Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Peter Higgs 48 yr. search brings truth to CERN Project and a 5 dimensional outlook

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Peter Higgs 48 yr. search brings truth to CERN Project and a 5 dimensional outlook
Posted By: Nameless_one [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 8-Aug-2012 16:13:38

The Name Peter Higgs may soon be added to the exclusive pantheon of scientists who've made the universe a more understandable place.
Scientists at CERN have found strong evidence that the physics professor's nearly half-century-old mathematical computation for the origin of particle mass in the universe was right on the money.
Please find the Article at Santa Barbara Independent intitled Higgs Particle. or Goggle: Higgs particle
In a related subject and going 1 step, (dimension), further, A channeling was done by Aurelia Louise Jones in her book, "Protocols of The Fifth Dimension, Telos Vol 3" pg 214-215.
Like we say as agents, "Let's try and connect the dots" here goes.
This excerpt is channeled from a Lemurian leader named Adama. It is this editors interpretation of the channel.
Electrons = particles of Energy from the Body of Prime Creator.
They are eternally self-susgtained, indestructible, self luminous, intelligent and they are "light essence."
Our conscious thought determines the number of electrons which combine to make a specific atom.
The rate at which the electrons whirl around the central core is the result of and determined by "feelings".
The intensity of the whirling motion within the central core is the "breath of God."
The prime Source energy is "LOVE".
When we create anything "less" than pure love, (fear, anger, greed), we are misusing electrons and creating distortions which is not their purpose of serving Life.
We have to purify all electrons that we have misused. It's called the "working out" or balancing of "karma".
Please take note....Important:
God gives us on a daily bases an unlimited aqmount of electrons to create our life with. We are free to create it in anyway we want. We create with our "thoughts", "intentions", and "emotions". Our life always reflects how we use electrons that are available to us at all times.
Nameless_one's note: Wait until the scientist find this 5th dimensional thought...CERN may not be so bad after all, it's only a beginning.
More to be revealed

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU.. BEAUTIFUL.. QUANTIC PHYSICS MEET METAFICIS ND MEDITATION**.. i was reading a little book by ital. metafysical school about how to use electron CREATIVELY**= SYNCRONICITY***
we create daily with electrons.. creatively to connect ourselves with GOD..