purchase not to be turned over to the Confederate States of America. This will give Russia giant new resources and wealth you do not currently posess. But the American people living there are to be guaranteed full legal rights, self-government, and if Wash., D.C. harms one person of the Northern part of the Louisiana Purchase, Moscow is to consider this an act of war by Wash., D.C. on Russia and if I am your Czar, I am confident we will swiftly bring the murderous Wash., D.C. down like a paper dragon as their generals find out how weak they really are. Also, I have enormous technology that can bless the Confederate States of America and also bless Russia if we become partners together in a Russian Commonwealth or confederation if that is what is required. Before I let the people of the South be mass slaughtered by the hired mercenaries for Obama, I will join with Russian interests and Russia will emerge much more powerful as a world leader than you are now. But the South will be an independent nation with full legal rights and self-government for their people.
     Third position. If we have to go this far, I will invite that Great Britain, also a nuclear power, back the Confederate States of America and we will join your British Commonwealth and better to rejoin with Britain as a confederated but still free nation than continue to live under a tyrannical government far worst than the British Government ever was. Again the dowry we bring for our marriage with any of the listed nuclear armed nations, what the South does not use for the Confederate States of America, can be joined with the nation backing us, but on usual terms already stated. Also, we of the Confederacy have already declared that Jesus Christ is the King of the Confederate States of America. We are by this legal stand a royal nation and our laws and policies will be passed based upon our understanding what Jesus Christ would want us to do. We will build a great throne for Jesus for when He returns to earth. When he comes, we will be His loyal people and with great rejoicing crown Him King of the Confederate States of America. Any nation we make the above listed deals with, if you become a Muslim government or nation, we no longer agree to these terms and we will each go our separate ways. We willl never consent to Islamic domination of the people of the South.
      For Wash., D.C., you are close to losing the Southern people forever. I tested you with the $525,000 challenge to pay me back this federally stolen money by August 25, 2012 if you had any conscience, and I have now clearly established under law that you have no conscience nor legal honor as a government. That is what decided me to assert my legal authority to cancell the Louisiana Purchase and begin the South on its march to national independence again as you plan under Obama to massacre millions of Southerners even 60-90 days from now if I do not do what I have just done. I expect the Omni Law to be passed before a new President is elected for America. I expect within 7 days of posting this for all the world to see that I now be repaid twice $525,000 to teach you to accept my first offer as my later offer will be far worse for you to face. You may write out now two federal checks for $525,000 each and send them to NIFI at NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679. If they arrive one day late, add $525,000 additional to be paid by 7 days after that. If nothing paid on time, instead of the $25 billion you already owe me for the large national and world deal I had until your Justice Dept. busted it up since it would have given me the money to reestablish my father's Vatican endorsed food process needed for the good health and world survival of the human race on earth, we will add $50 billion for punitive damages and if not paid before October, 2012, we will see about meeting with the above nations and who offers us the best deal for the Confederate States of America, we will probably close the deal with them and Wash., D.C. is finished as a national but illegal government of America. If you wish, after payment of all sums listed here, you may attend our meetings with these other listed nations and quick try to outbargain them as to who we will end up with. Omni Law has got to be passed fast. We are getting back the $25 billion stolen from me by federal conspiracy or else we go our separate ways forever. I will reestablish my father's Vatican endorsed food process with or without Wash., D.C. around any longer. If the South suddenly emerges as a powerful new nation, I frankly figure it will be swift and all other remaining of the 50 states will join with us and Wash., D.C. collapse like a bad nightmare into the night of perpetually forgotten by mankind that you ever existed.
      If we agree to continue with the federal union, we will expect all drones picked up by Wash., D.C. to be turned over to the newly formed Confederate Air Force. If we have these robot planes instead of your madman Obama in power, we have pulled a lot of your teeth to kill millions of Americans as Obama plans to do this year. he will have C.I.A. try to engineer the race war to give Obama the excuse and then America is put under perpetual martial law as long as Obama lives. Sorry, but I am cancelling your plans Obama! You are not going to massacre millions of Americans up to 100-150 millions of Americans as you would not hestitate to do as you are a madman in temporary power.
     All of the military ammo bought by civilian federal agencies for the planned mass massacre of even up to 150 million Americans will be turned over to the resurrected Confederate Army of the Confederate States of America. We of the South have no hatred of any other Americans. You plan to create the greatest bloody massacre of citizens seen in human history. We of the South say we will stop you. And we tell you where to go if you think you are going to mass murder Americans in all 50 states. If you try it, we will execute you after first putting you on trial for high treason and attempted mass genocide. Also, all who back you in Wash., D.C. will also be put on trial for all the nation to see and we will do whatever is required to crush this high treason in Wash., D.C. forever.
      Copies of my Omni Law may easily be read on the internet. Go to Nesara News. Look in their search box at the top left over their archive listing of reports. Put in Omni Law and you will find copies of it right away. Put in Erasmus of America which I used as my pen name and you can read dozens of my national reports I posted with Nesara News. For ordinary Americans who don't want to be mass murdered by Obama later this year, financial backing is welcome now to help pull the rug further from under the feet of Obama and co-traitors in Wash., D.C. Send checks made out to NIFI and send to NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679. With any check made out for $10 or more, add $2 and we have a dealer and wholesaler in Confederate flags who we will turn your name and address over to. He will send you his listing of prices for Confederate flags. He will be responsible for Confederate flags. We will be responsible for passing of the Omni Law. But it might be a nice touch if the Confederate flag started flying in all 50 states showing that the American citizens do not consent to be mass murdered by Obama and co-traitors in Wash., D.C. People wanting email copies of the Omni Law, send your request to .Also, people wanting to join with us in spreading the message across America, send this report all over America by email or send to the above listed email address and tell us of the ways you want to join with us in winning America to pass the Omni Law now before Obama tries to mass kill us off in October, 2012 as was his original date for titanic massacre of the American people. For the news media trying so hard to cover for Obama who is not even legally an American citizen, when the Omni Law is passed, we have a surprise for the controlled press working for the government and elite interests instead of the American people. A science fiction movie once suggested a way to punish you that is unique. We will teach you to never try to set up the American people again for the planned massacre of from a low of maybe 10 million Americans up to 100-150 million Americans first wave and then more murdered later on.
       American people, I have probably just saved many millions of you from being murdered this year by Obama. But don't sit on your rear ends or letting "E.T.'s" to rescue you later on or "loyal" military elements in Wash., D.C. to come to your aid. I am reality, not the psychological warfare of C.I.A. and allies in Wash., D.C. Look at the zombie members of Congress walking around like nothing deadly is forming in Wash., D.C. Don't trust the walking zombies of Congress. Join with the Southern States which my industrialist father many years ago used to say, "Someday the South will save the United States from total disaster." He was right!
      Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name. Friends already know what the event is I am waiting for and then gladly I will let
 all know what my usual name in society is. I have really rattled the traitors in Wash., D.C. by this pen name game. There is brief reason for this pen name game. But it is to help protect the American people. Later all will be explained!)

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