Friday, August 24, 2012

Republican Party Plan for any Gold Commission is but an Electioneering Sham!

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

CGI's BillsBest: Republican Party Plan for any Gold Commission is but an Electioneering Sham!
Posted By: CGI_admin [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 24-Aug-2012 13:07:42

Posted by Bill Rummel
Can mainstream Republicans be scammed again? We think so. This talk of a "commission" to discuss a gold standard is but a hook to ensnare the now party majority of conservative outliers. You don't need Ron Paul to tell you any different.
Why, the GOP in its feeble attempt to get even a gold audit is a flop. Don't let these snakeoil traitors bamboozle this generation as they did the last. One glance at Romney's campaign advisor staff should clear up any opinions that are still fence-sitting: Romney’s Advisors Are Leftist Elites. Come on people put on your thinking caps, you're not dunces in the corner!
This election is a fraud. It's just the home stretch meter relay event and a Conspiracy baton-pass from Obama to Romney. There is no 'lesser evil' when they both are. Finish reading>>


Anonymous said...

until all are arrested for treason this problem will continue.

Anonymous said...

John why are My comments being blocked? I have noticed in the past some of My comments don't show up. they have mild profanity like (bullshit) other than that they are opinions and down to earth comment. They may be blunt but they are to the point. I can't get in on the 9/11 store closing,why not.

Anonymous said...

You who desire a gold standard are all fools.

You know not the faults of history.

You know not even the constitution of your country.

You are fools.

You are fools for desiring yet again, for a second time, to walk down the gold brick road right into the hands of the international bankers.

You haven't the courage let alone the wisdom to govern yourselves and to abide by a constitutional money.

You are falling for the all gov no gov marching orders of the bankers, and it will be to your further ruin.

You mark my words.

You will ruin yourselves even further.

Anonymous said...

We had a gold backed currency in 1929 and well throughout the thirties, and what did that get us?

A depression.

And where is all of this gold going to come from?

Do any of you have any idea that you are promoting an idea put out there by the bankers?

Have any of you even read your constitution?

Have you ever even studied what real currency is?

Look to your own treasury. Not to the gold and paper promises of the bankers.