The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 8/7/12 ‘Fulfilling Your "Assignments"’
Posted By: MESETA [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 7-Aug-2012 20:01:19
Date: Tuesday, 7-Aug-2012 20:01:19
Ok, I am glad you will read the comments, because if you listen closely, you will read the feelings of honest and sincere Beings who came here to help change this corrupt and dark world, who are in the thick of the battle right here on the ground. You, hide in your space ships and allegedly channel information through men who may or may not be bringing it through purely, if at all. You make promises that you do not keep. You set timelines you do not honor. And we are supposed to believe you are for real through this channel? We on the planet are quiet sick of the lies and deceit of government, the so called judicial system, the corporations, all of those who are supposed to be protecting the rights of the people. And if that's not enough, we have to hear the dribble that comes from the mouth of those who claim to represent the GFL, who are suppose to be 5th dimensional Beings who are allegedly here to support us here on the ground. Well, if that is the case, then where the hell are you and why are you sitting back in your chairs claiming to support but in fact are just watching the show? Are you having a good time? Is it not the best movie you have ever seen? Quite frankly, we on the ground are tired of lies and deceit. We have come to the point where we do not trust channels nor do we trust what is called the Galactic Federation of Light. What have your really done? What have you accomplished? I mean, for real, what have you done. It seems since the day we were born, we have been here on our own, no help, no support. You can claim that you have been here, but do you have proof? Did you land at the Olympics or are you just another game? Another projection of mental mind f**k from the PTB? Really, it's time to, as mother used to say, sh*t or get off the pot. Do these channels really have anything to say, or is it dribble? I will tell you, some of the things I have read, are just wasted words, you say a lot and say nothing all at the same time. Get real... or go the hell away...!!!!
reaching its final period. . . . anyday, soon, in two weeks, in two months, this fall, Dec 2012 - all is complete nonsense and a complete waste of words on page
I agree, but not as harshly. I can sure understand where the last comment is coming from, but at the same time I understand most of the logic behind what is being said, but as the song goes, my Mother says she loves me, but she could be jivin too.
Although it appears to most, the madness that is playing it's course around this world, there are events taking place behind the scenes that are pointing to the right side of history. I also believe that Divine intervention is and has been at work. I have come to understand that we are the last of the evil planets in existence and to keep your trust and faith in our creator because it sure ain't man that is going to save our rear end in this picture.
How much more suffering, misery, death and wars are we to endure before it all goes away? Is that our choice? When I see the chem-trail campaigns completely stop and names like the Rothchilds,Rockafellas, Sorors, Bushes and Clintons get on the arrests list, I will then be fully convinced that this is the real deal. The battle continues.
I got the hint, I'm "gettin' involved".
After serious consideration regarding those who "Channel" I have come to believe that they have served a great purpose- And that is for us to see beyond the illusion of the Veil, the Charlatans, the False Prophets, the Dark Ones. They have taken us from sad "wishful thinking" beings to Great Seekers of Truth and we are all starting to take the next leap. And that leap is for us to realize and visualize that WE ARE and can only be our own true savior. So their role has been fulfilled.
John- I have changed my mind- continue to post all of this "Sci Fi" enchantment because it is empowering us all by waking us up to us. "Fool me once shame on you... "
The true test is to not allow the disappointment to turn into resentment or hate (which they crave) but to realize that we have been fooling ourselves and have been allowed to be fooled and NOW we are starting to see the Light.
From this point forward- every time you read a "Channeled Message" know that you are being tested and that you are aware of it and are able to make a greater leap closer to the Light.
Thanks, Channelers.
Does anyone really still believe in this channeling crap?
It is all psy-op hopium. Just wait a little more and someone will do all the work for you.
Those who sit in their arm-chair waiting for someone else to liberate them deserve no liberty.
The Colonialists who wanted liberty marched across frozen rivers with only rags around their feet, had their frozen toes amputated with no anesthetic. If you are not willing to make the same sacrifices today, forget any dreams about freedom - you are not worth it.
In the past TPTB used opium in war, now they use hopium and they are winning because people are swallowing this BS.
As an informed observer I read all of the reports etc. and am more convinced now than ever that the situation on Earth will not change for the better without direct intervention from the ETs. If you have the technology and power that we have been lead to believe it should be an easy matter for you to remove
the people who have the power of life and death over us. This would give your
allies here on Earth the incentive and means to do what must be done. And noone
in the U.S. with a working brain believes that obama is anything more than an
egomaniac with a NWO dictator complex. Like it or not we need your direct intervention NOW!!!!!! So, how about it???????
Just like you, we humans become what we meditate..
We are all praying, all the time.. Unceasingly.
We change, not merely because we want to, but because we have to.
As individuals, and as groups of individuals, we do what we must.
What we as individuals want, matters, but what we as individuals need, often takes priority.
Aligned together, our wants and needs can constitute a formidable force for spiritual enhancement, or detrement.
We are each responsible to and for ourselves and to a certain extent our extended groupings.
We often feed into and are fed by group energies, whether we wish to admit it or not..
When we affect and are affected by others, it is we ourselves, who enjoy, and/or suffer the results... Though we often try to avoid it, responsibility always remains with us.
Don't ever think we are not working through our own karmas.. We are because we must.
Just because we are overwhelmed by glamours, in various states of shock, or otherwise asleep, doesn't mean we aren't participating in the Great Work..
What we lack and sorely need down here is clarity in a context of understanding..
We are asleep because we don't know what being awake is... our 'opinions' are almost all emotional reactions with very little conscious thought to inspire and shape them...
We DREAM we are awake... - Not the same thing.. 'Painted cakes do not satisfy'...
Conscious energy work is all but a lost art down here... Very few are proficient.
The ancient paths of wisdom, including 'christianity' have been distorted beyond all recognition... corrupted.. and their elegant spiritual technologies are basically lost to all of us here.
We need enlightened examples, to reveal us to ourselves in real time..
I've been waiting to get this show on the road for a very long time! Please send me your intentions using telepathy or through a dream. Daniel Cox
Why is it that the first response is always some idiot rushing to spew hate and discredit your information? Even I discovered that the reports everyone was upset about with the date of August 4th did not link back to a valid web page. The valid web page never even had it in their archives. Without fail this person comes in and goes off on a tangent and is always the first to post. Should make you think that this person is linked to the cabal and also created the stories that upset everyone. It should have been obvious to everyone who is used to reading the reports, the style of writing was completely different and offended Christians. My main reason for not moving faster with taking action is the lack of funds that prevent me from doing as much as I would like to. I would love to participate in helping to change this world. It is much easier when you do not feel confined due to finances.
Agree , they just do messages no works or proof
anon 9:49 pm.. I think you may as well be talking to a wall. No matter if it was the "channeler" or the GFL who did the lying over and over again. Bottom line is they have obviously lied sooo...Why would u even think to believe or trust them now even if they did attempt to make some feeble attempt to make good on one promise ? I tell ya.. all this reminds me of just more of the same ol bs that we get from our elected officals and the controllers.. lies and propaganda.. Best to just dismiss them . Im ready to just put them on IGGY! Maybe if we ignore them they will go away and stop bothering us with their lies? If someone lies to you over and over are they someone you should trust?
To all who are not aware, the Galactic Federation of Light is not the group of spacefaring humans from the Pleiades, Ummo, Tau Ceti, Vega, Lyra, Aldebaran, and about 15 other colonized worlds who call other humans elsewhere and here as family. They are from Sirius A(a tropical world inhabited by a species of lizards who are amphibious and not too big on individual mindsets), they are ruled by a queen(a big queen) who has them mentally enslaved to her. She doesnt like the human species all that much, and therefore all of her children share her dislike. They dont like Dracos either, who call them lower than the low. They once had a big war meant to wipe the other out, but it didnt quite work out. They are all mentally in contact with each other, and with her. She is big into slavery of lower species, anything that isn't like them is less than nothing. They will pretend to be benevolent, loving, and caring; but thats all a show. They are also chameleons, but not like the ones here. They go that one step further, shapeshifting into whatever lifeform they wish to oppress and subjugate. They think they are experts at disguise and infiltration, but see the Dracos can see them, and telepaths can see them. Empaths can sense them, but they can fool them with phony surface emotions, like lust, jealousy, or just plain not feeling any emotion at all. But hey, they are the ones backing Obama right? He's one of them, they dont label ideals like capitalism or communism, cause they dont mean anything, they are just imagined concepts of a basic set of principles, selfishness and greed. They are both like those mindsets, communism and capitalism, heads and tails. They dont like sharing, they dont like telling the truth, and they definately dont like love. these are the Sirius A life forms.
All this nonsense about us having the power to change everything might be true theoretically, but practically it is not possible. There are only three scenarios that might change things
1. World War III or a cataclysmic worldwide disaster
2. Undeniable proof that 911 was an an inside job
3. Undeniable proof that ET exists - Disclosure
One of these things has to happen in order to change the world for the better. I prefer options 3 as it would not just challenge but change everybody's wold view.
I used to post all comments from the 'GFL' to all my contacts. Do I now? No. Why? Because we are all getting tired of the same old, same old.
You, the 'GFL' claim you have technology to take people off planet. You have stated in the past that you have taken our 'leaders' off planet for a benevolent 'finger wagging.'
95% PLUS, of the people who are awake would want the Illuminati out of the picture completely, so, Give us a clue. Let us know you are real, by taking 'off planet' those that spray us like garden pests. Let us see clear skies once again for weeks at a time. Keep theses people 'off planet,' until it is time to take them to court for their crimes. LET US KNOW YOU ARE REAL and not a tool of the Illuminati.
The odd 'saucer' here or there is not proof of your existence. We know the Illuminati have saucers too. Put up or shut up.
stop - Stop - STOP!!! Back the truck up; you're going down the wrong road. I stopped reading when you advocate "building seawalls" to protect everything inland.
Alright, foundational instruction: "Observe the ant, thou Sluggard." Observe the ant? Whatdoya mean? Yes, we are to be "Servants;" serve-ant, get it? We are to be working for the Beneficial Holders of earthly position - - the Creation. That does NOT mean we can go off an a tangent of useless/fruitless "work" just to keep us busy.
"Build a giant Seawall?" Get real.
Read Zeck, chapter 2. "Jerusalem" (I believe that word means "founded in peace") is a Land of UNWALLED villages with a multitude of men and cattle, etc. No, I'm not talking about the sandbox in the Middle East that, just recently, built a cement wall (30' high) around it. That alone excludes them from the equation.
So, - - if we're defined as a "Land of unwalled villages" why would we be so foolish as to try to "fence in" a Nation? Speaking of "fencing in (or out) a nation is what many advocate along the Mexican border. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hildago (if my memory serves me correctly) states there will be no closed borders (along that line). If you want a solution to that "problem" the only requirement is a level playing field; which means, no Benefits, no free medical, free housing, free food, free education, etc., etc. There's no need for borders. They'll hop in their chevvy peekup and come and go like they're supposed to. BUT, they won't be here as "Freddy Freeloader."
Well, hows that for educating the people. Many are cussing me out right now; but, when you think about it, you know I'm right.
While we're at it - let's take this one step further. Yes, there are many of us that are (and have been) living WAY below poverty standards that will soon be experiencing "new-found" wealth. How many of you gold-diggers out there have considered setting the American Native Nations up with a "grow-out" system of Tilapia fish in conjunction with greenhouses to provide complete food for a dejected people? While we're at it, how about a REAL recycling project of utilizing the Black Soldier Fly Larvae for a robust "waste to wealth and healthy food" scenario whereby your garbage becomes your fish and poultry feed? Come-on, anyone with a few ounces of gray-matter can figure this out; and, you don't need any lying media to "splain-it" to you.
You wanted a "comment" - well, you've got one. Now, get your damn microscope off the top of my head.
Doug Duff
Just like I would say it. THANKS.
Jerusalem. AMERICA is the New Jer-USA-Lem. That little sandbox in the middle east does not meet any of the requirements of Israel. It has only been there since 1948. My Grandmother never thought of that little cesspool in the so-called middle east when she read her Bible. She knew she was a descendant of one of the tribes of true Israel, in particular the tribe of JUDAH which is now GERMANY. There are twelve tribes of Israel and the jews are not of any of the tribes. Proven by archaeologist Raymond E. Capt
Please contact me via dreams
I am with you,Anonymous, I am so tired of lies and manipulations, cant anyone say the truth for once anymore? I already said that I am ready to help, but did I get any answer? No, of course not, so why are they saying?
For years I have been asking and offering my participation on endeavors of great significance... Either I am communicating with the wrong beings, my intentions are not clear enough or I am considered not worthy...
I have stated that for the right causes I am ready to jump with both feet with the utmost humility, compassion and dedication... Contact me and let's get going... Are you for real is my question. If you are real, you know who I am and how to contact me...
This message is very contradictory as compared to what all the other " Galactic " information is saying. So I will not get into the NitT Picking as such.
It doesn't appear to really come from " Love" in its delivery, ts intent I am not sure?
I for one have been doing ALL that I am " AWARE " that I am suppose to do, within the knowledge capacity YOU have allowed me to have.
Myself and others have Volunteered on countless occassions and to date I have had not so much as a mild buzz in communication or acknowledgment.
I am Totally open for Disclosure, assistance, and Yes even traveling for a visit for TEA. Where are You my friends.
We Humans may seem like a Game to those playing the Board, if that is the case then dont be upset if it isnt going your way all the time.... We are Survivors .
Not in Judgment, but from Love and Light
To the GFL:
1. All lightworkers desire peace, prosperity, abundance and love to encircle and be within each being on this please telepathically share "how" you would like us to do this to increase awareness of your presence!
2. Our frustration comes from "mixed messages" being delivered to us and from our desire to co-create change! You must understand that each and every time we share your messages with those who "do not believe" - WE ARE THE ONES who are discredited, made fun of, and then chastised by those we know, love and care about! DO YOU UNDERSTAND THIS? WE, not YOU, are the ones left in a very precarious position and often fragile state of being after repeated scenarios especially over the last six months!
3. I know that "you" say that there are large numbers of people who who be in a fragile state if you showed up and made an announcement but I disagree especially if it came with the announcement of our FREEDOM for right now, most of the world does not live as free beings. As you KNOW (?), most of the planet is struggling FINANCIALLY to the point that it is beyond sad and yet, the PTB who live in mansions and hoard their money continue on!
4. We, each our geniuses in our own all you need to do is TRUST this about who we are! Please stop "listening" to the PTB, their cronies, etc. who keep telling you that "the masses are not ready for a major announcement" and keep manipulating the process with every stupid excuse including threatening WWIII?!
5. Its not that people do not believe in your existence, its that the lies have been mounting for our entire life (the ones still here on Mother Earth) and all that is really needed is RE-EDUCATION which would immediately follow whatever manner you choose to begin!
6. Also if you can SEE what is happening on this planet, why would YOU feel that anyone on this planet would mind at all if all the creepy, greedy, hateful beings - ie, leaders, banksters, scientists, priests, business owners are removed, contained, whatever you would like to call it.....ASAP!
7. Mercury is out of retrograde now (lol), so please CLEARLY state (1 - 5) what you would like us to do (lightworkers) in a priority order (August: do xyz, this is what must be accomplished and this is what we will do on our end! Ex. look to the sky @ 9 pm in each time zone and we will make our ships clearly visable....this way, one can bring the non-believer to show them; September: do xyz etc. etc)!
8. As you read, you know who to contact and what must be done to co-create the desired end result which is bringing us into higher consciousness, our FREEDOM, our being reunited with our star brothers, sisters, family, loved ones, and ASSISTING MOTHER EARTH too!
9. Thank you for taking the time to read our comments, our concerns, and continue to help us further understand WHO YOU ARE!
10. Namaste...BIG HUGS!!!
star~seed sister
We attended from the same school. However, what would so many of the "seekers" out in la-la land do if an "Angel" appeared at the foot of their bed and told them to "do" something? I tell you what they'd do; they'd DO IT.
If some angel wakes me up and tells me to "do" something it BETTER RING TRUE. If not, I'll call him a liar and send him packing.
No, I'm not a tough guy, just reasonable. By the way, there are only two venues; one is force, the other is reason.
Hmmm, could that be why I'm so much against bastards that only know force? (Just so you'll know, by "bastards" I mean those whose father is That Wicked One. None others are bastards. We are prodigy of our Creator Father.)
Thank You Star-seed sister on behalf of ALL of us who still believe and are willing.
Extremelly WELL Written
they will be on the earth soon enough, as soon as God releases the Devil and all his demons. Be very aware whom you are worshiping. Be very aware.
There is/was a third star.. Anu, or Sirius 'C', in the constellation of Sirius, which has long since ascended..
Re: 12:25 P.M.
GOD left this place a long time ago!!!!!!
As above, so below, the outside world is a mirror of the inner world. The messages are conflicted because we are conflicted. Once we become clear on what we want in our lives their message will become clearer. Until we truly understand that they are us and we are them this game will not end.
The mission is one thing; LOVE. Not the fluffy bunny, hippies running through a wheat field, or two hormone infused kids in a back seat image but real love. The I accept you as you are love even though I don't quit understand you. Love that comes from within yourself because you see yourself in the other.
I find this all very interesting, but to have us believe you are real based on what some so called "CHANNELED" message tells us is absurd. Do not come to me in a "dream". Contact me while I'm fully awake so I can see and hear you with my own eyes and ears. I am not going to believe what a so called "channeler" is going to say to me so why don't you just cut out the middleman and come to me with your message and I will discern for myself whether you and your message is real or a government phy-ops. My feeling is that this is all a bunch shite intended for the weak minded that can't fathom the possibility that we and we alone are going to have to sort out our own problems and not a bunch of friendly ETs. Prove me wrong! I await a real response!
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