The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
Neil Keenan, Keith Scott - 'Liens', Cease and Desist Orders, etc. - New League of Free Nations
Posted By: igots2no
Date: Saturday, 4-Aug-2012 14:34:33
Date: Saturday, 4-Aug-2012 14:34:33
Is this it? Is this the refiling?
These are 'copies' of what is on my website, or a variation thereof.
These are the first set of docs.
There were no 'colors' as legal papers very rarely color any of their documentation.
The docs posted are directly from Neil Keenan...
The reason to offer these at this time is to inform as many people as possible, what
is/has been going on.
This is a coordinated effort between insider contacts, Neil, and myself, as requested.
The other matter is of the Eastern Alliance of unaligned nations. The number is now 180 +
and growing...
I will verify that Rockefeller was forcefully denied access to the meeting on the boat.
The individual who did this remains unidentified.
There will be publication of all new filings, documents, and any pertinent additional information,
as it comes available.
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