The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
Posted By: MESETA [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 4-Aug-2012 10:22:38
Date: Saturday, 4-Aug-2012 10:22:38
Uh, oh! Looks like the ETs won't make it. My oh my! Quinsey and all the other charlatin channelers have a lot of explaining to do. But of course there is some reasonable excuse and the sheeple who follow this crap will eat it up. I wonder what the next landing date is going to be? Epic, epic FAILURE!
I want to know the message and read it and it says that the message does not exit....can someone send it to me or show me it.............thanx
Why are so many blogs still posting this? Please explain me someone, can't understand this ... after years and hundreds of failed predictions. Please stop it!!!
More shit than a Christmas Turkey. About like the Cabal saying they are going to give up tommorow, did I say tommorrow, no I ment tommorow, or was it tommorrow I forget so maybe next week. lol
I think it is this one...
This whole disclosure thing is becoming one big joke!
Get the * ships on the ground, for gods sake.
The ET's made it long ago. They live in the bastard STATE of israel.
This was a psyop to make the truthers look bad for believing in aliens. TPTB are laughing. The channelers will be a laughing stock and TPTB have fooled the world again. The BBC is doing an expose' on all this truther stuff and they are using the Aug.4'th landing as the backdrop and they intend to have a phsycologist to say that if you believe in this stuff you are nuts. Seems the channelers are on the side of TPTB.
Even the aliens were telling us to tell it far and wide so truthers would look nuts. They took care of the arrest by throwing their under minions (lowly bankers) to the wolves . We need to stop falling for what the channelers say or we deserve to be fooled by them.
So here we are again with mud on our faces. Tell the channelers and the E.T.'s to shut up. They are making it worse for everyone! Which I dont doubt that , that was their intension all along. We should solve our own problems and let the E.T. and TPTB finish their psyop with no success. This has all been a psyop people, and the channelers and E.T.'s are in on it .
No landings until we learn our lessons.
When I read this I thought Master Po was giving Grasshopper another lesson.
"This is about the Light-Process" .. we're all going to be seeing that light before this ever happens.
I am going to get my lawn chair and sit in front of my house that Bank of America stole and wait for the nice Spacemen to give it back.
The Clear Light of Real Truth, Pure Consciousness, and All Pervading Love.
Don't put all your hopes in broken promises! Forget this nonsense. This is all put in place by the cabal to keep you in darkness. They themselves follow satanic plans. One of these plans is to fool the world into believing that the aliens will swoop down in their spaceships to save the world. This IS a diabolical plan to fool the masses, to take you all away from knowing and focusing on the truth! Jesus! The dark forces on this planet have been planning for this time in history for many years. Their master plan IS working. They've got you all believing in a fantasy that has moved your focus on et's rather than The ONLY REAL, TRUE SAVIOR OF THE WORLD, JESUS CHRIST. But you refuse to see this truth because you have been brainwashed by so called channelers which have allowed themselves to be fooled into believing that they have these gifts and powers to commune with aliens. These are demonic spirits which make their presence known to those who are willing to invite them in rather than invite Christ into their lives. I read The Holy Scriptures and I believe that JESUS IS THE ONLY WAY TO SALVATION. It's your choice. God never forces people to love HIM. - Jackie Blue
Guess the ET's feel like they have not lost enough trust from humanity already..... strike 3 your out! and actually its more like strike 12..... oh welllllll ............sigh
Quit playing games with peoples hearts and heads! Not the right way to raise conscienceness if the message is actually from the light. Heaven help us! Who do you trust now? Just announce NESARA already and forget the GFL stuff, its safer for you soul that way!
Aint that the truth, better start using the guns before the military steals those too! Lord know they have plenty of property now to give the Chinese since they wont accept FIAT money anymore.
Your not ET so you wouldnt get it, I sure got it. I saw now what I hadnt worked on yet in me, and now I will do it with a vengeance. I think if you have never been out there, you wouldnt know what its like to be one, and how they think. I love how you assume you know what and who they are, it kinda amuses me but then again that would be involving made up drama, and it looks like you still prescribe to the drama, well good luck. I wont see you in this world or in any world, but maybe in a 1000 years or so your consciousness will have figured it out. Later.
Ashtar Regarding August 4th, 2012:
Given through Susan Leland, August 3, 2012
"Greetings, Beloved Family! We are in awareness of the announcement that we will be de-cloaking at your Olympic Games on the date of August 4th, and we wish to address this in several ways.
"First, as you know, we are not in the practice of giving dates, and we have several reasons for this, not the least of which are your own safety and peace of mind. Remember that the dominoes are falling in a sequential order, and that it is necessary for all who would block your Freedoms to be removed. Also, we ask that you be aware that many dates have been given in the past for events and announcements and that, when nothing has occurred, it has caused a downward energetic spiral for those who have had hope. In other words, it has given the dark hats more disappointment, despair and depression upon which to feed.
"Now, having said this, we announce to you that we are at the Olympics, and have been there since long before the torch arrived. Our ships are so great in numbers as to literally blanket the sky in layers, and our purpose is to monitor, assist in preventing major 'false flag' events, and most of all, to beam loving messages to all present. Yes, even the video recording devices are picking up our high frequencies and thus relaying them, even though we have remained invisible - for the most part! We are in great Joy and thanks for this opportunity to address such a huge audience, and we express our infinite gratitude for the welcome which you have given to us!!!
"We assure you that we shall continue to appear to you in ever-increasing de-cloakings, and that, when the timing, or sequential flow, arrives at the optimal moment, we shall indeed appear to the entirety of Planet Earth. This moment is so close that we invite you to join with us in the Joy of its envisioning, for it is in the state of absolute and infinite Love and Joy that we perceive our long-awaited and much anticipated reunion with you, our Beloved Ashtar Family, who have volunteered to serve in the ground crew!!! 'Stay tuned' - Salut!"
Re: 6:42 P.M.
I gatta giveitaya YOUR PERSISTENT!!
What's the moto, keep telling the same lie over and over and it becomes the truth.
you should watch what your saying
you have to know time will tell i believe in the GFOL in fact here is something to prove it they have a reason for it read this
sir or ma'am i know how you feel i got angry too...... but reading this made me realize that one of the lessons that had to be learned similarly in this old show i used to watch avatar TLA..... you cant just come in and reveal yourself or attack you have to wait for the right time for that i forgive GFOL for there misunderstanding
go throw urself in a hitch stay where you are lets see how the "goverment" will help you and when our outer space family comes and helps ill be rubbing it in your face
I know that they are there. They are just operating at a much higher frequency than us. They have a lot of trouble physically if they have to reduce their frequency to have us see them. But, see only children and strong psychics can even perceive them, much less see them. The trouble is, people are not understanding how to raise their frequency to see them. That, is easier than what most people think. The thing you have to do, is let go of the drama, the drama is of lower frequency. You dont need the lower frequencies. The way to see up is to shrug it off, and tell your mind that it cant hear or see it anymore, cause it is just a frequency that we are unfortunately getting in our heads, real is not what most people think it is. I can assure you, once you raise your frequency and become accustomed to it, you see what is normal about how every reality is perceived. This lower reality is not what we want to keep dwelling on, if you want to stay alone and stay slaves, go ahead and keep getting involved. I wont, and I will raise my frequency up to where it once was, and refoin my people. So long, and thanks for all the fish.
What a complete dogmatic zealot
Hmmmm, I just wonder how many more times people will allow themselves to be fooled before they realize what is really going on ?
That's what our problem has been all along is always wanting someone else to take care of things for us.. We have elected ones that we wanted to take care of things for us now look what its gotten us into? We wanted Big Brother to watch out for us so they said. ok and made sooo many laws to govern us that we have so many laws that none of us can go through a day without breaking one wheather we know it or not because there are so many it is not possible to even know all the laws now! We keep asking someone else to take care of things that they gladly do so by taking away more freedoms while they gain more controls over us! If you want freedom then RESPONSIBILITY is the first step! To gain freedom we have to learn to rely on ourselves more and on others less! Until we do that we will continue to be ruled by those who pretend to be looking out for our best interest! Folks, we asked for it and look what we have!
ETs? You guys watch too much Star Trek! Did you really think that aliens from another planet, communicating with humanity telepathically, through humans, who are "channelers" were actually introduce themselves to humanity? And people think I'm crazy because I believe in God.
Seeing is believing! Keeping your word is the code of honor among humans! Admit it~ you blew it! Copy and pasting words with a few revisions is the same old, same old, OLD! Action speaks louder than words. It appears the GFL is more interested in asssiting the PTB with the dark. Theres an agenda alright, obviously that is to piss off good hearted people even more than we are already! GOT TRUTH~ Show US!
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