Friday, August 24, 2012

Ponzi Scheme Update

BREAKING NEWS: Ponzi Scheme Update

Tom Heneghan explosive intelligence briefings ALL patriot Americans MUST know, with sources inside American and European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL, reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled fascist, extortion-friendly U.S. media propaganda of massive deceptive illusiona

Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence ExpertThursday August 23, 2012
image source

UNITED STATES of America - It can now be reported that U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, Federal Reserve Chairman Bernard Bernanke, ECB President Mario Draghi and financial terrorist George Soros have failed in an attempted back door bail out of Greece.

The scheme aka money laundry, which was to bypass the German Bundesbank (has veto power over the ECB), was to allow Soros, a private investor, to give the National Bank of Greece a short term bridge loan with Soros getting Greek islands as collateral.

Note: Goldman Sachs, which controls the National Bank of Greece, vetoed the Soros deal and then informed U.S. Secretary Timothy Geithner that they have a lien on the Soros-Paulson Hedge Fund, Citibank and the National Bank of Greece.

Item: Citibank of New York withdrew today a half a million dollars from the Soros-Paulson Hedge Fund.

P.S. St. Louis Federal Reserve President James Bullard and Richard Fisher, President of the Dallas Federal Reserve, believe that the stale minutes of the Fed's last meeting claiming a need for a new stimulus was done to accommodate George Soros' current positions in precious metals as to pay him off so Soros could then issue a check for a short term bail out of Greece.

P.P.S. The stock market is at 13,000 and housing starts are actually picking up so why would you need stimulus?

Do you want to pay $5.00 at the gas pump so Timothy Geithner can bail out Greece?

P.P.P.S. At this hour, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) continues to order a massive redemption and repatriation of collateralized assets pending bank consolidation.


Anonymous said...

Not the esoterical rants of the Galactics or the self propagandist bullshit of the dramatic queens of misinformation like"Erasmus of America" what a ridiculous name!!! or Drake. pathetic people looking for their 15 minutes of fame, what a shame!! keep this type of info coming!

siriusvoid said...

I wonder if the Fed/UST's Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF) via GS has stepped into the fray to throw it's weight around...
A lot at stake here..
But if 'status quo' is any indicator, we will see the Euro-zone's ECB step in as our own Treasury has.
This could easily be accomplished through the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) which holds the Financial Stability Mechanism (FSM).
The EFSF, or FSM for that matter, could become a licenced bank virtually over night, and just borrow the needed trillions for the European bailout from the ECB based on present collateral holdings, and use the Euros to purchase the debt of troubled nations directly. Which the ECB cannot do currently due to political restrictions.
I would bet on this as the most likely scenario to play out...

The ball would then be placed squarely in the US court...
It would then be time for the US to face down it's own crippling massive debt and derivatives exposure problems - with no manufacturing base to speak of...
- Not to mention Japan and Great Britain, both about ready to keel over and die.. - Buzzards gathering as we speak!

The Russian Duma ratifying accession to the WTO and NATO last month, could make things more interesting for Greece.
For one thing, a bidding war over the lease, or sale of strategic real estate for military and port facilities such as the isle of Rhodes could take place.
This could go a long way toward making Greek financial problems disappear.
The US has long coveted an opportunity to acquire real estate such as this.
Russia as well.. though it was beyond her grasp.
Greece being a NATO protectorate and all.
- Just sayin... WHAT IF...

Anonymous said...

I also agree that this is the kind of info we need. But if you follow Tom Heneghan posts, you can see a pattern there: "It can now be reported", bla bla bla Soros, Timmy, Bernanke, P.S. P.P.S and so on.
honestly I don't believe in this guy, but I'd love to.

Anonymous said...

If that's all you see, then so be it.
Are you behind the scenes making any change, or just reading about it and wanting someone else to get it done already.

Change takes time and someone is reporting that change.
You keep reading those words 'it can now be reported', P.S. and P.P.S. and let the rest of us adults get the real intel so match what we are working on and worth toward.

When you are ready, you can read between the lines.