HOT EXPLOSIVE BREAKING NEWS: World Economy Ready for a Reset
Tom Heneghan explosive intelligence briefings ALL patriot Americans MUST know, with sources inside American/European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL, reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly propaganda U.S. media's massive deceptions
Sunday December 23, 2012
Tom Heneghan explosive intelligence briefings ALL patriot Americans MUST know, with sources inside American/European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL, reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly propaganda U.S. media's massive deceptions
Sunday December 23, 2012
World Economy Ready for a Reset
by Tom Heneghan
International Intelligence Expertby Tom Heneghan

UNITED States of America - It can now be reported that IMF President Christine Lagarde has reached agreement with the U.S. branch of the IMF, U.S. Internal Revenue Service and the Austrian banks on the bilateral tax agreement between the U.S. and European IMF wings that will lead to the final implementation of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols that will put $1.5 TRILLION back in the U.S. Treasury.
Item: The concensus that has been reached by U.S. and European IMF officials includes the repatriation of 14.7 metric tons of Somalian gold that is currently sitting in vaults at the Brazilian treasury.
At this hour, the IMF continues Protocol implementation, asset redemption and repatriation with creation of sovereign draw down accounts that will write down the toxic derivative holdings of zombi financial institutions like the German Deutsche Bank.
The German Deutsche Bank, which had their proprietary trading accounts frozen by the IMF one week ago, is currently holding a significant amount of Japanese government bonds.
The Central Bank of Japan continues a policy of depreciating the value of the yen and lowering the borrowing costs to its lenders.
Notice to the Central Bank of Japan: The IMF is ready to give the Deutsche Bank a haircut at the IMF barbershop.

What this will do will end the worldwide currency wars that was actually started by the U.S. Federal Reserve and reduce the volatility in the worldwide financial derivative markets.
It was the illegal uncollateralized derivative trading by crooked banks that triggered the financial crisis to begin with.
P.P.S. Stay turned for future intelligence briefings, including an IAEA report that fingers the government of Iran in directly aiding the nuclear program of North Korea.

P.P.P.S. U.S. Justice Department officials that recently indicted United Bank of Switzerland (UBS) on criminal charges involving the rigged LIBOR rate, have informed financial regulators: the NFA and the CFTC that a bank can not be a counter party to a commodity exchange even if the exchange declares itself a public corporation.
The evidence gathered by Justice Department officials show that UBS Switzerland traded through stooge bank holding corporations that became a counter party to disguise fraudulent manipulation of the LIBOR rate.
Translation: What this means is that all MFGlobal and PFG illegally liquidated and looted customer segregated accounts must be 100% fully reinstated.
Recently it got worse!
Jefferies bank over the last week has been handing out bonuses to its banking employees using none other than the illegally liquidated PFG customer segregated accounts.
Final notice to both MFGlobal and PFG trustees as well as Jeffries Bank Holding Company:
In closing, to all the loyal followers of these intelligence briefings:
Merry Christmas to all!
John- I know that you are a lot like me.
You believe in Jesus and are a true Christian.
I have been doing some research into where the money is coming from, and it isn't coming from a source we would like it to come from.
Here are a couple of links I would like you to read, and tell me if they sound so much like "the Light" love, peace on earth... this trust was started from Alice Bailey, a Illuminati member.
Here is a link to one of her books...this sounds very familiar to what is going on around the web...
If this is true, John, we have entered the age of the real AntiChrist. I am not doing this to scare you, just to inform you. If you don't see the resemblance, you don't have to do anything about it. Disregard it. But if you have any doubt, please do your own investigation.
If the Rothchild IMF is involved, this is another duping of the sheeple. My guess is with the reset, we have a global currency that is electronic only. No cash so that the Banksters have tighter control of all slave labor.
Much longed for by many people,an indication this too is all dis-info,why do I say this ? It appeals to all true patriots,one big red flag in itself,
but the Biggest giveaway,and I quote "US Internal Revenue Service " end quote, all of Henegan's posts try to legitimize the irs WHY . Now you know the meaning of "read between the lines" although if in the context of corporate taxation all govt's being corporations which is leagally not possible if elected govt's are by the people for the people, then they are In Fact public trusts,a fact missed by "the 99 percent" this is the Achilles Heel so you/me/we are constantly led away from that fact of LAW...
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