Mark of the Beast Watch: Obamacare to track you electronically to monitor compliance
MONITORING.—A State shall include in the State planHas Obama hidden the prophesied Mark of the Beast in Obamacare? It doesn't take a genius to put the pieces together on this one. Patients will be tracked using wireless technology to ensure compliance, folks. The End Time is not coming - the End Time is now!
‘‘(1) a methodology for tracking avoidable hospital readmissions
and calculating savings that result from improved chronic
care coordination and management under this section; and
‘‘(2) a proposal for use of health information technology in
providing health home services under this section and improving
service delivery and coordination across the care continuum
(including the use of wireless patient technology to improve
coordination and management of care and patient adherence
to recommendations made by their provider).
Revelation 13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
So here we have a tax law which forces everyone to participate and buried in the law is a wireless tracking requirement. Stay tuned for more as this story develops.
scary shit
Look we all know that Obama & his admin. are not good but it really insults my intelligence to read/watch crap about him being the messiah to people or that he is the antichrist. That is just extreme (and crap). I am not a fan of Obama but there is so much negative stuff on him on the internet to even hint that people think he is the messiah is coming from people who are either twisted of have a serious agenda.
The mark of the beast HAS BEEN HERE FOR YEARS!! THIS IS ONLY A DECIEVING TRICK!. The number of the beast is 666, the US code for social security number is 666. We CANNOT buy/sell without the number of our name, OUR NAME REPRESENTS OUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER THROUGH YOUR STRAWMAN/ALL CAPITAL LETTER NAME! you need the number for any bank account or job! Its on our hand AND head as we remember it and write it! And EVERY COUNTRY has a type of social security number and they are ALL TIED TO THE UN! The UN is the beast!! Your SSN is the mark! ALL the information that would be on this chip is ALREADY on your SSN! We contract for the SSN as soon as were born without our consent and has no benefits what so ever it just ties us into the system.
AND.... So how do you get rid of the ALL CAPITAL LETTER NAME?? LINKS OR SUGGESTIONS.
It is actually the cell phone. It is on the right hand or by the ear...
IT IS THE RFID (tag or tatoo) that will be placed on your forehead or in your right-hand. I would strongly suggest that you ask the Lord for guidance and HE will show you. As for the scoffers, yes, you too were prophesized about in the Bible. But know this: Our Messiah is coming! Pick sides: As G-d says it: You are either with HIM or against HIM. I trust you seek the Lord with all your heart while He may be found, as He knows the ones that are HIS.
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