Thursday, August 2, 2012

Stunning Blow to The Bad Guys by None Other Than Harry Reid!

After getting loads of emails last week from subscribers about how I was wrong and that Harry Reid is a "Bad Guy" and that my theory that he will ultimately bring the Audit the Fed Bill to the floor of the Senate for a vote was "a load of bull ---" Senator Reid has just laid a mortal blow to the Bad Guys!

Stunning Blow to the Bad Guys by None Other Than Harry Reid!

The action is picking up so hang in there!

May the Road you choose be the Right Road
Bix Weir


Anonymous said...

Romney doesent pay taxes because he dosent have too. Most UCC holders if their smart dont pay taxes because they arent corporate persons, they are men and women and taxes are unconstitutional for the natural man or woman, so they claim their man or womanhood on contracts in admiralty and since we are still a British colony and they are sworn to the queen they would be exempt,they just have to do it in secret because you cant let the plebs find it out or they may do it as well. So I'm sure that all our elected reps understand this . This is why its important for them to win in an election because the days of paying taxes are over with for them.So how many of these lawyers and international businessmen have UCC's?

The heirarchy in government is structured so that a human occupies the office of person. Go look up the office of person and you will find out whose on the bottom of the corporate structure and who is on top. Did you knoww that a police officer can not arrest a government official who is above them? Wow they have screwed us for a long time now. We better find out the difference between a 14'th admendment citizen and a human/man/woman.
This will give you a start. Hope your listening.

Anonymous said...

LOL at Anonymous 11:27AM.

A UCC is never secret. Once filed it's public for 5 year or 99 years if you managed to file it as a utility.

If you cancel or terminate a 5 year UCC, it's visible for 5 years in case others have created instruments based on it's existence.

Legal definition of a man is statutory not natural, and statutory is person.

If you didn't indicate otherwise, you used a corporate process to register a corporate entity, caps or lower case doesn't matter because the fields are for the name of a person or corporation.

You can't us a person to be superior to a person...a UCC does not raise your status any higher than the status already assumed by them.

Put a better way...a living man has to be pretty inferior if they need a piece of paper to tell someone they have status.

I can imagine a king or queen saying, I'm sovereign, I don't have to pay taxes here is my UCC.

Laughing out Loud.

That was the biggest farce ever. I know because I walked that path after others had long given it up, and unlike them, I took the time to find out why the system would be so interested in people 'knowingly, willingly, intentionally, register their self with the system thinking paper is superior to the real thing.

Dude, get a legal dictionary. Definition of man includes woman and child.

Check out all the words that mean person - individual, parent, guardian, representative (authorized or not), but I bet you won't find that an attorney is a person, because it is not.

But your UCC won't tell you that. Will it.
If you took the time you'd see someone is trading against it, and you aren't getting any of the proceeds.

There is no power to you for having one of them.