Sunday, August 19, 2012


Obama plans to destroy Israel !
Israel Discovers Large quantities of Oil & Natural Gas
And Asher shall dip his foot in oil.
Bible Prophecy being Fufilled – BEFORE YOUR EYES !
Natural Gas (one of the biggest in the World- will compete directly with Russia who currently supplies Europe)
Israel Will Now Be One of the Wealthiest Nations on Earth.
YES , Damascus is supposed to be destroyed in the First of Two Last Days Wars, the Second War will involve Russia.
Reader correlates Genesis 49:10 with signs in the heavens and considers the possibility of an imminent Second Coming
Posted By: MrFusion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 18-Aug-2012 19:28:12
Various apocalyptic events have been predicted in previous posts for September, with the dates September 16 and September 22 being mentioned. These have been largely debunked, but is there an attempt going on to create confusion about events that may actually happen?
Reader BH has made an avocation out of looking for signs of the events of Revelation by correlating terrestrial and celestial events with scripture, a task attempted by many in the past with questionable success. But many people are expecting momentous events during the remainder of this year, so we should consider all inputs.
Here is reader BH’s letter:
I have attached a short video about Gen 49:10. I borrowed heavily from the Open Scroll site [link at YouTube page below] and made adjustments which make more sense. I am a bit hesitant because I dont have confirmation that the sun is the sceptre referred to in Gen 49:10 but it does seem more logical than Jupiter, the King planet.
There is a Star Trek comic ‘Sceptre of the sun’ published in 1971 and a lot of historical coins depict the sun and lion together which indicates that this represents some important astrological configuration. [The Sun is the ruler of the astrological sign Leo, the Lion. -MrFusion]

1 comment:

siriusvoid said...

That oil and natural gas wealth belongs to the indigenous population. NOT to Ottoman Turkish invaders. Not to Germany. Not to the British and French who expelled them both.
The British Crown/City of London who fancies itself the 'New Jerusalem' as well as other empire building nations, have long coveted the trade routes passing through the middle east. This dates farther back than the original crusades.. Farther back than the Roman Empire. Back to the Alexandrian Empire. Before the Peloponnesian Wars...
The British and French conspiring against the Hapsburg (German Empire) finally succeeded in toppling the Ottomans German allies in WWI. They further conspired to install a sort of 'peasant crusade', to occupy Palestine which would be composed of the disenfranchised refuse of Europe. The Khazarian criminals who called themselves Jews. These gangs of thugs had been beaten and kicked around the ghettos of Europe for a thousand years. They were funded and given their marching orders in 1947 when they were installed as a new country (with an old name) by the UN after masacreing the indigenous population.
“I know your suffering and your poverty (but you are rich ) and the blasphemy of those who call themselves Jews of the Judeans, when they are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.”
The Gog Magog wars, if you don't count the Greek and Roman conquests, could be said to have begun in modern form around the time the British sacked Alexandria. Back in 1820 or thereabout. They will end when the indigenous population reclaims it's inheritance by the Grace of GOD.