Friday, August 17, 2012

The Bigotry of Socialism

The Bigotry of Socialism

It is widely known that the largest social plank in the Democrat Party platform guarantees the continuing carnage of the most vulnerable members of humanity – the pre-born.  But has anyone wondered why ?

While only 1 out of every 8 Americans is black, an eye-popping 1 out of every 3 abortions kills a black American.  Planned Parenthood, the abortion outsource for our Socialist-controlled government, locates the majority of its centers convenient to minority neighborhoods to insure a disproportionately high kill-off of black babies.

The leading cause of death – by far – among black Americans is abortion.  Based upon a multi-year period, including 17,785,870 deaths, cumulative statistics provided by U.S. Center for Disease Control show causes of death among black Americans as: 1.1% AIDS; 1.7% violent crime; 2.1% accidents; 9.2% cancer; 12.7% heart disease; and 73.1% abortion.

The black community bought into the lie that murdering your own is a great idea – and in the lie that wrongdoing has no consequences.  As a consequence of this acceptance of the murderous agenda of Barack Obama and his ilk, the black demographic has fallen from the number one minority in America in 1990, to the number two minority only ten years later:               

U.S. Total
In Millions
In Millions
Of Total
In Millions
Of Total

The executive management of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) is aware of the ongoing Black Holocaust in America, but cannot speak out against the murder of hundreds of thousands of black pre-borns every year.  The NAACP has made a deal with Lucifer to look the other way, in exchange for power. 

Every American must watch this account of the murderous holocaust that wicked government leaders are carrying out in “the People’s” name: 

Black Holocaust, Part 1
Black Holocaust, Part 2
Black Holocaust, Part 3
Black Holocaust, Part 4
Black Holocaust, Part 5
Black Holocaust, Part 6
Black Holocaust, Part 7
Black Holocaust, Part 8       
Black Holocaust, Part 9       
Black Holocaust, Part 10     
Black Holocaust, Part 11     
Black Holocaust, Part 12       
Black Holocaust, Part 13     

All citizens share in the stewardship of our country.  We are all accountable.  The basis of our accountability is revealed in this powerful 4-quatrain verse:

written by: Penny Lea

I found myself in danger, I cried out in despair
I prayed, "Lord let them hear me! Let just one person care!"
I raised my voice to heaven as the train kept moving on.
As we passed behind the church yard I could hear the worship songs.

I cried out all the louder to the Christians there inside
but they raised the chorus louder not hearing me outside.
I knew they heard the whistle and the clacking of the tracks
They know that I was going to die and still they turned their backs.

I said, "Father in heaven how can your people be
so very hard of hearing to the cry of one like me?"
I shouted, "please have mercy! Just a prayer before I die!"
But they sang a little louder to the Holy One on High.

They raised their hands to heaven but blood was dripping down
The blood of all the innocent their voices tried to drown.
They have devotions daily, they function in My name
And they never even realized it was I upon that train.

At the close of World War II, the entire world said, “Never again !”.  “Never” arrived seventeen years later when killing of innocents began all over again.  But this time would be different, for there would be no screams.  Death would come to millions of our children in the silence of the womb.  Last time was in Europe; this time is in America.  Last time took 10 million lives; this time would take over 50 million lives.   

The holocaust is here.  And the response is the same as it was in 1940s Europe.  


Butchery of black Americans, and the Third Reich’s murdering of Jews, both arose because of Socialists’ false perception of the inferiorities of these demographics.  Sitting presidents always lead their respective political parties.  Socialist Barack Obama’s re-election guarantees that another 1,800,000 black pre-borns will be murdered over the next four years. 

By Marilyn Poythress 8/20/2010 KCMO

When the German Church heard prisoners cry from the train
They just sang a little louder in their Christian refrains.
When they heard the train whistle, heading toward the death camps
They sang a little louder so no conscience was cramped
We hear Legislators giving our rights away
We vote them back in, and believe what they say !
We sing a little louder when it comes time to vote
Approving the traitors who are sinking our boat !

We hear God’s Old Story ridiculed as “passé”
We close up our Bibles, and hide when we pray
Our pastors refrain from messages of truth
Our restrictions and greed demand they dilute !

But the time has now come when we win or we lose  
Will we sing a little louder? What will we choose?
Will we rise up and answer FREEDOM’S LAST CALL ?
Or will we sing a little louder as America falls ?

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