Tuesday, March 26, 2013



This is a Subject close to my heart. Do you know that we have Adult students
at the school where I teach who are NOT U.S. Citizens and who get the PELL
Grant, which is a federal grant (no Payback required) plus other federal
grants to go to school?

One student from the Dominican Republic Told me that she didn't want me
to find a job for her after she finished my program, because she was getting
housing from our housing department and she was getting a PELL Grant
which paid for her total Tuition and books, plus money leftover.

She was looking into WAIT which gives students a CREDIT CARD for gas
to come to school, and into CARIBE which Is a special program (check it
out - I did) for Immigrants and it pays for child care and all sorts of needs
while they go to school or training. The one student I just mentioned
told me she was not going to be a U.S. Citizen because she plans to
return to the Dominican Republic someday and that she 'loves HER country.

I asked her If she felt guilty taking what the U.S. Is giving her And then
not even bothering to become a citizen and she told me that it doesn't
bother her, because that Is what the money is there for!

I asked the CARIBE administration about their program and if you ARE
a U.S. Citizen, you don't qualify for their program. And all the while, I am
working a full day, My son-in-law works more than 60 hours a week, and
everyone in my family works and pays for our education.

Something is wrong here. I am sorry, but after hearing that they want to
sing the National Anthem in Spanish - enough is enough. That's a real slap
in the face. It was written by Francis Scott Key and should be sung word
for word the way it was written. The news broadcasts even gave the translation – not even close.

I don't care whether this offends someone or not but this is MY
along. I am not against immigration – I Just expect immigrants to come
through like everyone else. Get a sponsor; have a place to lay your head;
Have a job; pay your taxes, live by the rules AND LEARN THE LANGUAGE
as all other immigrants have in the Past -- and GOD BLESS AMERICA!

PART OF THE PROBLEM - Think about this: If you don't want to forward
this for fear of offending someone - YOU'RE PART OF THE PROBLEM! It is time for
America to speak up. If you agree -- pass this along,

If you don't agree – delete it!


ymp135 said...

This is not the immigrants fault, it is our fault. I too am angry I paid my way through school I took out loans, I worked full time and raised two children doing out as well, by my self. Now my children are also paying their way through school so I understand. TPTB want us to be pissed off and it worked. Now direct your anger at the right parties and we will get somewhere. finally, pay taxes HA. Yvonne Von

Anonymous said...

Well you might be right that it is not the immigrants fault but if that particular immigrant or any immigrant that comes to this country with that ENTITLED ATTITUDE then that says something about that immigrant and others like her. There are immigrants who do appreciate this country for what it gives to them. AS FAR AS THE IMMIGRANT IN THIS STORY AND OTHERS WITH HER ATTITUDE THEY DESERVE NOTHING AND WE DO NOT WANT THEM IN THIS COUNTRY. SHAME ON HER!!!

Anonymous said...

THANKS TO THE MUSLIM KENYAN!! It's true what they said when he was elected. In a couple of years we wouldn't recognize America. Brunch of CROOKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm not angry with immigrants, we are all immigrants. The truth is we would not even notice this expense if it were not for the war lords and the banksters raping us night and day till there is nothing left. Sure we want to keep what little is left for ourselves, But the Immigrants are not stealing it anymore than those who came through Ellis Island were. The thugs are the ones in charge.

Anonymous said...

Another Racist comment. what about the 12 million plus Immigrants" who live in the us for more than 20 year paying taxes on everything they buy and more than willing to pay Taxes" to stay here.stop talking about other humans as IMMIGRANTS or Illegal aliens" is no such thing as AMERICANS" the economic melt down is been create by Banksters and politicians around the world. years ago nobody talk about Immigrants because people where to busy spending money also contracting Illegal aliens" to do their dirty jobs paying them like slaves now everybody is broke and guess what? the economy is bad because the Immigrants!! JERKS