Sunday, December 2, 2012

Chem trail Pilots Cause Near Mid-Air Collision

Dear marsha,
If you have been on the fence about
the existence of Chemtrails, this video
should settle the issue for you, once
and for all.

The first case involves three near head-on
collisions with a FedEx cargo jet, as the
pilot requests for permission to find an
altitude where he can evade them - only
to be faced with another near-miss.

Then, several other instances showing
massive gobs of dense material being
dumped from the wing ducts of KC-135
Tanker planes at commercial altitudes,
without the awareness of Air Traffic Control
are shown, including one hair-raising
daredevil stunt.

The obliviousness of ATC could have been
achieved if the military planes had shut off
their transponders. Also, it appears that the
Air Force planes were not detectable by radar.

Hands down, this is the best chemtrails footage
that I have ever seen!
Video (about 7 mins):

- Alexandra

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Alexandra Bruce

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We are living in the Twilight Zone on Steroids. These chem-trail campaigns are out right acts of war against the people of the world and the countries they live in, but yet it's business as usual. Aside from Evergreen Aviation being the largest contractor on the spraying of this poison, who is funding this insidious agenda?
Anyone have any land to surface missiles?