Monday, December 17, 2012

Newtown Massacre - another review

   Submitted by an astute reader

I listened to the tapes again. They are the same ones I listened to yesterday. There is ZERO question that the police reported the men were headed towards them. Absolutely, no question that officer states he has one of the men “proned down” with the eyewitness being the student who was interviewed and described the “proned down” arrest. Additionally, no question about the video of the SWAT team which has the guy in woods (the one wearing the camos and black jacket) and that they were arresting him. The tape does roll and indicate prior to this that they saw the shadows of two men running behind the gym.

   Idahopicker continues to refer to them as “shooters” and he comes to a lot of conclusions very quickly. Where are these two men? What officers on the SWAT team were involved with Suspect A in the woods and who is Suspect B who was “proned down”?

   This is not conspiracy theory, it is putting the pieces of what took place together. I thank him for pointing all of this out. Without knowing who these two male suspects were, this case remains wide open. No person speaking for local, state or federal has made any mention of these two suspects.

   He also correctly pointed out that the glass window in the front of the school was broken.

(My comment to you, John, is to check these two YouTube videos out even though it covers a lot of what you have gone over)

Another post I made on Infowars may be helpful:

December 16, 2012 at 5:16 am   

The first news reports were confirming that police found the Glock and the Sig Sauer 9mm and that these were the weapons used. The Bushmaster (AR-15) was stated by police to have been left in the car Lanza drove to the school. (even Wiki is using this as the “official story”)

Medical Examiner Carver performed seven of the autopsies on the children and stated unequivocally that each victim was shot multiple times and all with a “long rifle”.

Then you come to the police tape:

This authentic police tape has an officer stating following: “Be advised, we have multiple weapons including one rifle and shotgun” This can be heard at 4:42 mark on this YouTube audio.

The Medical Examiner is the most definitive. He apparently found no evidence of a Glock or Seig being used. In another clearer version of the police tape you can also hear at the very beginning that they have someone down and are restraining that person.

According to a news report, Nancy Lanza was a gun collector and recently showed off a newly bought rifle to fellow Newtown resident Dan Holmes, who owns a landscaping business in the town.

Besides the three weapons found at the school, Adam Lanza also had access to at least three more guns, a law enforcement source said. Investigators recovered a .45-caliber Henry Repeating Rifle, a .22-caliber Marlin Rifle and a .30-caliber Enfield Rifle, though it’s unclear where they were found, the source said.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just watched the Batman movie Dark Knight Rises

Yes it is true in the movie at 1 hour 58 min and some seconds the Sandy Hook name is on the map in the movie. The actor puts his fingers on the word Sandy Hook. This is very serious. Time to wake up like it or not.