Thursday, February 28, 2013

Obama using computer-generated Twitterbots to create appearance of social media support for gun control

Obama using computer-generated Twitterbots to create appearance of social media support for gun control
Posted By: RumorMail [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 28-Feb-2013 12:27:31
All of those Twitter messages that appear to represent millions of people who support President Obama's gun control agenda... Yeah, many of those are bot-driven. In other words, they're fake.
That's what a Republican congressman from Texas is alleging, anyway. He says the president's entire gun control narrative is a fraud being perpetrated over one of the world's busiest social media sites.
Rep. Steve Stockton accused Obama Feb. 25 of trying to make support for his gun control positions more muscular than it really is by flooding Twitter with messages from bot-driven programs, The Hill newspaper reported.
Obama, it seems, can't get out of campaign mode.
When your position is weak, spam it to life
The president's "anti-gun campaign is a fraud," Stockman charged. "Obama's supporters are panicking and willing to do anything to create the appearance of popular support, even if it means trying to defraud Congress."
"I call upon the president to denounce this phony spam campaign," he added.
Needless to say, the president has yet to "denounce" anything he has said in regards to pushing for more gun control. And we don't expect he will.
Stockman said that, in response to Obama's call for Americans to tweet their congressman in support of new gun control measures he has proposed - such as banning higher-capacity magazines, military look-alike rifles and universal background checks - he only received 16 tweets, but they were all identical. He said a closer examination revealed that only six of them were from real people.
"The other 10 are fake, computer-generated spambots," said Stockton's office, in a press statement.
As evidence, he said the 10 tweets used default graphics and names and have not engaged in any interaction whatsoever with other people, the congressional newspaper reported. In fact, he said two of the tweets were sent at almost exactly the same time, and both follow just one person: Brad Schneck, the president's former digital strategist.
The Texas lawmaker also said just one of the six tweets from an actual person is a constituent of his in his home state. Here is a rundown of the fraudulent tweets, per Stockman's press release:
-- They all use the default "egg" avatar.
-- They have account names resembling names automatically suggested by Twitter.
-- They have engaged in no human interaction.
-- They have tweeted almost nothing promotional, sponsored messages pushing real estate websites and other liberal "grassroots" campaigns.
-- They follow mostly MSNBC anchors or media outlets, not actual people.

Stockman also notes that reporter Robert Stacy McCain's investigation of the fraudulent Obama campaign (available at: finds the majority of the Obama-supporting accounts were created in fewer than 48 hours before contacting members of Congress.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This message is for O; Get out of the White House! You do not belong there! You are a deceiver, a con and a fraud, and you will be removed if you refuse to go willingly. (kind of like the pope)