This is an Awareness Blog to consider the future of your world. Actions are being done now to restore our freedom. County, State, and National Assemblies are forming across our world nullifying the corrupt corporations. Watch and become AWARE! Participate and be a part of making history! 62 MILLION VIEWS PER MONTH Exclusive public outlet for documentation and notices from The Original Jurisdiction Republic 1861 circa 2010.
"Choice is clear... Do you want a Businessman Who Generated BILLIONS or a President Who wasted Trillions"
....Honestly, what nitwit would believe ANY of this nonsense?
How about a choice between TWO candidates that BOTH work for the cabal!!!
How about Romney and his daddy being part of the NWO agenda going back decades?
How about Romney spending TRILLIONS more once INSTALLED by the cabal in office!
For anyone at this point, to even think either of these two UN-American cabal employees would help America, is not only delusional but just maybe part of the cabal itself!
Not either of these crooks.... R o n P a u l
Neither the Indonesian, Kenyan clown Obozo nor the liar and crook Romney. Romney wants WW III with Iran John. You better watch what you are promoting here.
NEITHER .. we want a president who won't lie when taking the oath of office. Romney will NOT protect and defend the Constitution Of The United States.
The vast majority of us realize that the current global economic system is set up to take money and resources from the poor and transfer that wealth directly to the rich.
The fractional reserve model allows the banks to create money out of thin air as debt. They now create well over 90 percent of all new money on the planet. The result of the banks having this power means that they chose exactly where this new money gets invested. Hence the housing bubble. Over inflated house prices only serve to make life harder for the next generations. What you gain in house value your children lose in general prospects.
If our governments took control of fiscal creation and were able to inject that investment into sectors that benefit us and future generations, we would suddenly find ourselves being surrounded by all those things we require and desire so much. Surrounded with the solutions to the problems that brought you to this site in the first place.
Our current system is reliant on the creation of more debt to perpetuate itself. Without further enslavement we find ourselves in recession.
Our governments are connected in many ways to the money controllers. They are at the moment in fact inseparable.
I am from the UK and the answer to your question of Romneys free market OR Obamas socialism is this.
I chose freedom
Educate yourselves.
This youtube video is a good start.
Much Love
You know why those companies failed? It was a concerted effort on the usual "machine" to fail them all - they are simply not in sync with the agenda of established corporations. If they were cos est. by the TPB they would have succeeded.
Think people... Look at the darkness here... the lowly pukey Obama perspective... The way Obama is attacked by both sides of the SAME COIN.
Can these propagandists STILL fool us with this nonsense?
As for eligibility... Who knows if O is African born or not... You do realize that any records can be back and forth fabrications down to their fakeness - built in fakeness to be revealed later. Obama is constantly being undermined by the establishment. Ask yourself:
If an ET or someone outside country was UNIQUELY EQUIPPED to get you out of the clutches of the dark ones... would you be for it?
Time (short) will tell. This propaganda will prove to be totally misleading... That is my "bet".
Same anonymous with further important comment about "doomed to fail" Obama investments:
Just why do you think Obama had that speech about "You did not grow that business yourself..." to paraphrase, but could be a quote.
Answer: The "machine" will actively support enterprises that fit their own agenda.
Example? Say you want to have a 7-11 franchise... You'll sell coke (heard lately it has babies blood in it), cakes and pies with endless chemicals in them - not to mention that actually help to bring down your vibration!
You may find you succeed (sure you may not), but you might. The unseen hand of the network may aid you and people you know who don't even know they support "the machine" will help you.
As for me... I wouldn't even think to open one BECAUSE of the things they sell... (no offense to 7-11, I have fond memories of them - just an example). So, I wouldn't even engage in operating this kind of successful establishment.
Now, if you are a "member" (or not) you could open a "health food" equivalent. You may still get help from "the machine". After all, you can sell soy based products that are bad for health while claiming the opposite... You get the idea.
THAT is what Obama is talking about!
Obama is one brave dude! You will find out.
I doubt I'm wrong... It will come to Light!
repost -
Everyone knows the Pres does not control the country and if they don't they are only expressing their ignorance in the open.
If you were NOT part of the system, the system would lose the energy it has to operate against you.
I finally watched Thrive...I just wasn't ready until now.
I knew Wallstreet would make everyone look at a president because of what he does. If he strays a bit outside of the intended program, they crash the market. People's eyes get big and they start to 'fear' their future.
How is it the man is incompetent when he can't even control whether you can go through the airport without being felt up, and cannot control whether they take you picture or record you when you are out in the public, or can't control whether your food is GMO or not.
He has none of those powers yet you act like 8 years would be worse than 4.
It was not until O that mass amounts of people finally realized that the government debt is made out of thin air money; that a government could borrow to oblivion and the Federal Reserve was bound by the agreement to lend the money; that the bankers were corrupt; that if the banks weren't bailed out they were going to ruin the nation and the people.
That could have been the wake up call for the government that a few had the bullet over the many and acted like we wanted what they were offering.
When it really boils down to it...there is no one alive who entered that deal almost 100 years ago that can speak for the many alive today and say we still want what was agreed upon back then.
No one!
Once you have someone oppressing another without contract or agreement, then you have a trespass. With all men created equal, and all men with the Creator within, there is no power nor privilege in the Creator oppressing the Creator.
Ignorance is not bliss.
Sit back and let this man show what you consider incompetence.
His actions or lack there of is the reason you have opened your eyes and noticed, yet haven't done a thing about it except complain and complain and complain.
A president of a corporation bankrupting the corporation is a big azz deal. You are so publicly educated you can't even see when a matrix is falling apart.
Like they taught Neo, that not everyone would let him bring down the matrix, some would fight you to keep what they have.
The past century has been awful. We should be more advanced that if one starves another should not have a belly full of food and throwing away the rest on a plate.
Gorging at an all you can eat buffet or saying people dying in wars were born in the wrong country and should have been born here if they want to be free.
The lack of knowledge is ridiculous.
Anyone falling for the money spent (created out of thin air) on a billboard to get you to 'agree with their agenda', is part of the problem.
What are you doing?
Listening to those that say he's the problem?
It could be that he's doing his part in the Thrive.
All of us were the problem! All of us.
Those of you that don't know what to do, will grab a gun as a remedy.
Let me tell you. Violence will NOT be part of our future.
Death against One's will will not be a remedy for control.
Trespass is FORBIDDEN on all levels.
Either get it together or get off this ride; because we are moving forward with or without you and we prefer that you are with us because you are of us.
There is no enemy, and there is no separation.
How many lives lost on our side and the other side from the previous admin?
How many limbs and PTSD? How many freedoms lost?
Thrive..."In order to heal the world we have to start telling a different story to ourselves. Start engaging with different story with others."
Every negative thing you perceive is the thing that is taking down the negative for the things you say you want to see.
More inner reflection would prove that to you.
That's why people suggest mediation...your answers are not external.
Obama and every other leader must take debt creation away from the banks. The only option in my opinion. There is no reason for any of us to live the way we do. Its 2012 but were living under an 1840's model.
Its great to see so many comments from the awakened.
Much Love
What I do know about Obama is that he lied when he took his oath of office and he is a socialist.
You are full of shite and dead wrong! Oboma BRAVE? You need your head examined. The commie rat right along with his minions will be brought to justice and hopefully hung for high treason. Those statements above are delusional and come from a nonthinking mind that cannot discern good from evil.
I am so sick of the constant talk about Romney and Obozo being part of the cabal. Cabal this, cabal that. So many here are living in some psychotic realm of misinformation that their reality is constantly skewed. The new age horseshite, matrix retards that think they have to be like Neo from a damn movie, military coups, ET"S commin to save us. Holy moly. Grow the heck up and get back to reality!
The fact is this. Romney is not what alot of people wanted, me included. Ron Paul will not win (unfortune)and his time is not now. (appoint him to continue the dismantling of the Fed) Under normal circumstances, I would not vote for Romney but we are at a crossroads. Romney is the only choice or we lose as a country big time. If he is too liberal or gets out of hand, at least he will listen, and he is not a murderous marxist freak. FACT.... Mormons are constitutionalists and love their country. Then we must pressure him to do what we desire!
Oboma's plans for the next four years is to finalize his dismantling of the USA and he will do it. You clowns that yap about Obozo not being a failure are so blinded it is pathetic. Those companies (Solyndra and others) failed because that blithering idiot has never held a real job and has no sense about economies or business growth. He is all about the destruction of this country and nothing else. He was raised to be a marxist commie and that is what he is! He HATES the USA! He Hates the USA and its people! Yes, that is what he is good at, being a commie, dismantling our country and causing failure. The ONLY industry that he has helped is firearms. Look at the increasing gun sales evertime he opens his big fat purple lips.
Paulites had better wake the hell up. A vote for him IS a vote for Oboma and the end of our nation. Everyone knows that the pres does not run everything, knows about the banking history, all the scandals and theft of trillions, drones, and the supposed stories of Romney history (Falcone etc)
We can fix these things, but OUR time is not right now. The masses are slowly awakening and when they do, that will be the time to remove the Corporation, Illuminati, GMO's etc. Deal with what you have power to do right now, REMOVE the demons in the white house and those surrounding him. Once they are removed, then SHTF, as these weasels will start talking...including Reid and Pelosi! You watch.
I Never thought I would ever say this but here goes..
Romney 2012!
You will ultimately be surprised to find that democrat/republican is the same. Mormons are infiltrated by the Illuminati, etc.
All will be revealed.
The birthing process is an unpredictable one and that is why there are so-called delays to the Star friends arrival. They will come as they've come over millions of years to the little blue planet and see what they can do to help with the evolution.
I don't blame you for your impressions. The demon removal is taking place - with the support of ETs like it or not.
How can the truth possibly be other than ETs as a human influence do exist? It is a bit preposterous to think otherwise IMO. Have you really researched UFOs? You probably work to hard to have taken the time... I'm not blaming you for anything at all with your views....
Is is really that hard to believe that someone could be framed completely as Obama perhaps has? I came from not liking Obama and following the neo-con agenda (I didn't know that is what they were) to now truly appreciating O.
The dismantling of the present version of the US corporation is a must, but we both want to get back to the original constitution me thinks. (Then onto being Galactic Humans, but let's not get too far ahead of ourselves just yet!)
I'm glad we may agree that unrepentant politicians that won't serve the people will have to go.
"Then on to being Galactic Humans, but lets not get ahead of ourselves yet."
WHAT? You sound just as bad as the disgraced Sony fanboys on
Why the hell would I want anything to do with galactic humans!? Who gives a crap?
Greg Giles, Chonanda and all the other has-been lying channelers around Obama can take a leap at a flying donut. They will be arrested too and tossed out of this country with rockefelon.
And from the sounds of this wacked out galactic channel crap. this is yet another crude scam by the Democratic Party for International world order. Hell, on the front page of the Democratic Party's says "We shall be a league of nations unto ourselves, taking peace to every man and woman to look after every individual on Earth. In the name of our greatest ally, Israel."
Intergalactic banking?
Yeah, no thanks...get that outta my face.
Keep your fishy government off my property, out of my business, every single thing can stay local. Local's the only way to live in a true republic...
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