Hello All:
We are almost there. There is only days left before we see the things we have been promised. It has been a long road, but now the end is in site. Even they did not anticipate the holdups that they encountered. What a christmas this will be.
God Bless Love to all

We are almost there. There is only days left before we see the things we have been promised. It has been a long road, but now the end is in site. Even they did not anticipate the holdups that they encountered. What a christmas this will be.
God Bless Love to all

We hope that
every person that is aware of the significance of 12.12. is making preparations
to bring the new energy in. It will affect everyone to some extent anyway, but
it is far better if you take steps to partake of it knowingly. What you will be
doing is not just to help your own upliftment, but ground the energies for
others to benefit from including Mother Earth. With your awareness and focus
upon the energies, you should feel the result of them passing into your body.
Light headedness would be normal and a feeling of intense peace and calmness.
Enjoy it and know that you have been lifted up to a new level of consciousness,
that is one which should remain with you.
Others around
you will sense your new energies, and you will find that very young children
are often able to see the Light within your aura. You will also find that your
new level of calmness will enable you to have absolute control over your
emotions. The chances of you becoming involved in negative emotions are very
remote, and you will in fact be a factor in transmuting them by your mere
presence. Until you get used to the higher energies, you may find an
irresistible urge to express them by embracing people. When you feel love for
your family of souls, it is only natural that you want to share it with them.
For the time
being you are amongst souls at all different levels, but imagine how wonderful
it will feel when you are only with your own kind. When you are completely
released from duality the Law of Attraction ensures it is so, and life becomes
a relaxing and enjoyable experience. It is also why once Ascension has taken
place, the different changes will go speeding ahead as those who would oppose
them are no longer at your level. As you know, it has been a most difficult
year for all involved in bringing the changes forward, the dark cabal were
supposed to retire from the scene, and allow Ascension to go ahead unhindered.
Instead they repeatedly refused to co-operate, and tried one last gasp effort
to destroy the progress already made. Now their interference is nothing but a
nuisance and they know that very soon their days will be finished on Earth.
We of the
Galactic Federation have always considered every option when dealing with
Ascension. So rest assured that although we have been unable to present you
with many accomplishments so far, the necessary work has been done so that
immediately after Ascension it will be all stations go. This time it can all be
openly carried out, and we can ensure that your media is opened up and able to
freely report the truth. Needless to say, there will be so much going on at all
different spots around the world, and we can quickly eliminate any remaining
pollution of the skies, seas and lands. We have in fact kept it under control
for a long time, but have only been allowed to go so far because of karmic
reasons. Very soon we will no longer be handicapped by them, but free to work
with you and other off planet Beings.
The changes
you are about to experience, are going to remove what remains of any connection
to the old vibrations and old paradigm. Much that is needing to be changed over
has to be long term because of the amount of work involved. However, the
essentials to relieve poverty, homelessness and other needs will get our prompt
attention. In the past you could have had lives with many needs, and the dark
Ones have deliberately prevented you from sharing in the abundance and wealth
of the world for a very long time. The new cycle will see a totally new
approach to life, when all will be shared and there will no greed or
corruption, or systems by which people are allowed to profit at another's
There will be
fairness and honesty in all dealings, and services will be paid for as is
considered reasonable. The truth has often been a rare commodity but in the New
Age it will be normal, as it will be obvious if someone is not being totally
honest. As you can see, it will be a pleasure to meet with people knowing that
they are trustworthy and also of the Light as you are. 2013 will be a year of
great advancements, as of course whatever is planned will go ahead without any
problems. As it progresses you will still continue to evolve albeit at a slower
pace, and you will be experiencing further growth where your consciousness is
concerned. Superconsciousness is your target taking you to another completely
different level. You will have enough to get used to very shortly, so do not
concern yourselves about the distant future.
We along with
many other civilisations are attentively watching you and your Earth, both from
a scientific and personal point of view. Everyone of you are special and chosen
for the experience of Ascension. For example many Lightworkers were needed, to
establish a setup that would enable the Light to take hold and defeat the dark
Ones. In that you have been superb and proved that our faith in you was not
misplaced, and remember that all along it was down to your freewill. We helped
you as other Beings have, but in the final reckoning you can take all credit
for what you have achieved. In time you will learn more about your time in
duality, and your many lives experiencing all the extremes that you could think
of. You will soon put it all behind you, and no one will hold any previous
indiscretions against you. Karmically speaking you will have paid back in kind,
and for those ascending nothing will be carried forward after this cycle ends.
Dear Ones, simply
allow things to flow and be part of it, and know that you will ascend and then
you can put any worries or concerns behind you. Everyone will be looked after
according to their needs, and all will be treated with reverence and respect
for their sovereignty. You now have every reason for getting really excited as
with just days left, the long wait is almost over and great happenings are
about to commence of which you are already aware. We know that some of you
still worry about the fate of friends or family, but let us again confirm that
every single soul will find themselves exactly where they are meant to be, by
their pre -life agreement. Also remember that you can never be completely
separated from each other if there is a love link between you.
I am SaLuSa
from Sirius, and give my love to all of you beautiful souls.
Thank you
Mike Quinsey
The above address is one
way only – my address is: michael.quinsey@mypostoffice.co.uk
Dear fellow lightworkers,
This is definitely the best SaLuSa yet. It resonated big time with me. I look forward to uniting with all of you in meditation on 12-12-12. Take care all.
Love and light,
Boy, these channellers are really on a roll. I find this fascinating that these mind control freaks can convince a lot of sheeple that the whole world is going to change in a few days. Tell that to the people in destitute and war torn countries. They'd laugh their asses off. I just wonder if all these channellers have given away all their worldly possessions since they claim they'll be ascending. I seriously doubt it!
Yeah, just like the best Fourth of July and the disclosure at the Olympics, neither of which happened as predicted.
I have watched you putting out false/incorrect information for some time now.
The correct information is that an 'alignment' is to take place on 12/21/12.
However, this the beginning of the process, NOT the culmination of it.
Simply, this prediction is only off by about one year, between 2013 and 2014.
The coming date is when there is a dramatic rise in all areas of awareness.
Simply, many will begin to experience what those who are more advanced have been experiencing for some time now.
Many of us are making every effort to offer the closest 'timing' of events.
Look into and for this yourself, and you will find it.
So anon 1:43pm you are saying that SaLuSa, who works for the Galactic Federation in Virginia, is giving us false information ?
WHY is he giving false information and where do you get your information ?
What makes someone more advanced, who are they, and what are they experiencing. I assume that you are more advanced than any of us less advanced.
His info comes from Baldar of the Conehead Light Federation. Hell of a lot more reliable than Salusa, or in other words, Sal from the Usa.
Ha Ha Ha! The backpedaling is getting hilarious now as the dates are upon us and the frauds are about to be exposed again.
They need help getting this done. Killing them with kindness ain't gonna work.
The FIRST thing I would do is visit old man Bush in the hospital and put a pillow over his face and pull all the plugs.
The SECOND thing I would do is exterminate all members of the federal reserve families.
The THIRD thing I would do is convince the armed forces to annihilate Washington DC.
Any bad guys left would have to be scurrying about looking for a dark place to hide.
So what are you waiting for Anon 9:18 PM?
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